> Being bombarded with questions when you just want to get to using
> something isn't the best user experience, and I think in general
> something we've been trying to reduce.

This doesn't need to be must-choice. A checkbox won't hurt, but I am not
UX expert. Having that said, this is not a valid point when I suggest
not to do the decision for the user.

> How would that be implemented? What would it apply to?

The firstboot script would drop a config value to the user home
directory (touch ~/.no-ads) and call some kind of script distributed in
a separate package that would re-configure all the programs to opt-out
according to this setting. The first one would be Firefox. I am not
aware of any other package in Fedora that have ads, but this way we
could have a policy how to deal with those. Each package could drop a
script that would do the work into let's say /etc/ads-opt-out.d/ or

But if you'd ask me to do the decision for the user, I'd definitely
respond with "no ads".

 Lukas #lzap Zapletal
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