Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Daemon 1.2.0 RC2

2019-07-02 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
My vote: +1 (binding) Verified: +1 sha512 sha256 +1 asc / KEYS +1 src zip vs tar.gz +1 bin zip vs tar.gz vs jar +1 src vs git (missing in src:; whitespace differences in commons-daemon-1.2.0-native-src) +1 mvn repo vs dist +1 mvn apache-rat:ch

Re: New Sub-project Proposal.

2019-09-11 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
laude's email I see it is it's *use* that needs explanation! The only dependencies in that code seem to be within the org.xenei.bloomfilter.collections package which currently include use of Jena's extended iterator classes. This could probably be refactored, if this package is als

Re: New Sub-project Proposal.

2019-09-11 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
gt; concerns about conflicts with existing code. Duplication with of > functionality was the main concern as I recall. > > Claude > > On Wed, Sep 11, 2019, 09:43 Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > > > On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 18:12:24 +0200, Gilles Sadowski < >

Re: New Sub-project Proposal.

2019-09-12 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ell if we include the container implementation or are they more for disk-based collections? -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons BCEL 6.4.0 based on RC2

2019-09-24 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Gary, thanks for putting together an RC and the thorough description on how to verify releases! (perhaps some got scared.. we don't need everyone to test everything though!) My vote is: +1 (binding) Checked: [+] checksums vs *.sha512 vs VOTE email vs maven repo [+] git tag vs commit [*] git vs

Re: [ALL] Too much traffic on the "dev" ML

2015-01-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
gt; > > Best regards, > Gilles > > > --------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna

Re: [ALL][RDF] github Commons RDF vs. Apache Commons Sandbox RDF

2015-01-17 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 15 Jan 2015 11:06, "Sergio Fernández" wrote: > Therefore my proposal for Commons RDF is the following: > > * Commons RDF proposes an API that addresses portability issues. I'd recommend to start form what we currently have at github which was actually designed by committee and both Jena and Se

Re: [ALL][RDF] github Commons RDF vs. Apache Commons Sandbox RDF

2015-01-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ns rdf api is a project that >> principally aims to create a set of interfaces, and not host any of >> the scalable implementations of the API. Stian Soiland-Reyes has >> written a basic implementation, but in practice, any large dataset >> will not load into that implementation

Re: [DISCUSS][RDF] Separate mailing list for Commons RDF

2015-01-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
>> specifically to work on the relevant code, that once pull requests are >> suggested, the discussion gets going for a few days and then falls >> off. And eventually, once the API is stable it will fall off >> altogether to almost zero. That last reason is the main reason for why >> a

Re: [DISCUSS][RDF] Separate mailing list for Commons RDF

2015-01-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
--- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (incubating) - To

Re: [DISCUSS][RDF] Separate mailing list for Commons RDF

2015-01-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (incubating) --

Re: [RDF] Local Scope and BlankNode internalIdentifier (was: github Commons RDF vs. Apache Commons Sandbox RDF)

2015-01-27 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
> instance" and return a fixed identifier for all BNode. If so the identifier > is obviously pointless. If on the other hand one would have to assign > identifier to all the objects the complexity of the implementation this > would make implementations more complex both in terms of c

Re: [ALL] [RDF] Commons RDF approach

2015-01-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
I hope you would still feel welcome to become an unofficial mentor (teaching us the "Apache Commons way" perhaps) even if you haven't got the right badges (yet). :) Other incubator projects have also had unofficial mentors - it's a good way into Incubator PMC. On 29 Jan 2015 14:29, "Benedikt Ritt

Re: [ALL] [RDF] Commons RDF incubation proposal

2015-02-10 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
elopers who are working with Semantic Web technologies in the JVM. The initial committers are core contributors to that community. === Core Developers === * Sergio Fernández (wikier dot apache dot org) * Andy Seaborne (andy dot apache dot org) * Peter Ansell (ansell dot apache dot org) * Stian So

Re: Design guidelines and SemVer

2015-02-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
applications to work. > > Maybe we should elaborate about this in our versioning guide lines... > > Regards, > Benedikt > > >> >> I am not trying to say that the system is perfect, but that is what >> the general behaviour seems to be, even with people who

