Bug#825943: RFS: node-jsesc/2.1.0-1

2016-05-31 Thread Julien Puydt
debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-jsesc.git Changes since the last upload: node-jsesc (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Julien Puydt Tue, 31 May 2016 18:12:37 +0200 Thanks, Snark on #debian-js

Bug#826030: RFS: ntl/9.9.0-1 -- EXPERIMENTAL!

2016-06-01 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "ntl" : * Package name: ntl Version : 9.9.0-1 Upstream Author : Victor Shoup * URL : http://www.shoup.net/ntl/ * License : GPL-2+ Section

Bug#827091: RFS: minetest-mod-torches/5-1 [ITP #827019]

2016-06-11 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-torches" * Package name: minetest-mod-torches Version : 5-1 Upstream Author : Blockmen & sofar * URL : https://github.com/minetest-mods/torc

Bug#830697: RFS: minetest-mod-torches (ITP)

2016-07-10 Thread Julien Puydt
m: Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-mod-torches.git Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-mod-torches.git Regards, Julien Puydt

Bug#830704: RFS: minetest-mod-advspawning (ITP)

2016-07-10 Thread Julien Puydt
awning.git Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-mod-advspawning.git Regards, Julien Puydt

Bug#830724: RFS: minetest-mod-mobf-core (ITP)

2016-07-10 Thread Julien Puydt
is another package I'm preparing (and which in turn depends on the binary minetest-mod-mobf-core!). Regards, Julien Puydt

Bug#830753: RFS: minetest-mod-animalmaterials (ITP)

2016-07-10 Thread Julien Puydt
It is packaged within the Debian Games Team repository: Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-games/minetest-mod-animalmaterials.git Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-games/minetest-mod-animalmaterials.git Regards, Julien Puydt

Bug#830756: RFS: minetest-mod-animals (ITP)

2016-07-11 Thread Julien Puydt
/pkg-games/minetest-mod-animals.git Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-games/minetest-mod-animals.git Regards, Julien Puydt

Bug#831811: RFS: pynac/0.6.8-1

2016-07-19 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "pynac" * Package name: pynac Version : 0.6.8-1 Upstream Author : Burcin Erocal * URL : http://pynac.org * License : GPL-2+ Section : ma

Bug#831818: RFS: pickleshare/0.7.3-1

2016-07-19 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "pickleshare" * Package name: pickleshare Version : 0.7.3-1 Upstream Author : Ville Vainio * URL : https://github.com/pickleshare/pickleshare * License

Bug#831994: RFS: python-prompt-toolkit/1.0.3-1 (ITP)

2016-07-21 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-prompt-toolkit" * Package name: python-prompt-toolkit Version : 1.0.3-1 Upstream Author : Jonathan Slenders * URL : https://github.com/jonathansl

Bug#832003: RFS: jupyter-core/4.1.0-2 (to experimental!)

2016-07-21 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "jupyter-core" * Package name: jupyter-core Version : 4.1.0-2 Upstream Author : Jupyter Development Team * URL : https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_core * Li

Bug#832017: RFS: python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size/1.0.0-2

2016-07-21 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size" * Package name: python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size Version : 1.0.0-2 Upstream Author : Christopher Rosell * URL

Bug#832018: RFS: ipython/5.0.0-1 (to experimental!)

2016-07-21 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "ipython" * Package name: ipython Version : 5.0.0-1 Upstream Author : The IPython Development Team * URL : http://ipython.org/ * License : BSD-3-cl

Bug#832019: RFS: jupyter-client/4.3.0-1 (to experimental!)

2016-07-21 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "jupyter-client" * Package name: jupyter-client Version : 4.3.0-1 Upstream Author : Jupyter Development Team * URL : https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_clie

Bug#832100: RFS: eclib/20160720-1

2016-07-22 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "eclib" * Package name: eclib Version : 20160720-1 Upstream Author : John Cremona * URL : https://github.com/JohnCremona/eclib/ * License : GPL-2+

Bug#832142: RFS: nbformat/4.0.1-1 (ITP in experimental!)

