I'm interested in an online meetup. The meetup also serves as a way to expand
the TVM community.
[Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/tvm-online-meetups/6382/5) to respond.
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**Option C0:**
The original intention was to use Relay to ONNX as serialization format only.
**Option C1:**
It seems interesting and can fit naturally in TVM. But wanted to discuss a few
of the points below.
First, let me put down the different properties or attributes of a target in
I am completely new to tvm but I was actually looking into this project for
compiling my models targeting WebGL.
So I was a bit sad to see that OpenGL support is being left aside :confused:
>From my understanding, wasm can have an advantage over WebGL for small models,
>but maybe not for
> However it is quite expensive in terms of logistics and organization
@ramana-arm, to keep this light weight, my thought was initially to:
1. Put up an agenda Google doc a few weeks before the scheduled day
2. Invite people to add topics to discuss (and/or volunteer to talk about
topics from
@jknight - In case it wasn't obvious I do support the initiative.
Yes, the scheme you have outlined works (and seems to work) reasonably well for
information dissemenination about new features.
When there are interactive discussions in that fashion and design changes made
due to the discussio
@pvanhaes Thank you for your inputs, we certainly value communities input that
is why this thread is posed as an RFC.
We certainly see values in GPU if we can make good use of the resources.
The main limitation of WebGL is the limited GPGPU programming model. Because
WebGL does not support c
[quote="tqchen, post:6, topic:6364"]
So the original rationale is that a best supported WASM and that might be
better than a (not fully utilized) GPU solution via WebGL
Well, that might very well be true. When I'll have time I'll do some
experimentation to see if that's the case for m
Note that we do not need a runnable runtime for to put the onnx as a target.
Currently we have outputs like CSourceModule that does not have a runnable
Regardless of the ways to use the onnx target feature. The final presentation
of the result can always be a variant of runtime mod