What does the output of
xprop | awk -F '"' '/^WM_CLASS/ { printf("%s:%s:",$4,$2) }; /^WM_NAME/ {
printf("%s\n",$2) }'
give you?
It should give the class, instance and title, in that order.
Also, class and instance names are case sensitive, I think.
2009/12/8 Sandra Snan
> xprop seems to think
> It can't work with X, but use of GPG instead of creating new encryption
> scheme is interesting. So the only thing to implement is secure use of
> X11 clipboard and integration with GPG or some PGP library.
Perhaps you could alter the script to pipe the nth line into xsel, or change
the format o
>What timeout -t affects? Looks like nothing changed. For -t 5000 i can
>retrieve PRIMARY after 5 seconds, before 5 seconds and at any time.
You're right, perhaps it's an xsel bug?
Perhaps you could
echo "password" | xsel -i
sleep 0.5
xsel -c # or -d?
Maybe xclip offers more
I like your idea of splitting everything up, for example, I'd find the
discover program by itself very useful, as my router's DNS at home
doesn't let you resolve hostnames of computers inside the network, so
I have to log into the router every time.
2009/12/26 anonymous
> Now I think: should I i
Will you be uploading the source anywhere, like sourceforge?
>and is not sticked on the desktops background like conky
You can change config.h to sticky a client.
I'm not at my box, but it's something like
{ "Trayer", NULL, NULL, ~0,True,-1 },
~0 is the binary not of 0, which means every tag, floating is "True".
You set
> "-*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-", which is what dwm
> requires. I'm not incredibly knowledgeable about fonts on linux, so
> I'm not really sure what to do. I would, however, like to stop using
> terminus in the status bar in favour of profont, so I'd like to know
> how to specify p
> Hi,
> I'm using slock and i am suprised to realize that is not safe at all!
> I launched slock in my DWM session. I just have to press CTRL+ALT+F1
> and press CTRL+z (to send startx in background an get the hand on the
> shell) and type "killall slock" to unlock the session...
It's incredi
> Asside from the fact, that magic sysrq can be disabled
Oh yeah, forgot about that
> how can some one use Magic Sysrq to access your data?
If you've prevented ctrl+alt+f1 using xmodmap or whatever, they could
use the raw terminal mode to switch to vt1 anyway
> If you define your personal identity based on the colors of your
> fucking window manager I feel sorry for your pathetic worthless life.
> uriel
Please keep these unconstrained insults coming, I laughed heartily at
the quoted.
nally, I need to learn my way around Plan 9 a bit more too, so
I'd love to write something Unix-native that's similar to one of their
P.S. In order to finish processing your unsubscription please e-mail
your social security and credit card numbers to this address.
Mr. Internet.
> sic segfaults when USER environment variable is not set (so
> getenv("USER") returns NULL):
This does the trick, at no line cost. I assume that when compiled, the
two getenv calls can be merged into one, optimisation wise. Not that
it's a major speed problem.
< strncpy(nick, get
On 28 March 2010 19:28, Antoni Grzymala wrote:
> This might be getting off topic, but has the possibility of filename
> completion in the argument field been considered or written (sorry if I
> missed that part)? We could then do things like launching
> dmenu --base-path /home/some_user
> and
Which version do you mean by original vi?
$ pacman -Qi vi
Name : vi
Version: 050325-3
Depends On : ncurses
Installed Size : 332.00 K
Description: The original ex/vi text editor.
That works fine with my xterm, maybe you've got some strange Xdefaults?
On 16 April 2010 19:
> archlinux applies a patch to vi to increase the maximum screen size:
> http://repos.archlinux.org/wsvn/packages/vi/trunk/increase-tube.patch
That explains a lot, although I did occasionally get a "Terminal too
large" error. I think there was an update a while back, because I
don't get it any mor
> Is it possible to view a local html file, with the markup notation
> interpreted ?
Like this?
$ surf file://path/to/file.html
i.e. instead of http://
Here's a config.h macro if anyone wants it.
#define INC_SEARCH { .v = (char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \
"dmenu -r < /dev/null | while read -r find;do xprop -id $0 -f _SURF_FIND 8s "\
"-set _SURF_FIND \"$find\";done", \
winid, NULL } }
On 5 May 2010 20:11, Troels Henriksen wrote:
> The at
Something a bit like this?
find=$(dmenu < /dev/null)
for f in *
if grep -qi $find $f
then echo $f
done | dmenu
I don't know how/what the format is internally for each file, but it won't be
difficult to filter the site name + url from the file using an awk and/or sed
tag tea
filtered text with the external program's output.
I believe vim has this with
Possibly a visual mode, like vim's would be nice, specifically column-based.
