
2016-04-23 15:03 GMT+02:00, Marc Collin <marc.coll...@gmail.com>:
> Hi.
> Recently a user from suckless told me that bash sucks, but before I
> could ask why he went offline.
> I tried looking at suckless.org page about software that sucks, but
> couldn't find anything about bash.
> I can imagine why it sucks  - no portability! #/bin/sh should be
> enough for everyone. Is that it or is something else to the matter?
> Maybe an entry to suckless.org suck page could be good to clarify
> things and also warn new users.
> Best wishes.

Just read the code. Just... sloc it, then compare the sloc count with
mksh's which has got roughly the same extra goodies bash has and
dash/ash hasn't.

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