Re: svn commit: r1659973 [1/3] - in /commons/sandbox/rdf/trunk: ./ api/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/rdf/ impl.sparql/ impl.sparql/src/ impl.sparql/src/main/ impl.sparql/src/main/java/ impl.sparql/

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
I am not speaking for Reto, but I imagined that since Reto has joined the CommonsRDF incubator proposal, then his sandbox-code would eventually turn into pull requests and branches on the incubator codebase so that we can evaluate each of the differences separately. On 19 February 2015 at 06:54,

Re: svn commit: r1659973 [1/3] - in /commons/sandbox/rdf/trunk: ./ api/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/rdf/ impl.sparql/ impl.sparql/src/ impl.sparql/src/main/ impl.sparql/src/main/java/ impl.sparql/

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
entation but about a proof > of-concept implementation against a SPARQL Backend as a mean to evaluate > design decisions in the API. > > Cheers, > Reto > > On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 4:01 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes > wrote: > >> I am not speaking for Reto, but I imagined that

Re: [VOTE] Release BCEL 6.0 based on RC3

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
vements like the ones staged for > BCEL 6.0. > > Emmanuel Bourg > > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (incubating)

Semantic versioning (was: [VOTE] Release BCEL 6.0 based on RC3)

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
-> com.example.api:example-api:jar:[1.0,2.0)] -> [Help 1] > What is the evidence that a major bump causes warnings? See above. Note that a quick grep in my big .m2/repository didn't reveal any dependencies on commons* that used ranges - probably because of Commons being good

Re: [ALL] Ask for CLA before merging pending GitHub pull requests

2015-03-21 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Right, just keep in mind: For contributions, you as the committer would be responsible for the content being IP clean, not the pull request submitter. How do you do this from a larger contribution (e.g. 3 new classes) from a github user known only as "msTentactle"? If she has signed the CLA, the

Re: [COMMONSRDF] GroupID for incubation releases

2015-03-29 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
I generally prefer one groupId matching the git repository somehow (e.g. org.apache.commons.rdf), but +1 to the below and be aligned with the rest of (modern) Commons. Also we won't have that many modules. On 28 Mar 2015 16:51, "Gary Gregory" wrote: > On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Benedikt Rit

Re: [ALL] Badges for github

2015-04-08 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
a-page -> [Help 1] how is the README updated now? On 9 April 2015 at 00:53, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > Looks great! The travis is nice as it also comments on pull requests. > > > .. but .. why are all the README links for homepage, JavaDoc, etc. wrong? > > e.g. > https://

Re: [ALL] Badges for github

2015-04-08 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
>>> > >> >>>> > >> Regards, >>>> > >> Benedikt >>>> > >> >>>> > >> [1] >>>> > >> [2] >>>> > >> [3] >>>> > >> [4] >>>> > >> [5] >>>> > >> >>>> > >> >>>> > >> >>>> > > >>>> > > - >>>> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: >>>> > > For additional commands, e-mail: >>>> > > >>>> > > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > -- >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> E-Mail: | >>>> Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition >>>> <> >>>> JUnit in Action, Second Edition <> >>>> Spring Batch in Action <> >>>> Blog: >>>> Home: >>>> Tweet! >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> -- >> >> >> >> >> > > > > -- > > > > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons RDF (incubating) - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [all] Commons Parent - Plugin Updates

2015-08-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Changes look non-intrusive and OK for me. I would say bump the apache super-parent as well. Would you let us know how you checked the changes? Using the versions plugin, or diffing the effective poms? On 27 Aug 2015 13:47, "Bernd Eckenfels" wrote: > Hello, > > I plan to release commons-parent, t

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons RDF 0.5.0 from RC1

2017-11-10 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ponent has been >> graduated? >> > I'm fine with the KEYS file location being in the vote thread, but just >> thought it >> > would be worth checking. >> >> As I pointed in a previous thread, although we g

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons RDF 0.5.0 based on RC2

2017-12-06 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
-rdf-jena-0.5.0 >> > commons-rdf-rdf4j-0.5.0 >> > commons-rdf-jsonld-java-0.5.0 >> > commons-rdf-integration-tests-0.5.0 >> > >> > The Maven Staging repository can be found at: >> > >> >

