
 This mail is going out to several people that reported problems with
some Debian Servers. Unfortunately you haven't noticed that some Debian
Servers got compromised[1] which has gone through quite some news sites,
many of those are listed on [2]. There you also get further informations
about the current process to get the services back online.

 The services still having problems are: cvs.debian.org,
people.debian.org and packages.debian.org (all on gluck, one of the
compromised hosts).

 I would strongly suggest you to subscribe debian-security-announce if
you haven't yet, the mail was originally sent through that list (but
might have been delayed due to the server problems).

 Please be a little bit more patient, we are working hard on restoring
the services (not myself though, so that mail won't hinder the work
getting done if you would rather have liked me to see fix the services
instead of mailing you).

 So long,

[1] <http://www.debian.org/News/2003/20031121>
[2] <http://www.wiggy.net/debian/>
WARNING: Do not execute!  This software violates patent EP0850441.
IP=;while ping -c 1 $IP;do sleep 1;done;echo Host $IP gone\!

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