gures itself [2].
[1] Its Fucking Manual:
Teodoro Santoni
eds a lib, it has to
> ship that lib. If you have 50 programs using that lib, on Linux you have
> that lib once, on Windows you have it 50 times. Which way is better? And
> scripting languages are not fundamentally different!
> Ciao,
> Markus
Teodoro Santoni
Teodoro Santoni
nclude the headers of
Teodoro Santoni
to Boston only to be hunted down by the Last Dragonborn
> and finally slain.
> I hope I could shed some light on your question.
It is surely a serious insight, but I lol'd
Teodoro Santoni
Lurking this 'cause I don't want to code "usable Linemode".
Teodoro Santoni
My most humble apologies for the spam, but I remembered that, though the
controls are nice, despite the damn long cheatsheet required, edbrowse will
soon suck a lot: it seems that they want to port the whole work to c++, to
avoid nuisances (?) with Spidermonkey.
Teodoro Santoni
owing question:
> - Which alternative to VIM would you propose (which would be
> according to the suckless-phylosophy) ?
> What about some dos - like editors running on Linux/Bsd,... *nix?
> ( Having windowed-look: )
> I looking forward to reading you.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Pat
Teodoro Santoni
> zYuG8RjA0t2cwnWpesraxlHhcaW6ejECFms+L/CJPYBEmW6Sfr9M5QgQlaKd+Wr8
> C6xzLJiszYI8XYCh0/c27/Cee1hGncCMynuLL6oT6Em3TPnHqYYvmwl0kn5ZpOeR
> J7K0Cxs=
> =ajDv
Teodoro Santoni
Tel. 3312457594
IT consultant (Software, HW, Networking)
Try getting the xid with xwininfo and feed it to xdotool or wmctrl. Refer to
their manuals for knowing how to change window's geometry (both can modify it).
Teodoro Santoni
I swear, I (for me) would use TECO for non-programming things if it'd got the
command set of ed or sam.
Teodoro Santoni
ng something?
Teodoro Santoni
ing with this patched sandy,
:#855,#859d would delete the word 'sandy'.
Teodoro Santoni
And that's why visual and mouse button 1 button 2 are awesome!
Teodoro Santoni
On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 07:47:36PM +0200, wrote:
> Oberon? I wish we had a UI like that.
Sigh, I now wish it too.
Teodoro Santoni
o me that it's not the
right tool.
Teodoro Santoni
Stupid question by an ignorant prosumer: are you serious? You can have only one
instance of something opened in Mac OS?
Teodoro Santoni
Tel. 3312457594
IT consultant (Software, HW, Networking)
trainments, though, it seems to me you'll have to reinvent
mxterm or rxvt with tabs. Or adding, like, a terminal mux in the program. And
this is a lot more than just porting st to Mac OS X. Good luck!
Teodoro Santoni
, you'd be interested in quIRC or similar clients.
Teodoro Santoni
based on vi improved, but suckless, an idea of the dvtm dev}.
Teodoro Santoni
nes codebase, with Java-thought types. Without
having a builtin window manager! What the hell is that kakoune rc format,
vimscript lite?
Teodoro Santoni
ponding media
files, and feed to a wish shell or similar software.
In either paths (interpret w3crap or deprecate it) lots of work may be
involved. And may end with another shitty bloated system. We are talking about
taking over the world wide web, after all, lol.
Teodoro Santoni
sfortune to aim to work on scripting languages and data
representation in ways that imply you have to create disgusting nightmares of
mad code to run it. Sorry if I put that wrong.
Teodoro Santoni
was activated.
> Cheers
Marry me.
Teodoro Santoni
nyone that would have more luck than
me at duckduckgoing or googling.
Teodoro Santoni
f as qtweb is. And it's a very cool chance for
dillo to underline that, where fifth has javascript, dillo has 60megs less in
reserved memory. And C codebase everywhere FLTK UI is not involved. :)
Teodoro Santoni
soon, slack is cool and I'm not in the mood.
Teodoro Santoni
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 04:10:15PM -0200, Marc Collin wrote:
> Are there any plans for this?
You may try to contribute to Blink and Servo. They may still suck, though.
Teodoro Santoni
t not ssam. Is
> there a way for me to call sam so it works like ssam? Is there another
> way I should be getting ssam? Thanks.
ssam is an rc script. You can download it from plan9port or if i recall
correctly from cat-v and put it in your path.
Teodoro Santoni
bt network can.
Teodoro Santoni
offspring and download warez bundled from your
favourite repo tree.
