Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Karlsson
callmeace: > I am in the UK & I always have everything set to UK English. Your browser is probably slightly misconfigured. Please go to> and follow the instructions there and you should be all set. > Distribusjon That's Norwegian, by the way. -- \\// Pet

Error: Debian Home Page . . . Wild Hair on Packages Link

2003-11-27 Thread Dan Paliganoff
On the Debian home page, under "What's Debian?", the 'packages' link from the English home page points to the packages page rendered in what looks to be some Scandinavian language. I could correct this by selecting English explicitly at the bottom of the page . . . nevertheless, thought you'd l

Re: Packages not i18n-ed

2003-11-27 Thread Denis Barbier
On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 05:04:36PM +0100, Peter Eisentraut wrote: > I'm looking at this page: > > > > Can someone tell me why the postgresql package is listed on this page and > marked with a star? I feel there are perfectly good PO fil

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 07:18:15AM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote: > > I am in the UK & I always have everything set to UK English. > Your browser is probably slightly misconfigured. Please go to >> and follow the > instructions there and you should be all set. T

AMiGAONE DEBiAN install guide link

2003-11-27 Thread Tony Pascoal
Hi, Could you please add the link for "AmigaOne Debian installation guide" on your web site : ? at: the link : Ross Vumbaca's AmigaOne web site File: AmigaOne_Debian_Install_Guide.pdf Thank you very much for yo

Re: Packages page

2003-11-27 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 09:46:51AM -0500, Stodolsky, Marvin wrote: > > > is opening in German, and it is NOT my browser setting. regards fEnIo -- _ Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pgp

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Karlsson
Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo: > That's not browser fault. I think that moved servers doesn't working as > expected... something is wrong with content negotiation. If the browser is correctly configured, I don't think it should make any difference. However, if the browser is unconfigured, it might do.

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 08:32:00AM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote: > > That's not browser fault. I think that moved servers doesn't working as > > expected... something is wrong with content negotiation. > > If the browser is correctly configured, I don't think it should make > any difference. Howeve

Problems with webserver

2003-11-27 Thread Jerzy Sobczyk
Hello! Today I have encountered several problems with Debian webservers: 1. Selection of nearest server does not work: The requested URL /cgi-bin/ was not found on this server. 2. Packet search engine does

Re: Problems with webserver

2003-11-27 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 12:38:59AM +0100, Jerzy Sobczyk wrote: > Hello! > Today I have encountered several problems with Debian webservers: > 1. Selection of nearest server does not work: > > The requested URL /cgi-bin/re

Who's using Debian?

2003-11-27 Thread Eschwin Sarabdjitsingh
Hello, My name is Eschwin Sarabdjitsingh, I'm using debian as an internet server for non-profit/commercial stuff. I'm using it to host websites and irc servers, my debian server is running apache, proftpd, postfix, unreal ircd, sendmail, webmin ,phpmyadmin, mysql, perl and ferry soon an spam fil

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-27 08:42]: > Hmm... so why do I have main webpage partially in English and partially > in Polish? Menu on the left side of main page is in English and the rest is > in Polish. I am almost 100% sure that everything is translated in webwml > mod

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Karlsson
Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo: > Hmm... so why do I have main webpage partially in English and > partially in Polish? The resurrected build machine probably doesn't have the correct locales installed (yet), I noticed as well that everything on the Swedish page that required translations from the po fi

Re: Debian Server problems

2003-11-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
Hi! Thanks for your mails, I won't write one answer for each of you for this would waste too much resources (both mine and mailservers). You noticed some problems with some Debian services. Unfortunately you doesn't seem to have noticed on the various news sites which are linked from [1

Re: Debian Server problems

2003-11-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
Hi! This mail is going out to several people that reported problems with some Debian Servers. Unfortunately you haven't noticed that some Debian Servers got compromised[1] which has gone through quite some news sites, many of those are listed on [2]. There you also get further information

problem with url

2003-11-27 Thread Kenter, Pepijn
Dear web maintainer. When I follow the link (either by clicking on it or typing it in the address bar), I end up at the page instead of getting the lists of available mailing lists. If this is a problem at your side I hope you can fi

missing country in your list

2003-11-27 Thread Tim Freedom
Could you please include 'Palestinian Territories' to your list of countries (such as the one listed on For a complete list of countries please visit (and verify my humble request) via IANA, Regards, .tf. ___

