Re: [OT] Remember when hard disk sizes were in MiB?

2002-12-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
f my first RAM upgrade (bringing my 1985 Amiga 1000 from 256KB to 512KB, which cost about $200), that's how much I've spent every time. Several years ago, that brought my Amiga 2000 from 3MB to 11MB. Most recently, it put 768MB in a new workstation. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, er

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
lan's header mangling to be ironic at all. I think you were looking for: From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]: hypocritical adj : professing feelings or virtues one does not have -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Please STOP it!

2003-08-06 Thread Kirk Strauser The irony of that statement in the middle of a post from someone calling themselves Pigeon in the headers, with a string of non-sequiters in the middle, and a URL at the end is absolutely breathtaking. :) -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-06 Thread Kirk Strauser
ou from work, but set Reply-to: to my home address, which address gets the C-R email? The (incorrect) work address or the (correct) home address? Which email address is the C-R expecting a reply from? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-06 Thread Kirk Strauser
r hears from me again, spends the rest of her days cold and lonely, and removes her ungrateful younger relative from her will. Tell me again which part of this is better than SpamAssassin, which would've said "let's see, no 'get rich quick', no 'Nigeria', no

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful (was Re:Look at

2003-08-06 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-06T22:10:13Z, "Scott C. Linnenbringer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a valid email address. Neither is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", which is how it appears on my system. Or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for everyone else. -- Kirk S

Re: Debian Decade and Keysigning Party

2003-08-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-07T10:06:43Z, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > [3] Like you... I think you're dereferencing a null pointer. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Decade and Keysigning Party

2003-08-08 Thread Kirk Strauser
a paper certification. :) > Brigham Young University - 84602 Hey, would you drive down the block and have a word with some of your neighbors (SCO) for me? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: d-u / Usenet gateway (was Re: Challenge-response mail filters

2003-08-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
nonsense or outright disinformation. *plonk* To everyone else: I apologize for my drawn-out participation in these threads. It ends now. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: dns records missing -- please don't file bugs

2003-08-15 Thread Kirk Strauser
quot;@[]>... Domain of sender address [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] does not exist Furthermore, are the lists back to full availability? I've received maybe 20 messages since yesterday afternoon. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: ssh-agent for gpg

2003-08-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-17T22:43:17Z, Ryan Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Is there a deb package that offers a password caching agent for gnupg > similar to ssh-agent? Yes. It's called "gpg-agent" (surprisingly enough), and is in the "gpgsm" package. -- Kir

Re: ssh-agent for gpg

2003-08-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
ry. Is there no official > debian package yet? I didn't even realize that I was getting it from a KDE CVS source: deb ./ No, it seems as though there's nothing in the main Debian archives yet. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Solved! GUI desktop on ultra-slim laptop

2003-08-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
quot;VESA" and turned off mouse acceleration. 5) Installed svncviewer. 6) Set up a VNC server (-geometry 640x480 -depth 8) on a larger host on the LAN. 7) Booted into multi-user mode, launched svncviewer, and started using Konquerer and on my little underpowered laptop

Re: mozilla vs. mozilla-firebird

2003-08-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
illa. Enjoy! -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Solved! GUI desktop on ultra-slim laptop

2003-08-20 Thread Kirk Strauser
ss with. I replaced the old, dead drive with a new, silent Samsung 10GB model. Is that an option for you? > Very cool - thank you for posting :) You bet! It was such an ordeal that I wanted to give other users a kick in the right direction, and hope that such a thing was possible at all. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Moving a MySQL database

2003-08-22 Thread Kirk Strauser
sqldump -u root -p -A --opt > file.sql'. 2. Load the new server with: `mysql < file.sql' 3. Connect to the new server and type: `flush privileges' to load the user tables that you imported in the previous step. 4. Sit back and smile. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: COBOL compiler

2003-08-26 Thread Kirk Strauser
at any given one would fill me with a desire to start hacking around with it. You know, I'd never seen Cobol before the screenshots on your link. Those just confirmed everything I've heard about it. :) -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: COBOL compiler

2003-08-26 Thread Kirk Strauser
ol for the job. I ask in seriousness: what would you define as a "large commercial app" that would be appropriate for COBOL above all else? I have never actually seen it used outside of legacy systems; is there something great I'm missing? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-27 Thread Kirk Strauser
act, it's probably a good idea to learn C++ without knowing C first in that you'll probably be much more comfortable with the style if you're not subconsciously viewing it as just "C with some extra stuff". -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: COBOL compiler

