You can go to the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) at and get the getting started guide in html format and the users guide in adobe acrobat format (to read maybe on your windows/dos machine/partition). These are free and a good start.
Have fun. "rod peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/26/99 08:42:44 PM To: "debian" <> cc: (bcc: James Robertson/US/CCE) Subject: debian newbie seeks help Hooray! I finally got my debian installation to work after many weeks(months) of frustration. Thanks to everyone who gave their suggestions. Now I am worse off before. I don't know how to talk to linux. At all. I can do a few commands, cd, df, dir, and other simple stuf. I don't know, however, how to run programs. I have always prefered dos to windows but this is quite a bit more complex. How do I run programs? How do I know what type of extension is an exe. file? Can someone suggest a book for beginners. Preferably geared toward debian. I though I would be able to figure it out but I think I had better get a book. thanks rod
Hooray! I finally got my debian installation to work after
many weeks(months) of frustration. Thanks to everyone who gave their
suggestions. Now I am worse off before. I don't know how to talk to
linux. At all. I can do a few commands, cd, df, dir, and other
simple stuf. I don't know, however, how to run programs. I have
always prefered dos to windows but this is quite a bit more complex. How
do I run programs? How do I know what type of extension is an exe.
file? Can someone suggest a book for beginners. Preferably geared
toward debian. I though I would be able to figure it out but I think I had
better get a book.