Re: [VOTE] Release Commons Release Plugin 1.0 base on RC1

2018-01-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
til > 2018-01-14T03:00:00Z > (this is UTC time). > > > > Cheers, > -Rob > > [1] > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional co

Re: [CSV] Release 1.6

2018-02-09 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ll/25 proposing mutator functions. -- Stian Soiland-Reyes The University of Manchester - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additiona

Re: [CSV][POLL] How to provide mutable records

2018-02-09 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 19:19:58 +0100, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > This came up also for commons rdf where we also have everything immutable, > which I think is a good principle to keep for modern Java 8 programming. > > So you need a mutator function like in (4) that either r

Re: [CSV][POLL] How to provide mutable records

2018-02-13 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Mon, 12 Feb 2018 18:10:56 -0700, Gary Gregory wrote: > On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 10:05 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes > I've not had time to review this yet but I hope to get to it sometimes this > week. Thanks. I'll wait for that before prepping a 1.6 RC so we get time to decide i

Re: commons-csv git commit: CSV-216: Avoid Arrays.copyOf()

2018-02-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
t; >>>> >>>> Project: >>>> Commit: >>>> >>>> Tree: >>

Re: commons-csv git commit: CSV-216: Avoid Arrays.copyOf()

2018-02-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
s one out and can just go with the cleanest code :) On 16 February 2018 at 11:22, sebb wrote: > On 16 February 2018 at 10:01, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: >> I agree in general for .clone() on objects - and I'm trying to move >> away from using .clone() in that Commons RDF

Re: commons-csv git commit: CSV-216: Avoid Arrays.copyOf()

2018-02-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
such comments :) (It was also used for copying the headers, which was also String[]) -- Stian Soiland-Reyes The University of Manchester - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

[RDF] Fluent parser API?

2018-02-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
gets a very clean Parser interface to implement, no abstract class needed. It might however need to check itself that the config is complete enough for its needs as in theory it could be a null-config with nothing set. I'll come back to the alternative ParserBuilder interface which guides

Re: [RDF] Fluent parser API?

2018-02-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Tue, 20 Feb 2018 16:49:23 +, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > ajs6f and others who like talking about immutability and fluent APIs: > I'll come back to the alternative ParserBuilder interface > which guides the client caller step by step straight into a parsed file. OK, so

Google summer of code ideas?

2018-02-27 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons RDF 0.3.0-incubating

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF. sha1 checksums: 965cbbb52946ae9ba710ab19a8fb931fbfe65e7f 9e08b3edcc633eb07a1c303b1939a0faaebb6c1f apache-commons-rdf-0.3.0-incubating-src.tar.gz -- Stian Soiland-Reyes

How to publish multi-module site..?

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
/site target/site-content/commons-rdf-$a ; done cd target/site-content/ svn add commons-rdf-* svn commit -m "submodules" Any ideas..? -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mai

Re: How to publish multi-module site..?

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 16 November 2016 at 11:26, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > But I could not get it to publish the submodule sites correctly. > mvn clean package site-deploy > > overwrites the main site with the last module's site instead! (Do not use!)

[DISCUSS] Commons RDF as new component?

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ps:// -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additio

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons RDF 0.3.0-incubating

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
tion Framework" > would help as there are other possible meanings for the acronym RDF. > Most are unlikely to apply but the reader should not have to research this. > > > On 16 November 2016 at 11:15, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: >> The Apache Commons RDF team is pleased to an

Re: [DISCUSS] Commons RDF as new component?

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
OK, I'll go straight to VOTE in a couple of days to allow dev@commonsrdf list to sync up first :) (One questions would be how to do mailing list transition) On 16 November 2016 at 13:30, Jochen Wiedmann wrote: > On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: &g

Re: [DISCUSS] Commons RDF as new component?

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
eviewing the > still evolving RDF4J integration, have been deferred to the future and > they would not be easily addressed if a 1.0 release line was declared > now. > > However, that isn't a reason to keep it in incubation. Good luck! > > Cheers, > > Peter > > On

Re: [DISCUSS] Commons RDF as new component?

