Hi all guys,
I just registered my nickname "simonetripodi" on freenode, IIUC Matt
and James are the channel owners - can you add me please in the
moderators list in #asfcommons channel?
Hi Elijah,
go ahead and many thanks in advance! :)
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Elijah Zupancic wrote:
> I just notice that the link to Core A
is a non-trivial refactor to
>> make a configuration facade. I'm working on it, but it will take some
>> time.
>> Thanks,
>> -Elijah
>> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:00 AM, Simone Tripodi
>> wrote:
>>> Good morning all,
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Oliver Heger
> Am 23.07.2012 09:00, schrieb Simone Tripodi:
>> Good morning all,
>> so I continue proposing the already propose
Olá Bruno,
> 0) I would like to add the method Validate.notNull(...) where necessary in
> [functor], if no one objects. Right now, I'm working on the following
> composite functors: TransformedProcedure, TransformedFunction,
> TransformedBinaryProcedure and TransformedBinaryFunction. None of th
Hi all guys,
this morning at the company a colleague of mine was having look to
[logging] on /trunk, when executing tests stumbled in the failing test
below; is there anything you are aware or we have to fill an issue?
4 July 2012 12:46 PM
>>Subject: Re: [functor] Use Validate.notNull and remove unreachable code
>>+1 to all FWIW
>>On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 4:28 AM, Simone Tripodi
>> wrote:
>>> Olá Bruno,
>>>> 0) I would like to a
Hi Ninju,
welcome to Apache Commons! Usually these kind of questions should be
sent to users@, while on dev@ we discuss about components development.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with [io] so I am not in the position
to reply your question.
> I've found that the best way to get
> something done is to offer to do it yourself.
that's the best quote of the day! :) Users have to contribute back!
> I may draft up a prototype using YAML as a configuration source, just
> to make sure that it in fact is a good abstraction. I noticed that the
> SnakeYaml parser is under the Apache 2.0 license
> (http://code.google.com/p/snakeyaml/). I'm assuming that it wouldn't
> be a problem to take it as a d
iguration of test suites too [2].
> [1] http://www.tap4j.org
> [2] https://github.com/cbeust/testng/blob/master/pom.xml#L124
> Bruno P. Kinoshita
> http://kinoshita.eti.br
> http://tupilabs.com
>> From: Simone Tripodi
AML, JSON, CSV, ... and a generic mechanism
> for transforming the parsed data into XML SAX events. Then in theory it
> would be possible that all XML-based Commons components like [digester],
> [configuration], or [jelly] could directly read such formats.
> Oliver
Hi Elijah,
> I think that the date can work because we rarely update the ids.
> In the end, I will change all of the ids to whatever format that we
> decide on. Do we want to have a vote or something about this?
not required IMHO, it can stay as you already modified them - maybe
just put a n
onfiguration and then extending [configuration] to
> support other formats.
> -Elijah
> On Thursday, July 26, 2012, Simone Tripodi wrote:
>> Hi Oliver,
>> we are on the same path!!! I had the idea of realizing an "universal"
>> parser (X
Hi Elijah/all,
I just checked out latest modifications to see the changes - well done
and thanks for leading that! - I have few questions:
* the main façade is a little "obscure" to me - how the parser
returns the Catalog/Chain to Parser clients? Would it be useful adding
a method (or modify the
from. So, yes please!
> -Elijah
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 4:16 AM, Simone Tripodi
> wrote:
>> Hi Elijah/all,
>> I just checked out latest modifications to see the changes - well done
>> and thanks for leading that! - I have few questions:
Hi Elijah,
I think something went wrong during the refactoring - when tried to
recompile, the core module fails for the following reason:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-compile) on project commons-chain2-core: Compilation failu
I will rearrange them, thanks!
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 4:36 AM, sebb wrote:
> On 27 July 2012 08:33, wrote:
>> Author: simonetripodi
>> Date
>>> As for the ChainConfigurationException, my thought was that it should be a
>>> more generic exception and not limited to the configuration modules. What
>>> are your thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Elijah
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Simone Tripodi
> great, thanks! :)
> -Simo
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://simonetripodi.livej
Hi Tom!
