backlight off w/o suspend

2002-03-24 Thread Erich Schubert
For the backlight off w/o suspend issue: i'm using plain old xset for this ;) I've got an icon on my panel for "xset dpms force off" which does the job fine. This is also use this with acpi sleep. Because currently acpi does not turn of the display when i put the laptop into sleep mode; but when i

Dell Inspiron 8100 - misc issues, acpi

2002-03-24 Thread Erich Schubert
Happy to hear the good news on the maestro3 issue... seems like i'll have to compile another kernel, and incorporate that fix into my alsa here... ;) BTW: I upgraded to the A10 BIOS too. Good news: Volume keys work like the other extra keys, so you don't need i8kbuttons any more. You can use them

Maestro3 fix in kernel 2.4.18, not in alsa

2002-03-24 Thread Erich Schubert
I wanted to add the maestro3 fix into alsa and noticed the following: if (chip->pci->subsystem_vendor == 0x1028 && chip->pci->subsystem_device == 0x00b0) /* Dell Inspiron 4000 */ ; /* seems conflicting with IrDA */ else dir |= 0x10; /* assuming pci bus master? */ looks like the

Re: Dell Inspiron 8100 - misc issues, acpi

2002-03-25 Thread Erich Schubert
Sorry, i'm still waiting for my subscription-confirmation message... So i don't get the replys yet, except with the web interface... No, simpleinit is not included in the util-linux package, just in the source, as debian uses sysvinit. I have experimental packages of simpleinit-msb, i was going t

Followup: ACPI and suspend

2002-03-30 Thread Erich Schubert
Unfortunately i'm still not yet subscribed to the list... i hope the subscription will be repaired soon... Please CC: me on replies. For ACPI: i recommend running current ACPI patches, not the version in the mainstream kernel. get them from These newer versio

Re: something overwrites my shadow - was: can't get pass login!

2002-06-14 Thread Erich Schubert
> I can only login if not using file shadowing - because it is stil > overwriting the /etc/shadow again and again, while saving untouched > file as shadow-. Run fsck. Maybe your disc is corrupted. Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A polar

Re: USB mouse and X-Windows 4.2.0

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
I configured my X-Server to use /dev/input/mice, using input core. That way my xserver doesn't care if i have an usb mouse connected at all. My logitech dual optical works fine this way. I don't know for sure about suspend, but i don't recall having problems with Xfree 4.1 at least. At least after

Re: Media Bay

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> I would like to move in/out my ZiP iomega drive and my CDDrive > in the fly (Currently I reboot my laptop, and I do not like it !). apt-get install hotswap For IDE devices. Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A polar bear is a rectangular bear

Re: Battery Life

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> I run ext3, but I still seem to get the full two hours or more of battery > life. Try mounting your disks as ext2 and run noflushd and see if your batteries last three hours? ;) Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A polar bear is a rectangular

Re: Battery Life

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> My main point is that the journalling filesystem isn't a *huge* strain on > power resources (even if you can do even better with just ext2). Well, it prevents noflushd from powering down your hard drive. I tried it. After switching to ext2 i ocassionally hear my drive power down, and that certai

Re: Multiple users (perhaps OT)

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> At the moment, the X server doesn't allow any other than the user who > started X to start X applications. And if she wants to write texts and > save to her user, we need to restart X, or she needs to work in a > terminal. Well, Gnome (i.e. gdm) has Menu Options "New Login in nested Window" and

Re: Multiple users (perhaps OT)

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> I'm lost. What's the big deal with a login manager? kdm or xdm (the only > ones I'm familiar with, I'm sure there's a gdm and many others). The X > security model is really friendly with these. In fact GDM will setup Icons when you have xnest installed, so you can make a nested Login. Once hi

Re: battery level applet on a dell

2002-06-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> i run debian woody 2.4.18 happily on a dell i8k. recently i upgraded > gnome1.4 to gnome2 and decided i would use the cute little applet that > tells me how much battery power i've got left. sadly it doesn't seem to > work. if anyone's got any experience with gnome[2] and had a clue about >

Re: battery level applet on a dell

2002-06-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> great news..thx..keen to know however which dell you're using and if > it's a recent i8k, whether acpi murdered your maestro3i card? my bios > supports apm and acpi, [strangely i can feel a kernel recompile coming > on...] No, IrDA is the problem source with the maestro3 card. But it's the maest

Re: runlevel 3 for a console login?

