> and others integration like crontab should be modular
Systemd as cron is something that is built in. If you want a
replacement, just install it and don't use this. It's a relatively small
feature and it consumes just few kilobytes on your drive. It makes a lot
of sense to have this burnt in beca
> because it needs to build the complete xz-compressed RPM
> there was a discussion here not that long ago
Is the XZ the only option for RPMs now? Can't it do it uncompressed? Or
at least gzip -1.
Or Rich can add new feature to his ultra-blazing-fast multi-core XZ
decompressor. Compression :-)
Ok I think the above thread explains it, the Jonathan's mail lists what
would be needed and it looks like there are some blockers on the infra
side. Disregard.
Lukas #lzap Zapletal
devel mailing list
> launchy (maintained by: lzap)
> launchy-2.5-11.fc22.src requires boost-devel = 1.55.0-4.fc22
I don't understand why this package is included in the list. I still
maintain it, it builds fine. Can someone explain? I am short of
Lukas #lzap Zapletal
> It depends on boost which in turn depends on mpich which was orphaned.
Oh, I've forced out this option from my mind. Interesting.
Well, launchy is not much maintained software and not in wide use. I am
fine with orphaning it.
Lukas #lzap Zapletal
devel mailing list
> Stupid question: what in rails depends on v8 exactly?
Not sure if this has been answered already, but it's the asset pipeline
precompilation, a build requirement.
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman
devel mailing list
This is a great change that actually allows other teams that heavily
relies on Fedoras to put their software "on hold" for two Fedora
Fedora is really a fast moving target and the same for Ruby. Catching up
costs lot of effort. This gives us usually "one extra" release to put
things on h
we are rolling out update of Puppet to 3.4.3 in Fedora 20 and Rawhide that
adds one important change. We have found that puppet master was running
unconfined, therefore the Puppet SELinux policy was not effective in Fedoras.
The puppet package update fixes one little issue (missing runtime
> Okay, count me in. Is there a BZ already in place for reporting issues or
> should such reports just go straight to Bodhi, or simply back here?
There is this one: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1012426
Thanks a lot.
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman
Hey all,
I am going to push the update to stable. There were no reports of
misbehavior. In any case, check for AVC denials after Puppet upgrade and
relabel system if necessary.
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 02:46:33PM +0200, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Hello,
> we are rolling out update
> It alredy has, it is called dnf-plugins-core all tools in dnf is
> implemented as plugins there is extending the dnf command line
Is there a "migration for users and developers" document? A page with
yum commands on the left and corresponding commands with dnf on the
right. Including developer t
our project is looking for a simple GNU GPL v2 (or compatible) licensed
icon set with simple icons of all latin letters. Ideally each letter in
a circle or square with different background colors for each letter.
Something like:
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 04:54:36PM +0200, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> > COLORS=(red blue); LABELS=(A B); for N in $(seq 0 1); do convert -size
> > 21x21 "xc:${COLORS[$N]}" -fill white -pointsize 21 -gravity center -draw
> > "text 0,2 '${LABELS[$N]}'" -fill none -stroke white -draw "rectang
> What i've been doing on a number of small devices lately is strip all
> comments from all files, which frees up a lot of disk space.
Can you share the script please, I am interested (also kinda embedded
space I work on).
Lukas #lzap Zapletal
devel mailing list
> > b'plymouth-scripts': 121
> > b'plymouth': 121
> This really does not need to be on minimal installation.
I agree, also it looks like in CentOS 7 minimal install there are also
some bootloader-related images in /usr/share/backgrounds/* which are
also pretty big. I assume the same for fedora.
I would like to have livenet / nbd plugins to be present on the initram
disk of Fedora Workstation Live DVD, but I struggle to find a place
where to send a patch. Can you help me where should I file this? Must be
some dracut script that builds those, or is this the official kernel
that ship
> dracut itself contains the configuration about what modules get built
> into the initramfs in what situations. Live images use a generic (--no-
> hostonly) initramfs. I'd talk to the dracut maintainer about the
> appropriate way to add these.
