On 2010-05-20, sta...@cs.tu-berlin.de <sta...@cs.tu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am posting a patch against tip which lies on the border to caprice and
> code bloat, but these changes proved very useful to me in the last months.
> That's why I'd love to see some of them accepted.
> - toggle() boolean properties of Webkit (examples in the config)
> - scroll uses a heuristic in passing integer parameter borrowed from
>   meillo, I guess, and extended to scroll a page up/down or to the
>   begin/end of document.  Scrolling vertically and horizontally differs
>   just in the GtkAdjustment used. So I've put them together.
>   Horizontal scroll is very useful on many (broken) sites when you have a
>   small screen.
> - setting  custom style I found useful for the frequent cases that I  read
>   long texts of insane color on insane background burning my eyes. The
>   style file being sth like * {background:#333333 !important; text:#eeeeee
>   !important;}
> - the key bindings in the patch are not ok but I ran out of ideas. Couldn't
>   post my original ones, since they don't conform to the main line, e.g. I
>   have hjkl for scrolling, HL for navigation, gG for begin/end of document,
>   Space/Shift|Space for page down/up, etc.
> Thanks to everybody contributing to surf.
> Hope you find something useful.
> cheers,
> --
>  stanio_

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