Undefined subroutine &Html::html (dl10n-html): Cron run-parts --report /srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/etc/cron.hourly/

2024-11-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
r. Kind regards Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Mensaje reenviado Asunto: Cron run-parts --report /srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/etc/cron.hourly/ Fecha: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 16:15:05 + De: Cron Daemon Para: larj...@debian.org, brot...@debi


2024-08-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
measure to keep people from subscribing others to the lists without their permission." Kind regards Laura Arjona Reina El 4 de agosto de 2024 3:17:51 CEST, danielsysad...@proton.me escribió: >Boa noite a todos. Estou com problema para receber a lista de discussão da >debian-i18n. Consta erro ao se inscrever pelo site. >

Re: Contacting i18n/l10n team

2024-06-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all El 26 de junio de 2024 21:45:01 CEST, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana escribió: > >Hi, > >Some months ago I setup up https://weblate.debian.net > >I was planning run some tests with portuguese translations and then open to >everyone. > >But we can start to test it, specially the admin

Re: Translation status robot not working?

2024-06-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello El 19 de junio de 2024 11:51:16 CEST, Helge Kreutzmann escribió: >Hello Holger, >Am Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 09:22:29PM +0200 schrieb Holger Wansing: >> >> Am 18. Juni 2024 18:40:48 MESZ schrieb Helge Kreutzmann >> : >> >Hello, >> >for several days, the status of the debian translations are

[Spanish] Sync www.d.o/security/index.wml (was: Re: webwml failed)

2024-01-19 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ing in the translation: git log -p 48d973fa309b3455dbeab25b74e11e59334fd140.. --follow -- english/security/index.wml -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: po statistics

2023-11-20 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
t data in webwml repo. Hence I'm CC'ing debian-i18n and debian-l10n-devel for the case anybody knows and it's easy to fix. If not, a quick workaround could be to exclude the problematic packages from our stats (exclude them from the dl10n scripts so no material is generated). Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: po statistics

2023-11-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
guage lists, and I guess that this info is mostly used by the translators translating package information (not website pages), so I'm not sure how to reach them. For my case (Spanish), I'll send a mail to -l10n-spanish linking to this message and your message, for the case they can provide some feedback. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

upcoming changes in the website this weekend (GR non-free-firmware)

2023-06-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
keep an eye on #debian-www or the commit log, as in every (point) release, to know when the website is being prepared for Debian 12. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Bug#1035960: All of sudden, the Spanish PO debconf templates is getting full of alien translators :-)

2023-05-16 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
reenabled the cron.hourly job I'll try to keep an eye on things these days, please report if you notice any issue. Kind regards El 12 de mayo de 2023 23:50:54 CEST, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: >Thanks everybody for the extra info and Cyril for the research > >I have killed the spider

Re: Translated packages, bugs reported... but still appear as unmanaged

2023-05-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
gi?bug=1035960 >> ²https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po-debconf/es > >And the same goes for a new pile of packages: > >matrix-synapse (5), dump1090-mutability (79), mailman-suite (20), x2gobroker >(17), >evqueue-core (7) > >The PO files for those packages are ful

Re: Bug#1035960: All of sudden, the Spanish PO debconf templates is getting full of alien translators :-)

2023-05-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
art afresh, killing all those processes, maybe disabling the cron jobs, cleaning temporary and maybe corrupted data files, and triggering a single run manually to see if it works. But then, I have 0 knowledge about the spider, and I'll leave that up to someone else: I don't want to risk making the matter worse! Cheers, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: All of sudden, the Spanish PO debconf templates is getting full of alien translators :-)

2023-05-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
s welcome. If any of you is sure about the last date when you saw things were working well, please tell, so I can try to learn what happened since then that could cause the issue. Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

issues building compendia at least since tye upgraded to bullseye

2022-12-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ys (and for now, remove the old .po files manually). If you have no access to tye.debian.org and want me to check anything, ping me in IRC and will reply ASAP. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Bug #1017109: www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/ works only in English

2022-11-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
, the pages are displayed in only English but with current stats. If anybody can have a look at the bug report and have any idea of how to fix the issue, any help is welcome: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1017109 Thanks -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Stats page not updating

2022-09-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello El 18 de septiembre de 2022 17:04:26 CEST, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana escribió: >Hi Laura, > >Em 17/09/2022 19:40, Laura Arjona Reina escreveu: >> Hello >> >> the English version of the stats pages are updated: >> >> https://www.debian.org

Re: Stats page not updating

2022-09-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
nk I have not enough skills to solve the issue and also my time to put on this, these weeks, is limited. So nay help is welcome. Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

