s.mit.edu testing/main Packages
4.1.0-16woody6 0
500 http://security.debian.org stable/updates/main Packages
(do the same with /etc/init.d/kdm -- that's what starts KDE).
Good luck!
Matej Cepl, http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BA
Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> I've been trying many of the above tools.
> I confess that it's not clear to me what the advantage should
> be in using Jabber with its more or less complicated system
> of gateways instead of Gaim or other multi-protocol IM client
> that connect "natively" to ICQ or MSN
> i
Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> What Jabber client do you use? What the best?
I use kopete because of integration to KDE (and decent IRC
client), but what's the best is very loaded question. Run
apt-cache search jabber client
and you will get what's available. Most widely used on Linux are:
* Kopete (
> Is there an official web page on the debian site that deals
> with backports?
First item in google search "Debian backports" ;-)
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-12
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> I usually install sid by dist-upgrading from a sarge install
> cd. But that's a pain. This is the place for sid install cd's?
Why not to use ISOs for testing --
http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/ -- there is not
that much difference between the two currentl
Paul Johnson wrote:
> Kopete won't let you do service discovery,
Not true with 0.12.
> GAIM's just plain annoying (why does it open new windows for what should
> be an ignored line in STDERR?) and doesn't have service discovery
I said politely that "it is not that strict about Jabber standards"
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> D-i keeps looking for a network presence.
> Has anybody installed on a dialup line?
Do you need really real Debian? This https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ may be
interesting alternative if you can survive with (Ku|U)buntu.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3
Paul Johnson wrote:
> That's odd, Debian's 3.5.3 version of Kopete still doesn't do it. 0.12 <
> 3.5.3...
I said, that it has not been packaged for Debian yet. (3.5.3 is version of
KDE, not Kopete which is there in version 0.10).
> I don't have a problem with it taking advantage of kparts, it's
CJ van den Berg wrote:
> This bug has caused serious data loss on my systems and no end of
> headaches in the last two weeks. I really hope the fix goes into a debian
> kernel soon to save others the pain.
Just curious -- this is not the first report about crash and loss of data I
heard about XFS.
Paul Johnson wrote:
> Hmm, what's the deal with the kopete package version being radically wrong
> then?
kopete is still just part of kdenetwork package, except that now they
decided that they want to make swifter development cycle than KDE itself so
they declared independence. Except that KDE-Qt
Leonid Grinberg wrote:
> I am hopefully going to recieve an old i486 machine, and for kicks, I
> thought that it would be nice to install Debian. Does anyone know how
> I would go about doing this, as well as how much success I should
> expect to get? Obviously, Debian no longer supports i486, but
does anybody know about a repository which would have %subj% (as up-to-date
as possible)? I am thinking about things like CONFIG_PREEMPT, SWSUSP2,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTE
Bruno Buys wrote:
> How do I build a deb package, after successfully compiling from source,
> so as dpkg can be aware of it? If anybody have any links or reading
> references thatd be great, so i don't feel so lazy.
> thanks!
apt-cache show maint-guide
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1B
Paul Johnson wrote:
> I meant in general, the whole genre of multi-IM software.
This is not fair -- the fact one program is crap (and even commercial one)
doesn't mean that similar programs are crap as well. Windows NT is piece of
sh..t, so Linux has to be bad as well :-).
>> I talked about that
Paul Johnson wrote:
> I'm not sure the Soviet Union didn't have help. They were plagued by
> power-hungry party officials and translators that accidentally
> mistranslate morbid but harmless Russian idioms into outward threats.
> Had Lenin not seized power and disposed of Marx, Stalin not have eve
Felix Karpfen wrote:
> This posting is an advance-request to include "update from Debian 3.1"
> instructions in the proposed release of Debian 4.0. If existing
> documentation applies, a relevant URL would suffice.
Just stick this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.au.debian.org/d
Stephen Cormier wrote:
> You can use "apt-cache search linux-image smp" without the quotes and it
> should show you the available smp kernels to install I'm sure there is a
> way to search this using aptitude but I never have used it. Once you find
aptitude search 'linux-image smp'
> a suitable o
djhack wrote:
> Kmail - Configured it, and got test messages in and out then it started
> to complain the POP3 was broken. Never got any messages from the list.