2016-11-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
> > return new SimpleRDF(); > > } > > > > Is/should a service loader be used to allow pluging in/discovering > > implementations? > > > > Gary > > > > On Nov 16, 2016 5:22 AM, "Stian Soiland-Reyes" wrote: > > > > Common

Re: How to publish multi-module site..?

2016-11-17 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
6fcd39a8ee7426826e7b25e5cfe0628820;hp=b05e3e6e6acad0baeeb7e19358093232119548bb > > At list for the the result at target/staging looks good when executing: mvn > clean site site:stage > > Please Stian, take a look to double check it. > > Cheers, > > > On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Gilles > wro

Re: Build failed in Jenkins: commons-beanutils #17

2016-11-17 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
> <> && > /home/jenkins/tools/java/latest1.6/bin/java -Xmx49M '${argLine}' -jar > <> > > &l

Re: [ALL] How to "deploy" selectively (multi-module project)?

2016-11-17 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
the contents of the module here: > >;a=tree;f=commons-rng-build-tools;h=a126e20df3ed8921783b0ca4754e33f6ed6e9692;hb=refs/heads/RNG-30__sampling > > >> >> Cheers, >> Jörg >> >> >>> >>> Regards, >>> Benedikt >>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Regards, >>>> Gilles >>>> > > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Commons JCS 2.0-beta-2 Released

2016-11-17 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
he/commons/commons- >> jcs-core/2.0-beta-2/ >> >> Bye, Thomas. >> >> >> - >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: >> For additional commands, e-mail: >> >> -- Stian Soi

Re: [BEANUTILS] Docker Jenkins Job?!

2016-11-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
You can delete it, it was my attempt to test the build on different jdk versions not already on Jenkins slaves, I think there were some oracle vs OpenJDK issues in the last Release Candidate. On 18 Nov 2016 10:21 pm, "Benedikt Ritter" wrote: > Hello, > > we have this jenkins job that executes a

[RDF] Draft introduction to Commons RDF

2016-11-21 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
mentations, which would require use of Maven for dependencies. I thing a second tutorial could cover that aspect. -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apac

[VOTE] Accept Commons RDF as a new component

2016-11-23 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
m dev@commonsrdf: +1 Stian Soiland-Reyes (Commons PMC binding) +1 Benedikt Ritter (Commons PMC binding) +1 Gary Gregory (Commons PMC binding) Proposed component name: rdf Proposed package name: org.apache.commons.rdf Source code of RDF component:

Re: [RNG] Aggregate artefacts (for archive download)

2016-11-24 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Within the assembly descriptor you can use a for the modules you want to include. See for example, here the assembly is done in a -dist submodule itself, but it can also be done directly in the parent as long a

Re: [RNG][ALL] Official vs "courtesy" code ?

2016-11-25 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
I think I'll tend towards agreeing with Jochen here, rather get half the modules out early than fight ourselves with versioning workarounds if the rest of the modules are not ready for prime time. However I see concerns of selective "part releases" and reproducible builds, so I would do this using

[RESULT] [VOTE] Accept Commons RDF as a new component

2016-11-26 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 23 November 2016 at 13:47, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > [Note: this is the Commons PMC vote on dev@commons - there's a > concurrent IPMC VOTE thread on general@incubator] > > Please VOTE on graduating Commons RDF as new component: Thanks to everyone who voted! The results

Re: [ALL] Version number(s) for modular components

2016-11-27 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
I think Gilles' reasoning is sound for semantic versioning and releases, in line with OSGi principles. However I think that would be better suited in a large or enterprise project with mainly internal usersnpf the libraries that can play along, not in Apache Commons which are making general availab

[RDF] Graduating Commons RDF to Commons PMC

2016-11-28 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
[RDF]. (I'll send a separate reminder about this to the dev@commonsrdf list before it closes) -- Stian Soiland-Reyes - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.a

Re: [VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Parent POM 42 based on RC1

2016-11-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1935182021&linkCode=as2&tag=garygregory-20&linkId=31ecd1f6b6d1eaf8886ac902a24de418%22 > > > < > > Spring Batch in Action > < > > > < > > Blog: > Home: > Tweet! -- Stian Soiland-Reyes