2003-08-27 Thread Kirk Strauser
ed into opcodes before execution begins. All Perl is compiled. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-28T18:15:09Z, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > SDLC! What a joke! OK, I'll bite. Does everyone here honestly hate software engineering? Or is it that they haven't seen it done well? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
; Him: "YOU'VE BEEN WORKING FOR TWO MONTHS AND YOU CAN'T EVEN DEMO IT?!?" Us: "Well, I can show you how the modules look. See? I just frobnitzed the knob from 500 miles away!" Him: "So, I'm supposed to tell my boss that there's NOT EVEN A DEMO INTERFACE?!?" Us: "Well, right" -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
d: if (foo) { bar; } into if (foo) { bar; baz; } should the need arise. Seeing non-bracketed expressions like that fundamentally bothers me. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Why is C so popular?

2003-08-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
ld learn C++ first to avoid becoming too accustomed to the C way of doing things. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

ide-scsi CDRW and a real SCSI CDROM

2003-08-31 Thread Kirk Strauser
can't find the real SCSI CDROM anywhere. If I don't enable ide-scsi, then the SCSI CDROM is available, but the CDRW is only writeable via ATAPI. Can someone point me toward some documentation on using ide-scsi on a system with real SCSI devices? Many thanks. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: ide-scsi CDRW and a real SCSI CDROM

2003-09-01 Thread Kirk Strauser
ivers pre-install sgmodprobe ide-scsi pre-install sr_modmodprobe ide-scsi pre-install ide-scsi modprobe ide-cd 3) Ran update-modules. 4) Added `ide-scsi' and `sg' to /etc/modules. 5) Rebooted. Anything I missed -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: ide-scsi CDRW and a real SCSI CDROM

2003-09-01 Thread Kirk Strauser
module about 2 minutes after I posted this morning. Thanks for the accurate advice, and sorry for wasting anybody's time. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: simple backup script

2003-09-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
eing copied not mounted writeable. If not, then there's a very significant possibility that the backup may not even be fsck'able. rsync is pretty handy for syncing live filesystems. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Why does X need so much CPU power?

2003-09-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
omparable level of functionality to explorer.exe. I can guarantee that it'll be quick and responsive. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: CUPS alternative?

2003-09-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
just "feel" like it's a big system? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: spamassassin: whitelist_from_rcvd ?!?!

2003-09-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
sassin has blocked mail from: The EFF Bruce Schneier, ie the periodic Cryptogram My ISP (my quarterly invoices) A computer store I was buying parts from SA is great, but certainly not perfect. That's where whitelisting comes in. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: spamassassin and SQL prefs?

2003-09-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
hat limited preferences are available in a MySQL database. I'd like to play with the Bayes filtering, but I don't even know if my setup is eligible to use it, and I didn't have any luck finding documentation on the subject when I last looked. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT, FLAME] Linux Sucks

2003-03-25 Thread Kirk Strauser
y, xev? :) > Good question. My guess would be that they do count, but it isn't obvious > at all. Answer: "Fn" doesn't count, but the chorded keys do. I just wanted to point out that not being able to count one's keys doesn't necessarily an idiot make. -- Kirk S

Re: I cannot unsubscribe. It will not let me unsubscribe. I stillreceive hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of emails and nobody reallyseems to care except me. WIll someone help me please?

2003-03-27 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-03-28T01:04:58Z, eauclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > the administrator will not help me Did. You. Read. The. Advice. You. Were. Given? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Designing a Website

2003-03-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
tainly as he knows the IEEE and ISO specs he worked with day in and day out for years. Your professor may be a smart guy. He may even be brilliant. But he is *not* an expert. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Should I upgrade my kernel?

2003-03-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
till working to > understand all the intricacies of Linux (i.e., I never had to worry about > upgrading the kernel in Windows ;) Sure you have. They call them "service packs". :) -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: buying a cd writer

2003-03-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
It works wonderfully with cdrecord (usually called from xcdroast). -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [~OT] tax program for linux

2003-03-31 Thread Kirk Strauser
hing by it. The original poster sounded as though he were a student or other young limited-income person, in which case a 1040EZ would make perfect sense. On the other hand, my accountant just called to tell me the size of my return. Using a CPA is undoubtedly the most expensive route, but you get w

Re: [~OT] tax program for linux

2003-03-31 Thread Kirk Strauser
ntrast to the federal returns, *anything* seems pretty straightforward and logical. :) -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: urgent Mail Server

2003-04-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
no MX record exists for the domain. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: mount & umount as ordinary user

2003-04-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
nts as an > ordinary user as well. What error do you get when you try to umount those points? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Netsaint or Nagios?