> Could not get it going again.
This is not good attitude -- try to find out what's the problem and make it
work. We can help you with it
Paul Johnson wrote:
> I already looked there first. The "Packaging" section is three sentences
> long and basically shoos you off to the dh_make(8) manpage.
You haven't looked long enough
is quite big document.
GPG Finger
Paul Johnson wrote:
> I've looked through the Debian reference as mentioned elsethread and
> discovered dh-make, but I'm having some difficulty understanding how
> dh_make
> works from the dh_make manpage. Is there any step-by-step guide to doing
> this?
Unpack the original tarball. Then if you a
Anton Piatek wrote:
> Anyone know if "pine" is in debian? I can't find it...
> If you know where it is, let me know!
It is not.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jab
Carl Fink wrote:
> Should I file a wishlist bug, requesting that xpdf suggest msttcorefonts,
> given that PDF creators including the US government assume everyone uses
> Windows and has Arial?
No, you should read xpdf(5) (that's not xpdf(1)).
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3
Magnus Therning wrote:
> If you want to package software for Debian then the maintainer's guide
> is required reading (IMNSHO). Read the whole thing, then package
> something, then read it again :-)
Then run it through lintian and linda and you have couple of hours of good
works ahead of you ;-).
Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
> is there any way, to send files over a device greater than eth0 ?
> If eth0 is online, ssh, scp and rsync always wants to send over eth0. In
> the manpages I found no way to change it.
This really doesn't make a sense -- you have to fix your routing tables
rather than t
Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> ===
> vlc:
> Depends: aalib1 (>= 1.2)
Other question comes to mind -- I mean, really. Does anybody use aalib1
(BTW, it should be libaa1) for anything? I knew the original author of
aalib, but I always understood that it is more fun than something
serious -- to make
Steve Kemp wrote:
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> netmask
> broadcast
> gateway
IIRC, netmask and broadcast are not needed when default -- ifup guesses them
from C type IP address.
GPG Finger: 89EF
Marc Shapiro wrote:
> I am working on removing the last vestiges of KDE from my box, which will
> eliminate Konqueror, as well.
Just curious (really -- no flame intended), why do you switch from KDE and
where (Gnome?)?
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Marc Shapiro wrote:
> Actually, I use fvwm2.
I see ... you are one of those ... ;-)
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
Home is where ~/.bashrc is.
Anthony Renaud wrote:
> 3.1 PPC).When I open Audacity,I receive the
> following warning:
> "There was an error initializing the Audio
> I/O layer.You will not be able to record or
> play any sound.".
Just to be eliminate one simple and obvious potential source of problems --
aren't you by a chance
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> This should works for any program using OSS (this covers most unfriendly
> ones, like Mozilla plugin, OpenOffice or vmware, ...), or ALSA in
> emulation mode (for native mode, alsalib is our friend :-).
Meaning that solution provided by native ALSA is better than the one
Robert S wrote:
> I am running debian with kernel 2.4.27. I see that the kernel-source
> package is listed in the security vulnerabilities (DSA-1097). I do a
> weekly "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" but have not been prompted to
> upgrade my
> kernel. I am using kernel-image-2.4-k6.
> Do
Jon Dowland wrote:
> Please note that you are advised to *not do this*, but to
> *always* read the release notes for the relevant
you certainly noticed that I had there aptitude upgrade (not dist-upgrade),
> architecture you are updating to (as per Joey's post). For
> example, woody -> sar
Robert S wrote:
> *** 2.4.27-10sarge1 0
> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> I assume I still have the old version.
Yes, you have.
> Is this likely to break any dependencies?
Usually kernel is actually pretty easy to upgrade -- after everything
depends on it, rather then other way around. An
Jabka Atu wrote:
> im not runnig any mta (couse i don't know how to configure it).
> so i can't use the biult in bug reporting tool.
> where can i post via web or mail new bugs ?
