Re: Save trackpad settings during sleep

2001-06-13 Thread benh
>On the Lombard, the ADB devices are apparently reprobed and reset before >pmud restores the device state. If BenH is doing something differently on >the iBook that prevents pmud from finding the device after sleep we'd >better save the device state in the kernel and restore it

Re: switching to linux keycodes in woody

2001-06-15 Thread benh
>As far as I can tell, this problem could only be solved by continuing to >provide separate keymaps for Intel and Mac, at least for non-US >keyboards. Yes, it's necessary to ship both four countires where the layout differ. Note that Linux keycodes are still a good thing for other reasons, one be

Re: XFree86 4.1.0: call for help

2001-06-19 Thread benh
>If it indeed allows the server to start without Option "UseFBDev": yes. Can't >hurt to try I guess... BenH seemed to suggest that it really can't work this >way though. > It may work. Depends if you get the iobase from the AGP bus or the PCI bus. What can't work is both... Ben.

Re: XFree86 4.1.0: call for help

2001-06-20 Thread benh
>Hmm you have a point there, i have a feeling that the text/colormap >was not crasing in the isa i/o access but in the isa mem ones, >(we mmap 0xA, i wonder what lives there since isa mem definitely >isn't) RAM. Actually kernel code :( There no way to access ISA mem on most Macs. >We don't ne

Re: XFree86 4.1.0: call for help

2001-06-20 Thread benh
>The segfault occurred in an inb(), is that also used for ISA mem? If you get that for read and not write, then you are probably getting machine checks, which usually means IO to an incorrect address. Are you sure your card is answering to VGA IOs ?

Re: powerpc ready for freeze?

1999-12-28 Thread BenH
On Tue, Dec 28, 1999, Ivo KRAB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >In general, I think debian is quite poor in keymaps for the mac hardware. >I'm trying to generate a series of keymaps based on the MacOS 8.5 >resources, but I have little time to do a complete table-translation for >all the international v

New 2.2.14 for iMac/iBook/G4

2000-01-09 Thread BenH
I've uploaded a new version of my kernel. It's now based on final 2.2.14 and contains a few more fixes. It's at the usual URL: WARNING ! There's a problem with the amd daemon and this kernel. I don't know yet if it's specific to my kernel or a more gene

Re: xfree

2000-01-10 Thread BenH
On Mon, Jan 10, 2000, Shiryu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >There is a server, called Xpmac, that is actually acelerated for ATIcards, and >is not on debian, is damm much faster than the frame buffer there's a version of xpmac accelerated for the 65550. Ask on the linux-ppc mailing lists, or look at

Re: about PowerPc - offtopic

2000-01-10 Thread BenH
On Mon, Jan 10, 2000, hughc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Of course, if disk-intensiveness is a large part of the compiling process, you >probably need to spend a fair amount of time with hdparm before it works at >it's >best. According to it's built-in benchmarks, disk throughput practically >doub

Re: Kernel 2.2.14

2000-01-12 Thread BenH
On Wed, Jan 12, 2000, Hugh Caley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I am also getting crashes with the 2.2.14 kernel. I made the ohci changes >mentioned below, and neither parport nor PC serial port is configured ("dumb" >support is configured as a module), but I still get a "machine check" kernel >pani

Re: Kernel 2.2.14

2000-01-12 Thread BenH
I also forgot to mention: The problem I had here was that the debian boot script actually insmod'ed the dumb serial module, thus causing the crash. This is the piece of script that displays "Configuring serial ports".

Re: Kernel 2.2.14

2000-01-12 Thread BenH
On Wed, Jan 12, 2000, Hugh Caley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Hi, Ben. I don't seen an entry in that contains both "machine" and >"check". There are a whole bunch of "check"'s, however. Machine check is a standard ppc exception that usually happens when trying to use non-existing hard

Re: Kernel 2.2.14

2000-01-15 Thread BenH
On Fri, Jan 14, 2000, Jason E. Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Well it boots, but I still don't get access to APM. How does one >configure it? Power management on powerbooks exist but is not APM for now (it's specific). You should get the pmud tool (available somewhere on or

Kernel rev12 online

2000-01-16 Thread BenH
It's at as usual. The amd problem no longer happens on my box. New with this release: - Removed code that reads nvram for default mode on Rage 128 (broken) - Fixed various PowerBook media-bay,IDE & snooze issues - Reverted a c

