At 2003-03-31T16:08:21Z, "Brooks R. Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As a CPA (not in public practice), I find that Turbo Tax does a fairly
> adequate job of asking all the "right" questions.  It should work well for
> a large portion of the population. [...] As for a CPA, make sure that an
> actual CPA looks over your return and signs off on it.  It's real easy to
> hire cheap, temporary, semi-trained labor to do the returns.  Make
> absolutely sure you get what you pay for.

I should probably mention here that I've been working with the
aforementioned CPA for the last year to plan for this moment.  In our case,
we sort of had to: my wife started a new professional corporation and I
launched a home-offce-based consulting company.  While it may be technically
possible for an intelligent person to work through the ensuing mess, I was
quite happy to pay someone else to do it The Right Way.

Brooks, of interest directly to you, I just moved from Missouri to Nebraska,
so I went from being your eastern next-door neighbor to your northern
next-door neighbor.  Our state returns were probably very similar to yours.
By contrast to the federal returns, *anything* seems pretty straightforward
and logical.  :)
Kirk Strauser
In Googlis non est, ergo non est.

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