Re: OPL3SAx sound card

1999-01-27 Thread M.C. Vernon
> Has anyone been able to get this card to work? I've tried every > combination in the kernel and the best I've gotten is a series of > four tones, each at a higher frequency than the last. If someone > could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. I think these cards are now prope

Can't start X on my Laptop ...

1999-01-27 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Hi, My mom gave me her old Laptop (Toshiba T1950) from work, so Im in the mobile buisiness now, proging Java on the road ... While installing slink was a quite easy (downloading all .deb on my main machine, tarballing, spliting onto disks and so on), I was unable to get X working. Main problem i

Re: Modem Init strings

1999-01-27 Thread Larry Venable
I'm having a little problem getting higher connection rates than 33,600 on my usrobotics/ 3 com sportster 56K. I used the AZT initialization string suggested in Debian setup, when I originally set up my system. But I know it can't be optimum; since windoze is faster at the same url's when timed o

pcmcia-cs problems in 2.2.0

1999-01-27 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I recently upgraded to 2.2.0. I have installed the new version of pcmcia-cs. Now when I boot, the daemon gives this error. "module directory /lib/modules/2.2.0/pcmcia not found." What could be the cause of this?

Re: Kernel 2.2.0 on a 486DX2/66

1999-01-27 Thread Richard Kaszeta
Rafael Kitover writes ("Re: Kernel 2.2.0 on a 486DX2/66"): >Are you using hamm? slink? "kswapd" is part of the util-linux package, and >according to docs needs the newest version for 2.2, you should get the >util-linux package from potato. (this may or may not be the problem in >this case). I'm us

Re: What owns a piece of postgresql...

1999-01-27 Thread Chris Frost
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 After much work, I decided to give up on the upgrade from hamm's postgresql -> slink -> potato and just uninstalled postgresql and installed 6.4.2-3 which of course worked just fine. Also, thanks Oliver for python-pygresql! Seems to be working great!

Re: man missing ?

1999-01-27 Thread Paul McDermott
Well think about this? do you need to install all of the pakcages under windows3.x or windows9x to get it to work. games solitaire and mindsweeper. you don't need man-db to get linux running. that is the issue not the convience of the "newbie" to make it easier to install. if you want that try win

Re: fetchmail/procmail tears mail apart

1999-01-27 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:36:35 +0100 (CET) "Christian T. Steigies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have a little trouble with fetchmail (hamm, 4.3.9-1), procmail > (hamm, 3.10.7-6) tearing mails apart. I think I tracked it down, > when I fetch a mail containing a line with "From" in the text, > proc

Re: Slow 'sendmail -q'

1999-01-27 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 04:04:02PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > When I am conneted to my ISP, doing the command 'sendmail -q' take a lot of > time (20 or 30 > seconds), even if there is no mails to send. Is it normal ? > Another slow thing : when fetchmail is retrieving mails from my ISP,

Re: Try to install Debian Linux 2.0, computer resets after loading linux.kernel

1999-01-27 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 11:33:09PM +0100, David Peterson wrote: > It happens without any warnings, it loads root and linux image then "poof" > rebootwhat to do cant do anything, never comes to any install options > just loadlin and then it loads a bit and computer reboots..please help me! Hav

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-27 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 10:31:06PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote: > On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote: > > On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 02:36:22PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote: > It was about 6 months ago, and I cannot recall the detail. But what I can > remember wat that as soon as the list of rece

Re: Browser for a slow computer?

1999-01-27 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 10:29:20AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > However, what you're looking for isn't in existence, with the exception of > Netscape. Arena is another good browser, but I don't know if it supports Java > or not, in fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Also, I don't believe it'

SB AWE 64-ISA-pnp and Synthprobs solved

1999-01-27 Thread Peter Berlau
Hi, few days ago i asked about configuring the SB-AWE64-ISA-pnp for use of intern and extern midi device and who I get the Synth device: AWE32. The problem is solved :-) but even curios. the system i use is Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) kernel 2.0.36-2 I had todo: 1. get awe-drv and awe-midi from s

Re: pcmcia-cs problems in 2.2.0

1999-01-27 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 05:32:41PM -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote: > I recently upgraded to 2.2.0. > I have installed the new version of pcmcia-cs. > "module directory /lib/modules/2.2.0/pcmcia not found." You also need to install the kernel modules for 2.2.0. You need to get pcmcia-source 3.0

Re: Modem Init strings

1999-01-27 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 08:16:51PM -0500, Larry Venable wrote: > I'm having a little problem getting higher connection rates than 33,600 on my > usrobotics/ 3 com sportster 56K. I used the AZT initialization string > suggested in > Debian setup, when I originally set up my system. But I know it ca

How to read Texinfo file format

1999-01-27 Thread Alfie Costa
A not 100% Debian question... I've volunteered for a bit of GNU proofreading, and have been sent a file to proof portions of, written in something called Texinfo format, or infotex -- I'm not clear on the exact difference. If it helps, it begins with this line: \input texinfo My problem is I

Re: A pipe dream?

