>All my apps talk to /dev/dsp, or esd (I'm trying to give it up).  It's just
>things like the KDE stuff which use the sound server.  Maybe I should just
>disable sound in KDE.  Or maybe the problem will disappear after a few
>weeks as
>a testing deb changes?

Well, maybe. You should still fill a bug report against the package. It would
be interesting if you could test the sid package though. If neither works,
then try recompiling the sound server from upstream latest source base.
If you find one that works, then submit a debian bug report giving that
info ;) If not then someone need to go fix it.

>I don't think the keymap *is* broken.  The 3 key has a £-sign on it, and
no #.
>There is *no* key on the keyboard with a # on it, nor is there a delete
>key.  I
>think I'm using Linux keycodes (yaboot.conf has append="video=ofonly
>keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1" [or whatever the incantation is] in it)
>prompted about the keyboard for X, I said gb and it seemed to like that.

Well, how do you get # in MacOS ? It could be some kind of key combo. For
example, on french "Mac" keymaps, the pipe (|) is obtained with cmd-shift-L
and isn't actually written on the key. I beleive the X "mac" keymaps are
mimmic'ing the MacOS ones there (while beeing a bit broken; I still need
to submit my fixed french one ;)

Another possibility is to plug a PC keyboard and use a PC keymap. The point
with the linux keycodes is that they are the same for PC & Mac kbds allowing
you to use either the "Apple" layout with the "mac" keymaps or a standard PC
layout with the ordinary PC keymaps.

>GPM is not installed, as we really only ever use X and it gave me grief
a long
>time ago on intel platforms, so I tend to do without it.  Should I be running
>GPM and feeding the XServer from that?  I think I understand how that
>works, but
>it seemed a bit complicated to me.
>The mouse locks up, but the keyboard is fine.  KDE exits cleanly, it seems.
>When kdm comes back, I can tab down to Shutdown, and select reboot using the
>keyboard, but the mouse is frozen (pointer in the middle of the screen); it's
>just that it isn't the Unix way to reboot after each session 8-)

I don't know what's up with your mouse :( I haven't experienced this (but I
don't use KDE neither). Either an X server issue triggered by KDE or some
latent input layer bug ? This will need some debugging.


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