Re: Kernel rev12 online

2000-01-16 Thread BenH
On Sun, Jan 16, 2000, Hartmut Koptein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is this tested for chrp, prep, apus, common, ... ? No it's not since I don't own any of these machines. It's tested on powermacs only for now. I hope I didn't break anything, so it should work on the same HW that Paul's stable rsy

Re: gnapster

2000-02-06 Thread BenH
On Sun, Feb 6, 2000, Renaud Dreyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Has anyone managed to get gnapster (MP3 search engine) working on a >PowerPC machine? All I get is a permanent: > >Connected (208.184.205:)...wawiting login reply... > >with the following error messages: > >network_conn_real_cb >un

Re: netboot-capable pmacs (was Re: booting from openfirmware)

2000-02-09 Thread BenH
On Tue, Feb 8, 2000, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Since you've done some netbooting, i figured i'd ask ... do you know what >Mac models can be successfully booted from the network? Apple says only >NewWorld macs, but a) that's for OS X's NetBoot Server b) it's Apple, >they lie c) obviously there

Re: booting from openfirmware

2000-02-09 Thread BenH
On Tue, Feb 8, 2000, Logan Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Cool. Is there a way to install it with out MacOS X server? Will it be >included with MacOS X Client do you think? I don't know.

Re: [Whats the deal with]

2000-02-13 Thread BenH
On Fri, Dec 22, 1944, jeramy b smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> >> Ive seen numerous pages refering to '' and the >server >> seems to not exist. Do you know anyone who has mirrored his files? Im >trying >> to install ppcl

Re: /etc/X11/Xmodmap re-revisited

2000-03-02 Thread BenH
On Wed, Mar 1, 2000, Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Actually, I've decided to do the sensible (?) thing and identify the >keycodes by keyboard model rather than the machine architecture. One way >or another you can probably manage to plug a PC keyboard into just about >anything, so

Re: woody boot-floppies

2001-11-03 Thread benh
> >well until someone donates an ibook2 to me i can't be sure what the >deal is, all i know is a report from benh that he simply could not get >debian's 2.2.19 to boot his ibook2 period, and i am pretty sure he >hacked around on it for awhile. Heh, well, don't assu

Re: Need 2.4.9-benh0 snapshot or diff

2001-11-03 Thread benh
>i have diffed ben's and Linus' tree and the differences are almost >entirely due to i2o (sound hardware you don't have) and iSeries >(something else you don't have any use for, its some embedded arch i >think). > > has been running pure Linus since 2.4.8, its currently >on 2.4.12 wit

Re: Need 2.4.9-benh0 snapshot or diff

2001-11-03 Thread benh
> >yes, i forgot to mention power management. when do you think that >will be stable enough to start sendint to linus and merging with the >stable branch? The problem isn't really stability, but more various tweaks I had to do to non-PPC specific code that will be difficult to merge. I will try t

Re: Powerpc (mac-G4) -essentially broken

2002-01-17 Thread benh
>All my apps talk to /dev/dsp, or esd (I'm trying to give it up). It's just >things like the KDE stuff which use the sound server. Maybe I should just >disable sound in KDE. Or maybe the problem will disappear after a few >weeks as >a testing deb changes? Well, maybe. You should still fill a bu

Re: audio on G4 Mac

2002-01-17 Thread benh
>I have been playing various audio file using Debian PPC Unstable. >I've noticed that the small system speaker is on with my main speakers. >I would like to turn off the small system speaker because it ruins the >sound experience with it's tinny, beaming quality. How do I do this? What model of G

Re: Powerpc (mac-G4) -essentially broken

2002-01-22 Thread benh
>I'm not arguing, and I can see that this is a very valid point of view >(kernel as a hardware abstraction layer, supporting only the facilities >the hardware does, and thus avoiding bloating with creaping featureism). > But the alternative view would be that the kernel's sound interface is >t

Re: playing DVD on pismo (powerbook)

2002-03-01 Thread benh
>hello, >i try to make DVD ( xine, mplayer, or whatever else) works on pismo >(powerbook) system, but the video playback is _really_ slow. >i'm running debian sid on a 2.4.19-pre2 kernel. >ppl from xine project said me my DVD drive is to slow to read DVD : I doubt your problem has anything to do

