Time for compassion and the Init GR

2014-11-06 Thread Sam Hartman
Early morning, Wednesday, November 19, the results of the GR on init system coupling will be announced. No result will make everyone happy. In fact, that morning, some of our developers, users and contributors will be really unhappy. I would be dishonest if I said I didn't hope to be happy and r


2014-11-13 Thread Sam Hartman
Apologies for the debian-boston-soc mailing list going away. I changed infrastructure a couple of years ago and it made it a bit more difficult to host mailing lists. I'd be happy if someone else wanted to run a Debian Boston mailing list, and I'd be willing to make the effort to bring the list ba

Systemd Discussions--The Good Parts

2014-11-17 Thread Sam Hartman
I've tried to slow down my rate of posting both because I've said what it was useful for me to say and because after the most recent IETF meeting I've been taking a vacation in Hawaii, meditating floating in the ocean and living in the moment laughing with joy as the salt spray soaks my body. I'l

Re: Interpreting the init system GR results

2014-11-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Russ" == Russ Allbery writes: Russ> I have a different perspective. Russ> I think we just had a GR in which the Debian developer Russ> community said that we, as a community, would like to work Russ> through all of the issues around init systems together, as a Russ> co

major Changes to the TC?

2014-12-02 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Tollef" == Tollef Fog Heen writes: Tollef> As for Zack's point about this process being underway Tollef> already: yes, that's the point. If we want to change things Tollef> about the TC, let's put out a comprehensive proposal instead Tollef> of changing one thing now and a

Re: draft alternative proposal: fix problem at the root

2014-12-03 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Russ" == Russ Allbery writes: Russ> There's another alternative to using the CTTE, and my Russ> understanding is that this was generally the method used prior Russ> to the existence of the CTTE, but I'm not sure it's really any Russ> better. Russ> There are specific te

Re: About language specific package management tools

2015-01-26 Thread Sam Hartman
One huge advantage of teaching our package management tools to understand alternate package technologies and convert on the fly is that we can use the mirror networks of the language-specific packages. Unfortunately, we're fairly picky about licensing issues and legal distributability of packages.

Re: Why are in-person meetings required for the debian keyring?

2015-02-11 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Nikolaus" == Nikolaus Rath writes: Nikolaus> However, it seems to me that meeting someone in person Nikolaus> isn't actually verifying the relevant identity here. My Nikolaus> trust in a Debian developer is not based on him holding a Nikolaus> particular legal name, it is

Re: Survey on Bug Tracking Tools

2015-06-15 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Dominik" == Dominik George writes: Dominik> On 08.06.2015 20:46, Florian Weimer wrote: >> Google services are quite popular among the FLOSS crowd at large. >> You might not see many Gmail posters on Debian mailing lists, but >> this is increasingly an anomaly. Dominik>

What it means to be Debian

2015-06-16 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Dominik" == Dominik George writes: Dominik> b) BELIEF = Dominik> If any Debian contributor BELIEVES that the use of Google, Dominik> and the like, is a good thing, then the illness lies in the Dominik> divergence between their contribution and their values, and

Re: What it means to be Debian

2015-06-16 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Zlatan" == Zlatan Todoric writes: Zlatan> On the other hand - I do believe that Debian contributors Zlatan> should uphold Social Contract and DFSG as much as possible Zlatan> because if we don't push it forward and believe in it, then Zlatan> no one else will. I agree with

Re: What it means to be Debian

2015-07-07 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Bas" == Bas Wijnen writes: Bas> The above has nothing to do with beliefs. Beliefs are about Bas> people who believe that using non-free services is better for Bas> some ethical reason. They will say that even if a free Bas> alternative would be available, the non-free ser

Re: "Do you want to mount the drive, 'cancel' or 'allow'?"

