I've uploaded a new version of my kernel. It's now based on final 2.2.14 and contains a few more fixes.
It's at the usual URL: http://calvaweb.calvacom.fr/bh40/test.html WARNING ! There's a problem with the amd daemon and this kernel. I don't know yet if it's specific to my kernel or a more generic 2.2.14 issue, but on my machine, amd crashes the kernel at startup (or makes it oops I beleive when xmon is disabled). Remove amd from your init.d to fix the problem, or eventually upgrade to a newer amd (I think I was still using the old one from linuxppc Q3). This is the only problem found so far. Note: The USB mouse is still (c 10 32) protocol imps/2, unlike Paul's rsync tree. Have fun ! Ben.