Re: hfs related crashes

2002-03-04 Thread benh
he system is completely >frozen (no xterm/console or ssh access). > >im using the 2.4.18-benh kernel, with hfs support compiled in (ive also had >the same probelms with hfs as a module) with kmail 1.3.2 (kde 2.2.2) > >any ideas on how to improve this situation?+ The kernel HFS files

Re: Audio CDs in xmms on ibook2 2001 600Mhz

2002-03-11 Thread benh
>> Investigation shows that the size of fragments written to /dev/dsp seems >> to be critical, fragments smaller than about 4096 bytes cause the looping >> hang frequently. Fortunately, there are good games like tuxracer where >> this can be configured. :) > >Interes

Re: Audio CDs in xmms on ibook2 2001 600Mhz

2002-03-11 Thread benh
>Ah, thanks. > >> I'm wondering though if the problem could be fifo ping pong between >> Keylargo and the sound chip, eventually the sound clock provided by >> KL could be wrong. There are some bits in KeyLargo FCR 1 that can >> control the clock fed to the sound chip, I'll try to see if those >> c

Re: Sound on Tanzania, and life with Apple Open Firmware

2002-03-12 Thread benh
> Sounds working just great on my Tanzania/4400, I'm just curious. On the >> MB, I see a Crystal chip that looks like it should be sound, but no such >> device shows up on the PCI bus. In fact, I haven't been able to find >> any sign of having a sound device. >> >> But the dmasound driver load

Re: Update: USB-ISDN Adaptor for Powerbooks

2002-03-19 Thread benh
>I'm afraid we do neither provide precompiled binary files for MAC machines >nor do we release the corresponding source code. > >So: Does anybody have any ISDN adaptor that works with a Linux iBook? >Any experience how to get a BeWan Gazel 128? I wasn't able to find a shop >that sells those in Germ

Re: Update: USB-ISDN Adaptor for Powerbooks

2002-03-19 Thread benh
>Well, I don't know anything else I could do, except trying to return the >adaptor to my dealer (it doesn't really have the announced Linux support >after all...). But I seriously doubt that AVM will even notice... Well, if enough users complan, who knows... >Regarding the gazel, I've heared from

Re: Problems setting time on iBook2

2002-04-05 Thread benh
> >My workaround for the time problem is to use ntp and co. > >Apparently, it's possible to have MacOS X use UTC time as well, don't >know how though. Probably by setting the timezone in the PRAM to UTC. I think MacOS X will do just like linux, that is use the PRAM to convert whatever time is in t

Re: vlc 0.3.0 and Altivec

2002-04-10 Thread benh
>I have an ibook2, 500 MHz. Now, I thought that the G3 didn't have >Altivec, and I am running 2.4.19-pre6-ben0 >from > >So, is this vlc wrongly detecting my CPU having Altivec or the kernel not >being correctly compiled ? >I thought I might post here first before troubling the vlc pe

Re: benh work on quik?

2002-04-12 Thread benh
>benh: > >You posted a note about RAM for your 8500, and planning >to do some work on BootX. I wonder if you'd also consider >working on quik. I've done some playing around. Yes sure ! I happily discovered how well quik worked automagically from debian install on this

Re: benh work on quik?

2002-04-12 Thread benh
> >I'll try to hack on this next week-end, I'll let you know. I'm not >completely sure yet what is broken, but I do have some clues, I want >to fix first.b to be able to load yaboot ELF, though if that ends up >bloating it too much, I'll revert to generating a special yaboot >binary format that is

Re: Marc Boucher HCF modem drivers

2002-04-15 Thread benh
>I notice that he keeps releasing updates ( >Is there any news on how support for the iBook 600 internal modem support >is coming along? I won't go into how I feel about Apple putting this damn >modem in here in the first place, but how will I be able to tell from

Re: SMP Kernel

2002-04-18 Thread benh
>Hello, > >it look like I need some ... help, piece of advice or a word of wisdom. > >One PMac 7500 with a 604e is already working as a local squid proxy with >debian GNU/Linux woody. > >Befor that I got a 8500 180MP doing the same job until a disc crash. It >worked with both cpus, but I lost tha

Re: Audio Problems on an iBook

2002-04-25 Thread benh
>I *still* have not been able to reproduce this despite putting my TiBook >to sleep several times daily. I wish that we could find a foolproof way >of reproducing this so that I can look into it. It happened to me exactly once, despite putting my tibook to sleep several times a day too and that f