2003-04-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-04-02T18:31:57Z, Matthew Daubenspeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Netsaint or Nagios? Since Nagios is a newer and renamed version of Netsaint (there were trademark issues), you'll want to go with it. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp De

Re: mount & umount as ordinary user -- PROBLEM FOUND

2003-04-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
the symbolic link and remount all the mount > points without rebooting the box? Could you try something like this (locally, first, to see if there are problems): cd /etc mv mtab mtab.bak cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.

Re: Why "./configure" script of some projects doesn't work inDebian

2003-05-31 Thread Kirk Strauser
pecifying lots of "--with-foo=/usr/include/foo" options or even editing the configure files where necessary. I have to do that all the time to compile apps developed on Linux on FreeBSD servers. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Printer Languages

2003-06-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
RAM for light printing duties? > No. I disagree. I was able to buy a 3rd-party 64MB module for about $25. At that price, why not? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Printer recommendations

2003-06-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
; PostScript printer that I had before). FWIW, it works brilliantly with CUPS with no tweaking of the default settings. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Printer Languages

2003-06-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
tify the price. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Printer Languages

2003-06-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
nstalling that memory? Yes. I sometimes print multiple copies of documents larger than the (IIRC) 4MB of available memory of a stock 1200SE. In this case, the printer gets to keep the documents in-memory rather than the server re-spooling the data each time. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Shell script or Perl?

2003-06-12 Thread Kirk Strauser
articular task in one exact environment, but those are optimized for rapid development, not maintenance. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Shell script or Perl?

2003-06-12 Thread Kirk Strauser
you're still free to have it. My main point is that you *can't* say "X is easier to maintain than Y", because I can guarantee that Y's fans will completely disagree with you. I'd much rather have to maintain a legacy Perl program than anything in a shell language, bu

Re: Shell script or Perl?

2003-06-12 Thread Kirk Strauser
o > neither wrote Perl or Python come over and tell me in 30s what it did. > That, sir, is readable. I agree 100% that if you understand general programming concepts, you can read Python. I still say that I go to lengths to make my Perl readable by others. I've received emails from people who use Antonym who were happy about how easy it was to understand and modify, even if they weren't Perl programmers. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Shell script or Perl?

2003-06-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
} > } Those "print" statements were example blocks of code. Imagine instead: foreach $_ ($switch) { /^a$/ and do { someFuncA(); }; /^b$/ and do { print someFunkB(); exit; }; /^c$/ and do { return; }; } Note that "$switch" is not an arr

Re: Where to keep .gnupg?

2003-06-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
y zip disks, I'd like to know, also. Google "click of death". Even if that's not your problem, you can see that Iomega isn't widely reputed for their reliable hardware. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Where to keep .gnupg?

2003-06-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
that are put in it... No, I'm not kidding. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Ring Pateren based Dial in Server

2003-06-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
up in a pattern lets "say ring, hungup ring ring > hangup, ring ring ring" then have my server say eureka thats for me then > answer be for the answering machine? Look at "xringd" - it should do what you want. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Remember when hard disk sizes were in MiB?

2002-12-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
KB RAM modules in the bundle. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Remember when hard disk sizes were in MiB?

2002-12-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
ir's chicklet keys - ack!). -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: functional languages (was: Politics of Java)

2002-12-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2002-12-13T14:52:51Z, Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Yes. So is Ocaml and I think Scheme also. Since Scheme is a Lisp derivative, yes, it's also a functional language. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROT

Re: after change action for test, website can not access, please help

2002-12-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
'. > Not Found The requested URL /cgi-bin/cgitest/listall was not found on this > server. Put a script named `listall' in the appropriate place. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [users@httpd] Re: what is perl 's syntax

2002-12-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
lists, such as comp.lang.perl and the Apache lists. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Printer Recommendations?

2002-12-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
If you can live with USB/parallel vs. Ethernet, then a new HP LaserJet 1200 will run about $400, and works extremely well with CUPS. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Printer Recommendations?

2002-12-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
tly gets worn out on older > models. Does it strike anyone else as funny that a major manufacturer is sending out patches to their products in the form of little pieces of cardboard? Still, if it works... -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROT

Re: win2k WS FTP doesn't play well with debian

2002-12-20 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 20:53, Sasha Karlik wrote: > Anyone possibly know what is going on here? > Is this a win/ws ftp problem? What did the other Windows FTP clients you tested do? Were they able to complete the transfer, or did they fail in the same (or similar way)? -- Kirk Strauser &

This is incorrect advice (Re: ntpdate from cron -- DON'T DO THAT!)