Hmm, it looks like dracut-live contains the module li
> It's probably defined in the lorax template [1] which is part of what
> live-media-creator uses. Currently for F-23 we actually use
> livecd-creator but in F-24 we'll be moving to lmc because it then uses
> the same code paths etc as the rest of the tools we use to build the
> distro so that's wh
Hey all,
I'm going to orphan tritonus package, it's an old java audio api that
does not build anymore on Rawhide and getting it working would require
too much time on OpenJDK 1.7.
Ping me if you are interested in any way.
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
#katello #systemengine
devel maili
On Sun, Oct 07, 2012 at 06:51:26PM +0200, tim.laurid...@gmail.com wrote:
> The ultimate software center is a web application, like Google playstore.
Why to waste time creating a desktop app when this could be in the cloud
already. Plus this could be turned into a "desktop web app" easily,
> Fedora Infrastructure has begun using ansible for some system setup
> and other orchestration/automation tasks.
> Our (just beginning) public repos of it are here:
> http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/
Just out of my curiosity, is Fedora Infra going to replace Puppe
On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 07:35:28PM -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
> > * Move EPEL 6, Fedora >= 17 to use Puppet 3.0.
> Speaking for my previous job, it would really be unfortunate to have a
> non-compatible update of puppet in EPEL. Unless accompanied by very loud
> trumpets and fireworks beforehand,
> I'm sure that 2.6 won't last for the life of EL5, let alone EL6. At
> the same time, I didn't push to get 2.7 in EPEL because it isn't a
> completely compatible update. And 3.0 was coming so I figured we
> could wait to see what things looked like when it did. The
> alternative would have been
I have noticed that latest "tig" update in Fedora 17 changed it's
behavior. Default key binding is different, "j" and "k" keys now
automatically change from change-list to change-content, therefore I
need to hit the "tab" key. Annoying, I want the "mutt-like" behavior
back :-)
Anyone notic
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:22:22PM +0200, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> downloadable cloud images (in qcow2 and raw.xz format) produced and released
I know that it is convenient to expose qcow2 images uncompressed so
users are able to upload them directly into clouds via httpd. Qcow2 is
compressed alr
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 01:04:00PM +0200, Miroslav Suchy wrote:
> Yes, I know. But I spoke about *default*. I would like to have
> traditional syslog as default.
But that does not follow the concept systemd is taking. You are voting
against this feature proposal then I guess :-)
since we provide cloud images starting with Fedora 19, I noticed that
cloud-init, which is used in these, does not execute user shell scripts
with $PATH set properly which is causing issues for packages that does
not provide full paths in scriplets.
I know we have some examples which relies
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 06:00:04PM +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
> IMHO there's probably a case for filing a bug with upstream cloud-init
> and getting them to drop something like:
> Environment=PATH=[some predictable path]
> into cloud-init-0.7.2/systemd/cloud-*.service.
Oh, good point. Tha
On Thu, Aug 01, 2013 at 10:06:15AM +0200, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Which reminds me - are we prepared from the marketing perspective? I can
> imagine Phoronix.com to publish an article "Red Hat reaches million
> bugs". We should have some PR prepared explaining that we track feat
when the site was launched, I used my generic OpenID account, but now I
would like to merge also my Fedora OpenID to it.
I tried to login using FAS and it just created a new one. Searching
around did not reveal any merging possibilities (maybe I am just blind -
help me here please).
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 09:05:34PM +1000, Ankur Sinha wrote:
> You should be able to click on your profile and then use the "manage
> login methods" to merge your logins etc.
That works just fine in my case, thanks!
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman
devel mailing list
On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 09:04:10AM +0200, Miroslav Suchy wrote:
> Compare it to Copr and OBS approach, when package is build in VM and
> after that backend will retrieve the results from VM. So on builder
> (of OBS and COPR) is no sensitive information at all.