But this project is aimed to users who like the suckless way, the users who
like the pacman way or the apt way or the whateverbsd way and like surf too
should give you money to configure and tag the source in the tidy way you love.
Teodoro Santoni
, but you know what wouldn't suck?
A human who loves package managers and mirrors surf git,
tests it periodically, and tags it, with a third version number (e.g. 0.6.x),
anytime he/she/it (and whoever files his/her/it issue tickets) deems it
stable, to help package mantainers!
Teodoro Santoni
> > > abduco: foo: detached
> > > $ abduco -A foo
> > > abduco: foo: detached
> > > abduco: foo: detached
> > > $
> > >
> > > Also, oddly, I am only seeing this behavior on my Ubuntu Linux host, not
> > > my AIX hosts. Can others reproduce this?
> >
> > Arch here.
> OK, so it's not just me.
Hi, seeing Michael uses zsh, i put this link here [0]
Teodoro Santoni
where dillo afaik doesn't load any, just
html and css.
Teodoro Santoni
On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:17:50PM +0200, Daniel Cegiełka wrote:
> so why scc?
> Daniel
Once upon a time 8cc was a linux x86 64bit C compiler and scc a unix Z80 C
compiler. Why what?
Teodoro Santoni
Something is wrong. I don't wanna
blocked and warned?
I'd go for stripping attachments, drop HTML-only
emails and sell HTML email users' addresses.
> Are there still people that are not able to remove HTML from their MUA?
Is that even possible in, e.g., the gmail web interface?
Teodoro Santoni
Something is wrong. I
one of the best
> and most stable web services i've ever used.
I used that too, makes you understand what was the
cool into googletron.
So, when you answer emails, it doesn't send your plain reply as
multipart/alternative with html converted messages? Enlightening, good to know,
wmutils [2].
Teodoro Santoni
Something is wrong. I don't wanna compile 20 KB of Go code to list files.
2015-10-11 16:22 GMT+02:00, Christoph Lohmann <>:
> Greetings comrades,
> I found the AMP project [0], which seems to be a standard to have easy
> rendering of webpages on mobile devices. It only allows a subset of the
> HTML tags but forces at least one Javascript script file t
2015-10-11 21:29 GMT+02:00, Nick :
> Quoth hiro:
>> I approve of Ben's comment. I read a lot of web articles on my
>> e-reader these days. This way I waste less time in front of shitty web
>> browsers (on immobile supercomputers) and have something consuming to
>> do on the go.
> I recently got a
Good evening
2015-10-30 14:57 GMT+01:00, Marc Collin :
> They don't see to know what they are trying to "fix" in the first place.
> How about reimplementations of Xorg that actually sucks less?
> Like for example (really far
> from being suckless, but looks l
Hi there,
2015-11-03 22:42 GMT+01:00, Christoph Lohmann <>:
> Greetings comrades,
> the web has grown to be a big pastebin of URIs and short‐living content.
> One good example for this are paste services which don’t guarantee any‐
> thing. I came to the idea of having a paste mail
2015-11-17 4:26 GMT+01:00, Pickfire :
> Hi, I had found these in sent example:
> also:
> terminal presentations
> don't support images…
> In My Humble Opinion, terminal indeed can display images, look at w3m
> although it is badly designed.
> I think that it can be something such
2015-11-19 20:10 GMT+01:00, Greg Reagle :
> Howdy. This is probably obvious to non-newbies so please don't make fun
> of me *too* much.
> Anyway, I can compile and run sj but it dies at this line in xmpp_init()
> if (write(WRITE_FD, msg, size) < 0)
> which refers to this:
> /* ucspi */
2015-11-30 9:50 GMT+01:00, :
> Then fine, set the default as whatever width you like
> for symbol wrapping, but should that not be done
> client-side? For example, when quoting, won't the
> text be pushed out further than that hard-wrap limit?
> Presumably, prior to sen
Hey there,
2015-12-07 16:51 GMT+01:00, Matthew of Boswell
> Huh? What OS/distro are you guys using that you don't already have
> libxft? I have so many packages that rely on it.
Mainstream Linux distros fought with all their might against gcc to fit
their OS into the CD-ROM boundaries.
The funn
2016-01-08 4:08 GMT+01:00, Greg Reagle :
> On Thu, Jan 07, 2016 at 05:22:38PM -0800, Louis Santillan wrote:
>> Do mean something like this in a makefile? Essentially adding a
>> `./$@` to end of `dwm` target:
> I tried it and it does not seem to be a solution. If dwm is up to date,
> Make
2016-03-02 15:17 GMT+01:00, Marc André Tanner :
> I want the possibility to store my most freqently used commands
> in a regular "favorites" file where they can be exexcuted from. I
> guess you could kind of hack something together with macros but that
> is not the same.