Problems with de linl

2003-11-27 Thread Jose Serrano rodenas
Hello, I think there is something wrong with the links to These links go to the one page regarding "Getting Debian from Internet" and not to the mailing lists page. Regards Jose Serrano

suggestion to update

2003-11-27 Thread giuseppe bonacci
Greetings states that 'The latest stable release of Debian is 3.0r1.' But the very same page also reports 'News: [21 Nov 2003] Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r2)' Best regards. Giuseppe

Variey of web page problems

2003-11-27 Thread Tim Milstead
Your pages keep appearing in the wrong language for me (I'm english) they come up in some North European language and sends me to the wrong place - support. Tim Milstead. not accessible

2003-11-27 Thread David is not accessible since 4 days. Is there a problem ? David

link problem on debian site

2003-11-27 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
ciao, there is a problem in debian site. home page / support / Mailing List Archives should link to but it goes to thank you -- /* Paolo Pedaletti, * Referente Informatico * Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni Milano Bicocc

Having problems accessing an English Debian Site

2003-11-27 Thread Joshua Brickel
Hi,   You may like to look into your English web server.  I’m trying to access the US version, but when I try to touch on any of the links I keep on going to pages in different languages.  That is if the link doesn’t simply fail.   Regards,   Joshua Brickel AlphaCell Wireless System

Re: Web page in German?

2003-11-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Mark McGlone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-23 14:27]: > Just letting you know that this page, for some reason, is in German > (at least, I think it's German) and it should be in English. I haven't > checked for others. > > The reason is most l

Debian Website

2003-11-27 Thread JC Doll
I am having trouble accessing (Package Lists) and wanted to make sure you all where aware it wasn't working. I have tried from two differt ISP's. (, from North Carolina, USA.

Probléme Site

2003-11-27 Thread DVDClub26
Bonjour, Cela fait depuis deux, trois jours, j'essai de visualiser les packages sur le site et j'ai toujour une page d'erreur qui vient à la place. Voilà c'etait juste pour signaler. Merci! --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisof

Linguistic mix-up.

2003-11-27 Thread Geoff Bagley
Please can you check that your main Web Site is working OK ? When I try to navigate in English, it keeps lapsing into Danish. That's OK by me, I can read Danish, but some may be put off by this ! My very best wishes Geoff Bagley Woody user.

search on does not work

2003-11-27 Thread Gyulai Miha'ly
What happened to the search function on webpage? Since days I cannot do a search after Debian packages. Please answer to me in private, I am not on mailing-list, (I hope... :)). Regards, -- Mihály Gyulai Minden Linux felhasználó

HTML links

2003-11-27 Thread C J
Hi There has been a problem for the last few days with the links to packages. There are several I also get I think Finish as default language. C

Problem with Debian webpages...

2003-11-27 Thread Roger Zueger
Hi there...   since a few days i've got a really *horrible* error, if i try to access your page...   The entry page ( works wonderful, but after i change to all things are displayed in norsk (it's the same problem with

Re: Debian Server problems

2003-11-27 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 10:07:23AM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote: > Thanks for your mails, I won't write one answer for each of you for > this would waste too much resources (both mine and mailservers). I ask you once again. What about some additional "header" on every Debian page? It's quite simple

Re: Web page in German?

2003-11-27 Thread Sylvain Cauchon
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Mark McGlone wrote: | Just letting you know that this page, for some reason, is in German | (at least, I think it's German) and it should be in English. I haven't | checked for others. | | | | M

Problem with debian packages search page

2003-11-27 Thread Mike Juneau
For the past few days I have been trying to use the search tools on the Debian Packages page (both this URL: & the English version: and the search always seems to time out and return a "Cannot Find Server" e

Re: Debian Server problems

2003-11-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-27 18:23]: > On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 10:07:23AM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote: >> Thanks for your mails, I won't write one answer for each of you for >> this would waste too much resources (both mine and mailservers). > > I ask you once again.

RE: website problems?

