>>>>> "Mo" == Mo Zhou <lu...@debian.org> writes:

    Mo> As you said, recommendations are merely recommendations.  Debian
    Mo> developers customed to their own workflow may not necessarily
    Mo> follow the recommendations. However, the recommendation makes a
    Mo> difference for newbies or newcomers, if their arbitrary
    Mo> educational resources share uniformed recommends. To some extent
    Mo> I think debian development is destined to be diversified.

Right, and people new to the process is one of the big motivators for

It looks like we'll get the recommendations via consensus and we won't
need GRs.

But I think having recommendations available when people are new, when
they are looking for what to do when writing new tools, when the trade
offs don't matter, is really important.  I think it's important enough
that it's worth time for a quick vote (and I do believe we can
efficiently handle GRs).

Besides, I did say in the campaign period I was going to work towards
recommendations/policy in this space.  You shouldn't be surprised I'll
use all the tools available to me to accomplish my goals.  I'm always
open to changing my mind, but what I've seen so far has re-enforced the
idea that more uniformity would be good for Debian rather than
challenging it.


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