Jaime Labra Soto wrote:
> i have a problem with the images of debain, i download like 4 debian for
> ia64, in thiferents ways
> ftp, torrent, the official release by http etc. But when i burned the
> image into a cd-rw the miage dont boot, y try in a cd-r and dont boot only
> happen in images fo
I've extended the format of the the Mirrors.masterlist file, which is
used to record available Debian mirrors, to include machine-readable
information about what architectures are included in a mirror. This
information will be used by the Debian installer and other programs to
select an appropriate
Colin Watson wrote:
> It happens automatically on every choose-mirror rebuild, but there are
> no more of those scheduled for sarge (and we can't fit one in, get it
> built, and get all the d-i initrds rebuilt without substantially
> slipping the release timeline).
Also, even doing it for a point
Martin Schulze wrote:
> I've written up the release announcement for sarge:
> http://people.debian.org/~joey/stuff/debian-announce.txt
> I'd love to coordinate with translators, so we can place the translation
> on the website at the same time as the original. If you are intersted
> in this, pl
Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
> So, could someone here act on this? Please remove the broken ones and
> apply the corrections.
Done. However this is probably my last time doing something like this
in a while. We need some fresh blood to maintain the Mirrors.masterlist,
including being proactive inste
Kyle Pointer wrote:
> The location http://people.debian.org/~madduck/d-i/screenshots/, linked
> from http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ ( link text is
> 'screenshots' ) will return an 403 ( insufficient permissions ) error.
> Broken Link. :0(
see shy jo
MJ Ray wrote:
> Good going on the fixes. Just one query:
> [...]
> > > ftp://ftp.bittivuoto.net/iso/debian/
> > Mirrors.masterlist comment notes it only accepts comments from .fi. Left
> > it in, although unless there's some good reason such as no other finnish
> > mirrors, I think we should rem
Sue Campbell wrote:
> I'd appreciate comments and suggestions on these before implementing
> them in the main distribution.
On about.html, it says Ian Jackson, but it was Ian Murdock who started
Debian. I doubt the date was 1996, (I'm thinking earlier).
see shy jo
The copyright notices on pages on the website still reads 1997-1998, it
should be changed to 1997-1999.
see shy jo
I've about got Debian Weekly News set up in the web site's CVS. Congrats on
a fine web development system. :-)
What's the typical lag time before a new page makes it from cvs out to the
mirrors? And how often does master itself rebuild the web site? I'm
interested to know since I'm adding time-sen
> I think I can just regenerate new indices and Wichert's messages, but
> I might have to regenerate the whole thing. That would be a terrific
> hit on the mirrors, so we would then have several options:
If regenerating the whole thing changes all the urls to messages, that would
be a bit of a pr
LinuxCentral has donated a booth for debian a LinuxWorld expo, and I belive
they have a history of some donations in the past - like donating CD's at
Atlanta Linux Showcase.
Anyway I was on the phone with them just now talking about LinuxWorld, and
they asked if there was any place on the debain w
Joey Hess wrote:
> I've looked around the site and they are already in as a CD Vendor. But do
> we have any other page we use to thank people about helping debian? And if
> not shouldn't we? It seems reasonable to give Novare, Va Research, etc, some
> credit for their s
I have a weird problem with the symlink News/weekly/current/issue that is
supposed to point to the current issue of Debian Weekly News. As of issue
#10 of DWN, it stopped getting updated, and it's been pointing to the wrong
issue since tuesday.
When I run the code locally to build the web site, it
James A. Treacy wrote:
> There is nothing stopping us from granting Corel the right to use material
> from our
> web site with a different license from the current one. I would be willing to
> grant them permission to use information from our pages in any way they wish
> as long as we are in good
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> VA doesn't mirror more than once a day, either. There is a lot of
> bandwidth potentially eatten by the mirroring (if you consider the size of
> the lists archives and the bug pages, also). Since mirroring is once a
> day, it doesn't make sense to run the make more than
It seems the search link on the web page isn't working because the dns for
insite.verisim.com is messed up:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>host insite.verisim.com
insite.verisim.com A record currently not present
verisim.com.SOA verisim.com. hostmaster.websterwood.com. (
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> If that is the case, and since it is physically in the
> policy-package, I offer to maintain the list (assuming the people on
> the policy list do not think do not object to this blatant grab of
> power ;-)
Ok.. there was some confusion of debian-www about wher
Since it's a common faq and it's useful to make this list available, we've
compiled a list of machines developers can get accounts on. I've set up a
demo page that lists them all, here:
Any objections to adding this to CVS? I'm not sure i
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Just added it for you. After the next mirror update it will be available
> at http://www.debian.org/devel/machines . It has also been linked from the
> developer's page.