Take a look at reportbug(1) -- parameters smtphost, and if necessary
smtpuser and smtppasswd.
GPG Finger: 8
Kevin Coyner wrote:
> There are plenty of great email clients out there. But I like mutt
> because:
Yes, there are -- and just not to let this thread be just mutt propaganda,
let me comment as a KMail user (who used mutt for many years, so I know
what I am talking about):
> 1. It is infinite
Alex Yakushev wrote:
> I experienced some difficulties to run new kernel
> 2.6.17.
> If I comment initrd.img-2.6.17 line in my
> /boot/grub/menu.lst, and start to restart OS, I got
> Kernel panic error.
> Is this possible to start kernel without
> initrd.img-2.6.17?
Not this kernel -- ext2fs and e
Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> I tried
> $ grep -v Comment
> but that just returns
> Binary file darkaa2.dat matches
grep -a -v Comment
help? grep(1) is your friend. :-)
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMA
First read
> Now `apt-cache policy kernel-image-2.4.27-3-k6' shows that
> 2.4.27-10sarge3is installed and `apt-cache policy
> kernel-image-2.4.27-2-k6' shows that 2.4.27-10sarge1 is
> installed.
Can you post full output of these co
when playing any video with kaffeine 0.8.1 (KDE 3.5.3, Xorg 7.0.22,
xserver-xorg-video-i810, Debian/testing) with i915GM video card
(Dell Inspiron 2200), I have totally sc.ewed up colors with Xv driver (or
auto, which probably uses the same) -- it looks like scientific images with
José Alburquerque wrote:
> Does anyone know a way for regular users to use cdrecord for CD
> writing/blanking without the need for it to setuid? Any pointers would
> be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I think you need to have at leas this:
chelcicky:~$ ll `which cdrecord`
-rwsr-xr-- 1 root cdrom 1
Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> How can I convert a .rm (RealMedia) file to a .wav file so that I curn
> burn it in an audio CD? Using Etch/testing.
First note about breaking of copyrights (yes, if you are in US, this would
break the law) and then the method I use for such purposes (and when I am
John Hasler wrote:
> It is not at all clear that what he proposes would be illegal in the US.
> Look up the Audio Home Recording Act.
I stand corrected then.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 M
Carl Fink wrote:
> I've got an AVI video here that has Ogg Vorbis audio (0x6770) which can't
> be played by any of totem, avifile-player, mplayer, or xine-ui. I would
> have thought that Free players would support a Free codec.
install ffmpeg package (or you may have it already installed) and the
Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> I use the symlinks /boot/vmlinuz, /boot/initrd.img, /boot/vmlinuz.old
> and /boot/initrd.img.old to point to my current and previous kernels.
> These are listed in my menu.lst. Whenever I update the kernel, if
> /sbin/update-grub is run, it helpfully replaces those with
Thibaut Paumard wrote:
> However, in these two tests, the text is copy-and-pastable, as text. So
> the problem is not that the PDF is drawn as images. Actually, in the
> scribus PDF, I can search a few smaller substrings (like "xt" in my
> sample text "test text").
The problem is that original PDF
Jabka Atu wrote:
> im trying to run flv video ( debian unstable).
ffplay from ffmpeg package
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
The American Repub
martin f krafft wrote:
> Run 'strings' on the PS it generates and you'll see that it prints
> images rather than text. I am not surprised, Firefox comes to us
> from Windows. They don't know how to deal with text over there.
This is not fair -- to use W-word on poor Firefox. No, IMHO reasons are
martin f krafft wrote:
> lapse:~> dpkg -l xpr\* | grep '^[[:lower:]]'
> #[318]
> un xprint (no description available)
Package: firefox
Depends: fontconfig, psmisc, debianutils (>= 1.16), libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0),
libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6), libcairo2 (>=
Kent West wrote:
> No; someone else mentioned it being in this package, but I was just
> curious about the info not being in "man chown", so I don't need to go
> any further. (And, if it matters, I'm not the OP; I was just making
> comment/question and apparently got pegged as the OP somewhere alon
Tyler Smith wrote:
> Debian Etch, freshly installed and upgraded
> Linksys model no. WPC55AG notebook adapter card
> Toshiba Satellite 2410 laptop (I have to wait for my thinkpad...)
