> and others integration like crontab should be modular

Systemd as cron is something that is built in. If you want a
replacement, just install it and don't use this. It's a relatively small
feature and it consumes just few kilobytes on your drive. It makes a lot
of sense to have this burnt in because you can take control of your jobs
from milisecond one. Things like run this two minutes after boot, or
when my system is idle, or when an unit is (de)activated. Things like
that. Plus in the containers you save one extra process.

There is always a threshold between monolithic and modular design.
Systemd is not only monolithic, it is modular as well. Some features is
in core, some are modules (separate binaries with DBUS API). I think
developers found the right threshold for most of the features. Even for
chron-like feature there are good reasons.

Even if you don't like chron-like features in core, send a patch with
compilation option to turn if off. Not sure if maintainers will like it.
I'd rather see this feature everywhere but this is solely my opinion.

 Lukas #lzap Zapletal
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