2002-12-21 Thread Kirk Strauser
t machines. Still, ntpdate isn't nearly as naive as you make it out to be. -- Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: not work

2002-12-22 Thread Kirk Strauser
tering an Apache server. Then, feel free to come back and ask your questions. Until then, please go pester someone else. -- Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: ntpdate from cron -- DON'T DO THAT!

2002-12-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
bserver provider who > serve my webpage, because rsync uses that time. Seeing that both of those entities *should* be nearly synchronized to the time standards (within a few milliseconds, at least), I agree that you should be able to sync against your ISP's timeserver. -- Kirk Strauser In G

Re: Debian and IPV6

2002-12-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
(FreeBSD) servers with IPv6-enabled sshd's. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kernel recompile

2003-01-01 Thread Kirk Strauser
es > 3) make install modules_install I'd highly recommend building a Debian custom kernel package instead. I wrote a walkthrough and posted it online at: -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNS

Re: kernel recompile

2003-01-03 Thread Kirk Strauser
process doing this first. Even better: use make-kpkg's "--append-to-version" option to generate multiple versions of the same kernel, each with their own /lib/modules namespace. Oops! The new one doesn't work? No problem! Boot from 2.4.19-versionN-1 that's still install

Re: Chat servers

2003-01-03 Thread Kirk Strauser
one-to-one or many-to-many chat. I personally use the Jabber plugin for GAIM to connect to my local server, but Gabber is also a very nice client. There are also quite a few for Windows and Mac OS. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PR

Re: (OT) Worst night ever. WAS Adding a ide drive to an all scsi comp uter

2003-01-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
r the record, may we know what brand of soda inspired this? :) -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Worst night ever. WAS Adding a ide drive to an all s csicomp uter

2003-01-10 Thread Kirk Strauser
ght behind his head. Once we peeled him from the ceiling and installed a few beers in his gullet, he agreed that it was sort of funny. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Easiest Nameserver

2003-01-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
lt config file is very well-commented, so it should largely be a matter of altering according to instructions and writing your "zone files" (which you'll have to do regardless of what DNS software you which to use). -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. msg23890/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Easiest Nameserver

2003-01-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-01-13T16:49:26Z, "Derrick 'dman' Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 09:05:39AM -0600, Kirk Strauser wrote: >> and writing your "zone files" (which you'll have to do regardless of what >> DNS software y

Re: Easiest Nameserver

2003-01-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
p lapse. Scratch that last paragraph. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. msg23963/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: GNU Emacs cut-and-paste broken

2003-01-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
such problem here. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. msg24062/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Web based IM

2003-01-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
bber server that hosts AIM/ICQ/MSN gateways and still talk to your non-Jabber friends through the same client. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. msg24106/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Easiest Nameserver

2003-01-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
is read as simply meaning you'll need to configure whatever software > you use, then yes that is a correct assertion. I like BIND. The latter interpretation is the correct one. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. msg24459/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Curious...Are most of you in tech-related careers/schooling?

2003-01-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
tudent"). > ...and that is why you are so proficient with compiling and testing and > tweaking all of this stuff. I'd say the inverse is true for me: I'm in this career because I love compiling, testing, and tweaking all this stuff. :) -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis no

Re: Terrifying compile

2003-01-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-01-17T16:49:22Z, csj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > The offending audio file? > "python2.3-2.2.97/Lib/test/" > > Play it and be terrified. LOL! Thanks for the pointer! -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. msg24690/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Why mailing-lists? Usenet have been invented, I hear. ;-)

2002-09-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
know - for every 5 > people that try linux, 3 walk away from it for these exact reasons. > Imagine how many people linux/open source is losing due to poor attitude. > If you don't believe me ask newbies for their opinion on this subject. > Most are too scared to admit it, so they keep their mouths shut. Some are > outspoken, like myself. Know what? You've just described a great business plan. If the only thing holding Linux back is a support group, then you might want to start one. Keep us informed of how it works out! -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing new kernel

2002-09-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
o a 2.2? I'd think you'd be better going to 2.4.19-{whatever}. -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Writing a kernel building walkthrough - proofreaders wanted

2002-09-12 Thread Kirk Strauser
so kind as to check it for me and see if I'm mostly on track? The website is running TWiki, so feel free to edit any mistakes you see. :) -- Kirk Strauser The Strauser Group - -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscrib

Re: Writing a kernel building walkthrough - proofreaders wanted

2002-09-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
on to get the job done, but I wanted a step-by-step walkthrough of the process. Between the LVM2 patches and NVidia module, it seemed that I always missed a step somewhere. I thought that if I were going to bother to document the steps, then I might as well share it with the world. -- Kirk Strau

Re: Logical Volume Manager

2002-09-24 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2002-09-24T09:19:29Z, Tom Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Can you implement LVM on an already installed system? I did. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trou

Re: Logical Volume Manager

2002-09-24 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2002-09-24T14:28:50Z, Emil Hägerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > How do you switch the root partition to lvm? I left my root partition untouched, so I can't give advice for that final step. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [E

Re: SuSE vs. Debian ???

