g I don't know
> yet is how to install local lisp stuff properly.
stick them in /lib/xemacs/site-packages/lisp
Jan Vroonhofhttp://www.math.ethz.ch/~vroonhof/
Mathematik, vroonhof @ math.ethz.ch
HG E16, ETH-Zentrum,
Min Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How about the /etc/*emacs/site-start.d/* stuff?
> If I want to keep the xemacs20 style, i.e., automatically source these
> starting up files, how can I do that?
You need to copy the Debian specific code that does that (not sure
where that is, I am not nea
"Steve Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip
> >Of course, if he did this, he shouldn't expect the system to
> >upgrade cleanly anymore, and worse, remocving the packages won't
> >delete the uncompressed files.
> Hey, his system, he wants to mangle
"J.H.M. Dassen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You can use "see" from the "mime-support" package to view compressed/gzipped
> DVI files.
Sigh...A simple "xdvi" would be a lot nicer.
Let me rephrase my wish then: I would if I could get some global
option to get the documentation uncompressed. For
org's Quick Start Guide
> page, too,
Doesn't surprise me as I wrote both :-)
> but that didn't work here.
It should. Could you please find out why?
Jan Vroonhofhttp://www.math.ethz.ch/~vroonhof/
Mathematik, vroonhof
> To edit faces in xemacs, not sure about emacs.
> M-x edit-faces
> (I haven't used it but it looks pretty easy.)
The recommanded way is M-x customize-faces. Which has the advantage
that it will still works in 21.0 and also works on both Emacsen. It is
> It is a vision of mine that linux will be used more in schools,
Not only of yours. Some have even made it a reality.
That is german project supported by C'T. It allows schools to connect
to the internet using a specially prepared lin
Deniz Dogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How can I use a normal user`s gnuserv process as root? What I want to
> do is: as root to use a normaluser`s emacs to edit some conf files.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# xauth -f /home/deniz/.Xauthority extract - :0.0 | xauth
> merge -
Christopher Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> As far as advantages of xfsft over xfstt go,
The main advantage of xfsft for me is that it could be linked into the
XServer so that I do not need to run a seperate fontserver.
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Christopher Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> After A LOT of Altavista searching and reading through quite a few
> different emacs FAQs,
Next time try looking closer to home :-)
C-h F will het you the FAQ. It is Q3.0.7. (the faq also should be on
A dejanews search on comp.ema
Wayne Cuddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have xemacs20.x loaded on my Toshiba laptop.
First of all.
1. Questions like this are more likely to be answered in a more
specific form, like comp.emacs.xemacs
2. Before you post, do some research using the FAQ and dejanews and
you will s
Gunnar Schotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a problem using the ^-Key in Xemacs. When I use the key
> there is a message in the status line "dead circumflex not defined".
That is not the error messsage :-) There is a "dead_circumflex" in
there. I know what you mean now but in general it i
Jan Vroonhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> That is not the error messsage :-) There is a "dead_circumflex" in
dead-circumflex of course
> (define-key function-key-map 'dead_circumflex compose-circumflex-map)
Thus (define-key function-key-map 'dead-circumflex compose-circumflex-map)
Jean Pierre LeJacq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My experience is that the Linux NFS server is broken when working with
> Solaris NFS clients.
You are aware that there is a bug in the Solaris NFS clients when
interacting with the Linux 2.2 NFS deamon? Sun apparently has a patch
for that you shoul
Richard Harran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> # Magic filter setup file for HP DeskJet 500 series color
> # printers with only CMY cartridge installed.
> and my printer has black & CMY cartridges. Is the filter using the
> colour cartridge to make black,
Probably not. The printer is i
Daniel Elenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm aware that Xemacs has problems with GPM (if you put Xemacs to
> sleep while GPM is running, things turn ugly).
Actually it is GPM (or better the libgpm library code) having problems
with glibc2. A patch is being worked on by the GPM maintainers.
Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yeah -- I actually recompiled today with egcc (enhanced GNU cc). You
> want to use the "--with-nucurses" configure option (again, I don't
> know how that translates to debian package building). In order to do
> this, though, you need to install some type
Daniel Elenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Not for me, it didn't! According to dselect, I have libncurses4 and
> libncurses4-dev installed.
If this happens with the pristine XEmacs sources then that would be a
bug. From configure.in
dnl Autodetect ncurses.
if test -z "$with_ncurses"; then
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Bialasinski) writes:
> http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/
I am reading debian-devel there occasionally and I can assure you this is
NOT a viable alternative.
1. The software cannot handle multipart/signed messsages :-(
2. The threaded display does not contain date
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Smith) writes:
> to take someone to court for violating the copyright. The FSF's
> position in a court case (if it were to ever come to that) is immensely
> strengthened and simplified by virtue of being the sole copyright
> owner. As such, they have much more legal cl
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Smith) writes:
> How do you determine this?
The Mule people said so. It is kept pretty low profile
> All the copyright statements I saw in 20.4 after a quick check were
> merely by the FSF, including such docs as etc/DISTRIB.
I don't have 20.4 here. But this is the to
Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just installed xemacs21. It's still running together with xemacs20
> untill it will work fine. (I Installed it because I hoped for some new
> mule support which apperently isn't present yet).