Sandbox is open to all ASF committers, and you as Member should not
have issues on getting the access :) Moreover, [graph] is hungry and
greedy, I'd would be more than pleased if you could contribute that
I am taking care of requesting you access to the Sandbox, stay tuned!
Hi Claudio!
happy to read from you here :)
I just noticed that the weight/primitives sub-package contains classes
which name convention refers to *Weight - WDYT renaming them to
*SumMonoid ?
best and TIA!
> Also remember that if we ever want to deal with, say, multiplications,
> monoids are only going to be in the way (we already touched this topic
> before, see [1]). I'm still happy to update and simplify names, only
> following a different pattern: e.g. from "DoubleWeightBaseOperations" to
> Addition would have signatures like "sum" and "negate", while Multiplication
> would have "multiply" and "invert".
>> What about having Monoid with package visibility and then
>> "Addition/Multiplication... extends Monoid" ?
> Then it would become a bit painless if a class had to impl
Hi all guys,
I am prototyping the Jackson support as described in CHAIN-76 and
found an elegant solution with ServiceLoader to support, via Jackson,
multiple format support without hardcoding them in the ConfigParser
code but rather loading available parsers at runtime.
Since [chain2] hasn't been
> Matt
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 10:59 AM, James Carman
> wrote:
>> +1 to upgrade to Java 6.
>> On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Simone Tripodi
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all guys,
>>> I am prototyping the Jackson support as described in CHA
long time ago I was looking for something similar and didn't find
anything useful, full support from my side!
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Jo
> Ever looked at simple-jndi? Now located at
> http://code.google.com/p/osjava/wiki/SimpleJNDI
nice for the immediate usage, thanks!
I continue supporting Jochen's proposal anyway, having a real
community driven developed component would be a benefit, IMHO.
my 2 cents,
Hi Bill!
good, but the @since tag is missing on new methods!
HTH, best,
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:47 PM, wrote:
> Author: wspeirs
> Date: Wed Aug 8 18:
Hi Matt!
wouldn't something like
> +public abstract E evaluate(E head, List tail);
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:50 PM, wrote:
> Auth
Hi Oliver,
the same happened for DbUtils, I suggest you to send a ping to
@repository, they usually monitor the ML better than assigned issues.
HTH, alles gute!
> Done. Thanks for the tip!
you are welcome, hope they will quickly fix the issue!
guten morgen Bene,
I have not a strong opinion about it, I am convinced anyway that the
original BU authors (BU2 at the beginning was a tentative to refurbish
BU) adopted the WeakHashMap NOT with the purpose of implementing a
`cache` in the strict sense we are used to. We should go back to the
> -Adrian
> On 8/13/2012 1:07 PM, Simone Tripodi wrote:
>> guten morgen Bene,
>> I have not a strong opinion about it, I am convinced anyway that the
>> original BU authors (BU2 at the beginning was a tentative to refurbish
>> BU) adopted
Hi Bene,
sounds a good plan, go for it and we'll follow up the discussion once
applying the the patch.
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Benedikt Rit
> Are any of the above definitely NOT going to make another release
> using the same groupId?
commons-discovery I think is one of these
> This could be because:
> [X] the component is dormant, or
> [ ] future releases will use a groupId of o.a.c (and change package name!).
no more reasons to ma
> Hm, I did not realize that this was not an automatic tool. Looks like a
> pain to maintain when you are doing refactorings...
ouch :(
I support/like anyway the idea of adding UML diagrams on doc site - I
requested time ago an OSS license for Objectaid [1] for Eclipse, but
never got a reply...
Hi Gary!
> I still like the idea! I was hoping at an automagic solution ;)
Me too! :)
The only kind of "automagic" product I found was Objectaid for
Eclipse, but unfortunately
* it is (was, at the time of experimenting) not possible to have that
tool included in the build;
* it is specific I
> Sorry, I don't think so. There are too many things in this diagram, we
> don't know what the use links are for, the complete list of enumeration
> constants is too large ...
you maybe missed that this tool is configurable as well[1] so you can
exclude what you're not interested.
Hi Phil,
FWIW the patch looks good on [pool] side - apologize but I have no
knowledge on [dbcp] internals.
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Phil St
Salut Luc,
> These are good news. Would we be able with this setting to go to svnpubsub?
yes they will work, skin and SCM publishing are unrelated stuff -
Olivier Lamy, which is also commons committer, already did the job for
Apache DirectMemory via a new mvn plugin called scm-publish, hopefully
Hi all!