Are we able to evaluate, how much slo
If something goes wrong with systemd, suspicion goes up exponentially
(*Jokingly* ;-)
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproject.
I want to orphan Launchy, MacOS-like launcher. If you want to adopt,
please contact me off-list, thank you.
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman
devel mailing list
Fedora Code
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 10:25:30AM +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
> qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b backing -o preallocation=metadata,compat=1.1
> snapshot
Backing file and preallocation cannot be used at the same time
This is RHEL6, is behavior different now in Fedora?
Other options do not work app
Pardon my ignorance, but where can I find the kernel images? These are
just root systems, right? I'd love to try Kirkwood on NSA-310.
On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 12:57:19PM -0500, Paul Whalen wrote:
> Please join us today (December 3rd, 2012) in #fedora-arm on Freenode for
> another Fedo
Hello all,
although package Docky was lot of work for me (licensing patching etc) I
am no longer using it and last two releases were very unstable. There
are couple of bugzillas reported mainly because of gconf migration.
Docky is an advanced shortcut bar that sits at the edges of your scree
> I'm planning on being the maintainer. What do I need to do to take
> over these packages so that the maintainer is no longer considered
> unresponsive? Some setting for updating the mailing address? Spec update?
If you have a chance to contact Jordan he can assign the packages to you
in pkgdb e
> What can we do to make this happen?
I am not interested in tapping at all (I actually hate random clicks and
I always disable this), but if you really want to see this, why don't
you start a new screen in Gnome to present a selection during the first
boot. Maybe Gnome folks will like the idea, m
> What does the community think of it? Is it okay for our flagship
> applications to carry ads and report tracking data?
Can't we let the user to decide during the firstboot or Firefox first
Since browsers already do the opt-out, we could do the same. This global
OS setting would then ap
> Being bombarded with questions when you just want to get to using
> something isn't the best user experience, and I think in general
> something we've been trying to reduce.
This doesn't need to be must-choice. A checkbox won't hurt, but I am not
UX expert. Having that said, this is not a valid
my desktop was completely broken this morning because my startup scripts
rely on xrandr utility. An older update from this summer which I applied
recently changed it's output so device ids now contain dash characters
(e.g. instead VGA0 I see VGA-1).
I just wonder why this landed into stabl
> Using what gfxchip? VGA0 I don't remember ever seeing. Most I remember seeing:
Yeah, that was a typo. It's actually DP-1 and LVDS-0 (Thinkpad T403s
with Intel). Anyway, this changed from DP1 and LVDS0.
Lukas #lzap Zapletal
devel mailing list
> Anyhow, I hit the same thing this morning, with LVDS1 changing
> to LVDS-0, HDMI3 to HDMI-2 and VGA1 to VGA-0. This was on an
> Intel adapter.
Exactly. I use i3wm and I use xrandr to determine if I have my laptop
docked with IPS panel, docked with VGA monitor or standalone. Then I
setup all my
> There's an intel driver from 18th november, for example:
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2014-15384/xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.21.15-9.fc20
> This seems to be much more related to your issues. I don't had any output
> renaming recently in the past year (Nouveau here).
That answe
Going to chip in with:
/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install PACKAGE
This is what default Fedora package provider does in Puppet.
Lukas #lzap Zapletal
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: http:
> And how vagrant differs from rhc and other client command line tools
> that are distributed as gems and follow this convention?
What I would like to see in both rhc and vagrant would be:
Provides: rhc
Provides: vagrant
It feels natural to me, I have issued "yum install rhc" seve
On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 01:06:14PM +, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> >>My mother would be puzzled, if ABRT would popup on her Fedora box.
> >
> >Your mother will be puzzled with crashing application as well.
> >Better to explain ABRT and have less crashing applications then
> >the opposite.
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 03:10:08AM -0700, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> > I do commit locally
> > although I probably don't want push the snapshot sources, because I update
> > them later, when time comes.