2002-07-12 Thread Erich Schubert
You probably won't need to change anything in the inittab, all you need to do is to make rc.d terminate your login manager on runlevel 3. this is controlled by the symlinks in /etc/rc3.d/ (S99gdm, S99kdm, S99wdm etc. - depending on your login manager) I had setup something like that. Worked like a

Re: mail readers

2002-07-16 Thread Erich Schubert
> Mozilla mail in comparison to Sylpheed, Evolution, or I've tried evolution and sylpheed, they were ok, but i always use mutt, although they use the very same mail directories and i could use them at the same time, i only run mutt. It's just more convenient for me. I'll only use evolution (which

Re: Debian 3.0

2002-07-29 Thread Erich Schubert
> Can anyone describe the correct command for configuration ? Tried > xf86config and XF86Setup. Neither worked. ATI Rage LTpro graphics > card. I recommend installing "discover", "mdetect" and "read-edid" (which are suggested by Xfree) then run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" most hardware

Re: ACPI questions

2002-07-29 Thread Erich Schubert
> I'm curious what the general concensus is around ACPI in the kernel. Are > other people using it? How stable is it? I'm using ACPI as of 20020503, that version is running just fine for me. There have been several updates on in the meantime, so i guess ACPI has been improved a lot in

Re: Dell i8200 and GeForce2 Go

2002-08-01 Thread Erich Schubert
> Has anyone else run into this? If so, can I fix it? Can I get 1024x768 in the > whole viewable area without 'slurred' colors? The display has a physical resolution of 1600x1400 ONLY. Therefore it can display 1600x1400, 800x700 and so on "gracefully"; all other resolutions have either to be sca

Re: [Fwd: Re: Dell i8200 and GeForce2 Go]

2002-08-01 Thread Erich Schubert
nd "800x600", he certainly will get nicer results with video players (well, they'll use the more suiteable resolution supported by the hardware, and then use xvideo to scale the video to that resolution) - but it won't give him a nicer picture for 1024x768 - a resulution his display

Re: Blurry screen with X 4.2.0

2002-08-02 Thread Erich Schubert
> Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY). The border problem is gone > (ie it uses the whole of the screen), but the display is very > blurry. I tried setting up sub-pixel sampling (in XftConfig), but > couldn't notice any difference. You use the wrong resolution for your display. You should use

Re: Blurry screen with X 4.2.0

2002-08-02 Thread Erich Schubert
May i suggest installing the "suggested" software packages for xserver-xfree86 (that is, run "apt-get install discover mdetect read-edid") which are for graphics board detection, mouse detection, monitor detection - then run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" which hopefully will select the correct

Re: Blurry screen with X 4.2.0

2002-08-02 Thread Erich Schubert
> read-edid doesn't always work on LCD screens, unfortunately, since the > mfr doesn't handle it on the LCD. My thinkpad doesn't, for instance. You're right, it doesn't work on my notebook either. It worked fine on my old pc, though. It's a shame that it doesn't work on new LCDs... Greetings, E

Re: Changing Internet connection?

2002-08-03 Thread Erich Schubert
There are _dozens_ of apps for doing this. one, netenv, is installed in the laptop task i think (but i've uninstalled it, i don't like it) my favourite right now is "intuitively". It sends out ARP requests to detect which network you are in, and then configures everything accordingly. (it does not

Re: alsa not working: step-by-step

2002-08-08 Thread Erich Schubert
I guess you ARE still running the -bf2.4 kernel. uname -a is VERY reliable... So check your lilo or grub setup. Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who u

After discussing on LCDs in Debian-laptop, did you get spammed by Sharp Systems as well?

2002-08-12 Thread Erich Schubert
spammed me, probably they spammed all addresses?) So if you got one, too - please tell me. Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who underst

Re: After discussing on LCDs in Debian-laptop, did you get spammed by Sharp Systems as well?