2015-09-23 Thread Sam Hartman
If someone is interested in working on some documentation, I found the pklocalauthority man page plus looking at the action files in /usr/share/polkit-1 helpful. the pklocalauthorityman page does actually have examples and I believe combining that plus the action names from the action files would

Re: vmdebootstrap sprint report

2015-11-09 Thread Sam Hartman
Long term, how does this project relate to live-build. Is live-build going away, or are there different use cases where you'd want to use one vs the other? --Sam

Re: vmdebootstrap sprint report

2015-11-10 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining writes: >> only. It's scary to think that its intention is to also replace a >> tool like bootstrap-vz that has been used for years, is currently >> maintained and is pretty stable. Specially when not even >> mentioning this to the Debian Cloud

Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee

2017-10-27 Thread Sam Hartman
As a member of the technical committee, I've grown increasingly alarmed as I think about the impact of the issues that come to us. Yes, we're giving answers. However, I think we are doing a lot of harm to the members of our community in the process, and I would like to explore whether we can do b

Re: Bitcoin donations

2017-10-27 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Ben" == Ben Hutchings writes: >> And why would you refuse a way to submit donations that's >> convenient for some donors? Ben> [...] Ben> Mozilla tried it and the result was a net negative: Ben> https://fundraising.mozilla.org/bitcoin-donations-to-mozilla-17-days-in/

Re: Appropriate escalation (or non-escalation) re rude emails

2017-10-30 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Chris" == Chris Lamb writes: Chris> However, I do not believe one needs standing to do so and Chris> would highly encourage people to call out behaviour they feel Chris> is unacceptable, whoever they are or whatever flags they have Chris> in the Debian LDAP server. Ch

Re: Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee

2017-10-31 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Russ" == Russ Allbery writes: Russ> Martin Steigerwald writes: >> Russ Allbery - 28.10.17, 16:13: >>> There wasn't *anything* "left out" of that discussion. >> In my opinion this is a pretty bold statement. >> If everyone has been heard, noticed, felt and valued, if

Re: Appropriate escalation (or non-escalation) re rude emails

2017-11-01 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Don" == Don Armstrong writes: Don> On Mon, 30 Oct 2017, Sam Hartman wrote: >> 3) Similar to 2. I don't think you can take off any hats you do >> have when sending such mails. If you have a role in our account, >> antiha

Re: Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee

2017-11-02 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Jackson writes: Ian> Sam Hartman writes ("Re: Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Ian> Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee"): >> I am discussing how we handle conflict because I hope we can do a

Re: Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee

2017-11-03 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Ian" == Ian Jackson writes: Ian> Thanks for your mail. I have trimmed vigorously the parts I Ian> agreed with :-). Thanks again for your mail. I also trim parts where I think we understand each other and seem to be in general agreement. I want to explicitly call out your analysis

Re: Let's Stop Getting Torn Apart by Disagreement: Concerns about the Technical Committee

2017-11-03 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Steve" == Steve Langasek writes: Steve> Hi Diane, Steve> On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 11:48:05AM -0700, Diane Trout wrote: >> I only just subscribed and only have read some of the discussion >> so this may be a bit off topic or already discussed. >> But I was wondering if t

Summary: Concerns about the Technical Committee Process

2017-11-08 Thread Sam Hartman
d more comprehensive statements. In this message, Ian also outlined a list of factors that tend to be critical to TC decisions. [7] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/23032.45880.193971.897...@chiark.greenend.org.uk [8] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/23035.8784.982211.812...@chiark.greene

Re: Emeritus status, and email forwarding [and 1 more messages]

2017-11-15 Thread Sam Hartman
I think if we can find a way to manage it technically, allowing people to forward email would be a reasonable thing to do.

Re: On the Anti Harassment Team

2018-02-01 Thread Sam Hartman
I've seen other organizations call the antiharassment team an ombudsman team; perhaps ombudsteam might be more gender neutral though. I support the idea of changing the name and support the idea of letting the team decide on its name. I think rather than creating rules about delegates needing to r

Re: [Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#532856: Bug#532856: closed by Mathieu Parent (Closing " umask settings overridden by Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) clients")

2018-12-31 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Thomas" == Thomas Goirand writes: Thomas> On 07/02/2018 01:14 AM, Josip Rodin wrote: >> The Debian social contract doesn't go into that much detail, to >> explicitly require keeping bugs open because they exist in >> practice -- but common sense and decades of precedent do.