I am a fan of vi key bindings, but just because we are doesn't mean we
stick to it.
We could use /etc/inputrc and whatever else to use the user's
preferred bindings,
and perhaps even have mouse support, similar to what sam/acme use, to keep the
plan9 fanboys happy.
Cheers, Rob.
>> > Yeah, it's easy. Keeping simple is hard.
>> Well, how many time do you preach this sentence one day? Why do you
>> think that other people would be so idiot, that would not know such an
>> obvious think?
> Sorry but you look like an idiot.
You're too late, he ragequit.
On 2010-05-20, sta...@cs.tu-berlin.de wrote:
> Hi,
> I am posting a patch against tip which lies on the border to caprice and
> code bloat, but these changes proved very useful to me in the last months.
> That's why I'd love to see some of them accepted.
> - toggle() boolean properties of Webk
Ah sorry about that, my mail client was playing up
On 2010-05-20, Rob wrote:
> On 2010-05-20, sta...@cs.tu-berlin.de wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am posting a patch against tip which lies on the border to caprice and
>> code bloat, but these changes proved very useful
rm" works:
xterm*background: black
s/xterm/urxvt too
Cheers, Rob
> For a while I've been frustrated when I close a surf window, it takes
> down the process that created it, along with all windows of that
> process. For clicking a link in gmail will open a new window, and
> closing that window sometimes closes the parent window as well. Today
> I had some time
Galactic Basic, you fools. How the hell do you expect any other
language to be be understood by anyone other you and your
anime-figurines? You've all got about as much foresight as Jabba
the Hutt when he put Leia right next to him with a big-ass chain.
Freakin' nerf herders...
t and added to the wiki. I
assumed because it worked with my dwm.c it'd be fine.
Sorry about the confusion.
In case it happens again:
down the window. I haven't used surf
for a while _and_ I have no X11 experience so I'm not sure whether it works
(haven't tested it thoroughly enough), but I've attached a diff, it
should apply cleanly
to 0.4.1.
Description: plain/text
st to the oblivion, so it's tough luck there.
Description: plain/text
Description: plain/text
s why I
> believe there is no great benefit in doing so -- or in other words,
> yet another proof how hideous X has become ;)
Description: plain/text
On 27 July 2010 00:35, Kris Maglione wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 11:48:02PM +0100, Rob wrote:
>> On 26 July 2010 22:32, David DEMELIER wrote:
>>> There is something that make me sad with dwm, there is a lack of role
>>> rules for clients.
k, perhaps it
> could involve a pointer to a union? Also it could be a nuisance to those
> with long window-matching lists.
Crossed my mind too, but I would have no use of it and flexible arrays
inside structures are a pain, so I didn't bother.
If you have any ideas, I'd be interested, though, purely implementation-wise.
On 27 July 2010 01:35, Kris Maglione wrote:
> Not so much. There's quite easy if you allow C99, anyway.
> typedef struct {
> char *class;
> char *regex;
> int ord;
> } Prop;
> struct {
> char *Rule;
> RuleFn fn;
> RuleArg arg;
> } rules[] = {
Uh, in tokenise, shouldn't
strncpy(tmp, pat, strlen(pat));
strncpy(tmp, pat, sizeof tmp); ?
On 7 August 2010 14:20, StephenB wrote:
> see: (this patch is against 352)
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4sh7ZTuJ
> I use this all the time for uzbl browser history and bookmarks.
> regards,
> Stephen
On 21 August 2010 19:32, Alex Puterbaugh wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've made a small patch that allows you to bind keys for
> horizontal scrolling.
> This approach (which imho is the least of many evils) requires
> the Arg union to be a struct, to allow the scroll() function
> to use both .b and .i
x27;ve tried various XGrabKey combinations, for example with Mod4Mask as
the keycode or as the modifier (and both), but to no avail.
If you've any advice, I'd be all ears.
>> I had the same problem – try resising that window. Helps.
> Thanks, window appears with this trick! Does anyone know why this bug,
> only with dwm?
If it's not spawning on a visible tag then try this:
er got
round to bringing it up to date. Good luck :)
> ... but I
> still don't know how to add in scripts. For example, the instructions for
> the link hint script from nibble say to deploy to script.js (Which I assume
> is the script.js in my .surf folder). I've tried this every way I know how
> with no success. Where is this script supposed to g
> while true; do
> exec wmii
> xmessage 'Restart the Window Manager?' \
> -buttons 'Yes:1,No:0' -center \
> -default 'Yes' -timeout 30 \
> && break
> done
> Unfortunately, that script does not prompt me if I want to restart wmii
> if if cl
dwm doesn't have this by default, because dwm doesn't have a "current
tag", since you can have many activated.