2002-09-25 Thread Kirk Strauser
ications like that will have a requirements matrix. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Slashdot and media accuracy

2003-12-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
hat narrows the selection pool to those too rich to need the money, or those so inexperienced that they'd do an insanely difficult job for peanuts. Not exactly who I want running my government. Not that *any* of this has to do with Debian, mind you. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est

Re: [OT] Slashdot and media accuracy

2003-12-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
the know-how to deliberate law but hasn't become idly rich yet can't afford to do it, and those are the guys we *should* be trying to attract. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: How to back up from "sid" to "testing"?

2004-11-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
t;testing". Did you upgrade your entire system or just select packages? I ask because I've seen no KDE instability on my sid system in many months. > What's the most reasonable way to *downgrade* a system from sid to > testing? Do I need to suck it up and do a reinstall? T

Re: Laser Printer

2004-11-24 Thread Kirk Strauser
s anyone set this up under a testing Debian system? Can this (or > another printer) be recommended? I have an HP Laserjet 1200 and absolutely love it. It's fast, barely sips toner, can easily have its memory upgrade, and speaks Postscript natively. -- Kirk Strauser pgpw3aBZLzzv4.

Re: OT: down with memory protection!

2004-12-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
;. > Files could be accessed by partially mapping them to memory. See "man 2 mmap" for details. > Anyway, if anyone would comment on any of this vapourware, I'd like to > hear it - off the list if you think it's too off topic. Sorry, but your ideas have pretty much already been implemented (and in some cases discarded). :-/ -- Kirk Strauser pgpUdv3WcPAp2.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: down with memory protection!

2004-12-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
you in the first place. In effect, each program thinks that it owns the entire machine. > You think this guy is a CompSci student with just enough knowledge > to be dangerous? I kind of got that idea. :) -- Kirk Strauser pgpasZwtPPtMQ.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: <-----> Xfree

2004-12-08 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Wednesday 08 December 2004 12:51, Roelof Wobben wrote: > Is better than Xfree ?? Yes. > Does someone has getting on work with debian Sarge ?? If you're asking if will be packaged for Sarge: yes, although it might take a while. -- Kirk Strauser pgphuU

Re: <-----> Xfree

2004-12-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
cs card that's only supported by (since manufacturers are loudly and publically switching to support that distribution), or you want to use a system that's still being actively developed, then you're pretty much stuck upgrading to -- Kirk Strauser pgpPY1DOpgjRL.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: xv

2004-12-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
y identical programs (ie 'display' from ImageMagick) that are Free and available through the normal Debian channels. -- Kirk Strauser pgpmyBgixvGxA.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: <-----> Xfree [SOLVED]

2004-12-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Monday 13 December 2004 05:35 pm, Thomas Dickey wrote: > actually I only saw that spew as I was looking for bug reports. > > My regards to the slashdotters. I hate to ask, but: what spew? -- Kirk Strauser pgpi1u2QudRV0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: xv

2004-12-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
d maintainers find it less attractive than working with and on other, Freer counterparts. > Or are you one of the less-than-clued who thinks you can't pay for software? Are you a jackass who paints his car in polka-dots? Seriously, where'd that ad-hominem non-sequitur co

Re: xv

2004-12-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
t. That is irrational, unsupported, and completely orthogonal to any of the topics being discussed. As such, I will not reply further to such pointless (and inaccurate) musings. Please excuse me while I return to installing (purchased) Win2K on a (purchased) copy of VMWare. -- Kirk Strauser pgpdBajAvMw2L.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: best IRC client for Debian

2004-12-20 Thread Kirk Strauser
nd I couldn't reach > her by phone (dialup), so I drove over and there she was, in her UNDERWEAR > sitting in front of the computer. Is she cute? DARN! Too many years on IRC/Slashdot/Fark have made that a reflex. Sorry 'bout that. -- Kirk Strauser pgpmRiKZjjWaD.pgp Description: PGP signature

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