What's the PCI ID for that particular card (hint -- lspci and lspci -n will
tell you) -- the same cards are distrib
Wei Hu wrote:
> my system has both pyton2.3 and python2.4. Is it safe to remove
> python2.3 using apt-get remove.
Just mark in the aptitude as "installed to satisfy dependencies" (M key) and
it will go automagically, when the last python package you use switch to
GPG Finger: 89EF
Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> boot with a live cd like knoppix. you can then chroot into your debian
> environment and fix it up from there. There is lots of documentation
> in the web about this. try some googling.
You can use even installation CD from Debian. Before you get into partition
can anybody tell me some HOWTO for %subj%? It seems to me that Debian
kernels per default initialize LVM only after INIT is run. Does the fact
that I have some LVM2 volumes persuade update-initramfs to insert
appropriate modules into initramfs?
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF
Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> If you want the "best" cross platform library, then I would argue that
> it is wxWidgets. It has bindings for C++, Python, Java, Ruby and
> probably other languages as well. It has the advantage of supporting
> something like a dozen different GUI toolkits and you get
Jude DaShiell wrote:
> When I did X -configure as root the X command appeared to terminate
> normally but still left me with an empty /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. wc just
I am afraid that you hit one of the Debian-specific things here (I am
learning for LPI exams and I just cannot wonder how difficul
CJ van den Berg wrote:
> initramfs-tools in etch has support for lvm built in. It should "just
> work" you don't have to do anything at all. You have to use the
> /dev/mapper/volgrp--logicalvolume path to the volume though. (as opposed
> to the /dev/volgrp/logicalvolume version) Then the initramfs
Micha Feigin wrote:
> wxwidgets also has extensions for more then just widgets (networks, file
> system, etc.) and can work with opengl and there is a driver for plplot
> for doing plots.
OK, this is getting over being just uninformed partisan to real FUD --
before commenting on Qt get some inform
jo vart wrote:
> Why would diacritic characters (like ä) show up perfectly well on screen
> but not in printed output. Not even after the document first being
> exported from oowriter to a pdf that looks as it should.
What fonts do you use? When opening in acrobat/kpdf/evince what fonts are
jo vart wrote:
> Both acroread and evince report BitstreamVera Serif Roma, TrueType,
> embedded subset.
And printing from both acroread and evince produces bad output? What happens
when you try
gs -sDEVICE=x11alpha filename.pdf
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964
jo vart wrote:
> dpkg -l | gsfonts returns:
> ii gsfonts 8.14+v8.11+urw-0.2
> ii gsfonts-x11 0.20
Do you have installed package ttf-bitstream-vera or did you install
Bitstream Vera fonts yourself? If you DO have it installed, then go and
file a bug against that pa
jo vart wrote:
> Yes BitstreamVera was installed as the deb for etch (
> ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-7)
Go and make reportbug happy!
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259,
Andrius wrote:
> Is it really the right package to report the bug against?
OK, then it would be dipping yet another bug report to the endless pool of
OpenOffice.org bugs. :-)
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAI
ChadDavis wrote:
> I see that there's some application specific subdirectories in those
> shared library locations. Should I make a subdirectory, such as
> /usr/lib/oracleInstnatClient/, and put the shared objects in there?
> And then just dump the executables into /usr/bin?
For your own sanity,
Abraham Tena wrote:
> All data sheet is here,
> http://support.packardbell.com/es/item/?sn=654100590239&g=1400
> I would like some help to install and configure debian, I would apretiate
> it a lot.
Sorry, there seem to be official drivers (probably from the sf.net tree) on
Abraham Tena wrote:
> All data sheet is here,
> http://support.packardbell.com/es/item/?sn=654100590239&g=1400
> I would like some help to install and configure debian, I would apretiate
> it a lot.
If you need modem, you will probably have to buy (like, for money -- not
much, something around $20
Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> Since that didn't worked i KILLed both syslogd and klogd. I still kept
>> getting msgs to console.