Heh, I had the same thing ready, just one "cvs commit" away. :-)
> Will you be maintaining the page?
James A. Treacy wrote:
> On Tue, May 04, 1999 at 09:12:59PM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> >
> > Uh. Ok. Did you guys add it to the web site? Should I yank it from
> > the developer's reference and just have a link to the web URL instead?
> >
> Yes it has been added to the web site. This type o
Well the logo results are in and Swirl has won. So...
Is the debian website going to get a new look to go with the new logo? The
old look is based on the colors of the old logo.
see shy jo
The www.debian.org web site didn't mirror today, I can tell bacuase it
doesn't have the letest Debian Weekly News on it. It's built ok on master.
Could someone give the mirror process a kick in the pants?
Also, since I seem to run into this problem nearly every week when I try to
get Debian Weekly
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> The best thing for this is to probably just run a micro-mirror of that one
> section of the web site bi-daily at some selected times..
That would be very nice if it could be done.
I'd think such a thing might be nice for the security pages as well, so
fixes can show up so
peter karlsson wrote:
> Anyway, I've been a bit annoyed on the way the SPI main page links back to
> the home page, with a href to "." on the main page and ".." on subpages. So,
> I added a slash in the template, but I didn't check it in, because I thought
> I'd better ask before changing such thin
peter karlsson wrote:
> No, they wouldn't. Now the links are to "." or "..", when they in reality
> should be to the directory "./" and "../". I added the trailing slash.
Oh, I thought you changed it to a slash alone. Yes, you're right.
see shy jo
peter karlsson wrote:
> Exactly at what time is www.debian.org updated from the cvs repository?
> Sometimes it seems as if it takes >48 hours for pages to get updated.
The mirroring process has not run in over 34 hours. Maybe longer. It's
*supposed* to run every 24 hours. It's just messed up ATM.
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Yes it did. Here are the dates on the log files from va (I just started one
> so that's the one from June 10. Also, times are PDT [-0700]):
Hm, I committed around 11:30pm on the 8th. It didn't appear on
www.debian.org until sometime today. I would have expected it to appea
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Great. I implied it, but didn't explicitly state that joeyh has been added
> to group debwww so he can execute those.
Good, thanks.
see shy jo
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> If the look of sample[1|4].html is the best, we'll implement that and
> changing between the logos is simply a matter of changing the graphics
> file.
I've got no problem with work going ahead on this, but I've been talking to
the lead graphics artist for linux.com, who i
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> That could be how the scripts are set up. I'll look at it when I get to
> work.
The dates on the index come from the PAGENAME variable that is set at the
top of each page. If you translate a page and translate that too, it should
see shy jo
If you go to
http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/current/issue/ , you'll see a directory
listing with an index.html in it. Why isn't that index.html shown by default?
http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/current/issue/index works.
see shy jo
I have changed DWN's index page so it only displays issues up to the current
one. So I can now commit new issues before they are done and they won't show
up on the index page until after I change the current issue pointer.
This is mainly a heads up for translators, you can now get at the .wml file
Geocrawler.com wrote:
> Just to say that in the Debian page, the image for the DEBIAN logo is named
> as banner.jpg, which also many advertising web banners use. Therefore, my
> Junkbuster takes it out, as other software probably do, when they encounter a
> Pics/banner*.jpg.
> Maybe it should b
Just a quick note that http://debian.org/News/weekly/1999/29/ has
substantially changed, translators please update the page.
see shy jo
I'd like to add a page to the website listing debian user groups. I know of
at least 2, http://www.cjfearnley.com/pads/ and http://kitenet.net/~bad/,
I'll bet there are more.
If people are ok with this, I wonder where the page should be located on the
web site?
see shy jo
I have modified the footer templates/debian/weeklynews/footer.wml used by
Debian Weekly News to use slices. It has english, spanish, and swedish in
there, any other translations of it should be put in, and the old
language-specific versions of the file be removed.
see shy jo
> Packages with debian developers as thier upstream maintainers, that may be
> in use by people outside debian. I have marked packages I'm sure are in use
> elsewhere with a star.
Add to this list: sxid (and remove it from list #3).
see shy jo
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> Looks like www.ca.debian.org is toasted - does anyone know of any other
> .ca sites that are mirroring the web site?