Re: [VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Parent POM 42 based on RC1

2016-11-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
gory-20&linkId=cadb800f39946ec62ea2b1af9fe6a2b8> >> >> >> <> >> JUnit in Action, Second Edition >> >> <https

Re: [ALL] Version number(s) for modular components

2016-11-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Yeah, that could be the better way, with a branched off commit for the "shrunk" project with a smaller list in the parent, then no particular flags are needed to build from the resulting tag or source repo. I initially planned to do so within the Taverna project (before we moved to ASF), as it co

Re: [RDF] Graduating Commons RDF to Commons PMC

2016-11-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
27;Admins'), and asked INFRA to change it to the commons notification scheme (issues@commons). I also put Apache Commons Developers (e.g. issues@commons) as the "Lead". I also renamed the Jenkins build from incubator-commonsrdf to commons-rdf (but did not change it's git repo sett

Re: [ALL] Version number(s) for modular components

2016-12-01 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
that the general rule for Commons is simplicity, both for the user and for developers. While an unnecessary module upgrade is not as "beautiful" as clean semantic version separations per module, it is, I would argue, simpler to deal with for both consumers, developers and release managers.

Re: [VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Parent POM 42 based on RC1

2016-12-01 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
te: > On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes > wrote: > >> Just a thing I noticed.. >> >> In >> parent/commons-parent-41/ >> and before we had a -src.tar.gz and >

Re: [VOTE][RC5] Release "Apache Commons RNG" version 1.0

2016-12-01 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
tches: ... > [ ] -1 No, do not release it because ... > > This vote will close in 72 hours, at 2016-12-03T00:00:00Z (this is UTC > time). > -- > > > Thanks, > Gilles > > > ----- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.a

Re: [CANCE][VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Parent POM 42 based on RC1

2016-12-03 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
components are? > > thanks, > chas > > > On Dec 1, 2016, at 9:15 AM, Gary Gregory wrote: > > > > [editing subject] > > > > On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Gary Gregory > wrote: > > > >> I am canceling this VOTE to deal with the missing src f

Re: [CANCE][VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Parent POM 42 based on RC1

2016-12-03 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
aven ..? On 3 Dec 2016 4:41 pm, "Gary Gregory" wrote: So, when I run: mvn clean deploy -Prelease -Ptest-deploy The zip and gz files are created but not signed or hashed. Thoughts? Gary On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 2:53 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > I would

Re: Commons release policy

2016-12-05 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
gt;> -- >> >> Matt Sicker >> >> >> > >> > >> > >> > -- >> > E-Mail: | >> > Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition >> > <

Re: [ALL] Why is the component's web site part of the release vote?

2016-12-10 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
That sounds like not a problem at all as RAT passes on the RC. Just regenerate the site after releasing. (We have to verify download page manually anyway). (Perhaps building the site from the RC's tar-ball rather than the "dirty" mvn tree post release is safer) I think it would only block a rele

Re: [VOTE][RC6] Release Commons RNG 1.0 (reminder)

2016-12-11 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 11 December 2016 at 06:11, Gilles wrote: >> This is a [VOTE] for releasing Apache Commons RNG 1.0 (from RC6). >> Tag name: >> RNG_1_0_RC6 (signature can be checked from git using 'git tag -v') >> >> Tag URL: >> >> >> >>;a=commit;h=4581

Re: [REPORT][DRAFT] Apache Commons Board Report for December 2016

2016-12-15 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
We had waited for Infra to do the rename/move of the commons rdf git repository; that was just completed two days ago. I did not republish site yet from src as half the pages would have many broken links to the new repo; in src/site it is already updated. Sergio was looking at ways to ensure the

Re: [rdf] roles after graduation

2017-01-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
I agree on not expanding too much on the roles and would favour removing PPMC roles except for those who are listed only as emeritus. On 17 Jan 2017 10:30 am, "Jochen Wiedmann" wrote: > Hi, Sergio, > > On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 8:31 AM, Sergio Fernández > wrote: > > > adjusting Stian's role [1} I

Re: StringUtils.isEmpty() family of methods on Objects

2017-01-28 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Agree with Benedikt here, if it's only the .toString() that is important, then "string" should appear in the method name; otherwise we need to do Commons Collections style handling of anything that can be empty or not. To support null (which isn't really "empty" but missing), perhaps just have the