Re: New Albanian translator

2022-07-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
about? Translation files for the debian.org website? Or for some of our manuals? Do you have the files ready? Then you can sent them to this list for the first times, and someone will take care of them. Greetings Holger -- Sent from /e/ OS on Fairphone3 -- Laura Arjona Reina

announcement of DebConf22 closes: Work in progress, help and reviews welcome

2022-07-21 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
) but there are other paragraphs quite stable so reviews and translations are welcome too :-) Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Please review and translate: DebConf22 welcomes its sponsors

2022-07-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello Znoteer El 17/7/22 a las 22:59, Znoteer escribió: On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 10:13:12PM +0200, Laura Arjona Reina wrote: Hello all On Monday around 7 UTC we'll publish a blog post thanking DebConf22 sponsors. We would very much appreciate reviews and translations. Apologies for the

Please review and translate: DebConf22 welcomes its sponsors

2022-07-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
comes-sponsors.md And you can see how it looks like at: https://bits.debian.org/drafts/debconf22-welcomes-sponsors.html Thank you very much for your tireless work! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Please review and translate: "DebConf22 starts today in Prizren" blog post

2022-07-16 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
bian.org/drafts/debconf22-starts.html Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: "DebConf22 starts today in Prizren" blog post

2022-07-16 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
And you can see how it looks like at: https://bits.debian.org/drafts/debconf22-starts.html Thank you very much! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Updates to the Debian homepage related to DebConf22

2022-07-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
folder, then to the po folder, and then run "make update-po"), and then complete the untranslated or fuzzy strings. Thanks! Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: translations needed: bug #1009253 remove debian-www list from the footer; direct people to the contact page instead

2022-05-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
thanks for the translations already present! A correction in my instructions: El 12 de mayo de 2022 23:39:25 CEST, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: How to do it: > >* Update your local repo (git pull) >* Go to your language/po folder and do "update-po" Go to your language/po f

translations needed: bug #1009253 remove debian-www list from the footer; direct people to the contact page instead

2022-05-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
e code is [available]." Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Completion: Updates to www.debian.org/devel/constitution (and former versions), and note to translators

2022-02-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
so needed to update the commit hash in the translation-check header of constitution.1.7.wml to 5a315ddb15a28dd0269d23be676be33d0f75f371 Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Updates to www.debian.org/devel/constitution (and former versions), and note to translators

2022-01-31 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
The files for the historical versions of the constitution (1.0 to 1.7) will also need small updates (to update links in all the historic constitutions and use consistent formatting for the links between constitutions) Thanks everybody for your contributions to the website! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Access Request for i18n and l10n Team

2021-11-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
bian-i18n pseudopackage. Feel free to contact me here or in IRC if you need anything (tests in tye, logs, whatever). Thanks again for volunteering for this! Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

Re: Please translate: line in Debian website homepage about DebConf21 happening

2021-08-24 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ooks like the ordinal, because I'm not sure all the languages work like that. Thank you for the work and sorry for the inconveniences. Kind regards El 24/8/21 a las 15:05, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: > Hello all > > thanks Federico Grau, we have added a small section for "no

Please translate: line in Debian website homepage about DebConf21 happening

2021-08-24 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
#x27;s better to work in advance in a branch and merge once we have some translations... Of course for next updates we'll do our best to ping in advance, not as I did today (apologies!). Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Please review and translate: Debian 11 release announcement and blog post

2021-08-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
/21 a las 19:31, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: > Hi all > We appreciate reviews and translations of the Debian 11 release announcement, > to be published today. > > The English draft is here: > > https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/announcements/-/blob/master/en/drafts/bull

Please review and translate: Debian 11 release announcement and blog post

2021-08-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: new download landing page

2021-08-06 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
hers). We appreciate proofreads and translations. I'll update link of the download button in homepage (/index.wml) for the different languages later today, if nobody beats me to it. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Bug#990104: Use of uninitialized value in english/international/l10n/scripts/gen-files.pl

2021-06-20 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
t=$(DIST) --l10ndir=$(L10N_DIR) --langs --po --podebconf --po4a but I don't know how to fix the issue. I'm creating this bug as a request for help. Kind regards, Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: How to resolve gettext error "can't guess language"?