Well there's always va. But I suppose that's not very helpful.
see shy jo
> > I wonder if it would make sense to add a page on the webserver
> > listing people and packages where Debian maintainers have become
> > upstream maintainers or were upstream by nature. This would at
> > least show that we're not only working on our distribution.
> >
> > I don't know how many
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 08:23:00PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> > Here's the full list of all I've been told about so far. Starred items are
> > known to be used outside Debian.
> >
> What about: * Debbugs
I omitted stuff I think is spec
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Just wanted to say that I like it. Good job.
it links to http://www.debian.org/devel/extract that doesn't exist.
see shy jo
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> 2) Xearth marker file
> Do people want to resume the project to get this mostly complete? I have
> the necessary fields in the LDAP directory, web and console forms to
> manipulate them, etc
Yes please.
> 4) Release Info
> Is potato really called 2.2?
We don't give it
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> Well, I have all the stuff, we just need to get a script that
> re-generates the xearth file from the DB and another script to do a one
> time import of the existing xearth file.
Given how long it's been since thatxearth file was made, and how little data
is in it anyway,
The page in particular is http://linux.com/getlinux/pages/debian/ -- any
- Forwarded message from Trae McCombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:09:51 -0700
From: Trae McCombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: get.linux.com: Debian
Can you pleas
Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium, provided this
notice is preserved.
You may translate these documents and their license into another language
You do not deliberately change their meaning beyond changes meant to
achieve a colloquial renderi
> The problem is that we do not want people putting things in our mouths so that
> it looks as if we are saying them. Thus, add the following:
> You may change this document, as long as the nature of the change
> and the author of the change is indicated in-line with the
So I want to get DWN out tonight (finished it 6 hours late) and:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>/debian2/web/webwml/update_web_wml
cvs update: could not open /debian/home/treacy/.cvspass: Permission denied
cvs [update aborted]: use "cvs login" to log in first
make -C chinese install
make[1]: Entering directo
peter karlsson wrote:
> * Moving the Debian Weekly News stuff up to where the other news items are
> listed.
Hm, my name is still on the main page, isn't it?
I really think that's showing undue favoratism towards a developer, to make
this Joey Hess person be the only dev
Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > There is an apt repository here:
> > deb http://va.debian.org/~joeyh/ stable-update/
> >
> > The updates are security fixes (but little or nothing that's not in the
> > current stable 2
The main index page for news/Weekly has changed. I've added very short
descriptions of the contents of each issue to the page.
That text actually comes from a SUMMARY="..." field at the top of each issue
of DWN. I've added such summaries to all the English pages. Translators will
need to translate
Just wanted to bring this to the attention of someone doing polish
translation of the web site, since I deleted something they did:
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/template/debian/weeklynews/footer.wml,v
revision 1.21
date: 1999/12/01 04:04:31; author: joeyh; state: Exp; lines: +0 -2
I do
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> Someone(s) are not taking due care when committing...
> These files all have unresolved conflicts IN THE ARCHIVE. Please verify
> that
> 1) The changes you make build and look right
> 2) You execute cvs update before cvs commit
Perhaps we need a commiti
wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2000 -o UNDEFuHR:vendors.hr.html vendors.wml
Out of memory!
** WML:Break: Error in Pass 9 (rc=1).
Hm, that can't be good.
see shy jo
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Since slices are handled in the last pass of wml, we can't use them in a
> sort function. We'd have to put the countries in a perl hash. This
> actually wouldn't be difficult since we are (probably) going to convert
> to using the iso3166 abbrevs for countries and this coul
wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2000 -o UNDEFuRO:index.ro.html index.wml \
> ePerl:Error: Perl runtime error (interpreter rc=1)
> Contents of STDERR channel: -
> Out of memory!
> Out of memory!
I brought this up on debian-www some time back, and I thought we agreed to
change it to something free.
I am rather pissed off that my work on the web pages (DWN) continues to go
out under this license. If something isn't done soon, I may move future
issues, and keep the copyright, rahte
The front page of the website has leaked text from the dutch translations in
two places -- the link to DWN and "select a server near you". I have tried
with netscape and w3m, this doesn't seem to be a broswer issue.
see shy jo, in New York
James A. Treacy wrote:
> I don't care about this issue (got too many things going on at once). Come to
> a consensus about what to do and someone do it.
Well I hope _someone_ gives a damn about little things like our social
see shy jo
James A. Treacy wrote:
> People need to remember that the web content is the responsibility of
> everyone. Most of the people on this list (including you, Joey) have
> CVS access. If you see a small problem, fix it. If you see a bigger
> problem, discuss it on debian-www and then fix it.