1999-01-27 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 06:58:20PM -0500, Mitch Blevins wrote: > In foo.debian-user, you wrote: > > > > That is basically what I do. I back up my /etc tree and my /home tree to a > > zip. I do a complete backup once a week in a cron job and it still all fits > > on > > one zip. > > > > It does

Re: Modem Init strings

1999-01-27 Thread Andrew Ivanov
You can try wvdial package, it uses init string different from ATZ. Basicly it looks up the init string for your modem. Also, look into irqtune. Didnt help me, but might help you. Andrew Never include a comment that will help | A

debian newbie seeks help

1999-01-27 Thread rod peters
Hooray! I finally got my debian installation to work after many weeks(months) of frustration.  Thanks to everyone who gave their suggestions.  Now I am worse off before.  I don't know how to talk to linux.  At all.  I can do a few commands, cd, df, dir, and other simple stuf.  I don't know,

Re: How to read Texinfo file format

1999-01-27 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 21:08:28 + "Alfie Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I've volunteered for a bit of GNU proofreading, and have been sent a > file to proof portions of, written in something called Texinfo > format, or infotex -- I'm not clear on the exact difference. If it > helps, it begi


1999-01-27 Thread Gossamer
Is there a way to set up the print stuff so that when I go lpr it adds margins and stuff? It's ugly as is. bekj -- : --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick-- : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : And I don't like doing silly things (except on pu

Re: How to read Texinfo file format

1999-01-27 Thread Henning Makholm
Olaf Meeuwissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 21:08:28 + "Alfie Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > I've volunteered for a bit of GNU proofreading, and have been sent a > > file to proof portions of, written in something called Texinfo > > format, or infotex -- I'm not

Problem install.

1999-01-27 Thread \(Shigeyoshi OHARA\) 小原 \ 成介
I am new to Linux and trying intall Debian (hamm) to my K-62 machine. To begin with I create a rescue disk and boot. After that, following message apeared and the machine died. md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4,MAX_REAL=8 No key (even power button) can recover this situation, so I turned off main po

Re: debian newbie seeks help

1999-01-27 Thread Henning Makholm
"rod peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Now I am worse off before. I don't know how to talk to > linux. At all. I can do a few commands, cd, df, dir, and other simple > stuf. I don't know, however, how to run programs. You just type their name at the shell prompt. 'df' and 'ls' are program

Re: debian newbie seeks help

1999-01-27 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Ok. Basicly, in order to run a program all you need to do is type the program name. Like, in order to run netscape in Xwindows, you type netscape and hit enter. Many commands can include arguments with them, like xterm -bg black -fg white geometry 80x35 will produce an xterm window with black bac

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner
hi Ship's Log, Lt. Johann Spies, Stardate 260199.2231: > It was about 6 months ago, and I cannot recall the detail. But what I can > remember wat that as soon as the list of receivers becomes a little bit > long, Mutt refused to accept them. I think I also could not figure out > the Mutt equival

Re: unsibscribe

1999-01-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner
hi Ship's Log, Lt. Dmitry Shishkin, Stardate 260199.1029: > Hello , > > Best regards, > Dmitry mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null Don't take it too personal, but have you read at least one EMail from the 3 li

Re: SB-AWE 64 and midi

1999-01-27 Thread Paul Miller
Peter Berlau wrote: > > but unfortuanelety I don't have a awe32 synth mixer > and the message: > `No AWE synth device is found' > when I try `sfxload synthgs.sbk` > still exist, > > I'm pretty sure I have forgotten something, Is the 'awe_wave' module loaded? Paul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Synchronizing Windows NT to Debian.