> they are not sent by syslog process. They are sent by kernel.
Chmm, nazdar Matúši, I thought that "k" in sysklogd means, that sysklogd
should manage kernel messa
Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> My ~/.xsession-errors is full of warnings from kbuildsycoca
> Some of the warnings are pasted below. Is there any fix available?
Just ignore them.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [
Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> those messages are printed by kernel to the current console(s).
> 'dmesg -n' configures messages of which level to print to the console(s).
> They all are still send to kmsg, where syslogd,syslog-ng or klogd read
> them from.
Aside from installing syslog-ng how to c
Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
> Portmap is running, but mountd isn't part of nfs-common, it's part of
> nfs-kernel-server. Since I only want to run the client, should I have to
You don't need mountd on client computer. RTFM -- in this case NFS-HOWTO
(from doc-linux-nonfree-* package).
GPG Fing
Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Why not simply create a debian-offtopic list?
I don't see that much off-topic discussion here (IMHO, anything related to
Debian user experience is on-topic here and that's pretty wide topic), but
the problem of all off-topic lists is that people who don't care enough to
Paolo Pantaleo wrote:
> I need to draw some chess boards, starting let's say from the FEN
> description of the board, in an automatic way (something like a
> script, good for automating the drawing of many boards). Is there any
> program that do that?
The best is TeX solution -- not exactly drawin
Paul Johnson wrote:
>> IF games are good coded and static compiled they
>> are working always and on any locations.
> So what's /usr/games?
for games installed from .deb packages (/usr/ should be limited just to
whatever was put there by dpkg).
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB
Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Thunderbird - Copies entire message at reply. Works fine on my box.
>> Balsa - Copies entire message at reply. I have tried the suggested "Ctrl
>> Kmail - Configured it, and got test messages in and out then it started
>> Evolution - Configured it, and got test messages i
Wackojacko wrote:
> hopefully kpackage can be made to use aptitude in the future!
It is called adept and its not-yet-100%-stable version is already in
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EM
s. keeling wrote:
> You have a ridiculously complicated "system" for organizing your mail,
> and it's mutt's fault for doing what it does well. No.
Sorry for previous flame -- I cannot resist, but I am serious -- mutt is
lacking. It is not its mistake, it is by design, which has its advantages,
Welly Hartanto wrote:
> Why thunderbird-nix* can't import windows addrees book (.wab) file
> while thunderbird-win can do it ?
Its using Outlook Express (or some of its libraries) to get stuff out.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Miles Bader wrote:
> Maybe you don't care, and have gobs of disk space to burn, but _lots of
> people do care_, and aptitude does an elegant and painless job of
Another advantage of aptitude is when you get really weird dependencies
problems -- yes, it should never happen, but it does. Then abilit
David Baron wrote:
> How does one do this correctly?
I don't know how to do it correctly, but in unpacked kernel tree doing
zcat patch.bz2 | patch -p1
would apply the patch. Then run make-kpkg without any --added-patches stuff
and it should work.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB
Andreas Rippl wrote:
> Generally I tink that it boils down to your requirements in a MUA. I
Of course there is one thing which has to be admitted to mutt -- its ability
to go be used through ssh. I use it sometimes when I need it, and it is by
far the best alternative of that (don't start me to co
Matej Cepl wrote:
> zcat patch.bz2 | patch -p1
sorry, this should be bzcat patch.bz2 ...
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
He uses statistics
Paul Scott wrote:
> I do this routinely with Thunderbird.
You mean ssh -X? How fast is your connection between the Internet and the
ssh server?
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3,
Marc Wilson wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 05:39:56PM -0600, djhack wrote:
>> Thunderbird - Copies entire message at reply. Works fine on my box.
> For all you thunderbird users...
My own TB pet-peeve -- when will TB be able to filter with RegExps? (at
least plugin would help)
Marc Wilson wrote:
> I'm still trying to figure this one out. You think filtering belongs on
> the client, yet you read mail from multiple locations and use IMAP. How
> do you reconcile the two? Use offlineimap everywhere?