Compassion For Those Worried Whether They are Welcome

2019-01-02 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Steve" == Steve McIntyre writes: Steve> For those trying to undermine it with statements like "I'm Steve> worried I'll be thrown out of Debian if I make a single Steve> mistake", please give it a rest already. These are basic Steve> principles on how we want all people to i

Re: Censorship in Debian

2019-01-08 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman writes: Scott> On Monday, January 07, 2019 07:06:28 PM Russ Allbery wrote: >> Miles Fidelman writes: > On the >> other hand, the IETF seems to do just fine - with a much larger > >> base of participants, and a lot more room for discussion and

Re: Proposal: mediators

2019-01-08 Thread Sam Hartman
I think that rather than writing down a procedure like this it would be better to get some success cases of trying something along these lines. So, for example, I'd recommend that you and people who have similar views volunteer to be available as mediators. Once people use your services, and you h

Re: Censorship in Debian

2019-01-11 Thread Sam Hartman
Might I suggest that Miles and the rest of us have had as much of a meeting of minds as we can in the media of email and that this thread has drifted into noise? In my oopinion continuing would do more harm than good. --Sam

Re: Appeal procedure for DAM actions

2019-01-26 Thread Sam Hartman
While we're throwing around random wikipedia pages, I'd like to submit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning With respect, I don't think Daniel's comments are a constructive addition to the discussion. Whether or not daniel was treated reasonably, I think that he's reached a level of bitterne

Re: Debian Project Leader Elections 2019: Call for nominations

2019-03-10 Thread Sam Hartman
We seem to have reached the end of the nominations period with no Debian developers stepping forward to nominate themselves. As has been discussed, the nomination in is not valid because the person nominating themselves is not a developer. In fairness, I'd recommend that the nominations period b

Re: Binary compatibility policy for security updates and point releases

2019-03-17 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Jakob" == Jakob Leben writes: Jakob>Well, there are use cases that are not so simple. For Jakob> example: I might deploy Debian 9.1 on an embedded machine Jakob> sold to a client on the other side of the world. I have a Jakob> system for updating my own software which i

Re: metaphors and feminism

2019-03-30 Thread Sam Hartman
I always assumed debian member was a term that included developer and maintainer. I'm all for Debian member replacing developer, but if so, I'd like a term that encompasses maintainer and developer.

Resignation from the Antiharassment Team

2019-04-21 Thread Sam Hartman
Effective immediately, I resign from the Antiharassment team in order to take on the role of Debian Project Leader. I think that there are a couple of conflicts that make holding both roles problematic. The biggest is time management. However, while the DPL and AH both have roles in dispute re

RFA: rtc.debian.org

2019-04-25 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi. During a discussion with DSA, we noticed that rtc.debian.org does not have an active service team maintaining it. In addition, the reciprocate package, on which it depends, was dropped from buster. I think the RC bugs in question have since been fixed but I didn't go look at all the dependenc

Re: Than you!

2019-04-26 Thread Sam Hartman
Your thanks are most welcome. Sam Hartman Debian Project Leader

the #debian-ddpl IRC channel on OFTC

2019-04-28 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi folks. Some DPLs in the past have used the #debian-dpl channel on OFTC. Chris didn't. I'm trying to figure out whether I am going to use the channel, but for now I'm hanging out there. If you hang out there, I'm assuming you're willing to assist the DPL on the channel trying to understand t

Re: the #debian-ddpl IRC channel on OFTC

2019-04-28 Thread Sam Hartman
A recent conversation on IRC caused me to realize I should have pointed out a couple of things. These are obvious to me but may not be obvious to others. IRC is not email. I may ignore IRC when busy. I do not have a permanent IRC presence. I may lose messages in various ways, and my IRC clien

Re: RFA: rtc.debian.org

2019-04-30 Thread Sam Hartman
Is the xmpp server part of rtc.debian.org or another service?

Re: RFA: rtc.debian.org

2019-05-19 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi. If I'm understanding you correctly, what you're saying is that you believe this project is more than one person can handle and you're giving two examples: 1) You don't know how to interact with DSA and 2) you don't understand the current setup. I suspect you're right that this is more than on

Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-21 Thread Sam Hartman
Speaking as an individual, although some of the things that motivated me to actually go ahead and ask this question knowing that it might spark discussion were conversations I had as DPL. Obviously this question is motivated by things that happened last year, but I'm not asking about that situati

Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-21 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Jackson writes: Ian> Sam Hartman writes ("Question for Planet Admins: What Should I Ian> do if another Developer Removes my Blog"): >> Imagine that I get a note from a random developer saying they >> have rem

Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-21 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Carter writes: >> 2) Ask the planet admins to respond to the situation and either >> help me understand the problem or add my blog back. Jonathan> Option number two seems like the entirely logical and Jonathan> reasonable approach. If it seems that yo

Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-22 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Benj" == Benj Mako Hill writes: Benj> I'd be happy to document this on the Planet wiki page. I agree with Joerg that I don't think we need a lot of new rules here. I'll point out that the situation I asked about has never happened (although one close to it in some ways did), and it f

Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-22 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining writes: Norbert> On Tue, 21 May 2019, Scott Kitterman wrote: >> I think it's more open and equally clean for someone who's blog >> has been non- consensually removed to be able to put it back >> themselves immediately (if they think the removal

Re: RFA: rtc.debian.org

2019-05-25 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Jonas" == Jonas Smedegaard writes: Jonas> I also run Asterisk at a few small networks, and experienced Jonas> similar failure connecting with rtc.d.o in the past - but I Jonas> didn't try very hard back then. Jonas> I sincerely hope these renewed efforts can help improve

Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-25 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Mathias" == Mathias Behrle writes: Mathias> * Karsten Merker: " Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Mathias> Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog" (Sat, 25 Mathias> May 2019 17:49:13 +0200): Mathias> Hi together, Mathias> I am supporting wholeheartedly th

Re: Question for Planet Admins: What Should I do if another Developer Removes my Blog

2019-05-25 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining writes: Norbert> Hi Sam, surprising statements from you ... Norbert> On Wed, 22 May 2019, Sam Hartman wrote: >> The same is true of package maintainership though. We sometimes >> do change the ma

Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-05-29 Thread Sam Hartman
[moving a discussion from -devel to -project where it belongs] > "Mo" == Mo Zhou writes: Mo> Hi, Mo> On 2019-05-29 08:38, Raphael Hertzog wrote: >> Use the $300,000 on our bank accounts? So, there were two $300k donations in the last year. One of these was earmarked for a DSA

Re: paying people for Debian work (Re: Why do we take so long to realise good ideas

2019-05-30 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Holger" == Holger Levsen writes: Moving this subthread to -project too. Holger> But there's one significant difference between LTS and dunc Holger> tank: dunc tank was ment as an initiative inside Debian, Holger> while LTS is carefully set up on both sides, in- and outside

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-05-31 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Adrian" == Adrian Bunk writes: I agree that's missing. I don't think that is the important information needed to drive the discussions I'm hoping someone will drive. Instead I'm more interested in seeing discussions at a high level. Talking about the issues involved in paying people to

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-06-01 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Ondřej" == Ondřej Surý writes: Ondřej>It might be worth looking on how other organizations in Ondřej> our ballpark are doing stuff. f.e. IETF/ISOC is in similar Ondřej> situation to Debian/SPI. I'm no longer really involved in the IETF, but I was involved in the IETF for

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-06-01 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Adrian" == Adrian Bunk writes: >> >> Talking about the issues involved in paying people to do work. >> What the options are, collecting people's concerns etc. >> >> I actually think the first round of that can be done without >> significant access to numbers.

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-06-03 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Gunnar" == Gunnar Wolf writes: Gunnar> I am aware your example is just an example - But don't you Gunnar> think that following through with this would have a sad Gunnar> effect on the www team: It would be equivalent to tell them, Gunnar> "thanks for your work for so many y

[respond by Jun 20]: Call for Feedback on the Antiharassment team

2019-06-05 Thread Sam Hartman
Dear Debian: I'm seeking feedback on your interactions with the antiharassment team. Ultimately I'd like to learn how well they are meeting the needs of the project in helping to keep our community welcoming and safe. As discussed in my bits from the DPL, A group of us is meeting in late June

Re: RFC: endorse debian-mentors as entrance to our infrastructure projects

2019-06-09 Thread Sam Hartman
Paul, it's really cool to see that you are open to this. I wonder whether it might be a good idea to write down which infrastructure services people in the mentors community are most able to help with. I don't want to discourage people from for example asking dak questions, but it might be valuab

Alternatives to the Socratic Method

2019-06-10 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Chris" == Chris Lamb writes: Chris> Personally, I have been over-indulgent in using such "devil's Chris> advocate" positions in the past, but after some feedback I Chris> realised that it did not have the intellectually stimulating Chris> quality I was hoping for and merely