Re: RDF commons testing

2017-01-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ou still have to make a such specialization, or is that automatic? BTW - in your approach, would it work to run the tests out of the box from an IDE like Eclipse? I think that is quite important so Commons RDF can be maintainable by many people in Apache Commons. -- Stian Soiland-Reyes U

Re: RDF commons testing

2017-01-30 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Mon, 30 Jan 2017 10:20:46 +, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > BTW - in your approach, would it work to run the tests out of the box > from an IDE like Eclipse? I think that is quite important so Commons RDF > can be maintainable by many people in Apache Commons. They did run out o

Re: [Text] Consider making the project "multimodule"

2017-02-02 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Modules of Text would make sense if we get larger differences of dependencies; if it is just different functionality, subpackages within a single module would be better. On 30 Jan 2017 5:53 pm, "Emmanuel Bourg" wrote: > Le 30/01/2017 à 15:16, Rob Tompkins a écrit : > > > I lean towards going wit

Immutable builder pattern for parsers?

2017-02-08 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
le or immutable? How should the settings be kept? Fields, map, or what? Does it make sense with an interface, abstract class (keeps settings) and implementations (processess settings), or should we have a single ParserFactory class and have a new internal interface

Fwd: Google Summer of Code 2017 Mentor Registration

2017-03-07 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Do we have any GSOC2017 ideas for Apache Commons? Tag them with the label "gsoc2017" in Jira! Any volunteers to mentor GSOC2017 students? All committers are eligible, I guess for Commons that is a bit special (as all ASF committers have write access), but I guess if you have contributed before to

Re: [lang]

2017-05-01 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Adding a class with a plan to @deprecate it, something doesn't sound right. :) We should not be putting much effort (and future maintainability) into adding functionality in Lang that jdk8 already (easily) can do. The point of Lang is to complement JDK's Lang classes and friends, not to backport w

Re: [Numbers] NUMBERS-33

2017-05-08 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Thanks! Not being a mathematician I am afraid I have not been able to review the correctness of the equation use. Overall the addition looks good and well commented. The javadoc is a bit sparse and could do with some more hyperlinks. I have some code design questions you may be able to clarify:

Re: [Numbers] NUMBERS-33

2017-05-09 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Mon, 08 May 2017 14:16:12 +0200, Gilles wrote: > > Overall the addition looks good and well commented. The javadoc is a > > bit > > sparse and could do with some more hyperlinks. > Strange; I thought that it was doing rather well on this point. > Can you be more specific? [Please open a JIRA r

Re: [Numbers] NUMBERS-33

2017-05-09 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Tue, 9 May 2017 13:29:21 +0100, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > I can only see this "value()" style make sense if there is also a common > interface, perhaps DoubleFunction? > DoubleUnaryOpera

Re: [Numbers] NUMBERS-33

2017-05-09 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On Tue, 09 May 2017 14:52:09 +0200, Gilles wrote: > [I specifically avoided "apply" so that it is free for when the > component > targets Java 8.] > > Can the "apply" method be static? No, interface implementations can't be static (and it is not possible to make an interface of static methods).

Re: [ALL] Build Javadoc with Java 9

2017-05-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Agree to wait for Java 9 GA before it's general practice. Would not -1 a release candidate with nicer Java 9 javadoc though! With Java 8 there were many issues with javadoc checks and options incompatible with Java 7. I I don't know if anything changes here for Java 9, but trying to comply both

Re: [all] Should our gitignore files contain only build-related entries?

2017-05-31 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
git commit --force" +1 to include the "usual IDE suspects" (emacs ~ files anyone?) in the .gitignore, particularly for Commons which may see many "drive by" contributors who don't have their global gitignore perfectly set up. (I don't even have one!) Should we add it

Re: [all] Deploying components

2017-06-05 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Personally I am happy about source distributions accompanying the jars in Maven Central, which are actually rebuildable as opposed to the -source.jars. they continue to be retrievable using Maven version mechanisms, compares to more fragile scripts crawling (dist only contains t

Re: [launcher] Move to dormant?