>> - I find the slider gadget thingy disconcerting. I do not know that it will
>> slide, I thought it was a bug and that the other components were missing
>> (see above). Then, poof!, it does slide. I would not use it so prominently
>> if at all.
table restored, more work on the carousel
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Simone Tripodi
> Hi all!
>>> - I find the slider gadget thingy disconcerting. I do not know that it will
>>> slide, I thought it was a bug and that the other
>> I've uploaded a screenshot of that page taken with my mobile [1].
>> Doesn't look to well, anything you can do about that?
> Step 1: Make "Welcome to the Apache Commons" half its current font size.
yup, I have no more bullets in my gun that the one Gary suggested, I
just re-uploaded the si
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Simone Tripodi
>>> I've uploaded a screenshot of that page taken with my mobile [1].
>>> Doesn't look to well, anything you can do about that?
> :(
>> Step 1: Make "Welcome to the Apache Commons" half its
work, Simo!
> Benedikt
> PS: I liked the side scrolling widget from the first version :-)
> 2012/8/31 Gary Gregory :
>> So much better on the iPhone! Thanks Simo. I agree with Sebb's
>> comments. Well done.
>> Gary
>> On A
> "Release early, release often" works well here since there is no
> possibility of API breakage and faulty versions can just be ignored.
6:30 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
> Ralph
> On Aug 31, 2012, at 3:28 AM, sebb wrote:
>> On 31 August 2012 10:09, Simone Tripodi wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> Thanks to Christian Grobmeier, we also added the responsive bootstrap css.
Hi Gary,
how you manage the non-maven assemblies? I mean, if the vote passes,
you just download them from Nexus to the dist machine?
On Mon, Sep 10,
Gregory wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Simone Tripodi
> wrote:
>> Hi Gary,
>> how you manage the non-maven assemblies? I mean, if the vote passes,
>> you just download them from Nexus to the dist machine?
> Yes, the
>> Any agreement (or objection) on changing that?
> Why? CSV is an acronym and as such capital letters are OK.
I remember a thread where we discussed about that, unfortunately I
cannot find it anymore (quickly tried a little on markmail but with no
success) - not sure we arrived somewhere - but
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Gary Gregory wrote:
> Hello All:
> This is a VOTE to release Commons Codec 1.7-RC2.
> The differences with RC1 are:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Jörg Schaible
> Hi Simo,
> Simone Tripodi wrote:
>>>> Any agreement (or objection) on changing that?
>>> Why? CSV is an acronym and as
I'll be there, I am giving a talk about some works we've done in
commons (and other ASF components)
glad to meet other commons people!
On Tue, Sep 18, 20
Olá Bruno,
excellent work, congrats!! I will have a look tonight (my local TZ)
I'll try to let you know ASAP!
thanks, all the best!
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012
Hi Dave!
Welcome to commons! :)
What you are proposing makes a lot of sense IMHO! Unfortunately I am
not so familiar with VFS to review & apply your modifications, guess
it would be easier to do if you could provide a patch via JIRA.
Good luck and all the best!
+1 very well thought, Gary!
even if StrBuilder would look like java.util.Formatter, I think that
this is a nice addition.
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 1
> There should be some samples of how to use the class, as it's not
> immediately obvious.
I will add them in the xdoc samples, thanks
On Fri, Sep 21, 20
>> +/**
>> + * @param columnIndex
>> + * @param scale
>> + * @return
>> + * @throws SQLException
>> + * @deprecated
>> + * @see java.sql.ResultSet#getBigDecimal(int, int)
>> + */
> Why add a new class with already deprecated methods?
I was a little in trouble wh
Hi Duncan,
thanks a lot for your interest in commons!
CLI2 never left the Sandbox - where components are still in a
prototypal state - the Dormant place is for Proper components that
became... ehm, Dormant :P
I am not aware of commons committers still interested on CLI2, I tried
getting more inv
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Simone Tripodi
> Hi Duncan,
> thanks a lot for your interest in commons!
> CLI2 never left the Sandbox - where components are still in a
> prototypal state - the Dormant place is for Proper components that
> became.