> This should happen rarely enough that having to use `git commit
> --no-verify` to bypass
One note on that topic:
I found myself giving karma to an update, while I tested different
version (actually a completely different build). It would be good if
giving karma would require to insert a hash or something generated from
the package itself (rpm -q -qf something package), header or signa
> that could be easier solved by force anybody to use "easy-karma" instead the
> webinterface because that only asks for the current installed packages
Oh, I did not know fedora-easy-karma. We should advertise with the
update tickets on Bodhi perhaps.
Actually this could improve things.
> >> /etc/repos.d is less typing.
Yes, please!
With a symlink /etc/yum.repos.d to it.
> The .d suffix is a meaningful distinction. It denotes a drop-in directory
> (where
> anything placed in it is meant to be automatically picked up and used,
> assuming
> it is in the correct format).
> Thoughts on how to generate these random strings are of course up for
> discussion. Given that initial machine creation may have limited available
I am fighting against human unreadable names in hostnames (specifically in
datacenters) and I created a little tool [1] that generates human readabl
Hey guys, I am trying to build a SRPM since mockbuild does not work due to (1).
# fedpkg srpm
# fedpkg build --srpm
But getting %SUBJ%: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=42794359
What is wrong? I believe my kerber
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Fedora Code of Conduct:
List Guidelines: https://fedorapro
I am trying to bump version of package named workrave which was not originally
added by me, I have been able to fix all the issues so far except one:
error: File not found:
I have a subpackage which is not needed anymore in the new version of the
package. Is my assumption correct that for a smooth upgrade path I should
simply delete the subpackage and make the main package to obsolete it:
Obsoletes: %{name}-gtk2
Provides: %{name}-gtk2
Looks like rpmlint want
I have pretty minimal i3wm install and I recently tried to set up blanking and
DPMS, but the thing is it does not work:
$ xset s blank s 10 dpms 10 15 20
$ xset q
Keyboard Control:
auto repeat: onkey click percent: 0LED mask: 0002
XKB indicators:
00: Caps Lock: off
I am gonna repost this in desktop, sorry for the incorrect list.
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Fedora Code of Conduct:
my package "workrave" won't build with Rawhide, configure script complains:
checking for X... no
configure: error: X11 required on Unix platform
However it keeps complaining even when I add BuildRequires: libX11-devel. I
don't understang which particular (sub)library it needs, generated
Just in case there is somebody with autotools-X-ray glasses, here is the
autoconf bit:
And the current build requires:
# adding this does not help there must be more
BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: libXtst-devel
This was helpful, thank. It's missing c++ compiler when it tries to compile the
"test program". I guess I need to add that.
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Thanks all, this config.log is really useful. Had no idea.
Now fighting with python2 vs python3 but that's another story. TY
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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I would love to introduce you the Forester project: unattended bare-metal
image-based Anaconda installation service.
Forester provides unattended bare-metal installation network boot workflow for
Fedora, Red Hat or compatible OS images created by Image Builder. It utilizes
modern techno
> Question: is osbuild/Image Builder a hard dependency here? What if I
> wanted to use appliance-tools, lorax, or kiwi based images?
Good point, not a hard dependency at all. I am trying to keep things simple as
much as possible because I feel like the project website is already difficult
to und
> Could you do some compare and contrast with cobbler?
Sure, Forester is focused on image-based provisioning it does not (and probably
never will) support traditional RPM installation like Cobbler. This is an
experiment targeted on those who would like to apply cloud provisioning
workflow in th
I represent one of system integrators (Foreman configuration and provisioning
management open source project). Thanks for the info.
I would like to ask for taking into consideration shipping some kind of syntax
validation tool that could be executed to validate syntax of the new-style
For the record, I also created an issue for NetworkManager project.
I think this would be a huge help for many of us migrating to the new syntax -
there are endless combinations of configurations and we need to support man
I got an email asking me to change my fedora email to match my BZ account.
Problem is, in BZ I have to use my redhat account which allows me to be granted
special permissions for RH-related bugs. Fedora wants to do this for the same
reason, however I'd like to separate my upstream contribu
69 matches
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