Take a look at imapfilter.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1
Ron Johnson wrote:
> maildrop is your friend!! (procmail is your enemy.)
> But of course it presumes an MTA (and usually fetchmail).
No, of course, when I need MUT with regexps I have my kmail, but sometimes
it could be handy (when Windows happen for example).
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6
Liam O'Toole wrote:
> There is no need for the cups daemon on the second machine; in
> fact, you only need to install the cupsys-client package.
That's correct, except if the client-machine is notebook -- I haven't manage
to make cupsys-client to switch between different servers. With local CUPS
Micha Feigin wrote:
> Looks nice, not too heavy, although it also doesn't support hebrew (can't
> even see the text not to mention right to left), and it always segfaults
> on exit.
Aside from top-posting (please, don't), I am not sure what "it" is in your
message -- kmail, sylpheed, or mulberry?
Micha Feigin wrote:
> What is the difference between the two latex implementations available
> under debian?
tetex is older, abandoned upstream (and upstream author suggests its user to
switch to texlive), and slightly smaller. TeXLive is community maintained
(by different TUG groups), much bigger
Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> Can someone tell me the correct command line for moving a bunch of
> files between directories that are, say, older than yesterday while
> preserving their time stamps?
find . \
while read FILE ; do mv $FILE other-directory/$(basename $FILE)
Read fi
Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> Should I do this?
> find ./ -type f ! -mtime -2 -exec ls -al {} \; | xargs mv ../
You can but you are doing it too much complicated -- find by default prints
on stdout found filename. And concerning xargs -- I don't use it that much
(it always confuses me to no end), but
T wrote:
> What? All the apache2-common, apache2-mpm-worker, & apache2-utils that get
> automatically installed are not touched:
It is weird -- works for me. Can you go to aptitude and check these packages
which should be removed, whether they have A to the left of the name of the
package? Somethi
T wrote:
> Why not something like (please test before use):
> find ./ -type f ! -mtime -2 -exec mv {} ../ \;
Of course, that's the best. Silly me.
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St
Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Before you do that you should backup the config file from lilo (never used
> it so don’t ask me which one it is) and after the installing you should
> check grub’s menu.lst to make sure that all entries were migrated
> correctly.
Just to be sure, run also
Ron Johnson wrote:
> IOW, "wish" is a Tcl script?
wish is Tcl runtime (the same as /usr/bin/perl for Perl programs).
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 1328222
Ron Johnson wrote:
> Shift key? That's what Caps Lock is for.
It has been remapped to couple of months ago ;-).
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
Paul Johnson wrote:
> # dpkg --purge lilo
Don't purge it! Just --remove -- at least you would have
working /etc/lilo.conf if you would like to return back.
> # apt-get install grub
> Double check /boot/grub/menu.lst *before* you reboot.
> Personally, I would stick with lilo if it works
Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
> OK, so the line "exec ..." can be used as an heuristic for detecting the
> actual scripting language, right?
I have no idea why they use this construct (something similar is used in
some perl scripts when they try to be cross-platform between Unix and
Windows, which appare
Martin Möller wrote:
> * very powerful
> * very flexible
Actually, most probably overkill for whatever you need (people who need
advantages sendmail has over any competing MTAs usually don't need to ask
questions ;-)).
> Cons:
> * attacked frequently
> (either because of design weakness
martin f krafft wrote:
> Without trying to be religious or anything of that sort, I can
> recommend postfix without restrictions to most anyone -- it has an
> excellent security track record, a large support community, great
> documentation, and it's really not that complex (even though it can
> be
Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
>> I need to detect the language of the script in order to highlight it
>> accordingly (GNU source-highlight
>> http://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite)
> See Emacs manual "How Major Modes are Chosen". It says
>You can specify which major mode should be used for
Miles Bader wrote:
> Nonetheless, if such a cookie is present, it's a great thing to use for
> this purpose, as it's unambiguous.
Sure, but still I would begin with parsing shebang (with some additions --
like Tcl), and then I would see how many scripts are ambiguous.
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