@pvanhaes Thank you for your inputs, we certainly value communities input that is why this thread is posed as an RFC.
We certainly see values in GPU if we can make good use of the resources. The main limitation of WebGL is the limited GPGPU programming model. Because WebGL does not support compute shaders, we have to convert all stages into OpenGL fragment programs. While the fragment shaders works well for graphics, we need richer compute shader semantics(e.g. shared memory, read/write to multiple buffers) to best utilize the GPU resources as in other backend like CUDA and OpenCL. In the case of WASM, it is possible to take full benefit of all of its features and offer the STOA perf because there is no programming model limitation. So the original rationale is that a best supported WASM and that might be better than a (not fully utilized) GPU solution via WebGL. This is likely likely going to be the case on mobile devices. I am not too certain how much of that would be true for desktops. Because WebGPU has a richer programming model(on par with Vulkan), we can likely make full utilization of the GPU resources and get the expected speedup we want. See the following link for the WebGPU availability status https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/wiki/Implementation-Status, given that WebGPU already starts to ship in browser nightlies, the hope is by the time this feature get matured, the browsers will be ready as well. --- [Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/deprecate-opengl-webgl-in-favor-of-vulkan-webgpu/6364/6) to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](https://discuss.tvm.ai/email/unsubscribe/45a554a11eae45fef7d4f82b9abf8573f1d0c845fe6f256b02117fac543ee67f).