2021-04-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
the script to add some logic to try to guess the language from the Language tag inside the file. This second option I'm afraid is beyond my Perl skills. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Vietnamese Language Team

2021-01-22 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
maybe? > We have this web page: https://www.debian.org/international Not all the languages are listed there but many are, and IMHO all the languages with Debian user/translation teams should be (contributions welcome). Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

Homepage banner, translatable? (was: Re: Now in master! new homepage of www.debian.org (publish date today))

2020-12-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Baptiste CC'ing debian-www and design-devel mailing lists, for the case somebody has better ideas than mine. El 18/12/20 a las 14:39, Baptiste Jammet escribió: > Hi all, > > Dixit Laura Arjona Reina, le 17/12/2020 : >> Thanks for all the reviews and translations! >

Re: Now in master! new homepage of www.debian.org (publish date today)

2020-12-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
browser as default language, and clic on "Les acteurs", "Notre philosophie", etc and it works. (note that I've not updated my local build in larjona.net anymore today, and I've disabled that temporary website. Kind regards, >   > > Cyrille > >   >

Now in master! new homepage of www.debian.org (publish date today)

2020-12-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
roatian Esperanto Finnish Galician Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Japanese Lithuanian Norwegian Persian Polish Romanian Slovak Slovene Tamil Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese But I'll do my best to help any translator/team that wants to catch up, don't hesitate to contact! Kind regards, -- Laura A

Re: Please review and translate: new homepage of www.debian.org (publish date 17 Dec 2020)

2020-12-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi El 14 de diciembre de 2020 20:07:21 CET, Justin B Rye escribió: >Laura Arjona Reina wrote: >> The files are (in /english folder): >> >> /index.wml >> /intro/index.wml >> /intro/people.wml - some parts copied from /intro/about.wml >> /intro/philosop

Please review and translate: new homepage of www.debian.org (publish date 17 Dec 2020)

2020-12-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
the new-homepage branch these days, we will try to keep the site https://debian-newhomepage.larjona.net/ updated. Don't hesitate to contact the web team here in the mailing list or in #debian-www for any issue it may arise. Thanks everybody for your patience, help in translations a

Please review and translate: DebConf20 closing announcement

2020-08-29 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
nd regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: blog post about DebConf20 sponsors

2020-08-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
posts, so you can probably reuse your translations. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: blog post about DebConf20 platinum sponsors

2020-08-20 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
, so you probably can copy them from the "DebConf19 closes" blog post or web announcement. Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

is ddtp.debian.org ready / in production? Note MR to update dak

2020-07-16 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
t here so the language coordinators can ping their respective language teams and start translating/reviewing in the new instance. I'm also happy to help in updating the references to the server in www.debian.org, wiki.debian.org etc Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Draft: Debian 8 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life

2020-07-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
uot;diff") > I didn't do anything about this because I couldn't word it well, do you (anybody) mind to propose a wording? Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: announcement about Ampere

2020-06-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Tuesday 16 June 2020, around 13:00UTC in both our channels and Ampere's channels. Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Upload «debian-installer» translations

2020-05-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.hourly//spiderbts: Warning: #960085 filled against installation-guide (source: installation-guide) but manual is in the database /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/../data/spiderbts/data/tmp Is this an issue that we should fix in the spider, or the bug should be filed against a different package name? Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Bug#959474: Issues with Chinese language (all variants) when building some pages in buster

2020-05-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
e SAMPLE_FILES that are needed in some folders; so additional issues may arise when we use the actual files that are generated at runtime in the often and lessoften cron jobs. That's all for now, I think. Thanks for your patience reading and for your help! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina h

Bug#954931: 10gen-material-unstable probably needs adaptation to new Perl libraries (buster/bullseye)

2020-03-25 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
#x27;m afraid I cannot look at the code these days, my main machine is still in stretch and anything related to buster/bullseye is difficult for me these days. If you need somebody with permissions in tye to try/deploy something or somebody to send the ticket to DSA, I can do those. Kind reg

Re: Please review and translate: announcement and blog post about official communication channels

2020-03-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Frans merged, and added you to the Publicity group in Salsa so you can commit yourself from now on. Thanks! El 14 de marzo de 2020 17:04:56 CET, Frans Spiesschaert escribió: >Hi, > >Laura Arjona Reina schreef op vr 13-03-2020 om 22:32 [+0100]: >> Dear all >> Next

Please review and translate: announcement and blog post about official communication channels

2020-03-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
repos, the one that you prefer (announcement repo is html, bits is markdown). At the time of publishing, we'll copy/transform the files, so both platforms get all the translations. Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Issue with spider-bts (dl10n script)

2019-12-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi I answer myself: It's the subject of the mail where they wrote the wrong package name I'll mail debian-l10n-french Cheers El 12 de diciembre de 2019 16:37:33 CET, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: >Hi all > >We obtain messages like the one below when somebody adds a

Issue with spider-bts (dl10n script)

2019-12-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
: #946622 filled against rpki-trust-anchors (source: rpki-trust-anchors) but rpki-trust-anchor is in the database /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/../data/spiderbts/data/tmp -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

Bug #896678: l10n-rrd cron jobs fail with "llegal attempt to update using time X when last update time is X (minimum one second step)"

