If it takes too much time to put in place a program relying on a SAX parser or 
a DOM parser, the best choice is libxml2, probably.
Otherwise... What about using libparsifal [1], nunnimcax [2] or libnxml [3]? 
The latter isn't very fresh or the most efficient: has the only function of 
marshaling xml to C structs. That may be a comfortable way to 
deal with xml.
For hacks and prototypes (I'm currently struggling with getting done an 
approach to xml stuff, primarily rss but trying to tackle other means of http 
news, that would comply with my day-to-day needs) I stepped on this toolkit
called ltxml2 [4], which draws in rxp [5] as dependency. The commands 
provided by this library, ignoring some bugs (like lxgrep which _always_ exits 
with zero), are imho better in managing xml inside shell scripts, than the 
toolchains based on libxml2.

AFAIK, when we talk about writing C code that deals with XML, libxml2 it's the 
best library. If you are in a f*cked up situation working with really (really 
really) meager hardware and having to deal with xml, using a standalone SAX 
parser would take a lot of time spent in drafting, rewarded with remarkable 

[1] http://www.saunalahti.fi/~samiuus/toni/xmlproc/
[2] http://www.nunnisoft.ch/nunnimcax/en/home.jsp
[3] http://www.autistici.org/bakunin/libnxml/doc/
[4] http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/software/ltxml2
[5] http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/software/rxp

Teodoro Santoni

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