Hi Jake,
good work, well done! I suggest you to FWD that message also to the
users@ ML in order to get commons-scxml users interested.
Have a nice day, all the best!
re to call for a vote for Commons PMC be the BeanShell
Sponsor, please cast your votes
[ ] +1
[ ] +/- 0
[ ] -1, because...
We already collected ten +1 votes from following PMCs:
* Simone Tripodi
* Sebb
* Oliver Heger
* Phil Steitz
* Christian Grobmeier
* Ralph Goers
* Luc Maisonobe
* R
Hi all,
more than 72 hours have passed and the VOTE can be considered closed
and passes with following resolution:
Thirteen +1 binding votes from following PMCs:
* Simone Tripodi
* Sebb
* Oliver Heger
* Phil Steitz
* Christian Grobmeier
* Ralph Goers
* Luc Maisonobe
* Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Elijah!!
nice to hear back from you!
If I recall correctly, we discussed two main topics before cutting the
first Release Candidate:
1) we agreed on dropping the confusing CatalogFactory, or at least
making it more user friendly
2) parser APIs change - there is a prototype patch on CHAIN-76
+1 to Jörg, that would be my recommendation as well!
my 0.02 cents,
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Jörg Schaible
> Hi Gary,
> Gary Gregory wro
On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:26 PM, James Carman wrote:
> Luc, can we let him respond first? If he decides to just "take a break" as
> opposed to officially res
Hi Ivan!
great, thanks a lot for your patch on Digester, I'm having a look at it ASAP!
Nice to see an active contribution on that component, hope to read
more from you! :)
All the best,
congrats Bruno!
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita
> Hi all,
> Just wanted to let you guys know that I am successfully
Hi all guys!
the annotations-processor module in Digester has been in a prototypal
status for a long time and I haven't had time/chances to make it
working, so, since it has never been released before and I am busy as
heel and won't have the opportunity to work on it, unless someone
submits a
> directly.
> LieGrue,
> strub
> ----- Original Message -
>> From: Simone Tripodi
>> To: Commons Developers List
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 10:48 PM
>> Subject: [digester] dropping the annotations-processor module
generate classes.
> But please note that this classes are only available _after_ the compilation.
> So they cannot (sanely) be referenced by any java source code.
> LieGrue,
> strub
> - Original Message -
>> From: Simone Tripodi
>> To: Common
> or just move it to a profile?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.a
Hi mate,
we had two "blocking" issues:
* we took a little to have signed SGA and ICLA;
* BeanShell people is re-licensing the software under ALv2 on
apache-extras[1] before moving to Incubator.
I have a very low activity ATM, if someone else wants to step up and
championize the proposal I am
multi-module reorg.
> Matt
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:12 AM, Simone Tripodi
> wrote:
>> Olá Bruno,
>> excellent work, congrats!! I will have a look tonight (my local TZ)
>> I'll try to let you know ASAP!
>> than
Guten Tag Bene,
> The API is completely new and was created bei Simone Tripodi [1].
> BeanUtils2 does however contain code extracted from BeanUtils1. So better
> use BeanUtils1's year of introduction?
don't think so, since we just got inspiration from some BU internals
but red
> Better make it explicit that getBeanInfo is not a member of
> PropertyDescriptorsRegistry
Guten Tag, Bene,
> I personally try to avoid static imports.
> Especially when you come to a legacy code base IMHO it makes the code
> harder to understand.
as BU2 user, would you write the following sentence
on( testBean ).invoke( "setBooleanProperty" ).with( argument( new
Boolean( false )
Guten Morgen,
> +/**
> + * Use a custom {@link ClassLoader} for loading the class.
> + *
> + * @param classLoader the {@link ClassLoader} to load the class.
> + * @return the {@link ClassAccessor} for the class being loaded.
> + */
> ClassAccessor loadWithClassLoader(
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
> 2013/2/5 Benedikt Ritter
>> Hi Simo,
>> 2013/2/5 Simone Tripodi
> Definitely a good idea. This is what we did for other parts of the API as
> well.
yup I didn't remember where/with who I discussed already that.
Please back everything with an issue and don't forget to include the
issue key in the commit message.
alles gute,
> Haven't done that for implementation of setMapped(). Should I create an
> issue
That would be the always ideal case, so we have the complete
perspective of things we've worked on.