2016-07-22 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "nbformat" * Package name: nbformat Version : 4.0.1-1 Upstream Author : Jupyter Development Team * URL : https://github.com/jupyter/nbformat * License

Bug#832143: RFS: ipykernel/4.3.1-2 (to experimental!)

2016-07-22 Thread Julien Puydt
or jupyter as part of the package. [ Julien Puydt ] * Push standards-version up. * Add depend on python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size. -- Julien Puydt Fri, 22 Jul 2016 21:33:39 +0200 It is part of the effort to package Jupyter in Debian. Cheers, Snark on #debian-python

Bug#832712: RFS: python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size/1.0.0-3

2016-07-28 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size" * Package name: python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size Version : 1.0.0-3 Upstream Author : Christopher Rosell * URL

Bug#832750: RFS: entrypoints/0.2.2-1 (ITP)

2016-07-28 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "entrypoints" * Package name: entrypoints Version : 0.2.2-1 Upstream Author : Thomas Takluyver * URL : https://github.com/takluyver/entrypoints * License

Bug#832969: RFS: entrypoints/0.2.2-2

2016-07-30 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "entrypoints" * Package name: entrypoints Version : 0.2.2-2 Upstream Author : Thomas Takluyver * URL : https://github.com/takluyver/entrypoints * License

Bug#833010: RFS: palp/2.1-3

2016-07-30 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "palp" * Package name: palp Version : 2.1-3 Upstream Author : Maximilian Kreuzer and Harald Skarke * URL : http://hep.itp.tuwien.ac.at/~kreuzer/CY/ * Licen

Bug#833033: RFS: node-es6-module-transpiler/0.10.0-1 (ITP)

2016-07-30 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-es6-module-transpiler" * Package name: node-es6-module-transpiler Version : 0.10.0-1 Upstream Author : Brian Donovan & Square, Inc. * URL : http://e

Bug#833071: RFS: node-ast-util/0.6.0-1 [ITP]

2016-07-31 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-ast-util" * Package name: node-ast-util Version : 0.6.0-1 Upstream Author : Brian Donovan * URL : https://github.com/eventualbuddha/ast-util * Lice

Bug#833237: RFS: node-es6-promise/3.2.2+ds-1 (ITP)

2016-08-01 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-es6-promise" * Package name: node-es6-promise Version : 3.2.2+ds-1 Upstream Author : Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 AP

Bug#833320: RFS: nbconvert/4.2.0-1 (ITP -- to experimental!)

2016-08-02 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "nbconvert" * Package name: nbconvert Version : 4.2.0-1 Upstream Author : Jupyter Development Team * URL : https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert * License

Bug#833323: RFS: minetest-mod-mesecons/2016.07.09-1

2016-08-02 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-mesecons" * Package name: minetest-mod-mesecons Version : 2016.07.09-1 Upstream Author : Mesecons Mod Developer Team and contributors * URL :

Bug#833320: RFS: nbconvert/4.2.0-1 (ITP -- to experimental!)

2016-08-03 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 03/08/2016 11:06, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: It has been a long time since my last nitpick, and this time I found one! hurray! :) Aie. 1) why aren't you building the doc? is some sort of "chicken and egg" issue? can I presume you will add the package later? To build nbconvert's

Bug#835212: RFS: fplll/5.0.0-1

2016-08-23 Thread Julien Puydt
pkgconfig file. * Prepare a package for an upstream prerelease (for sagemath use) [Julien Puydt] * New stable upstream release. * Bump standards-version up. * Use https in Vcs-* fields. * Complete d/copyright. * Enable all hardening options. * Added a patch for typos. * Added a

Bug#835658: RFS: backbone/1.3.3+ds-1

2016-08-27 Thread Julien Puydt
* Rewrite the patch to use Debian-packaged libraries. * Move away from cdbs. * Update d/copyright. * Rewrite depends/buil-depends. * Don't ship minimized files. -- Julien Puydt Sat, 27 Aug 2016 21:02:31 +0200 Cheers, Snark on #debian-js