2003-11-27 Thread johannes.lyttbacka
Can't read the news section because that part isn't accessible either! But from the news-headers, which are visible, I understand now that some of the pages and Debian sites are not accessible because they have been compromised, right?! Sorry for bothering You, I guess You have enough to do now

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Bas Zoetekouw
Hi Peter! You wrote: > > I am in the UK & I always have everything set to UK English. > > Your browser is probably slightly misconfigured. Please go to >> and follow the > instructions there and you should be all set. I still think this is a bug in the con

German translation mislabelled

2003-11-27 Thread Siggi Langauf
[please CC me on replies, I'm not on the list.] while checking translations on, I noticed that the German version is available through a link labelled "Deutsch" at the bottom of each page. It should correctly read "deutsch" instead, if you really want to follow each language's nativ

Re: Problems with de link

2003-11-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
Hi! You don't seem to have noticed yet that some of the Debian servers were compromised and thus the services has to be restored, which isn't finished completely yet. You can read about it on: , follow the several links from there (especially the ones about t

package search

2003-11-27 Thread Christopher Mauger
Dear Sir/Madam: For the last couple of days, I have been unable to search directories or contents of packages. I go to the page:, put in a keyword and press search. After that my browser is in ``waiting for reply'' mode. You help is v

content negotiation problems?

2003-11-27 Thread Reinier van Kleij
dear maintainer, i navigating the debian website in english but a lot of links give back pages in norwegian! even the report bug page (, that's why i use this email to report the bug... some of the pages that are in norwegian:

Re: website keeps switching to swedish

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Karlsson
Bas Zoetekouw: > If the client's browser is set to request (for example) "nl_BE" only, I > think apache really should send "nl" if that is available and nl_BE is > not. Not according to the HTTP specification. > Currently it sends Norwegian or Hungarian or so, which makes no sense > at all. Whe

Re: Debian Server problems

2003-11-27 Thread Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 08:37:51PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote: > > I ask you once again. What about some additional "header" on every > > Debian page? It's quite simple to implement and it has worked fine with > > software patents protest. > I try to explain once again: CVS is currently down, so

Bug#222334: could be targetted

2003-11-27 Thread Riku Voipio
Package: Severity: wishlist Hi, currently includes instructions for all possible browsers. Since browsers are mostly detectable, the page could have on the top of the page instructions on how to Fix the problem on her/his specific browser. Th

mirror selection unavailable and package search out of order

2003-11-27 Thread Jej
Hello, The mirror selection on debian web site does not work anymore (at leat since yesterday the 26) -- Not Found The requested URL /cgi-bin/ was not found on this server. -- The package search does not work as well. No answer from the server. I hope that's not anoth

Problem in packages searching

2003-11-27 Thread Nicolas FISCHER
Hi, I have noticed a problem on the DEBIAN web site. When I try to search a Debian package (, the page is not found. This problem occurs at least since yesterday. Thanks for all that you do. Nicolas.

You know what.

2003-11-27 Thread cyberecology
Hi! I heard some days ago that your servers got violated. I asume that is why i cant reach MANY of your pages. If you got some kind of standard information about this, whats going on, when everything might be back to normal, etc i would appriciate it a lot. I wish you good luck anyway! Take care,

Is the package server down?

2003-11-27 Thread Ken Thompson
I have been trying for days to access Is this server down? -- Cheers, Ken Thompson MileStone Solutions, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1169 Saint Andrews Circle Dunwoody, GA 30338-3201


2003-11-27 Thread Olasz Attila
Üdvözletem! Én Olasz Attila vagyok és szeretnék feltenni egy kérdést. Előszöris: Az egyik barátomnál láttam egy Linuxot (Debian) és nagyon megtettszett. Tetszett a kezelése és az egész megvalósítás. Megkértem, hogy rakjon fel nekem is egyet és ezt ő meg is tette. Viszont a kezelése nem igazán m

2003-11-27 Thread Kevin ( KD7HAH )
The search does not work on   Kevin

access packages list refused

2003-11-27 Thread Anne Cros
Hello, I cannot access to the page of the package list since a week. Is there any problem ? Thank you, Anne Cros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Web Links

2003-11-27 Thread Tim Watkins
Greetings,   Was trying to get to:  [failed] From your main homepage I clicked on Developer and got: [which isn't in English] From that page, I clicked the top right Drop Down menu, and click on Australia and the button next to it (ass