Here's what I do [attached]. It's taken and modified from a ML post I
saw a good while back.
On 21 December 2010 11:07, David Demelier wrote:
, but thanks to X11, it's stuck on one, hurrah!
I prefer tux on ice, I get a nice progress bar and the ability to
cancel hibernation.
Bit more effort since you need to patch the kernel, but there's a git
repository you can clone at kernel.org
> A progress bar?
> When I suspend my laptop using "acpitool -s", it takes about 2
> seconds. No time for a progressbar.
> Danilo
Yeah, mine too, i was talking about suspend to disk ;)
gdb -c
path/to/coredump path/to/dwm (give the path to dwm in its source
That'll give you the line it segfaulted on. Post that output here (or
an online-clipboard site) if you would.
> gdb gives me this output:
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> #0 0x0804b157 in arrangemon (m=0x9280688) at dwm.c:382
> 382 strncpy(m->ltsymbol, m->lt[m->sellt]->symbol, sizeof
> m->ltsymbol);
Can you give details of the variables? (print m->lt)
Continue t
> where do I paste the autologin script shown here
Save it as a shell script and run it.
> does it matter where I save it?
No, somewhere in your $PATH would be useful for the last question though.
> is there a surf config file?
Yes, mainly for key bindings and file locations (config.h).
> do i have to run it every time i use surf?
Only each time your session expires.
till be able to read the key to ungrab.
I've attached code for dwm anyway.
{ MODKEY,XK_l, pointerlock,{ .i = 1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_l, pointerlock,{ .i = 0 } },
pointerlock(const Arg *a)
if(XGrabPointer(dpy, selmon-
> I've attached code for dwm anyway.
And a fix.
--- pointer-lock.c 2011-01-30 13:01:37.39681 +
+++ pointer-lock2.c 2011-01-30 13:09:44.83434 +
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
pointerlock(const Arg *a)
+ if(!selmon->sel)
+ return;
if(XGrabPointer(dpy, selmon->sel->win, False,
> sure, i agree.
> I am working on it.
> i have never compiled anything from scratch. portage takes care of that in
> gentoo.
> here is my modified autologin script. it does not work. it takes me to
> gmail.com but wont log me in. do you see anything wrong?
You'll have to find out what POST argume
Arch doesn't sign its packages, but I still use it, can't be bothered
switching to be honest.
> who couldn't change cursors because of gentoo's "optimizations"?
I thought the suckless people, of all, would've known about this. The
black cursor with the white outline moves faster on the screen, the
one Ubuntu uses - the kinda fat one, is obviously going to move more
slowly. So clearly, with
and here's another (youtube only): http://repo.hu/projects/yget/
>> Newer versions of Flash delete the file immediately, but the file is
>> still open in memory and you can grab it from there.
> How?
Here's what I use, usually with something along the lines of mplayer
set -e
pids=$(pgrep -f libflashplayer)
for p in $pids
On 2 March 2011 15:11, hiro <23h...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 3/2/11, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
>> I'm saying that ideal software is barely configurable.
> Ideal for what purpose?
> "Barely" anything doesn't carry information if you put it in context
> with "ideal".
> You should have said: Ideal s
> Rob,
> Without a real context it is difficult to measure if lack-of-configuration
> is laziness on the programmers part, or the genius of simplicity. Simplicity
> indicates a programmer who anticipate the needs of the user in such a way
> that it removes their constra
l he's had no problems, he had to write an
initscript for the backlight (and enable it from osx first) but other
than that, it's fine.
He can even access some gyroscope via sysfs which seems pretty
, expecting it to go into dmenu.
Just an itch it scratches really.
diff -r a79e4a9cb167 dmenu.c
--- a/dmenu.c Sat Nov 20 09:25:08 2010 +
+++ b/dmenu.c Fri Feb 18 04:24:31 2011 +
@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
+ Bool fastgrab = False;
>> it. However, my experience is that linux is not particuarly snappy
>> booting from a hibernate image, partly because there's so many
>> programs that want to be paged back in and partly because it needs to
>> still slowly start up any hardware it can find on the machine.
> booting from hiberna
> Yeah, I've found that annoying before. The only problem it has is if
> stdin is dependent on tty input everything locks up. The '-f' flag may
> be a solution, so long as it's treated with fear.
Probably should've added something to the patch for that, actually.
