as a side note: I think we could upgrade also the commons logo itself
starting from an svg the ASF made available[1], unfortunately I am not
good with inkscape... :(



On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Simone Tripodi
<> wrote:
> Hi all!
>>> - I find the slider gadget thingy disconcerting. I do not know that it will
>>> slide, I thought it was a bug and that the other components were missing
>>> (see above). Then, poof!, it does slide. I would not use it so prominently
>>> if at all.
> table restored, more work on the carousel could improve the l'n'f IMHO
> but let's back to the roots first :)
>>> - Does not look good on my iPhone. The main issue is that the top menu bar
>>> takes up a third of the screen. We need to consider mobile IMO.
>> Agreed.
> unfortunately Twitter Bootstrap just provides a responsive design wich
> adapts the "desktop" components to mobile phones - and they announced
> in the ML they don't have any plan (yet?) to write  aport on the
> mobile.
> Fortunately, I can still provide you a sample with the "classic"
> sidebar menu navigation - as shown in[1] - which should adapt better
> on mobile phones. Can you please verify it?
> TIA!
>> There's no Apache or Apache Commons logo, presumably because these use
>> relative links, and the images are missing.
>> Could you add the directory so we can see what it would look like?
> done!
> At that point I'll be working on applying the skin on a component to
> see how it looks like to show you, hopefully we will find an agreement
> and definitively upgrade the commons site :P
> Have a nice day, all the best!
> -Simo
> [1]

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