2002-08-14 Thread Erich Schubert
> I have to say, I am terribly surprise and archive our > mail without obfuscation :( Obfuscation doesn't help, even if you use some rotating obfuscation. Most, if not all of these, can easily be broken by Perl Regexps. So any spammer just needs to add a few regexps to his bot a

Re: Text flooding into login box

2002-08-14 Thread Erich Schubert
ywhatever) It's not too easy to setup, too, and i believe it made problems on my sisters notebook. (you need graphics mode at bootup, too, but most notebooks work better that way anyway - VGA often sucks on TFT screens ;) Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(|

Re: Problems with playing DVD

2002-08-15 Thread Erich Schubert
There used to be firmware updates for these toshiba drives that remove any region code from your drive, so you should be able to play any region code DVD. But that doesn't give you correct CSS decryption. If you can play the DVD under Windows, your Region Code is correct. Woody (and all other Debi

Re: suspend to disk on compaq 1200

2002-08-15 Thread Erich Schubert
> No more windows on this machine so anyone know how to do suspend > to disk on this machine? I did a new "suspend" partition with > lphdisk, but maybe missing something because I'm not getting suspend > to work right. I tried with a ACPI kernel and with a APM enabled >

Re: Problems with playing DVD

2002-08-16 Thread Erich Schubert
> "Used to be" ..?? What is the current situation with DVD drives? > > Seems to me there's no point buying a DVD drive for a laptop if it can't > play discs from any region. Just imagine it, you buy your laptop in > Australia, fly to France taking it with you, and all of a sudden you're not > a

Re: Re:

2002-08-18 Thread Erich Schubert
I had some Compaq Presario 1x00 laptop... my sister is using it now. I used the "vesa" framebuffer - there was no trident framebuffer by then, and the Xfree 4.2 graphics driver finally supports video overlay, so DVDs can be watched. I didn't get the extra mp3-player keys to work though :-( Compaq

Re: Re:

2002-08-20 Thread Erich Schubert
> You might try running 'xev' and checking the output when you press the > keys. I'm playing with that and my Logitech keyboard that has extra > keys. You really believe i hadn't tried that? They don't generate interrupts either, btw. My logitech worked fine, my extra keys on the dell inspiron wo

Re: how can I get my laptop mouse pad working

2002-08-22 Thread Erich Schubert
GPM is sometimes difficult to use with Xfree. So unless you need your "mouse" in the console i recommend uninstalling it. Most touchpads can be used with the PS/2 driver, like most modern mice. You might want to install "mdetect" and "discover" then re-run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" (the fi

Re: how can I get my laptop mousepad...uninstall it

2002-08-22 Thread Erich Schubert
> How do I uninstall my mouse touchpad in my laptop. You can't "uninstall" it. The driver IS gpm or a part of Xfree. So as long as you run neither gpm nor Xfree your mouse is kind of uninstalled. (the ps2 port is still installed though.) > on the internet as to download. With Windows I > can with

Re: ACPI suspend/resume

2002-08-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> Does anyone know how to make acpi suspend and resume my laptop? Did you read any ACPI docs? echo 1 > /proc/acpi/sleep should do the trick. But this will *sleep* only. ACPI does NOT support suspend-to-disk, only suspend-to-ram (still needing power!!) > have attempted to use the software-suspend

Re: ACPI suspend/resume

2002-08-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> And the ACPI4Linux pages have moved and links to them have been broken > since I got the laptop a couple of weeks ago. They moved to sourceforge long time ago... documentation there is sparse, though. mailinglist archives are the best source for docs. There is a FAQ though, which c

Re: ACPI suspend/resume

2002-08-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> So, last I checked, Linux ACPI didn't support suspend to memory or > suspend to disk; the software suspend patch is the only way to get an > ACPI laptop to do anything resembling sleeping. I was also under the Sleeping (i.e. S1) worked fine here some months ago, but i didn't try recently. I'm fi

Sharp SPAM [ Special Price Offer for Select Sharp Systems Products]

2002-08-26 Thread Erich Schubert
dn't really intend to buy any PDA anyway). - Forwarded message from Sharp Systems Marketing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Organisation: Sharp Systems of America From: "Sharp Systems Marketing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Erich Schubert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Su

Re: NTFS fears

2002-08-30 Thread Erich Schubert
I lost my WinME pre-installation on the notebook (vfat or fat32, i don't know) when resizing it with Partition magic to get space for my linux installation... very weird how that happened... WinME can't boot to dos mode any more, so i had to use a boot floppy... that one gave me 639k of free memory