Bug#835658: RFS: backbone/1.3.3+ds-1

2016-08-28 Thread Julien Puydt
go who expressed) Done. 5) I'm not sure Jonas will like to move away from cdbs... That was the first time I met a cdbs package... isn't it deprecated? 6) -Author: Jonas Smedegaard +Author: Julien Puydt I would use both people as authors :) Ah, that is because I rewrote the patch

Bug#835658: RFS: backbone/1.3.3+ds-1

2016-08-28 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 28/08/2016 15:43, Jonas Smedegaard wrote: Quoting Julien Puydt (2016-08-28 14:35:32) On 28/08/2016 10:00, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: I am looking for a sponsor for the package "backbone" Do you intend to help maintain the package collaboratively, or take over m

Bug#835658: RFS: backbone/1.3.3+ds-1

2016-08-28 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 28/08/2016 19:51, Jonas Smedegaard wrote: Quoting Julien Puydt (2016-08-28 16:12:33) On 28/08/2016 15:43, Jonas Smedegaard wrote: Quoting Julien Puydt (2016-08-28 14:35:32) On 28/08/2016 10:00, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: I am looking for a sponsor for the package "backbone&

Bug#836333: RFS: fplll/5.0.2-1

2016-09-01 Thread Julien Puydt
.0.2-1.dsc This new upstream version is supposed to fix compilation issues we had in the build bots on quite a few arches (I could only check armhf). Regards, Julien Puydt

Bug#838149: RFS: minetest-mod-mesecons/2016.09.13-1

2016-09-17 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-mesecons" * Package name: minetest-mod-mesecons Version : 2016.09.13-1 Upstream Author : Mesecons Mod Developer Team and contributors * URL :

Bug#839758: RFS (on ITP): node-source-map-support -- Fixes stack traces for files with source maps

2016-10-04 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-source-map-support" * Package name: node-source-map-support Version : 0.4.3+ds-1 Upstream Author : Evan Wallace * URL : https://github.com/evanw/nod

Bug#840011: RFS (on ITP): node-typescript/2.0.5-1

2016-10-07 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-typescript" * Package name: node-typescript Version : 2.0.5-1 Upstream Author : Microsoft Corp. * URL : http://typescriptlang.org/ * License

Bug#840011: RFS (on ITP): node-typescript/2.0.5-1

2016-10-14 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 08/10/2016 00:00, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: control: owner -1 ! control: tags -1 moreinfo I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-typescript" missing licenses? cat ThirdPartyNoticeText.txt worries me missing copyrights Ecma, Sputnik and probably more I reworked debia

Bug#840928: RFS on ITP: node-doctrine/1.5.0-1 -- JSDoc parser

2016-10-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-doctrine" * Package name: node-doctrine Version : 1.5.0-1 Upstream Author : Usuke Suzuki and other contributors * URL : https://github.com/eslint/do

Bug#840984: RFS on ITP: node-klaw/1.3.0-1 -- File system walker for Node.js

2016-10-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-klaw" * Package name: node-klaw Version : 1.3.0-1 Upstream Author : JP Richardson * License : Expat Section : web It builds those binary p

Bug#840928: RFS on ITP: node-doctrine/1.5.0-1 -- JSDoc parser

2016-10-18 Thread Julien Puydt
On 18/10/2016 10:43, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: control: owner -1 ! control: tags -1 moreinfo Hi, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-doctrine" some of extensions is derived from closure-compiler Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ can

Bug#840928: RFS on ITP: node-doctrine/1.5.0-1 -- JSDoc parser

2016-10-18 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 18/10/2016 16:02, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: Hi Julien (note: this is probably for Upstream not Debian) I have seen the LICENSE.closure-compiler file, it is mentioned in README.md, but I didn't find any trace of it in the code. Same thing : there is a LICENSE.esprima, and they mentio

