Changes look non-intrusive and OK for me. I would say bump the apache
super-parent as well.

Would you let us know how you checked the changes? Using the versions
plugin, or diffing the effective poms?
On 27 Aug 2015 13:47, "Bernd Eckenfels" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I plan to release commons-parent, therefore I checked the plugin versions.
> Here are the plugins which allow updates, the release notes, my analysis
> and
> decisions (r1698139):
> maven-compiler-plugin .................................... 3.2 -> 3.3
> Besides a sane 2.2.1 minimum version for Maven, it does not document
> any severe changes. It can also be overwritten by
> commons.compiler.version property. Tested, Bump to 3.3
> maven-enforcer-plugin .................................. 1.3.1 -> 1.4
> Bumps Maven minimum to 2.2.1, introduces a few new dependency versions
> but it seems to be sane. Is defined in apache parent (old and new),
> should we overwrite it? Update not tested, not changed.
> maven-jar-plugin ......................................... 2.5 -> 2.6
> Bumps some dependencies (especially plexus-archiver 2.9). Has no
> property to overwrite. Tested, Bump to 2.6
> maven-javadoc-plugin ...................... 2.10.2 -> 2.10.3
> Minor update. Configured with property commons.javadoc.version. Tested,
> Bump to 2.10.3
> maven-release-plugin ................................. 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2
> Updates some dependency. Not specifically tested, Bump to 2.5.2
> org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin ............ 1.8 -> 1.9.1
> Mostly Bugfixes. Could affect the version parsing. Tested, Bump to 1.9.1
> When running display-plugin-updates this leaves me with two pending
> updates, one is a false positive (animal-sniffer is updated by profile when
> java7 is used, not sure why versions plugin does not see that) and the
> enforcer, which I would only update when ASF parent does it.
> If not mentioned otherwise I made the change, deployed the parent, used
> it to build commons-vfs trunk with the following commands:
> JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_1_8_HOME% mvn clean verify -Pjava-1.8
>   NB: Animal Sniffer does not yet offer 1.8 signatures
> JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_1_7_HOME% mvn clean verify -Pjava-1.7
> JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_1_6_HOME% mvn clean site -Pinclude-sandbox
>   * jira ssl problems
> JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_1_8_HOME% mvn clean site -Pinclude-sandbox
> I haven't considered updating the apache parent, we can do that later,
> it would introduce:
> org.apache:apache .... 16 -> 17
> - bumps default compile target 1.4 -> 1.5
> - compiler version 3.1 -> 3.2 (old)
> - adds project-info-report plugin,
> - bumps failsave 2.17 -> 2.18.1
> - maven resource plugin 2.6 -> 2.7
> - maven-scm-publish 1.0-beta-2 -> 1.1
> - maven-source-plugin 2.3 -> 2.4
> - adds maven-surefore-report
> - add maven war plugin 2.5
> - add maven-site-plugin attach descriptor
> - jar -> jar-no-fork
> - apache-source-release-assembly-descriptor 1.0.4 -> 1.0.5
> - removes maven-3 profile
> Greetings
> Bernd
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