Like GNU sed's branches or
2016-04-23 15:03 GMT+02:00, Marc Collin :
> Hi.
> Recently a user from suckless told me that bash sucks, but before I
> could ask why he went offline.
> I tried looking at page about software that sucks, but
> couldn't find anything about bash.
> I can imagine why it sucks - no p
2016-05-11 12:56 GMT+02:00, Nick :
> Hi folks,
> A few nights ago my too-expensive laptop met with too-cheap wine and now
> it is a far-too-expensive brick. As it's therefore time for me to
> install a new OS on a new laptop, I was wondering what people would
> recommend. I've been using Deb
2016-08-05 11:30 GMT+02:00, Christoph Lohmann <>:
> Greetings comrades.
> The systemd insanity is all over Linux. With its latests addition of
> making /etc read‐only or the DNS scandal it’s too annoying for one per‐
> son to get through the git changelog. Parazyd started
2016-08-11 17:32 GMT, Britton Kerin :
> It should be a goal because it's generally desirable and the
> alternative mentioned on the web page isn't.
I've fulfilled that desire by using tmux inside st.
2016-08-16 6:39 GMT, Britton Kerin :
> The problem is you imagine your weird factorization of an extremely
> common bit of
> terminal emulator functionality is somehow the right one. You say use
> dvtm. But
> dvtm is 4500 lines and I want nothing else from it. It's 95% redundant with
> dwm
> and
2016-08-25 10:51 GMT, Kevin Michael Frick :
> Hello suckless folk,
> what do you use to communicate with the part of the world (a majority,
> unfortunately) who uses suckish formats such as .doc(x), .od[tspg] or
> whatever? If Office is bloated, LibreOffice ain't slim, and people
> keep send
2016-09-16 17:40 GMT, Evan Gates :
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 9:25 AM, wrote
>> Thank you Greg for writing such a fantastic pager. I could increase lines
>> however to something more than 22.
> char *lines = getenv("LINES");
> int page_size = lines ? atoi(lines) : 24;
May segfail under
2016-12-17 17:51 GMT, Sylvain BERTRAND :
> The real pb are web coders: many of the web sites could have a noscript
> portal
> without losing significant functionalities. The web sites which _must_ have
> a
> rich GUI (hence a dynamic browser, for instance soundcloud) should provide
> an
> simp
Hi Laslo,
2016-12-24 10:11 GMT, Laslo Hunhold :
>> Anything else can be solved by finding your way into scraping the
>> website and building a proxy that sends you a very simplified version
>> of it at your w3m, links, lynx, dillo, mosaic or shell script.
>> It isn't easier and should be packed in
2018-04-20 15:54 GMT+02:00, Dennis Yurichev :
> Hi all!
> Is it possible somehow to make st's cursor changing according to the current
> language?
> So it would alternate between two colors?
> Offtopic: is it possible to do the same in xterm? VIM and Emacs?
> --
> -- http://www.yurichev.
2018-05-18 18:04 GMT, isabella parakiss :
> compilers considered harmful because they make the source unreadable
> On 5/18/18, Hiltjo Posthuma wrote:
>> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 05:22:43PM +0100, Martin Tournoij wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 18, 2018, at 16:46, Thuban wrote:
>>> > Does anyone has advice
2019-02-02 18:15 GMT, :
> Hi,
> I am looking at xml parsers.
> I am about to go expat, but I am wondering if there are some interesting
> alternatives I did miss?
> --
> Sylvain
Have you seen slcon16's silvan jegen talk[1][2]? He describes some C
xml pars
2019-05-01 18:21 GMT, Adrian Grigore :
> I think it's done:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 6:44 AM Adrian Grigore
> wrote:
>> Ok, refactored.
>> Sorry, was experimenting before.
>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019
2019-06-05 14:41 GMT+02:00,
> Hi,
> After xml, json.
> Do you know of a light json parser lib? Or json seeming being very simple,
> better write a parser directly?
> I have libjq from the jq command line, but this is quite a beast and don't
> think
> it fits
Hi marc!
2019-11-25 21:23 GMT, Marc Chantreux :
> hello people,
> some of the things i really enjoy in zsh comes from rc
> (setopt rcquotes, the ^ expansion, the alternative syntax
> for constrol structures that are close to rc, ...) but
> both the codebase and the binary are very large.
