Re: why does latest jessie apache2 reject _ in http request path

2017-03-08 Thread sf
On Wed, 8 Mar 2017, Juha Heinanen wrote: > Why is it that if I have _ in my segment, apache2 rejects the request > without 'HttpProtocolOptions strict'? Try setting Loglevel core:debug http:debug and look if the error log provides more information.

Re: Kovacs,Levente

2005-01-01 Thread SF
Hey.. I just seen your article asking about Levente Kovacs paintings.I have one its signed,sile#900.19,8,64. I don`t knowe verry mutch about the painting jet and I`m looking for more infos about it to.Its a wonderfull painting thats what I can say. you can replay to me@ [EMAIL PROTECTED]   th

Re: Securing a Debian server

2003-07-08 Thread SF deb
How do they CHECK the servers? Could you not do it yourself? with nmap or will scan your server. Scott - Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:26 AM Subject: Securing a Debian server > Hi there > > We're th

Re: New To Debian

2003-06-29 Thread SF deb
Intel video support has some info - Original Message - From: "Abrasive" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:48 PM Subject: New To Debian > Hello all. I'm fairly new to debian, and

Re: MC

2000-08-05 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
David Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Quoting Christopher Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > As an ex Rred Hat user, my midnight commander left me in the current working > > directory when I F10 out of it. The Debian version dumps me back to > > the original directory. Is there any way to conve

Re: current Redhat user evaluates Debian

2000-07-31 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
"John L. Fjellstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm a current RedHat user (started with Linux on RedHat because it was > available at Fry's), and I'm currently evaluating Debian for a > possible switch. > > Can anyone come up with a list of advantages of using Debian Linux > over Redhat Linux?

Re: which SQL database?

2000-06-11 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Randy Edwards writes: > > Both have excellent manuals and tutorials. > > Being in the process of teaching myself SQL by way of PostgreSQL, I have to > say that the PostgreSQL docs fall far short of my definition of > "excellent". I'm afraid that I'd agre

Re: postgres database framework disappeared: Solved

2000-06-04 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 12:05:45AM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote: > > Johann Spies wrote: > > >On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 11:03:23PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote: > > >In /etc/passwd the line was > > >postgres:x:31:32:postgres:/var/lib/postgres:/bin/sh >

Re: Telnet security

2000-05-20 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
When I run apt-get install ssh (after first having run apt-get install update), I get an error message saying that there is no available version, but the package exists in the database. What's up with that? # apt-get install ssh Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done Pack

decompressing lzw stream in pdf file

2000-02-19 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
I have a pdf file that I can't decipher. Almost all of the content is contained within an LZWDecode filter. The pdf file starts like this: %PDF-1.2 {garbage line} 11 0 obj << /Length 12 0 R /Filter /LZWDecode >> stream {followed by lots of 8-bit garbage, and then:} endstream endobj 12 0 ob

ppp troubles with slirp

2000-01-22 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
I'm using the version of ppp that comes with slink, 2.3.5-2, and I log in using a chat script to start up slirp at my ISP. (They make available login scripts -- for windows and macintosh users -- to start slirp, but they don't have any direct ppp login for reasons that are a mystery to me.) The I

Re: can sawmill be used with slink?

2000-01-18 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
"Joseph de los Santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Greetings! > > I would like to know if sawmill can be used with slink and if so, how do I > do this. This doesn't answer your question directly, but you might take a look at scwm, which is packaged for slink and shares some similarity with sa

Re: Which window manager do you recommend?

1999-12-01 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
I've grown fond of scwm. Like sawmill, it's an extremely configurable window manager, using guile (instead of sawmill's elisp-ish language) as an extension/customization language. --Miguel Martin Fluch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > > On Tue, 30 Nov 1999,

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-12 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
51PM -0700, Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote: > > Now, how do I make it so that lynx or emacs or lftp or wget also use > > this passive mode? I only seem to be able to make it work in the > > regular client. Is there a system setting that all of these would > > look at

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-11 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Now, how do I make it so that lynx or emacs or lftp or wget also use this passive mode? I only seem to be able to make it work in the regular client. Is there a system setting that all of these would look at to use passive mode? Thanks again. --Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miguel Wooding SF

Re: ftp not working

1999-09-11 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
"Eric G . Miller" writes: > Another person on this list was having a similar problem with his/her > own machine. If you're using the regular ftp client, you might try > these steps first. > > ftp> open > ftp> username: > ftp> password: > Then: > ftp> debug > ftp> passive >

ftp not working

1999-09-11 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
I am running debian slink, and once upon a time I believe that I was able to transfer files via ftp but, alas, no longer. Unfortunately, I don't recall what changed (it was a while ago, and I didn't deal with it right away), so now I'm trying to debug the situation from where I am now. I dial in

Re: Sound programs

1999-08-23 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote: > > > Looks like you have enough software to me. Make sure /dev/cdrom is > > a symbolic link to your cdrom device, most likely /dev/hdb or /dev/hdd. > > And if so, you'll probably have to add yourself to group dis

Re: Here's an easy question, how shutdown debian?

1999-07-19 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
John Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > André Bell wrote: > > > If so, what is the command to shutdown? > --- > > shutdown -r now That restarts, right? To shut down without rebooting, try shutdown -h now For more info try man s

Re: Telephony Apps

1999-07-10 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Alex McCool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hi All, > > Anyone know of any telephony apps, possibility to replace an aging > automated answer service? > The mgetty-voice package will get you started, but it appears to me that it takes a fair bit of work make it useful. There's an answering mach

TAGS file for gzipped source in emacs/xemacs

1999-03-08 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Does anyone know how to make and use a TAGS file when the source files are gzipped? I installed the xemacs20-supportel package, which installs all of the *.el elisp files in gzipped form. (I would guess that emacs[19,20]-el also install the sources in gzipped form.) I suppose I could simply unzi

Re: Replying to messages with gnus

1999-02-21 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Bob Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > In my .emacs file I have the following variables set: > > ; To send a blind carbon copy of every outgoing message to yourself, > ; set the variable `mail-self-blind' to `t'. (from emacs help_info) > (setq mail-self-blind t) > > ; To add a signatur

Re: Debian Meeting tomorrow: Ian Jackson, Dale Sheetz, LinuxWorld

1999-02-06 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
I was wondering whether anyone might have burned some Slink CD's that they could bring to the get-together. I'd happily pay for the cost of the CD's. I'd like to try testing Slink, but over a not-too-fast modem, downloading a whole setup is do-able, but a bit ungainly. I'm something of a newbie