>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:
Ian> Thanks for your mail. I have trimmed vigorously the parts I Ian> agreed with :-). Thanks again for your mail. I also trim parts where I think we understand each other and seem to be in general agreement. I want to explicitly call out your analysis of how mailing list discussions can be problematic. I think that's a really important point to this discussion. I might choose to be less formalized in how I'd prefer to solve the problem. However I think you've highlighted that mailing list discussions are the wrong approach for the really thorny issues. One mechanism that is often helpful in cases where mailing list discussions add value is to summarize them going forward. I think we're very close to a point where it would be useful for me to prepare such a summary of this discussion. >> I also think the court emphasis on justice and "right" is >> harmful. As I said in my blog entry, technical correctness is an >> important factor, but I think it is a less important factor than >> maintaining our community. Ian> IMO injustice _itself_ undermines community. Ian> When you say you want to put "community" ahead of "justice", Ian> what I hear is that you want to put the opinions of some people Ian> ahead of others, because they might be hurt more if the Ian> decision goes against them, or because the are more important Ian> to the project somehow. Ah, thanks for explaining what you heard. That's not what i want to say at all. Also, I wouldn't even say I put community ahead of justice. I put community ahead of technical correctness. I also think court-style justice in our community would emphasize technical correctness. Justice as an abstract concept is not something I have simple positions on. Ian> After all, if we are not to put some people's opinions ahead of Ian> others, what we are left with is making decisions based on the Ian> merits, which is what I am thinking of as justice. This statement feels wrong to me. It's not obvious to me why it is true that the putting some opinions ahead of others is coupled to making decisions on the merits. I think there's possibly more to unpack there, although I'm not sure it's where we need to go to understand each other. I'd like to give some examples of cases where I think community is more important than technical correctness. * Some people's opinions do matter more than others on some decisions. The most obvious example of this is we have a culture of letting the people doing the work have huge latitude. It might be better overall if we picked a single scripting language for all Debian infrastructure, maaintainer scripts, development tools, archive software and the like. It's far more important to let the maintainers use the tools they prefer. It might have been great for the project to mandate debhelper a while ago. Just within the last year we've finally gotten to a point where policy recommends using debhelper in one circumstance. Again, we strongly prefer letting people doing work have flexibility. So often, the TC finds itself saying "you might even be right about the technical issue, but those folks actually doing the work get to pick in this instance." * Sometimes respect for work going on or for process is more important than technical correctness. You and I have disagreed about specific instances of the past. But for example I believe that if the policy editors are unsure whether they reached consensus on an issue, one significant factor that the TC needs to consider is whether the policy team did or did not reach consensus under their internal policies. I understand we disagree on the specifics here, and this is probably the wrong forum to rehash that. I do think that cases where respecting what other people are doing and respecting other processes are more important to community stability than technical correctness. * pSometimes it is more important to have maintainers or maintainer teams who are good at bringing in new people, mentoring, and the like even if it frustrates technical experts. If a particular maintainer team consistently has trouble dealing with their stakeholders, I think making changes to improve communication can be appropriate even if it decreases the technical quality of the team for a while. None of us are so good that we cannot be replaced, and yet all our contributions are valued. * Sometimes it is more important to get a decision made than to have the perfect decision. This needs to be balanced against manipulating the processes to prevent stakeholders from contributing etc. * Sometimes the cost of reviewing a decision can be higher than any potential gain. I can think of a number of TC bugs where a lot of frustration was spent overriding a maintainer and there was little benefit to our users. It was the right decision from a pure technical standpoint, but it really didn't end up mattering. I suspect we'll still disagree somewhat, but I think we may be closer there than my original message implied. I think our key disagreement is that you prefer formalism and I prefer to agree on principles and trust in people. I don't think persuading each other will help much there. I think we understand the tradeoffs of these two views of the world, although if you don't think that's the case I'm happy to dive into that. I think this might be a case where letting whoever actually does the work pick the balance is the only thing we can do. It's not clear that either you or I will actually be putting together a new TC process, so we don't know who should make that decision.