> and at least add it to changes.xml?
Yes please, if you do have the time also to review past issues would be gre
> But I feel a bit confused now regarding which changes require a a ticket
> and which don't.
Any modification that have impacts to our users, such as APIs change -
in that case - a bug, a new feature, an improvement, ... worths an
Any trivial modification such as typos, missing javadoc, i
> +
> + Implement setMapped on DefaultBeanAccessor
> +
you can drop the `due-to` field in that case - I used the `due-to`
field when you provided patches and I took the task to review and
apply, since you worked on that `due-to` in no longer needed. It is
like saying "Fixed by Benedi
Hi Thomas!
> looks like a new feature request to me and not a bug report.
> I would prefer to release 1.3 and then work on promoting cli2 to proper.
I read the commit history and I think the component has matured
enough, so it's time to cut an RC and let it be voted by the PMC.
Thanks and cong
> How do you feel about this? Checkstyle complains about this, and I think it
> is sufficient to tell users that an argument must not be null.
sorry, which one?
Hi Matthew!
at a first looks it is really interesting, just give me the time to
digest because at the same time I had the feeling of a little
over-engineering activity, I am worried that "5 minutes to run" users
would find it not so immediate.
Thanks for providing stuff to learn from!
All the bes
Hi Christian!
I think that is something really useful, users like to take part of
such initiatives, see the Maven page on G+ or Maven group on
Thanks for taking care of it!
> I was assuming that there would be standard pallets of all the strategies
> available statically in the obvious places. Actually, now I see the code
> written out in full like that, I'd perhaps consider renaming makeResult to
> `calculate` or `prepare` or some other verb.
Hi again Gary!
I had another review after your latest commits, I just fixed 1 missing
@param comment, and IMHO in therms of having generics-only, this
release should be ready...
Do you have any plan? Thanks for driving this!
Hi all!
> If 1.6 is coming and this project does not support it, how can we> handle it?
> After all we are not working for the Tomcat project, we are
> working for ourselves,
indeed. From the commons HP: "The Commons is an Apache project focused
on all aspects of reusable Java components."
I am
Hi again!!!
> My plan is simply to finish cleaning up the warnings that generics
> introduced, like the one you just fixed in javadocs.
> Still no runtime behavior changes. I did not even change to enhanced for
> loops.
I agree, let's not break (potentially) the pool behavior, what we
rst: guys should I infer an implicit 'yes' from
> your answers and go ahead with the proposed change for weights? Anyone
> else has a word on this? I am just applying some lazy pattern here --
> discuss before coding ;)
> Claudio
>> On 23 December 2011 10:38, Si
Hi all guys,
I have been experimenting a new set of CLI APIs outside the ASF,
taking the best from existing CLI and some other non-ASF libraries,
mainly Cédric's JCommander[1], the purposes are:
* using fluent APIs;
* simplify the Options building;
* reducing the number of involved components;
Hola Izio!
> Conversely, JCommander has a very low learning curve.
sure I'm JCommander user myself, but that are the reason why that
approach cannot universally applied
* it's not complete (yet) since it doesn't support Java-alike dynamic
options such as `-Dproperty=value` (they need to be coll
* tag build works fine;
* binary signatures are OK;
* site is updated with snippets including generics;
* clirr doesn't show any single backward compatibility error;
* changes report contains 1.6 release;
* checkstyle is OK.
trivial notes:
* RAT reports 3 Unapproved licenses but t
Hi all OGNLers,
at MyBatis (which is OGNL client, just an older version) we received
feedbacks from Alfresco team that had to alter the OGNL caching
policy[1] to speedup the performances (just look for OGNL).
WDYT respect the work done to improve our caches?
happy new year!!!
On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Gary Gregory wrote:
> Good day to you all:
> I have prepared Commons Pool 1.6-RC2.
> The chang
Hi Nick,
I can help you for cutting the RC, I'll start to have a look at
[validator] stuff tonight.
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Nick Burch wro
hi all guys,
I have to admit my n00b status on Annotations Processing and I just
started following the Oracle guide[1] to write it, but
com.sun.mirror.* classes are not present in the JVM invoked by Gump.
Do you have any hint/recommendation?
Thanks a lot in advance!
[1] http://docs.oracle.c
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