Today I have encountered several problems with Debian webservers:
1. Selection of nearest server does not work:
        The requested URL /cgi-bin/redirect.pl was not found on this server.
2. Packet search engine does not work:
        There was no response. The server could be down or is not responding.
        If you are unable to connect again later, contact the server 
3. Server: http://packages.debian.org/stable/ does not respond also.
With best regards,
        Jerzy Sobczyk
--------------------- Institute of Control and Computation Engineering  ______
Jerzy Sobczyk                  Warsaw University of Technology         /_/   |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Nowowiejska 15/19              / / /| |
http://www.ia.pw.edu.pl/~jurek       00-665 Warsaw, POLAND           / / _>| |
tel. +48 22 660 7863 ________________ fax. +48 22 8253719 ________  /_/_/  |_|

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