Re: [PHP] Standard placement of PHP libraries?

2005-08-01 Thread elijah wright
Writing extended comments on the previous policy draft seems like the best place to start, Jose. Once that's rolling, people from the community will help you revise and tune it. Good luck. --elijah On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Jose Carlos do Nascimento wrote: Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 15:03:05 -0

Re: RFS: tvbrowser -- TV-Browser is a java-based TV guide

2005-08-05 Thread elijah wright
ant, j2sdk1.4 and j2sdk1.5 are in contrib or non-free so your package couldn't go to main. (ant is moving to main, but j2sdk1.x are not!) The section (in debian/control:Section) should be contrib/utils Did you tried to build/run it with free tools (kaffe, jamvm, sablevm, gcj/gij, jikes, etc.

Re: searching sponsor for nfsv4-related packages

2004-10-23 Thread elijah wright
glad to see this approaching packageable state. i'm not a DD, and so can't support you, but i support your efforts. [i also lurk on the nfs lists - we're thinking about implementing kerberized nfs for a smallish number of machines here (indiana university) so as to lock things down a little

Re: C library for numerical analysis and math

2004-02-07 Thread elijah wright
> > I dont want to work with Octave since it is interpreter based and the > > whole point behind numerical analysis is super speed. > > > > Old fashion programmer uh? :) Anyway, any C library can be potentially > embedded in a scripting language like octave (as it's true for perl or > python). So

Re: looking for a sponsorship in schooling

2004-03-08 Thread elijah wright
does anybody have a clue as to how the debian-mentors list attracts this sort of thing? weird, it is... On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, tandy campanqa wrote: > Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 04:37:52 -0800 (PST) > From: tandy campanqa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: > Subject: looking fo

Re: SSH disconnection

2004-03-15 Thread elijah wright
> > I'm getting a strange thing, i have 3 servers, all with Sarge, 1 of > > this 3 servers have been installed 2 month ago, and the 2 others just > > 3 days ago, all are working fine, i'm connecting on it ONLY by SSH, on > > a network lan. On the first of this 2 servers, i can be connected on > >

Re: Should I always clean in debian/rules before making binary?

2004-03-22 Thread elijah wright
frank, can i beg you to doublecheck the way your last name is encoded in your email client? it corrupts the screen state in pine EVERY time i get one of your email messages... mutt doesn't get corrupted, but it shows me a big fat questionmark instead of the letter between "K" and "s" in your la

Re: RFS: stripclub - Online Comic Reader/Archiver

2004-04-09 Thread elijah wright
> For the C programming language, this means the following > compilation parameters should be used: > > CC = gcc > CFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall > > though -O3 is probably OK in most cases. You should keep the > optimizations options as conservative as possible, unless you r

Re: RFS: rlplot - generate publication quality graphs

2004-07-07 Thread elijah wright
> > I have had a look at R. For my purposes (a drop in replacement for > > sigmaplot or excel), R is overkill, not to say difficult to learn with > > a steep learning curve.. > > No doubt. R is a bit overkill for almost everything normal people do. > [But when you need its features, it's often the

Re: Seeking sponsor for Emilda and related packages

2004-07-25 Thread elijah wright
> I would like to see Emilda ( and related packages > come into Debian. so would a lot of other people - your activity should make the LIS community a little happier. :) [not a DD, so can't sponsor you, but i support the notion that this stuff needs packaging!] perhaps y

Re: Tux Commander & Borland Kylix

2004-08-05 Thread elijah wright
> Subject: Tux Commander & Borland Kylix > > I want to package tuxcmd (Tux Commander - great GTK2-based > TotalCommander-alike file manager). It's free (code under GPL), but it > requires Borland Kylix 3 Open Edition to build it, that is not in Debian > and it won't ever be there I think. Also, au

Re: sponsor wanted - giac/Xcas, computer algebra system with nice GUI

2004-11-15 Thread elijah wright
+1 from me; glad to see it getting packaged. --elijah On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Carlos Enrique Carleos Artime wrote: Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 17:34:32 +0100 From: Carlos Enrique Carleos Artime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: sponsor wante

Re: RFS: stripclub - Online Comic Reader/Archiver

2004-04-09 Thread elijah wright
> For the C programming language, this means the following > compilation parameters should be used: > > CC = gcc > CFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall > > though -O3 is probably OK in most cases. You should keep the > optimizations options as conservative as possible, unless you r

