[quote="tqchen, post:6, topic:6364"] So the original rationale is that a best supported WASM and that might be better than a (not fully utilized) GPU solution via WebGL [/quote]
Well, that might very well be true. When I'll have time I'll do some experimentation to see if that's the case for me. It would be a great news also given that unlike WebGL (OffscreenCanvas), more browsers support web assembly in web workers. In any case I'm looking forward to the WebGPU backend! --- [Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/deprecate-opengl-webgl-in-favor-of-vulkan-webgpu/6364/7) to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](https://discuss.tvm.ai/email/unsubscribe/a27392407b2a13f27fb8e03b31b76e208bf79fc5072d27450e97987bfa587a37).