Re: startup program (browser)

2002-09-02 Thread Erich Schubert
> I found the problem in .gnome/session in my home > directory. Should I just edit the lines referring to > Opera out directly, or would there be a better way. > It does not show up in the Gnome menu under "Session > properties and startup programs". Here are the lines Click on that small butto

Re: startup program (browser)

2002-09-02 Thread Erich Schubert
> time I boot up Opera does not open. But as soon as I > open Opera, those lines are back in the session file, Then tell opera not to register itself as "respawn on reboot". If that is not possible, delete opera, it's broken by design. Galeon supports registering itself as "service", too. (serve


2002-09-05 Thread Erich Schubert
> does anyone have any insight on what it takes to configure deb for https...? > after getting set up for the internet, my first inclination was to check > my hotmail account but i was prompted with an error msg re: https not being > available. Install the ssl packages for your browser. If yo


2002-09-05 Thread Erich Schubert
> in the meantime, does anyone know the appropriate apt-get info for the > file(s) i need to enable konqueror? $ apt-cache search kde ssl kdebase-crypto - KDE crypto control module i guess that's what you need. Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(|


2002-09-06 Thread Erich Schubert
> Heather> Galeon really is mozilla, different skin. Find me a way to use > Heather> less than all of Mozilla on low-quality systems (only 32 or 40 > Heather> MB of true RAM) and I'll be paying closer attention. This is not quite correct. Galeon uses a real GTK interface, not an XUL skin for mozi


2002-09-06 Thread Erich Schubert
> *sigh* I should have thought about that. You're right. A freshly > started galeon is using about 18MB. Does gtkmozembed really leak that > much memory? No, but galeon has a memory cache... like almost every graphical browser. Default is at least 5 MB, maybe 10 MB... Then plugins get loaded an

Re: Dell Inspiron: Using glidepad and stick/nipple separately?

2002-09-06 Thread Erich Schubert
> The annoying thing is that I *believe* that the other OS ('98?) could > distinguish between the stick and the pad... Argh! Hmm... i would like that very much, too... Did you try the driver from mobilix? See the mailing list archives, and Greetings, Erich

Re: user shutdown?

2002-09-06 Thread Erich Schubert
> I have never looked into this before, but is there a way that I (just a > joeblow user) can shutdown my system without having to become root first? For example using sudo, gnome-sudo, gksu, super or any other of these utilities. Ctrl+Alt+Del in the console is very nice, too. As are the "halt" o

Re: Dell's hibernate partition (was: Debian on a Dell 4150?)

2002-09-09 Thread Erich Schubert
> initialize the s2d partition, dell's very own tool (the latest > version) complains that it does not support systems with more than 768 Did you try this lphtool? Dells BIOS might be a Phoenix one, and there's a linux utility for creating hibernate partitions for phoenix i think. lphdisk i think,

Re: Dell's hibernate partition (was: Debian on a Dell 4150?)

2002-09-09 Thread Erich Schubert
> > Did you try this lphtool? > > where is it? apt-cache search hibernat lphdisk - prepares hibernation partition for Phoenix NoteBIOS > (debian-user is the most valuable place on the net, let this be said!) This is debian-laptop =P Greetings, Erich -- erich@(|

[ Re: Dell's hibernate partition (was: Debian on a Dell 4150?)]

2002-09-09 Thread Erich Schubert
This mail obviously was meant to go to the mailing list. - Forwarded message from Darac Marjal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - From: Darac Marjal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Erich Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Dell's hibernate partition (was: Debian on a D


2002-09-18 Thread Erich Schubert
is lacking ppp support... try loading the "ppp" module and/or compiling a kernel with ppp included. Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C Go away or i'll replace you with a very small shell script.