Re: RFS: rlplot - generate publication quality graphs

2004-07-07 Thread elijah wright
> > I have had a look at R. For my purposes (a drop in replacement for > > sigmaplot or excel), R is overkill, not to say difficult to learn with > > a steep learning curve.. > > No doubt. R is a bit overkill for almost everything normal people do. > [But when you need its features, it's often the

Re: Seeking sponsor for Emilda and related packages

2004-07-25 Thread elijah wright
> I would like to see Emilda ( and related packages > come into Debian. so would a lot of other people - your activity should make the LIS community a little happier. :) [not a DD, so can't sponsor you, but i support the notion that this stuff needs packaging!] perhaps y

Re: Tux Commander & Borland Kylix

2004-08-05 Thread elijah wright
> Subject: Tux Commander & Borland Kylix > > I want to package tuxcmd (Tux Commander - great GTK2-based > TotalCommander-alike file manager). It's free (code under GPL), but it > requires Borland Kylix 3 Open Edition to build it, that is not in Debian > and it won't ever be there I think. Also, au

Re: searching sponsor for nfsv4-related packages

2004-10-23 Thread elijah wright
glad to see this approaching packageable state. i'm not a DD, and so can't support you, but i support your efforts. [i also lurk on the nfs lists - we're thinking about implementing kerberized nfs for a smallish number of machines here (indiana university) so as to lock things down a little bit

Re: sponsor wanted - giac/Xcas, computer algebra system with nice GUI

2004-11-15 Thread elijah wright
+1 from me; glad to see it getting packaged. --elijah On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Carlos Enrique Carleos Artime wrote: Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 17:34:32 +0100 From: Carlos Enrique Carleos Artime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: sponsor wanted - giac/Xcas, comput

Re: help in chages necessary for rules file( creating .deb packages)

2005-01-12 Thread elijah wright
From: TIFR students <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> We are trying to make .deb packages using generally you will probably get more help if you subscribe with your PERSONAL email accounts and *sign your name* rather than sending mail from what appears to be a pseudo-anonymous group account. I suspect there

Re: About and other packages

2005-01-23 Thread elijah wright
I've some questions, of course for being a newbie Debian maintainer (because I'm an "advanced?" Debian user), I'm not going to take care of, but I'd like to see it into official Debian repositories instead of our XFree86, is more powerful and It improves in many ways compatibility.

Re: Eclipse 3.0 testing and review

2005-02-02 Thread elijah wright
there's no orig.tar.gz there. :( is it, perhaps, still in the process of uploading? --elijah On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Jerry Haltom wrote: Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 12:07:57 -0600 From: Jerry Haltom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Subject: Eclipse 3.0 testing and review Resent-Date

Re: Replacement package

2005-03-08 Thread elijah wright
Original package: qmail_zarge1 - This is the package that other packages depends on also this package depends on fastforward_-zarge1 (circular dependency). My package: qmail_patched1 - I Want this to be a replacement to qmail_zarge1but without changing fastforward_-zarge1 uhh - isn't qmail on

Re: How to express dependencies for Java(TM)?

2005-05-22 Thread elijah wright
I am trying to package a couple of programs that depend on IBM or Sun JDK (for build) and JRE (for execution). I know that this means the packages will end up in contrib. However, I am not sure what the correct way to express the depends and build- depends. Can someone help me out on this?

Re: C library for numerical analysis and math

2004-02-07 Thread elijah wright
> > I dont want to work with Octave since it is interpreter based and the > > whole point behind numerical analysis is super speed. > > > > Old fashion programmer uh? :) Anyway, any C library can be potentially > embedded in a scripting language like octave (as it's true for perl or > python). So

Re: looking for a sponsorship in schooling

2004-03-08 Thread elijah wright
does anybody have a clue as to how the debian-mentors list attracts this sort of thing? weird, it is... On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, tandy campanqa wrote: > Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 04:37:52 -0800 (PST) > From: tandy campanqa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: looking for a sponsorshi

Re: SSH disconnection

2004-03-15 Thread elijah wright
> > I'm getting a strange thing, i have 3 servers, all with Sarge, 1 of > > this 3 servers have been installed 2 month ago, and the 2 others just > > 3 days ago, all are working fine, i'm connecting on it ONLY by SSH, on > > a network lan. On the first of this 2 servers, i can be connected on > >

Re: Should I always clean in debian/rules before making binary?

2004-03-22 Thread elijah wright
frank, can i beg you to doublecheck the way your last name is encoded in your email client? it corrupts the screen state in pine EVERY time i get one of your email messages... mutt doesn't get corrupted, but it shows me a big fat questionmark instead of the letter between "K" and "s" in your la