On 18/10/2016 16:02, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
Hi Julien
(note: this is probably for Upstream not Debian)
I have seen the LICENSE.closure-compiler file, it is mentioned in
README.md, but I didn't find any trace of it in the code.
Same thing : there is a LICENSE.esprima, and they mention it in the
README.md, but I have found nothing about it in the code.
Should I still put something in d/copyright? But then which file should
I point to?
"some of functions is derived from *"
lets ignore grammar, I guess this means
"some of the functions in the source code, have been derived from foo/bar"
so, you need to ask them which functions, or maybe release under FOO and BAR
and FOOBAR licenses
the whole package.
I'm not sure, but copying files with a different copyright shouldn't be
ignored, if you
can't know which files have such licenses, my suggestion is to relicense
the whole package.
But as said, this is something for upstream.
Upstream relicensed things under Apache-2.0 ; please see the new 2.0.0
upstream version, available both here:
dget -x
and here:
Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-doctrine.git
I hope it's better this time,
Snark on #debian-js