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-19 Thread Erich Schubert
> I've got ACPI going on my Laptop (Compaq 720 CA) but the gnome/gnome2 > battery monitor doesn't support ACPI, only APM (from what I can tell). actually the gnome2 applet does support acpi. at least partially... well, it makes my system almost unuseable, because it querys the static info also eve

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-22 Thread Erich Schubert
> > actually the gnome2 applet does support acpi. at least partially... > > well, it makes my system almost unuseable, because it querys the static > > info also every second, which temporarily blocks my system... > > Works great for me with acpi: gnome-applets2-2.0.1-4 Doesn't work here: 2.0.3-1

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-22 Thread Erich Schubert
> Yup. I had the same problem. This crude patch > > solved the problem for me. Looking at that patch their ACPI support is not more than an ugly hack... Hardcoding battery names is bad... as is hard-coding AC device names... My power supply is still

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> Erich also wrote: > > Doesn't work here: 2.0.3-1 Mouse moves only choppy. > > gkacpi didn't cause my mouse to move choppy, neither does > > while true; do cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state; sleep 1; done > > but i can reproduce it when i do > > while true; do cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> The only exception would be if you change your battery while the program > is running, but that wouldn't be hard to recognize. In fact that probably is the most difficul part... Because user apps don't recieve acpi events. The only way would be to guess that when a batterys capacity increases (o

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> Could the applet read this table (or query the acpi modules or > something like that) to get the correct /proc path names? why not just use readdir? ls /proc/acpi/battery gives the correct results ;) Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135

Nvidia Xfree drivers

2002-09-24 Thread Erich Schubert
"apt-cache search nvidia" will show that debian contains installer scripts for the binary-only drivers by nvidia. You need both nvidia-*-src packages; they include installation manuals in /usr/share/doc//README* Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID:

Re: ACPI patch for the Gnome2 battery applet

2002-09-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> Give it a try. It scans /proc/acpi/battery and ac_adapter looking for a > subdir with the state and info files, and uses the first subdir it > founds with those files. The scan is done only once, and If it only uses the first it will use my empty battery socket (where my cd writer is in) :-( Mul

Re: ACPI patch for the Gnome2 battery applet

2002-09-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> I've been taking a look at battery/BAT0/state in my system and the first > line reads: "present: yes". It should be "no" in your empty socket, am I > right? correct. > If that's the case, I can modify the scan routines to use the first > subdir with the correct files AND "present: yes" on the s

Re: ACPI patch for the Gnome2 battery applet

2002-09-25 Thread Erich Schubert
not querying every second it doesn't need to care about avoiding unnecessary polling of "info". Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know.

Re: high cpu usage when playing mp3's

2002-10-04 Thread Erich Schubert
On an old SGI Indy (mips architecture) mpg321 also uses about 90% of the cpu whereas ogg123 is just around 60% You could also try using different mp3 players, maybe they use different code to play mp3s. Also try differnet bitrates. Decoding a 320 kBit file certainly uses more CPU than 128 kbit file

Re: Toshiba Satellite 1805-S254

2002-10-05 Thread Erich Schubert
nd in vesa framebuffer. Which kernel do you use? Does it use a graphics mode (that is: do you see some logo during linux kernel start) or does it use native text mode? What resolution does your tft screen support? Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| K

Re: Xfree86 4.2 Server Problem

2002-10-12 Thread Erich Schubert
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 which is the most reliable way to configure Xfree i have found. DON'T use those Xfree-included tools, they never worked for me. The debian-configurator works much better. BTW: the best place to ask is the debian-users mailing list... Gruss, Erich Schuber

Re: Can't Reboot to Win98 After Restarting from Woody

2002-10-13 Thread Erich Schubert
> The problem is that Win98Se can't be booted direct after restarting from > Woody. It freezes and the only thing that I can do is to press the > power button off and on, then Win98Se can operate normally. Sounds like a hardware problem to me. I had a machine i had no sound in windows when i ra

Re: Can't Reboot to Win98 After Restarting from Woody

2002-10-13 Thread Erich Schubert
> And how to boot into single user mode? Sorry, newbie here. Are you > saying that I have to remove related daemons? Single user is for repairing a seriously broken system and such. See the docs how to start it (depends on wheter you use lilo or grub) > I had a thought that it could be caused by

backlight off w/o suspend

2002-03-24 Thread Erich Schubert
For the backlight off w/o suspend issue: i'm using plain old xset for this ;) I've got an icon on my panel for "xset dpms force off" which does the job fine. This is also use this with acpi sleep. Because currently acpi does not turn of the display when i put the laptop into sleep mode; but when

Dell Inspiron 8100 - misc issues, acpi

2002-03-24 Thread Erich Schubert
Happy to hear the good news on the maestro3 issue... seems like i'll have to compile another kernel, and incorporate that fix into my alsa here... ;) BTW: I upgraded to the A10 BIOS too. Good news: Volume keys work like the other extra keys, so you don't need i8kbuttons any more. You can use them

