Hi, On 03/08/2016 11:06, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
It has been a long time since my last nitpick, and this time I found one! hurray! :)
1) why aren't you building the doc? is some sort of "chicken and egg" issue? can I presume you will add the package later?
To build nbconvert's doc, you need nbsphinx. To build nbsphinx, you need nbconvert. So the plan is:
(1) nbconvert without doc ; (2) nbsphinx ; (3) nbconvert.
2) missing copyright! ./nbconvert/resources/style.min.css: * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
Oh! Added.
3) FTBFS! http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#experimental/nbconvert/4.2.0-1/buildlog
That's not surprising : the bot takes the ipython in unstable and not the one in experimental! Notice that the dep on ipython is indirect, so I don't know which package needs a versioned dep :-/
Cheers, Snark