Guess one could check if stdin was
TOR in st's terminal itself, if
people are interested I'll give it a go, but for the moment it just
fires up another st to host the editor.
diff -r fe61798f04a5 st.c
--- a/st.c Sun Apr 03 21:40:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/st.c Tue Apr 05 13:04:11 2011 +0100
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
On 5 April 2011 17:01, Bryan Bennett wrote:
> is causing a lot of additional characters to be placed on
> newlines, making actually getting what I want out of it rather difficult.
I've had a pop at tidying it up a bit, I'm not getting as many silly
characters filtered through, would you mind giv
t would be useful for someone else.
> --
> Fernando Carmona Varo
I wrote nextprevtag.c, it's always been a bit of a hack, I much prefer
your idea, it makes a lot more sense. Thanks for sharing
ested. Might even have a go at doing a version
myself, when exams are over.
The email came through unwwrapped, I usually use plain text mode and
edit the email externally - I use vimperator, which is a Firefox plugin,
and it allows you to edit text fields with a external editor.
patch, give this a try.
diff -r c2e77ee26371 dmenu.c
--- a/dmenu.c Fri Jan 07 18:55:00 2011 +
+++ b/dmenu.c Tue Apr 26 19:50:05 2011 +0100
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
+ Bool fastgrab = False;
progname = "dmenu";
for(i = 1; i
... but I had a pop at writing a patch anyway.
Add something like this to your config.h:
{ "XTerm", NULL, NULL, TAG_ANY, False, -1, trans, { .f = 0.5 } }
And apply the patch. It might not apply cleanly since I diff'd from my
heavily patched dwm, so you'll have to do some sh
caused dmenu to access past the end of the info array and a quick bounds
check fixes it.
Thanks, Rob.
diff -r d0f5c7885a5a dmenu.c
--- a/dmenu.c Sun May 08 15:15:24 2011 +0100
+++ b/dmenu.c Wed May 11 02:46:22 2011 +0100
@@ -515,6 +515,8 @@
if((monitor == info[i
On 11 May 2011 12:39, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
> Hey Rob,
> I think this was caused by the given '-m' not being present. I've
> applied a patch which should fix this, since it falls back to the
> mouse if the '-m' isn't there. Could you confirm whe
use, it's a modified version of moveresize.c
Add something like this to config.h:
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_q, jumpto, {.i = 0}},
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_e, jumpto, {.i = 1}},
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_a, jumpto, {.i = 2}},
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_d, jumpto, {.i =
in if you're going for posix or whatever though.
One more thing, we're not bothering with the -- flag, are we?
> but I'm quite busy with exams atm.
UK, right? Up late coding even with exams, I'm impressed.
Finally, I have an editor in the works, unfinished, but I pl
On 23 May 2011 20:08, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:
> On 5/23/11, Rob wrote:
>> Finally, I have an editor in the works, unfinished, but I plan to show
>> you lot at some point though.
> Interesting. More details, or show me the code. What's novel about him?
Nothing nove
Here's one I wrote: http://github.com/jeffwar/wgetlite
26K without debugging symbols, unfortunately it doesn't statically link yet
(getaddrinfo), but it'll be pretty trivial to sort it.
On 1 June 2011 02:00, Kurt H Maier wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:54 PM, Jonathan Slark
> wrote:
>> It's a point though, do we need a suckless screen replacement? If you use
>> dwm you don't need it but lately I've been looking into cwm/tmux instead.
> If all you're looking for is detach, d
On 7 June 2011 15:53, Le Tian wrote:
> Continuing these threads about suckless "anything"
> I've been looking quite a long time for fast and lightweight file manager
> for dwm. There are occasions, when u need to see or show some lovely icons.
> MC and derivatives are the last resort here. I liked
On 9 June 2011 13:48, stateless wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to be on the same page and we don't start working on the same
> tools. I'll look into implementing id, kill and comm.
> Thanks,
> stateless
Ah man, I've just been doing kill.c myself. Lowest SLOC count makes it
into base?
On 9 June 2011 13:54, stateless wrote:
> Arrgh fucking gmail.
#include "util.h"
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int sig = SIGTERM;
char c, *end;
while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:")) != -1)
case 's':
sig = strtol(optarg, &end, 0)
On 9 June 2011 16:06, Hiltjo Posthuma wrote:
> I like it, but what about -signalnumber (and maybe -signalname), I use
> -9 all the time :)
I was wondering whether to do that or not, it's pretty useful but
there's a fair bit more code. I'll leave it to cls to decide.
writing one last night, but it didn't work properly due to static
variables and no one on here seemed to want it so I didn't bother submitting.
Anyway, I had another pop this morning and here's what I got. It's a bit
hackish, but to do the job properly would require a parser so yeah...
Description: Bourne shell script
On 10 June 2011 14:23, Rob wrote:
> Anyway, I had another pop this morning and here's what I got.