Bug#841389: RFS on ITP: node-jsonfile -- Easily read/write JSON files in Node.js

2016-10-19 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-jsonfile" * Package name: node-jsonfile Version : 2.4.0-1 Upstream Author : JP Richardson * URL : https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile * L

Bug#842383: RFS: minetest-mod-moreblocks/20161028+git7f06db22-1

2016-10-28 Thread Julien Puydt
eam upload. [ Dominik George ] * Moved package under pkg-games maintenance. * Added myself to Uploaders. * Added Vcs-* fields. * Set priority to extra because of minetest dependency. [ Julien Puydt ] * Pushed standards-version and dh compat to 3.9.8 and 10. * Used https in Vcs-* fields. * Added

Bug#843355: RFS: node-fs-extra/1.0.0-1

2016-11-06 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-fs-extra" * Package name: node-fs-extra Version : 1.0.0-1 Upstream Author : JP Richardson * URL : https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra * L

Bug#843657: RFS: node-typescript/2.0.8-1

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-typescript" * Package name: node-typescript Version : 2.0.8-1 Upstream Author : Microsoft Corp. * URL : http://typescriptlang.org/ * License :

Bug#843659: RFS: node-source-map-support/0.4.6+ds-1

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-source-map-support" * Package name: node-source-map-support Version : 0.4.6+ds-1 Upstream Author : Ewan Wallace * URL : https://github.com/evanw/node-so

Bug#843660: RFS: node-ast-types/0.9.1-1

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-ast-types" * Package name: node-ast-types Version : 0.9.1-1 Upstream Author : Ben Newman * URL : http://github.com/benjamn/ast-types * License

Bug#843661: RFS: node-graceful-fs/4.1.10-1

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-graceful-fs" * Package name: node-graceful-fs Version : 4.1.10-1 Upstream Author : Isaac Z. Schlueter, Ben Noordhuis and contributors * URL : https://

Bug#843664: RFS: node-recast/0.11.16-1

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Control: blocks -1 843660 Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-recast" * Package name: node-recast Version : 0.11.16-1 Upstream Author : Benjamin Newman * URL : https://github.com/benjamn

Bug#843666: RFS/ITP: node-fs-extra/1.0.0-1

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-fs-extra" * Package name: node-fs-extra Version : 1.0.0-1 Upstream Author : JP Richardson * URL : https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra * L

Bug#843669: RFS: eclib/20160720-3

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 08/11/2016 17:55, Mattia Rizzolo wrote: control: owner -1 ! control: tag -1 moreinfo On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 05:40:45PM +0100, Julien Puydt wrote: I am looking for a sponsor for my package "eclib" o/ Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages

Bug#843669: RFS: eclib/20160720-3

2016-11-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 08/11/2016 18:30, Mattia Rizzolo wrote: On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 06:22:34PM +0100, Julien Puydt wrote: * d/copyright looks outdated; at least your own copyright is, but please look over all of it. + maybe stop mixing tabs and spaces so irregularly too? I tried to rework it. well

Bug#844482: RFS/ITP: node-vlq/0.2.0-1

2016-11-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-vlq" * Package name: node-vlq Version : 0.2.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/Rich-Harris/vlq * License : Expat

Bug#840928: RFS on ITP: node-doctrine/1.5.0-1 -- JSDoc parser

2016-11-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 18/10/2016 16:02, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: Hi Julien (note: this is probably for Upstream not Debian) I have seen the LICENSE.closure-compiler file, it is mentioned in README.md, but I didn't find any trace of it in the code. Same thing : there is a LICENSE.esprima, and they mentio

Bug#844483: RFS: python-backports-abc/0.5-1

2016-11-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-backports-abc" * Package name: python-backports-abc Version : 0.5-1 Upstream Author : Stefan Bahnel et al. * URL : https://github.com/cython/backpor

Bug#844485: RFS: node-moment/2.16.0+ds-1

2016-11-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-moment" * Package name: node-moment Version : 2.16.0+ds-1 Upstream Author : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev and Moment.js contributors * URL : https://github