> i'm
Hi krzysztof,
2019-12-08 21:17 GMT, krzysztof :
> Hello,
> As of 2019-12-08 18:20 UTC+0, seems down.
> Please consider updating or
> bringing the site up.
> Regards
> Krzysztof
I don't know why you asked he
Hi Càg,
2019-12-19 15:43 GMT+01:00, Cág :
> Hi,
> I've recently got two different A4Tech/X7 mice with nine buttons, one
> at work and one for home. I'd like to map buttons 8 and 9 to some
> keyboard events, let it be volume changing (like
> XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), or simple copy-pasting for s
2019-12-19 18:40 GMT+01:00, ACE :
> On 12/19, Teodoro Santoni wrote:
>> If all those buttons are supported on linux (e.g. xev output a button
>> code for every button clicked) I'd buy one too!
> From my experience they simulate key strokes that are "unlikely"
2020-01-25 17:12 GMT, Hadrien Lacour :
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 05:20:19AM -0500, Jesse Limerick wrote:
>> In regard to "replace webkit with something sane" from the
>> fileincluded within surf. I'm not sure if you all are aware of this:
2020-05-20 15:16 GMT+02:00, Kai Hendry :
> Use the libxft-bgra package on Arch. 👍
Yeah, maybe in 2021 we will have this [1] working right and pushed to
every libXft existing.
2021-01-28 13:41 GMT+01:00, shirenn :
> I didn't found out how to install the utf library (by looking it up, I
> found out it was a librairy for plan9), do you know how I could install
> it ? For your information, I am trying to compile it on a arch based
> distro.
It's in sbase, in the git
2021-04-09 18:24 GMT, Sagar Acharya :
> It doesn't need to be complex. Few things make enormous impact like choosing
> good font, size of bars, color, connecting icons with programs, good battery
> and datetime displays. A simple 1 line script can run in the background. One
> would just take few im
2021-04-20 10:56 GMT+02:00, Laslo Hunhold :
> I'm certain the only main reason Ada wasn't picked up is because it was
> developed in the military, and the hippies in the FSF didn't like that.
Probably it's a matter of power (no GNU folks in that standard
commission) and of taste (Ada never been a
2021-05-02 12:37 GMT, Greg Reagle :
> I just "discovered" programming language Nim. Has anyone tried it? Any
> reviews? Looks very interesting.
I don't like the Pythonish syntax, but you can hack a quite efficient
executable in very short time, so I think that it p
2021-09-17 13:54 GMT+02:00, Страхиња Радић :
> Exactly what Wayland's monolithic,
> opinionated concept doesn't. If a compositor crashes, the whole session
> goes
> down.
Wayland isn't monolithic, BUT is a faulty funnel. It does one thing,
does it poorly, and cuts some well-established use cases i
2021-10-25 20:36 GMT+02:00, Sagar Acharya :
> Hello,
> I'm making this software called kamitkami. It's a python script which takes
> 2 inputs foo.html and bar.css and outputs a css file named bar_foo.css which
> contains only the css which applies to the particular html page . This will
> make cs
2022-02-09 11:28 GMT+01:00, climbTheStairs :
> Hello,
> I have used quark to host my static website for the past few months,
> and I've been amazed by how well it works.
> I want to try out the idea of keeping data processing
> and data presentation separate, described on quark's webpage:
2022-04-28 9:38 GMT+02:00, Страхиња Радић :
> In my opinion, dark mode is unnecessary and favored by mainstream
> "webdevs".
Divide et impera (light vs dark mode) is the easiest solution they
could come up for soothing the look'n'feel hell in which desktop
vendors throwed themselves into.
Hi Michael,
2022-11-24 20:42 GMT+01:00, Michael Partridge :
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> I'm having trouble using `git --send-email` to send a patch in.
> I am trying to use this email address ( with the
> following settings in my global config:
> ```
> [sendemail]
> smtpencryption
2023-05-25 7:29 GMT+02:00, Страхиња Радић :
> Perhaps the most minimal solution for keeping data would be TSV files, but
> they
> are not suitable for storing data entered from the web because of
> concurrency,
> so a "real" database would be needed.
Probably it can be duct-taped writing new ent
2023-07-05 17:04 GMT+02:00, Dave Blanchard :
> Actually few if any other software projects NEED to be patched to provide
> basic ass functionality, like you know, SCROLLBACK BUFFERS IN A TERMINAL.
These are not "any other software projects".
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