More fundamentally, why would I need to use passive mode? I have
looked around a bit, and it appears to be a work-around to be able to
ftp from behind a firewall.  But I'm not behind a firewall, unless I
set something up terribly badly or I misunderstand.  This is a
standalone debian box and I connect to the net, as I mentioned
earlier, using dip to connect with a cslip emulator, slirp, on the
SunOS box at  Where in this chain is there likely something
like a firewall?

Once again, thanks.


"Eric G . Miller" <> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 01:15:51PM -0700, Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union wrote:
> > Now, how do I make it so that lynx or emacs or lftp or wget also use
> > this passive mode?  I only seem to be able to make it work in the
> > regular client.  Is there a system setting that all of these would
> > look at to use passive mode?
> > 
> > Thanks again.
> > 
> > --Miguel
>   I don't know about a global setting. Anyone?

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