1999-01-27 Thread Rainer Clasen
Hi! Jay Barbee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), "Re: Synchronizing Windows NT to Debian.": > There is a program called Tardis that has client and server time services. > Seems pretty powerfull: Yes, I know, but Greg Frye ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) already mentioned it. > Does NT's "net time /set" use ntp's port

Re: How to read Texinfo file format

1999-01-27 Thread Art Lemasters
If you use dselect or apt, download "info" (texinfo) just for the reader. I did not find "texinfo" on the dselect list with a search. BTW, I'm going to try it with dwww--should be pretty cool. :-) For authoring, see Henning's message below. Art On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 04:15:11AM +0100,

ppa zip drive

1999-01-27 Thread Gossamer
I've got a know-to-be-working parallel port Zip drive that's not behaving with Debian (it used to work with my old RedHat setup). If I try to mount the partition I get the usual "not recognized as a block device" and if I modprobe ppa manually I get this: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~# modprobe ppa ppa: V

Re: How to read Texinfo file format

1999-01-27 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
On 27 Jan 1999 04:15:11 +0100 Henning Makholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > You need to have the `texinfo' package installed. > No, the texinfo authoring tools are in the tetex-bin and tetex-base > packages (at least in hamm, that is). The dvips program one need > for making printable postscript

RE: Can't start X on my Laptop ...

1999-01-27 Thread Shaleh
Try going to the manufacturer's web site and hunting around there.

Re: ppa zip drive

1999-01-27 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy bekj, Check in your bios settings or your IO Board (Mouse/Printer, etc) to make sure that the LPT1 is set to address 378. BTW--What version of Debian are you running? (2.0R1 has the ZipDrive Support built in)... Hope that helps, Brant ___

dialing an internet provider

1999-01-27 Thread Tim Heuser
Hi all, I'm having troubles figuring out how to connect to my provider. Maybe someone can help me out? I've tried "pon", my computer trys to connect, but the other end hangs up (I guess. pon dosn't give me any info as to what is going on). I've tried wvdial, and it almost works. It dials

Re: debian newbie seeks help

1999-01-27 Thread ktb
rod peters wrote: >Can someone suggest a book for beginners. Preferably geared toward > debian. I though I would be able to figure it out but I think I had > better get a book. First off if you haven't checked out the Debian site do so: they have documentation there a

Re: A pipe dream?

1999-01-27 Thread Will Lowe
> If anyone can see something wrong with such an idea - or, better still, if > someone is well on the way to producing such a tool - I would be pleased to > hear about it. Nope. Makes perfect sense. You can also do dpkg --get-selections >some_file_name to back up your list of installed/selecte

RE: dialing an internet provider

1999-01-27 Thread Shaleh
When using pon, run plog -f, it will tell you what is happening. Does you provider use PAP, CHAP, or plain old username/password at a prompt?

Re: dialing an internet provider

1999-01-27 Thread Tim Heuser
username and password. Is there some other prog. that I should be using to dial up for a ppp connection? Shaleh wrote: > When using pon, run plog -f, it will tell you what is happening. > > Does you provider use PAP, CHAP, or plain old username/password at a prompt?

xdm config pointers

1999-01-27 Thread Shaleh
If anyone knows of a good doc, web site, etc. about configing XDM to look and act snazzy, please let me know.

ifconfig stats

1999-01-27 Thread tony mollica
Hi. My eth0 interface has started showing a count in the frame: and collisions: fields with no errors, dropped or overruns. I have found info on the collisions problem but nothing on the frames data. What is the number in the frames field trying to tell me? thanks, -- tony mollica [EMAIL

2.2 kernel okay, but bootpc fails

1999-01-27 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi Matt, > I just installed a 2.2.0 linux kernel, and everything works except > bootpc, which is used to give me an IP at startup. The boot process > freezes when bootpc tries to startup, but dies with the message "no > response from BOOTPC server" (or something to that effect). However, > I boot

Re: ppa zip drive

1999-01-27 Thread Kent West
Gossamer wrote: > I've got a know-to-be-working parallel port Zip drive that's not > behaving with Debian (it used to work with my old RedHat setup). > > If I try to mount the partition I get the usual "not recognized as > a block device" and if I modprobe ppa manually I get this: > > [EMAIL PROTE

Re: ppa zip drive

1999-01-27 Thread Gossamer
Brant Wells ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote... > Check in your bios settings or your IO Board (Mouse/Printer, etc) to > make sure that the LPT1 is set to address 378. It is. > BTW--What version of Debian are you running? (2.0R1 has the > ZipDrive Support built in)... I've got apt pointed at 'unstabl