Accessibility of Ledger Reports

2019-06-10 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi. An issue came up processing a debconf budget amendment. Our community uses ledger a lot for dealing with financial issues. Unfortunately, I find that its reports are not very accessible at least by default. The issue I'm most running into is that the reports use internal indentation within a

Re: Accessibility of Ledger Reports

2019-06-10 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Louis-Philippe" == Louis-Philippe Véronneau writes: Louis-Philippe> Is that more accessible? From what I understand from Louis-Philippe> your email, the beginning indentation isn't a Louis-Philippe> problem. If it is, we can script something to get Louis-Philippe> rid of it

Re: Accessibility of Ledger Reports

2019-06-12 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Sune" == Sune Vuorela writes: Sune> On 2019-06-10, Sam Hartman wrote: >> Unfortunately, I find that its reports are not very accessible at >> least by default. The issue I'm most running into is that the >> reports u

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-06-14 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi. I've received a media query on this topic I am about to respond to. I figure the project would not take it well to find out what we're going to do from a news story. And obviously I don't know what we're going to do, but I do think I know where we ended up here and what I'd be open to helpin

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-06-15 Thread Sam Hartman
It was pointed out to me that my mail could have been misread in a number of ways. nothing in my message is meant to alter the delegations currently in place. Rather, my desire is to further empower our delegated teams. If there are going to be any grants to fund work for some of our teams, the

Re: Debian supports pridemonth?

2019-06-28 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi. Responding only to one thing at this time, and apologies if it has already been covered. This was discussed by the debian publicity team who is delegated to do this sort of thing. In particular, they are charged by the project and DPL to promote Debian consistent with its policies and their c

Re: Debian supports pridemonth?

2019-06-28 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Roberto" == Roberto C Sánchez writes: Roberto> It does not seem that anything was done with the intent to Roberto> conceal the action, nor do I mean to imply such. However, Roberto> the start of the thread was practically invisible Roberto> (especially for someone monitori

Re: Debian supports pridemonth?

2019-06-28 Thread Sam Hartman
>> 3. what aspect of the political connotation of Pride Month you find >> objectionable, if any. >3. This is something I don't really think is on-topic on this list, or >in Debian at large. However, since you asked, I especially find Hi. I think your first inclination was right. I don't think i

Debian Videos

2019-06-28 Thread Sam Hartman
Speaking as an individual developer. One of my coworkers, Matt Tennie, will be attending his first Debconf this year. He has a lot of video production experience . He's been asking me questions about Debian, and somewhere along the way we realized it would be great to make available answers to

Speaking your Mind

2019-07-01 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining writes: Norbert> Hi Gerardo, >> On the other hand, nobody but me has spoken openly to say that it >> was a mistake to issue that statement. So I'm taking that as >> meaning that there is indeed a project-wide consensus that it was >> ok.

Re: Debian supports pridemonth?

2019-07-01 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Adrian" == Adrian Bunk writes: >> and so forth, since they're the experts on what they would find >> the most meaningful within the Debian context. Adrian> Debian having a position on general political issues can be Adrian> dangerous. Absolutely. I think that each time we

Re: Debian supports pridemonth?

2019-07-01 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Eldon" == Eldon Koyle writes: Eldon> On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 12:49 PM Andrew M.A. Cater wrote: >> Eldon> >> Regardless of what some folk say about pridemonth - it is deeply, >> deeply, sadly, ironic and painful that folk are arguing about >> pridemeonth in mails

Pride Month Discussion has Run its Course

2019-07-02 Thread Sam Hartman
[listmaster copied in hopes they will agree with my assessment here] The pride month discussion has gone beyond what's appropriate for debian-project at this point and has served its purpose. It's possible that small sub threads may have some value, but overall, I think that the discussion ha

Re: Pride Month Discussion has Run its Course

2019-07-02 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Wirt writes: Alexander> On Tue, 02 Jul 2019, Sam Hartman wrote: >> >> >> >> [listmaster copied in hopes they will agree with my assessment >> here] Alexander> I don't

Re: Speaking your Mind

2019-07-02 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Holger" == Holger Levsen writes: Holger> On Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 02:07:37PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote: >> But I don't want there to be a chilling effect out of fear. Holger> yet today you asked this discussion to be stopped, even

