> I would like to see Emilda (http://www.emilda.org/) and related packages
> come into Debian.

so would a lot of other people - your activity should make the LIS
community a little happier.  :)

[not a DD, so can't sponsor you, but i support the notion that this stuff
needs packaging!]

perhaps you should collaborate with the perl module packaging project in
hopes of getting a few of the non-library-related modules packaged up?


> Packages needed by Emilda that are not currently in Debian are:
> libgd-barcode-perl    (CPAN)
> libhtml-htmldoc-perl  (CPAN)
> libmarc-record-perl   (CPAN)
> libnet-z3950-perl     (CPAN)
> php4-yaz              (http://www.indexdata.dk)
> idzebra-doc           (http://www.indexdata.dk)
> libidzebra-perl       (http://www.indexdata.dk)
> idzebra               (http://www.indexdata.dk)
> Of the above, I only see libmarc-record-perl mentioned in
> http://bugs.debian.org/wnpp.
> I am willing to work and learn for this to happen, thus seeking
> sponsorship.

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