I have C
Chris Lawrence wrote:
> The solution seems rather obvious:
> Don't assign the copyright and use your own license.
> I can't see a problem with putting pages on the web site that have a
> less restrictive license than the SPI copyright. As a matter of fact,
> there can't be a problem, because
Joey Hess wrote:
> > AFAIK the reason content licenses are like this is primarily to prevent
> > people from changing the content without changing the attribution (ie,
> > would you like it if someone added a nasty paragraph to DWN and got it
> > posted to /. with your na
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> I also don't entirely see how content falls under the social contract..
> That 'S' in DFSG stands for software after all!
Well, if you don't think the web site includes softtware, think again.
However, in the more general sense, some of us belive that free
documentation i
Craig Small wrote:
> OK, if it's all right by everyone I'll get something going so that the
> web pages are DFSG compliant. This doesn't mean I make the decision all
> by myself or do all the work, but I can act as a central point and make
> sure this does happen.
Ok, great. Thanks!
> I guess th
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> Would anyone be willing to do some major maintinance on our mirror list?
> Some of the things needed are,
> * Change all country names to use ISO codes
I did this a while back, but time issues prevented me from committing it. I
> Email me if you want to do this an
install -d ../../../../debian.org/News/weekly
wml -o [EMAIL PROTECTED]:index.zh-cn.html.tmp -o
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:index.zh-tw.html.tmp --prolog='/usr/bin/perl -pe
James A. Treacy wrote:
> The .wml file name is missing the filename. News/weekly does things
> differently from the rest of the site. I'm pressed for time so can't
> look into this now.
Ah, that's obvious. I'll see if I can fix it from here.
see shy jo
- Forwarded message from Mark Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 09:56:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: packages
Dear Joey Hess,
I like the Debian News feature and read it regularly. Thanks
for the work you
Package: www.debian.org
Version: 2313
Severity: normal
http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/ says that "Selecting nothing will
search the most recent quarter.", but that's not true. Search for "Debian"
on debian-devel, and do not select a date. 0 matches. Select the last date
in the select box
Package: www.debian.org
Version: 2327
Severity: normal
Page: http://www.debian.org/social_contract
"Debian, the producers of the Debian GNU/Linux system, have created the
Debian Social Contract. The contract, initially designed as as a set of
commitments that we agree to abide
by, has been ado
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Is the following better?
looks fine
> --- social_contract.wml.origTue Mar 28 10:32:10 2000
> +++ social_contract.wml Tue Mar 28 10:26:12 2000
> @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
> Debian, the producers of the Debian GNU/Linux system, have created the
> -Debian Social
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
> > - (most complicated but best) make cvsweb.conf use a pserver
> > access (as anonymous no r/w access is needed IIRC).
> Is this even possible?
No, it's not. cvsweb accesses the repository directly.
Package: www.debian.org
Version: 2404
Severity: normal
According to http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/:
Date filter
Selecting nothing will search the most recent quarter.
But try searching for a recent thread, like "Signing Packages.gz" in
debian-devel. First, select no date
I was able to run /debian2/web/update.mirrors on master to force the web
site to be mirrored. However, the user that was suid to has vanished,
and the user's home directory is gone as well, removing the program that
script used to call.
So now there doesn't seem to be a way to force a web site mir
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> Huh? The user was jt!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>ls -l /debian2/web/update.mirrors
-rwsr-xr-- 1 1167 debwww234 Nov 25 1998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>grep 1167 /etc/passwd*
/etc/passwd.safe:archvsync:x:1167:1167:Archive Sync
I committed at 2000/05/03 02:43:21 (GMT), and my changes did not show up
on the website today. I guess the build didn't happen?
see shy jo
Ok, since nobody from the security team replied to my earlier question,
all I can do is ask it again:
Why is the last security update listed on the www.debian.org web page,
and the last security announcement posted to debian-security-announce,
from way back in March?
I know there have been more
Joey Hess wrote:
> Ok, since nobody from the security team replied to my earlier question,
I've not spoken with Martin Schultze in private mail. He indicated he
(and thus presumably, the rest of the security team) wasn't aware of these
security fixes. That, of course, is a pretty go
Anthony Towns wrote:
> > What I'm wondering is if there is some prodedure we can put in place to
> > facilitate the security team in making announcements of security fixes.
> Isn't this essentially the point of setting urgency to "high" in
> debian/changelog?
Well, your idea of looking at, and
see shy jo
Darren O. Benham wrote:
> 2) violate the stricter copyright of the "Official Logo"
"This logo or a modified version may be used by anyone to refer to the
Debian project" (for the plain swirl).