Bug#844488: RFS: node-regenerate/1.3.2-1

2016-11-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-regenerate" * Package name: node-regenerate Version : 1.3.2-1 Upstream Author : Mathias Bynens * URL : https://mths.be/regenerate * License :

Bug#845051: RFS: freedroidrpg/0.16.1-1

2016-11-19 Thread Julien Puydt
sktop_file.diff. + 04_add_keywords_to_desktop_file.diff. + 05_fix_manpage.diff. * Rewrote debian/copyright, following copyright-format 1.0. -- Julien Puydt Fri, 11 Nov 2016 14:15:08 +0100 Thanks, Snark on #debian-games

Bug#845073: RFS: node-text-encoding/0.6.2-1

2016-11-19 Thread Julien Puydt
ry is: node-text-encoding (0.6.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Mark the libjs- package as Multi-Arch: foreig, following tracker's hint. * Rename the shortname license from (Un)license to Unlicense. -- Julien Puydt Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:57:28 +0100 Cheers, Snark on #debian-js

Bug#845074: RFS: node-sourcemap-codec/1.3.0-1

2016-11-20 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Control: block -1 #844388 Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-sourcemap-codec" * Package name: node-sourcemap-codec Version : 1.3.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://gith

Bug#845076: RFS: node-esprima/3.1.1+ds-1

2016-11-20 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-esprima" * Package name: node-esprima Version : 3.1.1+ds-1 Upstream Author : jQuery Foundation & Ariya Hidayat * URL : [https://esprima.org * License

Bug#845077: RFS: node-magic-string/0.16.0-1

2016-11-20 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Control: block -1 by 844482 Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-magic-string" * Package name: node-magic-string Version : 0.16.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.

Bug#845614: RFS: acorn/4.0.3-1

2016-11-25 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "acorn" * Package name: acorn Version : 4.0.3-1 Upstream Author : (big list) * URL : https://github.com/ternjs/acorn * License : Expat Section

Bug#845614: RFS: acorn/4.0.3-1

2016-11-28 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 25/11/2016 20:02, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/acorn/4.0.3-1/buildlog FTBFS Can you get the sources from mentors anew? I checked again and it compiled perfectly from git (and Pirate Praveen tried it too successfully), so I remov

Bug#845614: RFS: acorn/4.0.3-1

2016-11-30 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 29/11/2016 09:48, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: Hi, still bad http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/acorn/4.0.3-1/buildlog It's strange : amd64 is precisely what I have here, so if my pbuilder was happy... why isn't debomatic? not sure... different environment? some e

Bug#846979: RFS: freedroidrpg/0.16.1-2

2016-12-04 Thread Julien Puydt
ce to get around this. The full last changelog entry is : freedroidrpg (0.16.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Added a breaks+replace on because the manpage moved off the -data package (Closes: #846783). * Declared -data as Multi-Arch: foreign following hint. -- Julien Puydt Sun, 04 Dec

Bug#847433: RFS: node-magic-string/0.19.0-1

2016-12-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-magic-string" * Package name: node-magic-string Version : 0.19.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/rich-harris/magic-string

Bug#847432: RFS: node-clone/2.1.0-1

2016-12-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-clone" * Package name: node-clone Version : 2.1.0-1 Upstream Author : Paul Vorbach * URL : https://github.com/pvorb/node-clone * License : Ex

Bug#847434: RFS: node-es6-shim/0.35.2+ds-1

2016-12-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-es6-shim" * Package name: node-es6-shim Version : 0.35.2+ds-1 Upstream Author : Paul Miller and contributors * URL : https://github.com/paulmillr/es6-

Bug#847435: RFS: node-esprima/3.1.2+ds-1

2016-12-08 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-esprima" * Package name: node-esprima Version : 3.1.2+ds-1 Upstream Author : jQuery Foundation, Inc., Ariya Hidayat * URL : http://esprima.org * Lice