Maestro3 fix in kernel 2.4.18, not in alsa

2002-03-24 Thread Erich Schubert
I wanted to add the maestro3 fix into alsa and noticed the following: if (chip->pci->subsystem_vendor == 0x1028 && chip->pci->subsystem_device == 0x00b0) /* Dell Inspiron 4000 */ ; /* seems conflicting with IrDA */ else dir |= 0x10; /* assuming pci bus master? */ looks like th

Re: Dell Inspiron 8100 - misc issues, acpi

2002-03-25 Thread Erich Schubert
Sorry, i'm still waiting for my subscription-confirmation message... So i don't get the replys yet, except with the web interface... No, simpleinit is not included in the util-linux package, just in the source, as debian uses sysvinit. I have experimental packages of simpleinit-msb, i was going

Followup: ACPI and suspend

2002-03-30 Thread Erich Schubert
Unfortunately i'm still not yet subscribed to the list... i hope the subscription will be repaired soon... Please CC: me on replies. For ACPI: i recommend running current ACPI patches, not the version in the mainstream kernel. get them from These newer versi

Re: something overwrites my shadow - was: can't get pass login!

2002-06-14 Thread Erich Schubert
> I can only login if not using file shadowing - because it is stil > overwriting the /etc/shadow again and again, while saving untouched > file as shadow-. Run fsck. Maybe your disc is corrupted. Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A pola

Re: USB mouse and X-Windows 4.2.0

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
I configured my X-Server to use /dev/input/mice, using input core. That way my xserver doesn't care if i have an usb mouse connected at all. My logitech dual optical works fine this way. I don't know for sure about suspend, but i don't recall having problems with Xfree 4.1 at least. At least after

Re: Media Bay

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> I would like to move in/out my ZiP iomega drive and my CDDrive > in the fly (Currently I reboot my laptop, and I do not like it !). apt-get install hotswap For IDE devices. Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A polar bear is a rectangular bear

Re: Battery Life

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> I run ext3, but I still seem to get the full two hours or more of battery > life. Try mounting your disks as ext2 and run noflushd and see if your batteries last three hours? ;) Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A polar bear is a rectangular

Re: Battery Life

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> My main point is that the journalling filesystem isn't a *huge* strain on > power resources (even if you can do even better with just ext2). Well, it prevents noflushd from powering down your hard drive. I tried it. After switching to ext2 i ocassionally hear my drive power down, and that certa

Re: Multiple users (perhaps OT)

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> At the moment, the X server doesn't allow any other than the user who > started X to start X applications. And if she wants to write texts and > save to her user, we need to restart X, or she needs to work in a > terminal. Well, Gnome (i.e. gdm) has Menu Options "New Login in nested Window" and

Re: Multiple users (perhaps OT)

2002-06-24 Thread Erich Schubert
> I'm lost. What's the big deal with a login manager? kdm or xdm (the only > ones I'm familiar with, I'm sure there's a gdm and many others). The X > security model is really friendly with these. In fact GDM will setup Icons when you have xnest installed, so you can make a nested Login. Once h

Re: battery level applet on a dell

2002-06-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> i run debian woody 2.4.18 happily on a dell i8k. recently i upgraded > gnome1.4 to gnome2 and decided i would use the cute little applet that > tells me how much battery power i've got left. sadly it doesn't seem to > work. if anyone's got any experience with gnome[2] and had a clue about >

Re: battery level applet on a dell

2002-06-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> great news..thx..keen to know however which dell you're using and if > it's a recent i8k, whether acpi murdered your maestro3i card? my bios > supports apm and acpi, [strangely i can feel a kernel recompile coming > on...] No, IrDA is the problem source with the maestro3 card. But it's the maes


2002-09-18 Thread Erich Schubert
is lacking ppp support... try loading the "ppp" module and/or compiling a kernel with ppp included. Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C Go away or i'll replace you with a very small shell script.