Also, forgot to mention, you'll need to alter true.c, false.c and tty.c
so their main conforms, otherwise it won't compile.
On 10 June 2011 06:55, pancake wrote:
> On 10/06/2011, at 4:26, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
>> No, there's no bug here; size is allocated and memset on the next line.
> Your gcc sucks. Mine reports the error here. Size is only allocated if the
> or condition applies which is not something to alway
On 10 June 2011 08:54, Rafa Garcia Gallego
> The lack of Shift+Control modifier is a serious bummer indeed.
It looks like it's been decided that X is the way to go, but before any
code is implemented, I thought I'd just stick my oar in - what if we
were to keep to the terminal and open a c
On 16 June 2011 02:18, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
> An update: I've done this, and added it to the Makefile. It's a little
> simpler than doing it by concatenating all the sources, since we don't
> need to worry about statics or anything. Currently sbase-box comes out
> at 69K statically linked agai
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 07:15:22AM -0800, Andrew Hills wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Nick wrote:
> > But if we're thinking about
> > breaking from the terminal, how would remote editing work?
> > Some sort of ssh piping from / to the file on the server?
> > I haven't thought this throu
Honestly, I think they have a point. Sure, they don't have a leg to stand on in
this area, but look at Flash. All that allows is interaction with the mouse
and keyboard + video and sound playback, but not a week goes by without yet
another exploit being uncovered in it.
That could just be because t
Build with debug flags (-g in Makefile)
Enable coredumps in your .xinitrc
ulimit -c unlimited
Wait until dwm segfaults
$ gdb --core=path/to/core dwm
> bt
Voila, you've got the bug's location.
weaking program to implement this.
Maybe I'm just not using dwm properly, because the main time I use this
focusing is when I have floating windows, so make what you will of that.
On 7 July 2011 14:18, Ruben Gonzalez Arnau wrote:
> Talking about remember applications when restarting, it's possible to
> remember "terminals" too? When I restart dwm everything is okey with my
> config.h rules and each app goes to its tag, except all xterms go to tag 1,
> I think that is the no
On 3 August 2011 22:34, Peter John Hartman wrote:
> Hey,
> surf has been segfaulting about 6 seconds after loading, no matter what
> site.
> ...
> Suggestions?
> Peter
Surf has more or less been abandoned, you're on your own, in the forest
of Webkit. Good luck.
On 5 August 2011 17:39, Kris Maglione wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 09:31:40AM -0700, Suraj Kurapati wrote:
>> # see http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/dky73/
>> lsof -p $(pgrep -f libflashplayer) | grep /tmp/Flash |
>> awk '{print "/proc/" $2 "/fd/" $4}' | sed 's/[rwu]$//' |
>> xargs mplay
On 6 August 2011 11:09, Ethan Grammatikidis wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Aug 2011 09:19:24 +0100
> Rob wrote:
>> Somewhat off topic now, but http://repo.hu/projects/yget/ works fine for me
> Shell script and an order of magnitude smaller than youtube-dl which
> I've been
Since there's a few opinions on this, how about we make a dwm "focus"
page? The NetActiveWindow hint is not one of the better ideas in the
history of X11, it really got my goat when windows started stealing
focus while I'm trying to type elsewhere.
Description: Binary data
On 14 August 2011 21:03, Bastien Dejean wrote:
> Hi,
> Any idea on how to implement a fullscreen layout?
Mod + b, Mod + m
How do you set the tag(s) urgency hint for new Skype messages? I noticed
one can get Skype to run a script on a new message, but I wasn't sure
what to do after that.
opinions/patches on it anyway.
[1]: http://www.github.com/jeffwar/wgetlite
less tools are supposed to be
lightweight, even someone who hasn't seen the code before can make
changes, they don't have to be an expert at C, so merging a few lines
here and there is no big deal.
whether you'll use shell features or not.
If not, you can go with how dwm does it, and pass
(char *[]){ "xterm", "-e", "mail", NULL } to execvp.
Regarding EXIT_SUCCESS, I think this is perhaps a bit picky, 0 is
perfectly fine and besides, every non-trivial shell script hard codes
stdout and stderr: 2>&1.
and you'd expect that the code would be run and checked before
committing, which renders the assert pretty useless.
I think it's fine as it is, in the original C way of doing things,
garbage in, garbage out, undefined behaviour etc etc.
Martti Kühne, 22 April 2014 :
> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Rob wrote:
>> Into the bikeshed I go...
>> LEN(a + 2) doesn't mean anything anyway, as a's type decays.
>> To do it properly there should be some kind of static assert in the
1 - 100 of 170 matches
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