What can I do if I disagree with a Delegate's Decision

2019-07-08 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Roberto" == Roberto C Sánchez writes: Roberto> On Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 10:18:18AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote: >> On Wed, 03 Jul 2019, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote: Roberto> The point of Debian being a do-ocracy is not lost on me. Roberto> In fact, when it comes to technical

Regrets Handling Conduct Concerns Earlier this Year

2019-07-08 Thread Sam Hartman
blame, then this is not an apology. Humiliation and denigration have no place in Debian. Sam Hartman Debian Project Leader signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Results of the Antiharassment Team Survey

2019-07-09 Thread Sam Hartman
e to thank everyone who gave feedback. I was amazed at how constructive the process was. --Sam Title: Antiharassment Feedbac (Public) Antiharassment Feedbac (Public) Sam Hartman June 22, 2019 Nature of Feedback Feedback from 17 sources Respondents; reporters;former and curren

Re: git & Debian packaging sprint report

2019-07-11 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Andrej" == Andrej Shadura writes: Andrej> Hi, Andrej> On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 at 10:10, Sean Whitton wrote: >> Over the weekend, Ian Jackson and I met in Cambridge, U.K. to >> work on the design and implementation of tools and processes >> relating to git & Debian packagi

Re: Results of the Antiharassment Team Survey

2019-07-12 Thread Sam Hartman
Hi. In this message I'm speaking as the DPL facilitating a discussion. I'm trying to explain where I see the project consensus (or in this case lack there of). That is I'm explaining what I'm hearing from the project and trying to focus future discussion. First, by this point, I have quite high

Re: Sounding board for Debian forums?

2019-07-15 Thread Sam Hartman
Neil has been talking about how much the Gnome community has gotten out of discourse. His experience has been positive enough that as an individual developer I'd be interested in using a pilot. I want to stress that I'm not volunteering to do the work of setting up such a pilot. I could imagine s

Re: Results of the Antiharassment Team Survey

2019-07-15 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Christian" == Christian Kastner writes: Christian> However, (this part is a setup for my next answer) for Christian> any given body of people and one unspecific norm, it is Christian> possible for two individuals of said body to arrive at Christian> conflicting interpretati

Re: Results of the Antiharassment Team Survey

2019-07-16 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Marc" == Marc Haber writes: Marc> On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 10:04:43PM +0200, Christian Kastner wrote: >> Answering the second question first: my interpretation of >> mediation in this context is a resolution process for the >> aforementioned conflicting interpretations, wher

Re: farewell

2019-07-23 Thread Sam Hartman
I'll say there is something really unfortunate with the unattended-upgrades packagekit ecosystem. I keep finding that unattended-upgrades takes up 100% of my CPU until I kill it. I have not had a chance to debug enough to submit a bug, but it is infuriating. --Sam

Do we want to try to find consensus before a GR?

2019-07-25 Thread Sam Hartman
I had been hoping to start some discussions on these issues after debconf. I am not really interested in doing so against the backgdrop of a potential GR happening at the same time. Thomas, would you be willing to hold off on potential GR stuff until after I see where we get with consensus? F

Re: debian-private leaked on pastebin, worried

2019-08-05 Thread Sam Hartman
Did anyone actually bother to click on the link? How much of debian-private (from when to when) was leaked? If no one even bothered to look, well, that's fine too.

Intent to Delegate: Delegation Advisory Group

2019-08-28 Thread Sam Hartman
[intentionally not signed because this is a comment-seeking draft] Hi. As discussed in [1], I'm forming a delegation advisory group to help me with upcoming delegations. [1]: https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/tslftm5c1e7@suchdamage.org This group will help me by being a group that I

Re: Intent to Delegate: Delegation Advisory Group

2019-08-28 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Carter writes: Jonathan> Just one thing that I am /slightly/ confused about (which Jonathan> means that there might be someone else who is too). The Jonathan> topic, and particularly "Delegation Advisory Group" gave Jonathan> me the impression that thi

Re: Intent to Delegate: Delegation Advisory Group

2019-08-28 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining writes: Norbert> Hi Sam, I think this is a good idea, but ... Norbert> On Wed, 28 Aug 2019, Sam Hartman wrote: >> * Joerg Jaspert * Steve McIntyre >> <93...@debian.org> * Theodore Y. Ts'

Re: Which idiot made Calamares used in Debian ?