What new mule support had you hoped for?
Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is a know bug with xemacs20-nomule and gpm. The solutions are to
> either recompile xemacs without gpm support, or stop gpm before
> starting xemacs on the console. See
> http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/pa/lxemacs20-nomule.html for the several
> I've had some problems running xemacs20 (mule) on the console and it going
> into an error loop of some kind when resizing the console or killing gpm.
> I usually run my emaxen under 'screen', mostly because I switch around
> terminals so often.
The gpm part is fixed i
Prashanth Mundkur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ** Variable reference to constant :buffer
> ** Variable reference to constant :force
> [...]
> ** Variable reference to constant :get-descriptor-too
The messages are nothing to worry about. They are caused when a
package tries to be compatib
Miles Bader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I honestly don't mean to start a holy war here, but I'd like to
> > know: Is there anyone who prefers Emacs to XEmacs, and why?
I am trying to stay out of this thread (because discussions like this
always become holy wars) but I couldn't let this one p
"Salman Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> them. The reason I hadn't noticed them when they were happening because
> I was in another workspace and was struggling to get XEmacs to compile
> from source.
What struggle? XEmacs should compile on a typical Debian system, just
"Salman Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Then there was the issue with not getting found. It was located in
> /usr/include/db1 but I had to explicitly specify that dir with
> --site-includes, which I thought was a bit strange.
That is because the glibc maintainers have decide to move to db2
Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (>= 3.33) | gs-aladdin
> >
> > to
> >
> > Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (>= 3.33)
> >
> > Isn't this carrying the free/non-free argument a bit far?
> In addition, the packages in "main"
> => * must not require a p
Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> For me it is the addition by the gs-aladdin maintainer of the HP Deskjet
> driver.
But that driver is LGPL so it could also go into the free gs.
> I use it with the 660c but it works great, much better than the dj550
> driver that is in the free gs.
George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In dselect the Scanning available packages .. part puts out about
> one dot every three seconds.
Isn't this output from 'dpkg'?, it can build huge internal tables (or
something like that at least it grew to a wopping 13MB RSS for me
once.). How
Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The thing is, that you could manage :0 with xdm, :1 with wdm and XDMCP
> with gdm or such. So the packages don't conflict in a traditional
> sense. But looks like all of them try to manage :0 and therefore there
> is this mess.
Wouldn't this be s
"Noah L. Meyerhans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, kdm actually does offer a nice piece of functionality that xdm
> doesn't. It allows you to choose an X session at login (kde, window
> maker, afterstep, etc), by providing a combo box that lets you choose the
> parameter that gets passed to
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 1998 at 05:34:46PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Which is the way to access several CD's from dselect at the same time?
> I believe that there is no such way, unless you have several CD-ROM
> drives so that you can mount
Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> /usr/src/XEmacs/xemacs20-20.4-5/lib-src/profile.c:51: too few arguments to
> function `gettimeofday'
This sounds like a configure failure.
The source package is probably using some --with-bla-bla switches that
are incompatible with your hamm install a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt Garman) writes:
> Whenever I change the font size in xemacs 20.4, and do a "save
> options" my font change is always lost. I checked the faq, and made
> sure that Options->Frame Appearance->Frame-Local Font menu is not
> checked. I also have the following line included in
Daniel Elenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes, but xemacs in X works fine, it's when I run it in the console
> that I get this problem. Is there a similar setting for the console
> somewhere?
Just to be specific: Are we talking about XEmacs running on a true
linux console (i.e. terminal type i
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hi Manoj, thanks for make-kpkg I like it a lot. Especially the fact
that your own kernel a full fledged package.
> Disadvantages of using make-kpkg
> - -- - -
> i) This is a cookie
Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You may use fakeroot, so iii) is not really a limitation.
Aha..good. However I recall that make-kpkg puts explicit checks for
root. Those should be removed then.
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Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The checks are needed, because you have to be able to do a chown to
> root
I still do not like checks like these, I'd rather have it bomb out at
the chown. But that is just side-issue.
> But if you use fakeroot, make-kpkg will really believe you are ro
Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> i guess what i'm looking for is a blend of xemacs/gnus and pine/elm.
Use gnus. Gnus is not only a news reader but also a mail reading
program. It excells at using mailling lists. Look in the info file
under "Select methods" "Getting Mail".
The only th
Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In xemacs for example I get "dead-circumflex is not defined" this makes
> the use of the T-^ command ion gnus somewhat difficult :-)
[Sorry if this question has been adressed a zillion times but the
search function of the archive seems broken]
[Sorry again: I am reading this list through the web-archives and
august hasn't appeared yet. Could you CC me]
First of all let me thank everybody who has worked on Debian 1.3.1 for
Rick Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 3) Liability. The corporation is legally a person. If someone got
>the bright idea to sue Debian (for whatever reason, including
>frivolous), individuals would be liable without incorporation.
>Incorporated, individual liability extends only t
Andy Kahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> have loads of features. however, i recently took the same data that
> i was pumping into gnuplot and plopped it into MS Excel, then made
> terrificly beautiful graphs (multi-column, bar, 3d, etc) with un-
> believable ease, and then sent them into a PowerPo
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