Bug#850928: RFS[ITP]: minetest-mod-3d-armor/0.4.5-1

2017-01-11 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-3d-armor" * Package name: minetest-mod-3d-armor Version : 0.4.5-1 Upstream Author : Stuart Jones * URL : https://github.com/stujones11/minet

Bug#850928: RFS[ITP]: minetest-mod-3d-armor/0.4.5-1

2017-01-11 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 11/01/2017 11:41, Mattia Rizzolo wrote: IMPORTANT NOTICE: d/copyright doesn't correspond to what you find in 0.4.5's LICENSE.md and README.md files (notice the plural) : it corresponds to the clarifications I obtained from upstream, which have been committed to their repository but ha

Bug#851367: RFS/ITP: python-scandir/1.4-1

2017-01-14 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-scandir" * Package name: python-scandir Version : 1.4-1 Upstream Author : Ben Hoyt * URL : https://github.com/benhoyt/scandir * License :

Bug#851367: RFS/ITP: python-scandir/1.4-1

2017-01-15 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 14/01/2017 17:35, Adam Borowski wrote: On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 01:00:42PM +0100, Julien Puydt wrote: I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-scandir" * Package name: python-scandir python-scandir - Backport of the "scandir" stdlib module (P

Bug#851367: RFS/ITP: python-scandir/1.4-1

2017-01-15 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, On 15/01/2017 10:55, Mattia Rizzolo wrote: Control: tag -1 moreinfo Control: owner -1 ! On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 01:00:42PM +0100, Julien Puydt wrote: I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-scandir" o/ https://anonscm.debian.org/git/python-modules/packa

Bug#857705: RFS/ITP: minetest-mod-craftguide/1.0-1

2017-03-14 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-craftguide" * Package name: minetest-mod-craftguide Version : 1.0-1 Upstream Author : kilbith * URL : https://github.com/minetest-mods/craftg

Bug#857704: RFS/ITP: minetest-mod-unifieddyes/0.4.15-1

2017-03-14 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-unifieddyes" * Package name: minetest-mod-unifieddyes Version : 0.4.15-1 Upstream Author : Vanessa Ezekowitz * URL : https://github.com/minet

Bug#857706: RFS/ITP: minetest-mod-homedecor/0.4.15-1

2017-03-14 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-homedecor" * Package name: minetest-mod-homedecor Version : 0.4.15-1 Upstream Author : Vanessa Ezekowitz * URL : https://github.com/minetest-

Bug#857706: RFS/ITP: minetest-mod-homedecor/0.4.15-1

2017-03-17 Thread Julien Puydt
Hi, Le 15/03/2017 à 10:55, Mattia Rizzolo a écrit : > > % cat debian/minetest-mod-homedecor.lintian-overrides > # used by upstream, not by us > minetest-mod-homedecor: script-not-executable > usr/share/games/minetest/mods/homedecor/homedecor/listnodes.sh > > Well, ok, but that's not the point.

Bug#866193: RFS/ITP: node-universalify/0.1.0-1

2017-06-27 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-universalify" * Package name: node-universalify Version : 0.1.0-1 Upstream Author : Ryan Zimmerman * URL : https://github.com/RyanZim/universalify *

Bug#866801: RFS: node-jsonfile/3.0.0-1

2017-07-01 Thread Julien Puydt
onfile.git Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-jsonfile.git Changes since the last upload: node-jsonfile (3.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Push standards-version to 4.0.0. -- Julien Puydt Wed, 28 Jun 2017 07:32:31 +0200 You could also

Bug#866844: RFS: mistune/0.7.4-1

2017-07-02 Thread Julien Puydt
ne.git Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/python-modules/packages/mistune.git Changes since the last upload: mistune (0.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Push standards-version to 4.0.0. * Rewrite d/watch to point directly to upstream. -- Julien Puydt

