Does anyone know how to make and use a TAGS file when the source files are gzipped? I installed the xemacs20-supportel package, which installs all of the *.el elisp files in gzipped form. (I would guess that emacs[19,20]-el also install the sources in gzipped form.) I suppose I could simply unzip them, but I'd rather not use all the extra space, and then any upgrade wouldn't work properly since dpkg would only overwrite the gzipped files. I like to have the option of looking at the source when I'm trying to understand what a command does; plus it helps me understand elisp better. I'm not, however, planning to modify the source right now. It seems that this might be a two step problem: (1) Generate the TAGS file, using etags, from the gzipped sources, and (2) Make {x}emacs auto-decompress the sources. I don't really know a good easy solution. If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, --Miguel