2019-08-28 Thread Sam Hartman
> "michael" == michael caron couturier writes: michael> The app is unaccessible for blind users fix your mess michael> before adding crap ... -- Michaël C. Couturier I understand your frustration. It's true that there's not an supported accessible installer that you can run once yo

Re: Intent to Delegate: Delegation Advisory Group

2019-09-05 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Adam" == Adam D Barratt writes: I don't think it even means that. > 8.2. Appointment > The Delegates are appointed by the Project Leader and may be replaced > by the Leader at the Leader's discretion. The Project Leader may not > make the position as a Delegate conditional on par

Re: Intent to Delegate: Delegation Advisory Group

2019-09-05 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Holger" == Holger Levsen writes: Holger> Hi Sam, why exactly do you think a delegation is useful Holger> and/or needed here? Holger and I discussed that off-list. As a result he made two proposals: 1) Avoid the word privy in the delegation text as that's confusing to a non-native

Debian and Non-Free Services

2019-09-12 Thread Sam Hartman
I'm trying to move a thread from -devel. Ian Jackson responded [1] to part of a consensus discussion on Git recommendations. I had said that I think we recommend against the use of non-free services like Github but do not forbid their use. Ian disagreed with this recommendation. I respon

Re: Debian and Non-Free Services

2019-09-13 Thread Sam Hartman
> "MJ" == MJ Ray writes: MJ> I have some sympathy with the "send a patch to bugs.debian.org" MJ> view. Do any developers ignore those and tell people to join MJ> github to use its private version of pull requests? I know I MJ> have patches ignored in there but I don't remem

Re: GR proposal: mandating VcsGit and VcsBrowser for all packages, using the "gbp patches unapplied" layout, and maybe also mandating hosted on Salsa

2019-09-24 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Bernd" == Bernd Zeimetz writes: Bernd> On 7/23/19 7:31 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote: >> 1- Mandating VcsGit and VcsBrowser, meaning we do mandate using >> Git for packaging. Bernd> why is that a reason for a GR? its a question for the policy Bernd> editors. So, I agree t

Re: GR proposal: mandating VcsGit and VcsBrowser for all packages, using the "gbp patches unapplied" layout, and maybe also mandating hosted on Salsa

2019-09-24 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman writes: >> For several of these recommendations if I cannot get consensus, I >> will call for a GR myself. Scott> What do you think is important enough in this area that you Scott> would rather have people not contribute to Debian if they Scot

Re: GR proposal: mandating VcsGit and VcsBrowser for all packages, using the "gbp patches unapplied" layout, and maybe also mandating hosted on Salsa

2019-09-24 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Mo" == Mo Zhou writes: Mo> As you said, recommendations are merely recommendations. Debian Mo> developers customed to their own workflow may not necessarily Mo> follow the recommendations. However, the recommendation makes a Mo> difference for newbies or newcomers, if thei

Re: Using Debian funds to support a gcc development task

2019-09-29 Thread Sam Hartman
I'm a bit concerned about your argumentation style in this thread. It feels to me a lot like you're saying that people are wrong simply because they are disagreeing with you. In future discussions, I'd recommend finding a way of having the discussion that acknowledges disagreement and is more foc

Re: Using Debian funds to support a gcc development task

2019-09-30 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Ian" == Ian Jackson writes: Ian> Charles Plessy writes ("Re: Using Debian funds to support a gcc Ian> development task"): >> given the reminders that Debian refrains from paying developers >> for their time, I wonder if it would still be possible to make a >> small cont

Re: Using Debian funds to support a gcc development task

2019-10-01 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Andreas" == Andreas Tille writes: Andreas> Hi Andreas> On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 11:44:26AM +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote: >> So, would -project be willing to support our cause through Debian >> funds? Andreas> Besides other good reasons to say "no" to this que

BSP Reimbursements

2019-10-02 Thread Sam Hartman
TL;DR: Do we want BSP organizers to take on the responsibility of batching together travel reimbursement requests. HI. A while back, I suspended the automatic approval of reimbursements for attending BSPs. You can still ask for approval for attending a BSP, you can't just send me a reimburseme

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