Re: A pipe dream? (a.k.a. File Backups)

1999-01-27 Thread Jiri Baum
Steve Lamb wrote: > On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:14:56 -0500, Harrison, Shawn wrote: > >Much of what is "customized" or specific in the system is found in the > >/etc directory, and then all of your data files should be in the /home > >directory. So if you back up those two trees, you'll be mostly ther

Still trying to nstall Debian Linux 2.0, computer resets after loading linux.kernel, tried floppys,hardisk,cdrom...always reset the computer

1999-01-27 Thread David Peterson
It happens without any warnings, it loads root and linux image then "poof" rebootwhat to do cant do anything, never comes to any install options just loadlin and then it loads a bit and computer reboots..please help me! Sincerely, David P

libgtk1.1 missing

1999-01-27 Thread Gregory Vandenbrouck
Hi, I'm running unstable, and dselect says me that (when selecting gnome): libgtk-perl depends on libglib1.1 (>= 1.1.3-1) libglib1.1 does not appear to be available libgtk-perl depends on libgtk1.1 (>= 1.1.2-1) libgtk1.1 does not appear to be available Does someone knows where I could find i

Re: installing modules for parallel port

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote: > I'm trying to set up my parallel port so that my printer will work properly. That should be simple to do. Just enable the parallel printer options. > > I compiled 2.2 so that all this stuff is in modules that I would now have to > insmod. How do I

Re: new kernel release

1999-01-27 Thread Marcel Burggraeve
On 26 Jan 1999 19:28:33 +0100, Jim McCloskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >I see that the 2.2.0 kernel is now officially released. > >Does anyone know if there are any problems, or things to be wary of, in >compiling this kernel for Debian hamm? > After compiling and installing the kernel I can't

Problem with perl and locale

1999-01-27 Thread Gregory Vandenbrouck
Hi, I have made a setenv LANG=fr on my system. Which means some programs are displayed in French. It works fine but for perl which prints the following message: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LC_ALL = (unset), LANG =

Re: libgtk1.1 missing

1999-01-27 Thread Gregory Vandenbrouck
Rafael Kitover wrote: > > Might not have made it to your mirror yet, try Well, I'm using ;o) > > On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 09:37:46AM +0100, Gregory Vandenbrouck wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I'm running unstable, and dselect says me that (when selecting gnome): > > > > l

Re: Uploaded util-linux 2.9g-6 (source i386) to master

1999-01-27 Thread Jernej Zajc
Vincent Renardias wrote: > > Ok, so if we really want a Debian 2.1 that is 100% kernel 2.2.x > compatible it needs this package to be included in frozen. > I've just uploaded it in Incoming/ 10 minutes ago. > Non-developers can also access it at > (NB: there are _2_

Re: simple question

1999-01-27 Thread Björn Elwhagen
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 12:50:55PM -0600, Darknight wrote this: > Is there a way to change the port used on wu-ftpd-academ? If so, what > is it? Thanks. I don't have it installed right now but i guess you simply could change the portnumber in /etc/services. I've never had a reason to try that bu

Re: OPL3SAx sound card

1999-01-27 Thread Peter Makholm
"M.C. Vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I think these cards are now properly supported in 2.2.0 If that works, > then do let me know, as I've got one that I never use I've been in the same position for the last year. I got one of those to work under 2.2.0 as a module and some use of isapn

Re: pcmcia-cs problems in 2.2.0

1999-01-27 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
For the new kernel you need pcmcia-cs 3.0.8. You also have to check if your modules are stored in /lib/modules/2.0.0 or /lib/modules/2.0.0-final Then linux-2.2.0pre9 store them in *-final. Ciao, Giuseppe Paul Nathan Puri wrote: > I recently upgraded to 2.2.0. > I have installed the new version of

Re: WP 8 CD Install and Slink

1999-01-27 Thread Craig R. Hodges
THANK YOU!! WHy doesn't Corel post the dependencies on or have them listed with the CD? Thanks, Craig R. Hodges [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 25 Jan 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote: > Date: 25 Jan 1999 11:32:32 +0100 > From: Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To:

Re: Problem install.