Re: Running powerbook with the lid down

2002-04-26 Thread benh
>Rory Campbell-Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> On 25/04/02, Benjamin Herrenschmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: >> > Note that OS X doesn't support that well neither, as a bit like linux, >> > it globally consumes more power than MacOS 9. >> >> Why is that, Ben? > >Because the machine ca

Re: Audio Problems on an iBook

2002-04-26 Thread benh
> >To solve this, I'm hoping to finish the DRC and biquad filtering >implementations that I started. I just haven't been able to figure out >which canned filter settings are the best for this hardware yet (I'm NOT >fond of the ones that Apple uses in the Darwin code) and also don't know >how I wa

Re: SMP for 2.4.18 on duel G4 Mac

2002-05-07 Thread benh
> >As it turns out there was a problem with CONFIG_ACORN_PARTITION and >CONFIG_SMP. Linux would compile with CONFIG_ACORN_PARTITION defined >without CONFIG_SMP but when I added CONFIG_SMP I got a link error. Ok, this is an upstream problem (not PPC specific), the ARM maintainers will have to fix

Re: iBook and playing DVDs

2002-05-16 Thread benh
>> Doesn't xv support double buffer ? > >Some drivers (including r128 and radeon) do, but that just means that >the current image will be displayed on the next retrace after it has >been transferred to video RAM. Ok, so I beleive we can't blit asynchronously because the source buffer won't be avai

Re: iBook and playing DVDs

2002-05-21 Thread benh
>> ATI doesn't recommend that. The refresh rate of the screen is >> high enough that if you display from AGP memory, you'll cause >> a hell lot more throughput on the bus than with a single blit. > >ATI wouldn't likely recommend uncached/guarded or not using >the hardware IDCT either though. uncac

Re: 700MHz iBook: ATI Mobility Radeon 7500?

2002-05-21 Thread benh
>AFAIK it supports both chips, but I think the panel size is still >hack^K^Krdcoded to 1152x768 on powerpc... Should be properly probed from OF EDID with my latest kernels. Ben. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: iBook and playing DVDs

2002-05-22 Thread benh
>Hey, wait a minute... why guarded? Well, you are right about this, guarded isn't needed though the kernel tends to put guarded along with cache inhibit automatically (it does so in ioremap for example). The main reason I set it currently that I'm still trying to figure out what is causing both r

Re: iBook and playing DVDs

2002-05-23 Thread benh
>What about a mixed approach to avoid unnecessary bus traffic: try to read >the ring head pointer from memory, and if after a timeout the free ring space >still doesn't seem to be large enough, read it directly from the register. >This could hurt performance badly if the memory copy is often outdat

Re: iBook and playing DVDs

2002-05-24 Thread benh
>On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 21:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> >What about a mixed approach to avoid unnecessary bus traffic: try to read >> >the ring head pointer from memory, and if after a timeout the free >ring space >> >still doesn't seem to be large enough, read it directly from the register. >>

Re: TiBook DVI report/problems

2002-05-24 Thread benh
>Ok, I've got my Powerbook G4 DVI (i.e. powerbook rev C, i.e. powerbook >w/radeon 7500 M7, etc) pretty much setup how I like it. A couple of people >have asked me to give a rundown of what works/what doesn't so here it goes: > >-X4.1: works great, using the fbdev & radeonfb. Gonna try out Micha

Re: [xine-user] [ANN] PowerPC Assembly Patch

2002-05-26 Thread benh
> We can also look into getting an extra version of memcpy that > makes the transfers with floating point registers as some > people suggested on the Debian PowerPC mailing list. > > People there said that using floating point registers (which > are 64 bits large) inst

Re: [xine-user] [ANN] PowerPC Assembly Patch

2002-05-26 Thread benh
BTW. Another place where you can get improved perfs is improving the memcpy's used to blit the Xv source image to the DMA buffers in R128DMA(). Currently, if using PCIGART, the target DMA buffers are cacheable. When using AGP, though, they aren't. In both cases, using FP registers to do the blit sh

Re: new iBook 700 LCD / ohci1394 driver.

2002-06-11 Thread benh
>sing Ben's kernel 2.4.19-pre8-ben0 I didn't seem to be able to get the >ieee1394 driver to recognise the iBook "target". I had the relevant modules >loaded (I think) -- 1394, OHCI1394, SPB2, SCSI, SCSI hard disk -- but >repeatedly plugging the target in produced no response on the old iBook (no >k