Bug#867012: RFS: ipython-genutils/0.2.0-1

2017-07-03 Thread Julien Puydt
m * New upstream release. * Update debian/watch. * Pushed standards-version to 4.0.0. -- Julien Puydt Sat, 01 Jul 2017 16:06:05 +0200 You might also want to dak-allow me on it. Thanks, Snark on #debian-python

Bug#867051: RFS/ITP: node-is-reference/1.0.0-1

2017-07-03 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-is-reference" * Package name: node-is-reference Version : 1.0.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/Rich-Harris/is-reference

Bug#867055: RFS/ITP: node-locate-character/2.0.1-1

2017-07-03 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-locate-character" * Package name: node-locate-character Version : 2.0.1-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://gitlab.com/Rich-Harris/locate

Bug#867292: RFS/ITP: node-estree-walker/0.4.0-1

2017-07-05 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-estree-walker" * Package name: node-estree-walker Version : 0.4.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/Rich-Harris/estree-walke

Bug#867323: RFS/ITP: node-rollup-pluginutils/2.0.1-1

2017-07-05 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-rollup-pluginutils" * Package name: node-rollup-pluginutils Version : 2.0.1-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/rollup/rollup-

Bug#867332: RFS/ITP: node-rollup-plugin-string/2.0.2-1

2017-07-05 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-rollup-plugin-string" * Package name: node-rollup-plugin-string Version : 2.0.2-1 Upstream Author : Bogdan Chadkin * URL : https://github.com/TrySoun

Bug#867338: RFS/ITP: node-rollup-plugin-json/2.3.0-1

2017-07-05 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-rollup-plugin-json" * Package name: node-rollup-plugin-json Version : 2.3.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/rollup/rollup-

Bug#867484: RFS/ITP: node-locate-character/2.0.1-1

2017-07-06 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-locate-character" * Package name: node-locate-character Version : 2.0.1-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://gitlab.com/Rich-Harris/locate

Bug#867617: RFS/ITP: node-rollup-plugin-replace/1.1.1-1

2017-07-07 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-rollup-plugin-replace" * Package name: node-rollup-plugin-replace Version : 1.1.1-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/rollup/r

Bug#869487: RFS: node-universalify/0.1.1-1

2017-07-23 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-universalify" * Package name: node-universalify Version : 0.1.1-1 Upstream Author : Ryan Zimmerman * URL : https://github.com/RyanZim/universalify * L

Bug#869490: RFS: node-is-reference/1.0.1-1

2017-07-23 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-is-reference" * Package name: node-is-reference Version : 1.0.1-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/Rich-Harris/is-reference *

Bug#869491: RFS: node-estree-walker/0.5.0-1

2017-07-23 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal [important for RC bugs, wishlist for new packages] Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-estree-walker" * Package name: node-estree-walker Version : 0.5.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL

Bug#869559: RFS: node-jsonfile/3.0.1-1

2017-07-24 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-jsonfile" * Package name: node-jsonfile Version : 3.0.1-1 Upstream Author : JP Richardson * URL : https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile * Lice

Bug#872329: RFS/ITP: node-rollup-plugin-commonjs/8.1.0-1

2017-08-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-rollup-plugin-commonjs" * Package name: node-rollup-plugin-commonjs Version : 8.1.0-1 Upstream Author : Rich Harris * URL : https://github.com/rollup

Bug#872358: RFS/ITP: node-is-module/1.0.0-1

2017-08-16 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-is-module" * Package name: node-is-module Version : 1.0.0-1 Upstream Author : Jonathan Ong * URL : https://github.com/component/is-module * License

Bug#872508: RFS: minetest-mod-character-creator/1.0-1 ITP

2017-08-17 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "minetest-mod-character-creator" * Package name: minetest-mod-character-creator Version : 1.0-1 Upstream Author : Rui * URL : https://github.com/minetest-m

Bug#872657: RFS: node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript/1.0.2-1 ITP

2017-08-19 Thread Julien Puydt
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript" * Package name: node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript Version : 1.0.2-1 Upstream Author : Mathias Bynens

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