Olaf Meeuwissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 21:08:28 +0000 "Alfie Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:

> > I've volunteered for a bit of GNU proofreading, and have been sent a
> > file to proof portions of, written in something called Texinfo
> > format, or infotex -- I'm not clear on the exact difference.

It is 'texinfo'. That is GNU's favorite documentation format.

The texinfo source can be compiled into either
   .dvi (which can be printed to postscript printers with dvips)
or .info (which can be browsed on-line with the C-H i command in
          emacs or the standalone 'info' program).

The commands that do that are texinfo (for making a .dvi) and makeinfo
(for making a .info).

> You need to have the `texinfo' package installed.

No, the texinfo authoring tools are in the tetex-bin and tetex-base
packages (at least in hamm, that is). The dvips program one need
for making printable postscript from the .dvi is in tetex-bin, too.

The stand-alone info reader (which is for making sense out of *.info
if one hasn't any emacs) has its own package, in section doc.

Henning Makholm

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