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-19 Thread Erich Schubert
> I've got ACPI going on my Laptop (Compaq 720 CA) but the gnome/gnome2 > battery monitor doesn't support ACPI, only APM (from what I can tell). actually the gnome2 applet does support acpi. at least partially... well, it makes my system almost unuseable, because it querys the static info also ev

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-22 Thread Erich Schubert
> > actually the gnome2 applet does support acpi. at least partially... > > well, it makes my system almost unuseable, because it querys the static > > info also every second, which temporarily blocks my system... > > Works great for me with acpi: gnome-applets2-2.0.1-4 Doesn't work here: 2.0.3-

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-22 Thread Erich Schubert
> Yup. I had the same problem. This crude patch > > solved the problem for me. Looking at that patch their ACPI support is not more than an ugly hack... Hardcoding battery names is bad... as is hard-coding AC device names... My power supply is still

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> Erich also wrote: > > Doesn't work here: 2.0.3-1 Mouse moves only choppy. > > gkacpi didn't cause my mouse to move choppy, neither does > > while true; do cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state; sleep 1; done > > but i can reproduce it when i do > > while true; do cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/inf

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> The only exception would be if you change your battery while the program > is running, but that wouldn't be hard to recognize. In fact that probably is the most difficul part... Because user apps don't recieve acpi events. The only way would be to guess that when a batterys capacity increases (

Re: ACPI battery monitor?

2002-09-23 Thread Erich Schubert
> Could the applet read this table (or query the acpi modules or > something like that) to get the correct /proc path names? why not just use readdir? ls /proc/acpi/battery gives the correct results ;) Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A13

Nvidia Xfree drivers

2002-09-24 Thread Erich Schubert
"apt-cache search nvidia" will show that debian contains installer scripts for the binary-only drivers by nvidia. You need both nvidia-*-src packages; they include installation manuals in /usr/share/doc//README* Greetings, Erich -- erich@(| Key ID:

Re: ACPI patch for the Gnome2 battery applet

2002-09-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> Give it a try. It scans /proc/acpi/battery and ac_adapter looking for a > subdir with the state and info files, and uses the first subdir it > founds with those files. The scan is done only once, and If it only uses the first it will use my empty battery socket (where my cd writer is in) :-( Mu

Re: ACPI patch for the Gnome2 battery applet

2002-09-25 Thread Erich Schubert
> I've been taking a look at battery/BAT0/state in my system and the first > line reads: "present: yes". It should be "no" in your empty socket, am I > right? correct. > If that's the case, I can modify the scan routines to use the first > subdir with the correct files AND "present: yes" on the

Re: ACPI patch for the Gnome2 battery applet

2002-09-25 Thread Erich Schubert
not querying every second it doesn't need to care about avoiding unnecessary polling of "info". Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| Key ID: 4B3A135C A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know.

Re: high cpu usage when playing mp3's

2002-10-04 Thread Erich Schubert
On an old SGI Indy (mips architecture) mpg321 also uses about 90% of the cpu whereas ogg123 is just around 60% You could also try using different mp3 players, maybe they use different code to play mp3s. Also try differnet bitrates. Decoding a 320 kBit file certainly uses more CPU than 128 kbit fil

Re: Toshiba Satellite 1805-S254

2002-10-05 Thread Erich Schubert
nd in vesa framebuffer. Which kernel do you use? Does it use a graphics mode (that is: do you see some logo during linux kernel start) or does it use native text mode? What resolution does your tft screen support? Gruss, Erich Schubert -- erich@(| K

Re: Xfree86 4.2 Server Problem

2002-10-12 Thread Erich Schubert
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 which is the most reliable way to configure Xfree i have found. DON'T use those Xfree-included tools, they never worked for me. The debian-configurator works much better. BTW: the best place to ask is the debian-users mailing list... Gruss, Erich Schuber

Re: Can't Reboot to Win98 After Restarting from Woody

2002-10-13 Thread Erich Schubert
> And how to boot into single user mode? Sorry, newbie here. Are you > saying that I have to remove related daemons? Single user is for repairing a seriously broken system and such. See the docs how to start it (depends on wheter you use lilo or grub) > I had a thought that it could be caused b

Re: Can't Reboot to Win98 After Restarting from Woody

2002-10-13 Thread Erich Schubert
> The problem is that Win98Se can't be booted direct after restarting from > Woody. It freezes and the only thing that I can do is to press the > power button off and on, then Win98Se can operate normally. Sounds like a hardware problem to me. I had a machine i had no sound in windows when i ra