Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Manoj, thanks for make-kpkg I like it a lot. Especially the fact
that your own kernel a full fledged package.

>                  Disadvantages of using make-kpkg
>                  ------------- -- ----- ---------
>       i) This is a cookie cutter approach to compiling kernels, and
>          there are paople who like being close to the bare metal.
>      ii) This is not how it is done in the non-Debian world. This
>          flaunts tradition.

iii) Doing it this way forces you to be root to do a kernel compile.

I know this probably more of a problem with the packaging system
itself. However it would be very nice if this could be changed. There
should be no need to be root to compile a kernel, only when installing 

Just wanted it said once


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