1999-01-27 Thread David Stern
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:15:45 +0900, "" wrote: > > I am new to Linux and trying intall Debian (hamm) to my K-62 machine. > To begin with I create a rescue disk and boot. > After that, following message apeared and the machine died. > > md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4,MAX_REAL=8 > > No key (even power

Re: Try to install Debian Linux 2.0, computer resets after loadinglinux.kernel

1999-01-27 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
Try with the tecra images. It works for toshiba laptop. Ciao, Giuseppe David Peterson wrote: > > It happens without any warnings, it loads root and linux image then "poof" > rebootwhat to do cant do anything, never comes to any install options > just loadlin and then it loads a bit and compu

Re: SB-AWE 64 and midi

1999-01-27 Thread Peter Berlau
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 09:49:07PM -0600, Paul Miller wrote: Hi Paul, I solved the problem, however, it seems to be a card specific. I do foolowing steps: 1. total reinstall 2.0.36-kernel-source 2. install the awe-drv and awe-midi packages from Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 the libawe0.4 from Debian/GNU

Printer Setup

1999-01-27 Thread Craig R. Hodges
I have lpd installed on Slink. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from there? Printer setup is new to me. Netscape prints two lines of jumble and then the printer starts feeding sheets continually. I have an HP Deskjet 682C (same as 680C). Thanks, Craig R. Hodges

Re: Debian package to read Excel XLS spreadsheet

1999-01-27 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Mário Olímpio de Menezes wrote: > On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, eric scroger wrote: > > > I need a program that can read Excel xls spreadsheet and possibly export > > > > data to a text file. Anyone know of such a beast? > > Hi Eric, > > Though isn't a deb package, WingzPro

Debian install issue

1999-01-27 Thread Ansorg Jens
hi, I'm new to Linux and to the list I try to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 but no socess so far. I get the monocrome/color dialog and then the dialog box that says "The installation program is determining the current state of your system" and here it stops - no message, nothing, just stops. The

Re: printing/lpr

1999-01-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
Gossamer wrote: > >Is there a way to set up the print stuff so that when I go > >lpr > >it adds margins and stuff? It's ugly as is. Use `lpr -p' or install enscript. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http:/

Re: new kernel release

1999-01-27 Thread Gilbert Laycock
>> > I had a couple, though it was on the last pre that called itself 2.2.0: >> > a) it was not possible to change the irq for soundblaster to the value=20 >> > most cards use (5, and it defaults to 7? or is it vice versa). >> You can pass parameters to modules when insmod'ing them, >> ie insmod

Database Newbie

1999-01-27 Thread Patrick Colbeck
Hi I want to make a small multi user database but am not a programmer so I don't know C. I have found mysql and the xmysql administration program and it looks like I could get my head arround creating the actual database itself. However the user interface is a differnet matter, does anyone know if

Re: Can't start X on my Laptop ...

1999-01-27 Thread wb2oyc
> >The Linux-Laptop Guide >( had no useful >information for me, at least none I could find ... > >I got the laptop with plain MSDOS 6.2 , so I cant look into the windows >configfiles ... > > >ok. Can anybody help me ? I'm lost at the moment. > Ma

Re: Database Newbie

1999-01-27 Thread Peter Berlau
On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 10:39:53AM +, Patrick Colbeck wrote: > Hi > > I want to make a small multi user database but am not a programmer so I > don't know C. I have found mysql and the xmysql administration program and > it looks like I could get my head arround creating the actual database >

Re: WP 8 CD Install and Slink

1999-01-27 Thread Martin Bialasinski
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Craig R. Hodges wrote: > > Depends: xlib6, xpm4.7, libc5 > WHy doesn't Corel post the dependencies on or have them > listed with the CD? Ask them :-) I can provide a dummy Package, which just has this Depends line, so that as long you have this dummy install

Re: Debian package to read Excel XLS spreadsheet

1999-01-27 Thread Björn Elwhagen
On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 03:42:07AM -0600, Johann Spies wrote this: > > > I need a program that can read Excel xls spreadsheet and possibly export > > > > > > data to a text file. Anyone know of such a beast? I haven't really tested it myself, but StarOffice 5.0 - beeing a bit large for just tha

auto load of modules

1999-01-27 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
Hi, I have a problem with the autoload function. I compiled the support for soundblaster as module. Now if I run a cd player the program runs, but I can't listen to the music. Then if I run from super user 'modprobe sb' everything works ok. The autoload works perfectly with all other modules: vfat,

RDBMS - Relational Database Management Systems

1999-01-27 Thread Brahima BELEM
Hi Patrick, Here is a web site I've found few days ago. It helped me to understand database and gave me some good links too on comparison os different databases and graphical interfaces. Hope that will you help, brahima RDBMS - Relational Databas