2017-08-13 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 13 Aug 2017 7:43 pm, "Pascal Schumacher" wrote: Hello everybody, an opinions on moving commons-launcher to dormant? The last release is from 2007 and their have not been any bugfix or feature addition commits since. +1

Re: [CSV][POLL] How to provide mutable records

2017-08-25 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
This came up also for commons rdf where we also have everything immutable, which I think is a good principle to keep for modern Java 8 programming. So you need a mutator function like in (4) that either returns a new immutable (but changed) CSVRecord; or alternatively a different MutableCSVRecord

Re: [IO] Releasing 2.6

2017-09-27 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
; executed sequentially. >>> >>> Cheers, >>> Pascal >>> >>> >>> - >>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: >>> F

Re: Anyone for Apache Commons & Apache Con Core 2016 CFP?!

2016-02-11 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Sergio, Let me know if you are going and want to collaborate on Commons RDF slides/demo! (I don't think I am going this year I'm afraid. ) On 29 Jan 2016 14:01, "Sergio Fernández" wrote: > On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Siegfried Göschl < >> wrote: > > > > there

Re: [VOTE] Release Compress 1.11 Based on RC1

2016-04-01 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
use... > > Thanks! > > Stefan > > ------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (inc

Re: [VOTE] Release Compress 1.11 Based on RC2

2016-04-02 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
ours from now, i.e. after > 1930 GMT 05-April 2016 > > [ ] +1 Release these artifacts > [ ] +0 OK, but... > [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix... > [ ] -1 I oppose this release because... > > Thanks! > > Stefan > > --

Re: Whatever happened to commons-io 2.5?

2016-04-12 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Right, dist is just using SVN as a convenient way to manage the distribution tree for the download mirrors, that it is version controlled is a nice side effect, it would not work well with Git (except possibly with LFS) as every binary and source release of ASF since the dist repos inception is in

Re: [VOTE] Commons-net 3.5 based on RC1

2016-04-16 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
e will close no sooner than 72 hours from now, > i.e. sometime after 23:00 GMT 18 Apr 2016 > > > [ ] +1 Release these artifacts > [ ] +0 OK, but... > [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix... > [ ] -1 I oppose this releas

Re: [ALL] Dist layout change to per version directories

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
+1 for the change for future releases. Being able to do svn mv (or rm) on a single folder simplifies releasing and reduces chance of errors. Is the -src and -bin endings already used across all of Commons? That would be a bit more important without source/ and binaries/ (Do some have download art

Re: [ALL] Dist layout change to per version directories

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
sting releases to the new layout and let the existing stay until they have been replaced by newer versions? (This would add another 550 MB for mirrors that don't understand symlinks) On 18 Apr 2016 09:55, "Gilles" wrote: > On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 09:12:16 +0100, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:

Re: [ALL] Dist layout change to per version directories

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
lack "-bin" (oh no!) - so they could just be changed to the new pattern manually within the new layout. On 18 April 2016 at 10:28, Gilles wrote: > On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 10:22:53 +0100, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: >> >> Changing download links for all existing releases (wit

Re: [ALL] Dist layout change to per version directories

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
olution that does not create > new confusions. > > Gilles > > >> Emmanuel Bourg >> >> > > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands,

[ALL] Use apache- prefix in dist?

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
lti-module POMs, e.g. parent is apache-foo while submodules are foo-bar etc. -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons RDF (incubating) - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-uns

[ALL] Missing -bin suffixes for some modules in

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
These downloads lack -bin / -src suffixes: On 18 April 2016 at 10:43, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > stain@biggie:~/Downloads/912/$ > find . -type f | grep -v txt | grep -v -- -src.tar.gz | grep -v -- > | grep -v --

Re: [VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Build Plugin 1.6 based on RC1

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
------ > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons RDF (incubating) - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE][LAZY] Release Commons Build Plugin 1.6 based on RC1

2016-04-18 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 18 April 2016 at 13:43, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote: > -1 apache-rat:check fails on > src/main/resources/commons-xdoc-templates/download-page-body.xml and > src/main/resources/commons-xdoc-templates/download-page-foot.xml These are not really XML files, but templates to be insert

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