At the top of the web page, where we have " Debian", they
have " API". So it is clear to me that they ar
Josip Rodin wrote:
> I've put a link to Libranet site at our website, on the `related links'
> page.
You might like to check out this url for entirely too many debian-based
Chris Lawrence wrote:
> I finally figured out why the new m68k page doesn't build: it's not in
> the Makefile. Can someone in the webwml group add the m68k directory
> to the list of directories it builds?
Well, you needed a m68k/Makefile too :-P
I've added it and made the appropriate mods and i
James A. Treacy wrote:
> I'm in the process of committing the last of the changes
> (I hope). The site seems to be working ok. If someone feels
> like fixing the searching on the list archives before I can
> get to it tomorrow, be my guest.
Looks like all of Debian weekly news' links to
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Mind checking again? I forgot to update first so I missed
> News/weekly/2000/22, but everything else was changed.
Ok, looks good now.
see shy jo
James A. Treacy wrote:
> A rather long list of bad links on the web site can be
> found at http://www.debian.org/~treacy/.
> Please help fix them by taking a section and working
> on it. Start by fixing the easy mistakes first. Once
> we get the list down to a managable sice, we can worry
> abou
Here is a problem with your link checker:
Looking into http://localhost/News/weekly/1999/24/index.sv.html
http://localhost/News/weekly/1999/24/signdebs : error 404 Not Found
The html though, is:
This is not a link at all..
Also, when you search/replaced for lists.debian.org, you also messe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/debian/weekly>make install
test -d ../../../../debian.org/News/weekly || mkdir -p
cd . && wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2000 -o UNDEFuEN:index.en.html index.wml \
James A. Treacy wrote:
> It's working fine on master. Could you make sure english/templates
> is up to date and try again?
That fixed it, thank you.
see shy jo
Not Found
The requested URL /debian-user-0008/threads.html was not found on this
And yet a link to that url appeared on http://lists.debian.org/
Also, spi-inc.org is quite broken. Not sure if this list deals with that
site though.
Craig Small wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 08:55:43PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> > Also, spi-inc.org is quite broken. Not sure if this list deals with that
> > site though.
> That site looks fine to me. I think they're transferring or doing
> something to it. Cou
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/org/www.debian.org/lists.debian.org>ls debian-user-0008
ls: debian-user-0008: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/org/www.debian.org/lists.debian.org>ls debian-user-000* -d
debian-user-0001/ debian-user-0003/ debian-user-0005/ debian-user-0007/
debian-user-0002/ debi
Randolph and I were noticing that new packages are not shnowing up on
packages.debian.org anymore. For example, the archive has:
lftp ftp.debian.org:/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/editors> dir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ftp ftp262000 Aug 5 18:52 codecommander_0.9.7-2.deb
at do not
Just massively confused and annyoed. It looks like shit with the website
has managed to delay DWN AGAIN.
Joey Hess wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/org/www.debian.org/lists.debian.org>ls debian-user-0008
> ls: debian-user-0008: No such file or directory
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
> I have checked in today (after updating installation and release
> notes spanish translations) and found out that the www pages are not 2.2
> ready.
> I did this for the spanish translations (changed the /index latest
> release and some notes on re
wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2000 -DWML_SRC_REALNAME="Joey Hess" \
It seems to get stuck in some slice handing code, with -v3, the last
thing I see is long list of slice begin and end points. Same thing happens
in 1999/23/mail.wml,
Joey Hess wrote:
> build in half a minute. I updated it to the current site and it's still
> ok, so now I'm wondering if this is a potato/woody issue (my laptop runs
> potato and doesn't have the problem; my desktop runs woody, and does).
Hmm. I just realized something..
> Joey; could you please look into using spokendate to create the DWN
> indexes? That would make the index pages of the translations look
> nicer, I think, since the date would always be in the local language,
> no matter whether the issue has been translated or not.
This is done now. Each issue o
peter karlsson wrote:
> Can't you just do a <:=spokendate($(PUBDATE)):> or similar? I think I used
> something like that when I fiddled with using the DWN summaries as meta
> description tags. Or perhaps the syntax was <:=spokendate(""):>
> there, I do not remember.
That works everywhere except fo
James A. Treacy wrote:
> Now that the list archives are seperated from the rest of the Debian
> web site, updating mirrors is much more sane. We are now considering
> updating the primary mirrors multiple times per day (either every 4
> or 8 hours). Before we implement this, it seemed a good idea t
1 - 100 of 232 matches
Mail list logo