Re: fetchmail/procmail tears mail apart

1999-01-27 Thread Christian T. Steigies
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote: > On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:36:35 +0100 (CET) "Christian T. Steigies" > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I have a little trouble with fetchmail (hamm, 4.3.9-1), procmail > > (hamm, 3.10.7-6) tearing mails apart. I think I tracked it down, > > when I fetch

RAID (Re: Problem install)

1999-01-27 Thread homega
David Stern dixit: > > MD driver is "multiple devices." This is used for functions such as > making two partitions perform as one large partition ("RAID 0," etc.). > Most people do not use the MD driver, but it is needed at install time. I recall installing the RAID option when installing Deb

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-27 Thread homega
Alexander N. Benner dixit: > > Ship's Log, Lt. Johann Spies, Stardate 260199.2231: > > It was about 6 months ago, and I cannot recall the detail. But what I can > > remember wat that as soon as the list of receivers becomes a little bit > > long, Mutt refused to accept them. I think I also could

Re: Browser for a slow computer?

1999-01-27 Thread homega
Mark Brown dixit: > > AFAIK Netscape is the only Linux browser supporting Java. IME you're > not going to get reasonable Java speed of any kind on an 8 MB machine. Isn't there a port for Sun's HotJava? -- Un saludo, Horacio [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Quis custodiet ips

XFMail 1.2 [p0]

1999-01-27 Thread Thomas Adams
XFMail seg faults quite often here. Is this a system problem or an XFMail problem? A co-student here (Red Hat user) told me it bombs on his system too so I assume the latter. Right?

sysv style init of daemons

1999-01-27 Thread Thomas Adams
Is there an easy to read in-depth description of the sysv style init? I hope the name is right; I mean the way of starting daemons by making links instead of the traditional way of placing a start script into /etc/rc.boot

Apache SSL problem

1999-01-27 Thread Thomas Adams
I installed hamm's Apache-SSL and can connect to it from the server (http[s]://localhost/) w/o problems. But if I try to connect from a different computer all I see is an alert with "Document contains no data". What's this?

Re: GNUcash/Libs

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel Martin
Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > => not found > This is a motif library. Some versions of Lesstif will work. > > > => not found > XmHTML doesn't exist as a debian package. Read the GNUCash readme and get > the source. > > I've been working on packag

Fonts for gimp?

1999-01-27 Thread Thomas Gebhardt
Hi, when I try to build a logo with the Xtns menu of the gimp, I get a Script-fu error message telling me that there is a font missing. Are the relevant fonts available as a deb package? I have installed all obvious related packages, so it might be a matter of misconfiguration? Thanks, Thomas

Re: dialing an internet provider

1999-01-27 Thread John Hasler
Tim Heuser writes: > username and password. Is there some other prog. that I should be using > to dial up for a ppp connection? No. Pon should work (I assume that you set up ppp with pppconfig). Run plog and post the output. -- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler) Dancing Horse Hill El

perl-dbd-modules as .debs?

1999-01-27 Thread Mike Gerber
hi there, debian folks! is there a .deb-package of the perl-dbd-modules? (not dbi, i search the database-specific parts like DBD::Pg, DBD::Oracle and such) i searched by hamm-cds but found none (only the libdbi-perl(?) one). ...only to have an clean (as .tar.gz-free as possible) system. thx in a

problem with adaptec aic 7895

1999-01-27 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
Hi, I have a problem with this controller. When I boot linux I receive this error: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 23, scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00 (scsi1:0:0:0) Aborting scb 14, flags 0x4 (scsi1:0:0:0:tag14) matches search criteria (scsi1:0:0:0:tag14)

Re: xdm config pointers

1999-01-27 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Hi, Shaleh > > If anyone knows of a good doc, web site, etc. about configing XDM to look and > act snazzy, please let me know. > > The better doc is the man page, just do : man xdm. Hernan

Re: Fonts for gimp?

1999-01-27 Thread Thomas Gebhardt
Hi, sorry: > Are the relevant fonts available as a deb package? I have installed > all obvious related packages, so it might be a matter of > misconfiguration? I just noticed that I had not included the "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/ " in my X Fontpath. So it's my fault, Cheers, Thomas

Re: printing/lpr

1999-01-27 Thread servis
*- Gossamer wrote about "printing/lpr" > > Is there a way to set up the print stuff so that when I go > > lpr > > it adds margins and stuff? It's ugly as is. > > Set up magicfilter and modify the filter that it sets up so that it sends text through enscript or genscript. Something like thi

Re: Printer Setup

1999-01-27 Thread servis
*- Craig R. Hodges wrote about "Printer Setup" > I have lpd installed on Slink. Does anyone have any suggestions on where > to go from there? Printer setup is new to me. Netscape prints two lines of > jumble and then the printer starts feeding sheets continually. I have an > HP Deskjet 682C (same a

Re: debian newbie seeks help

1999-01-27 Thread jrobertson
You can go to the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) at and get the getting started guide in html format and the users guide in adobe acrobat format (to read maybe on your windows/dos machine/partition). These are free and a good start. Have fun. "rod p

Re: man missing ?

1999-01-27 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 1/26/99 7:34:37 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Well think about this? do you need to install all of the pakcages under > windows3.x or windows9x to get it to work. games solitaire and > mindsweeper. you don't need man-db to get linux running. that is th

Re: A pipe dream?

1999-01-27 Thread G . B . Stott
Hi there, Many thanks to all those who offered suggestions; I am very grateful. Obviously some had access to more information than I have been able to find - such as documentation on the `get-selections' and `put-selections' options for dpkg. Time for me to go searching :-) Barrie.

Re: dialing an internet provider

1999-01-27 Thread Tim Heuser
Serial connection established using interface PPP0 Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1 LCP: Time out sending Config-Requests Connection terminated Recieve serial link is not 8 bit clean Problem: All had 7 bit set to 0 Hangup (SIGHUP) Exit I don't know how to cut and paste yet in here. Tim John Hasler w

Garbled screen

1999-01-27 Thread Kim Breedlove
I have just got X running although only using VGA_16 server, but hope to get SVGA server later. Now, I have annoying problem that when I exit X my command mode display is garbled. Example: "command not found" is displayed as "cmmad nt funnd" and "startx" is "sarrt". The commands are working as I ca

Re: ppa zip drive

1999-01-27 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 1/27/99 12:42:15 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > I've got a know-to-be-working parallel port Zip drive that's not > behaving with Debian (it used to work with my old RedHat setup). > > If I try to mount the partition I get the usual "not recognized as >

Re: Garbled screen

1999-01-27 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
> > I have just got X running although only using VGA_16 server, but hope to > get SVGA server later. Now, I have annoying problem that when I exit X > my command mode display is garbled. Example: "command not found" is > displayed as "cmmad nt funnd" and "startx" is "sarrt". The commands are > wo

Re: printing/lpr

1999-01-27 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 03:05 (+), Gossamer wrote: > > Is there a way to set up the print stuff so that when I go > > lpr > > it adds margins and stuff? It's ugly as is. man pr -- your man pann

Re: Unsual system check

1999-01-27 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote: : On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 01:42:25PM +0100, E.L. Meijer Eric" wrote: : > > : > > This is an unusual checking by my machine (this is all I could cut&paste), : > > has anything gone wrong here? : > : > [ output of regular fsck check ] : > : > Th

Re: Can´t remove Kernel Modules

1999-01-27 Thread David Wright
I haven't seen any responses to this one... Quoting acop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > I have a problem to compile my 2.0.34 Kernel without modules. Previously > compiled kernels used ppp as a module. If I try to use ppp now as > compiled in the kernel itself (even without doing 'make modules' / 'make >

Re: sysv style init of daemons

1999-01-27 Thread Remco van de Meent
Thomas Adams wrote: > Is there an easy to read in-depth description of the sysv style init? I > hope the name is right; I mean the way of starting daemons by making links > instead of the traditional way of placing a start script into /etc/rc.boot The current maintainer and (co-?)author of the sys

Re: Unsual system check

1999-01-27 Thread pat
On 27-Jan-99, Nathan E Norman took time to write : > I'm flying by the seat of my pants here, but I believe it has something > to do with a daemon's log file not being completely cleared before the > system shuts down (as in `shutdown -h now'). probably. > I was told that the "deleted inode has

kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-27 Thread Tam Ma
Hi, Can someone tell me what is the different between the "developement" version from the "stable" version of a kernel? Is kernel 2.2.0 stable or dev? What is the different between 2.2.0.tar.bz2 and 2.2.0.tar.gz? What does it mean when there is and question mark (?) in front of the file

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