2019-12-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
10n/blob/master/dl10n-rrd/dl10n-rrd Line 244-246 use POSIX qw(strftime); $date = strftime "%s", localtime; $date = (int($date / $step)+1)*$step However, I'm not seeing that error for some time. I'll keep an eye on the reports to see if it hap

Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] Bug#896884: l10n-rrd cron job fail with "Function update_pdp_prep, case DST_GAUGE - Cannot convert '' to float"

2019-12-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
$total_translated_only{$lang}; Kind regards, El 25/4/18 a las 13:39, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: > > Hello > The daily cron jobs that create the data and graphs in i18n.debian.org > currently > fail with these errors: > > /srv/i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.d/

recipients of Cron run-parts --report mails

2019-12-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
> I have removed bubu...@debian.org from the recipients of the mails generated by cron in tye.debian.org Sorry for the late action. If there is any other recipient I should remove or add, please get in touch. Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona >

Re: new Debian homepage: request for translations

2019-11-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
tps://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/blob/new-homepage/armenian/po/templates.hy.po So for these strings to appear translated, they need to be translated in the corresponding .po file. Thanks again for the translation! Kind regards, > > -Original Message- > From: Laura Ar

Re: Debian new website translations Swedish

2019-11-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ou have any Swedish translators? Yet for the new website, if not i >> might be able to help >> > Thanks for your interest and contributions. Please coordinate the reviews/updates with the other Swedish translators in debian-l10n-swed...@lists.debian.org Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: new Debian homepage: request for translations

2019-11-05 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
www to coordinate the website translation, or if you gather a team, you may want to ask for a debian-l10n-urdu mailing list or a debian-user-urdu mailing list. See https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/HOWTO_start_list for more details. Kind regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraAr

new Debian homepage: request for translations

2019-11-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ere in the mailing list or in #debian-www for any issue it may arise. Kind regards, -- -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

published article "Debian Donates to Support GNOME Patent Defense", translations welcome

2019-10-28 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
;Translator:" in the translated file. Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: blog post "The Debian Project stands with the GNOME Foundation in defense against patent trolls"

2019-10-22 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ble). The English article is here: https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/bits/blob/master/content/2019/gnome-foundation-defense-patent-troll.md and the result of the build, for now, can be seen at: https://bits.debian.org/drafts/gnome-foundation-defense-patent-troll.html Thanks! -- Laura Ar

worflow and coordination for translations of the website (salsa and mailing lists)

2019-09-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
elp you to design your preferred workflow. I'm not sure how other teams coordinate. The Spanish team don't use salsa (only commits and the usual mailing list messages ITT, RFR, etc, with the corresponding files attached, for p2p review). I'm CC'ing the debian-i18n mailing

Re: Fwd: Cron run-parts --report /srv/i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.hourly/

2019-09-22 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
against kwartz-client (source: >kwartz-client) >> > but wireshark is in the database >> > /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/../data/spiderbts/data/tmp >> It seems that Helge-Kreutzmann had done what was needed : >> https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-german/2019/09/msg00

Re: Please review and translate: announcement about DebConf19 closing

2019-07-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
them as they come trying to keep in sync all the channels where the news is published. Kind regards, El 28/7/19 a las 2:21, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: > Dear all > > Please review and translate the announcement about DebConf19 closing. > It will be published in bits.debian.org and

Please review and translate: announcement about DebConf19 closing

2019-07-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
more comfortable). Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: moved pages in www.debian.org (awards, merchandise) and outdated translations

2019-07-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Sorry again for the inconveniences. El 18 de julio de 2019 20:26:56 CEST, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: >Dear translators > >We recently removed the /misc folder in www.debian.org, relocating the >interesting content in other areas. > >Thus the old /misc/awards.wml file now it&

moved pages in www.debian.org (awards, merchandise) and outdated translations

2019-07-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ion. Sorry for the inconveniences, for the future case where we need to move files we'll try to find a better solution. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please translate or update translations: web pages related to the Debian 10 (buster) release

2019-07-06 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
//www-staging.debian.org/ I will try to update www-master as we get the commits in the website, so when we finally push to mirrors the website (when the buster image tests are ready), we show as much as updated translations as possible. Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Translations for the Debian 10 release announcement (in webwml repo) and blog post (in bits repo)

2019-07-06 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ed.md For the similar article that we had published when releasing Debian 9 stretch, we had many translations: ca cs de es fr gl it nl pl pt pt-BR ro ru zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW so translating this one should easy with a diff tool ;-) Thanks! Kind regards, El 6/7/19 a las 14:45, Laura Arjona Rein

Please review and translate: Debian 10 release announcement and blog post

2019-07-06 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
, for any question/comment you have. Have a nice release weekend, and thank you very much for all your contributions to Debian and Debian publicity! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Please review and translate: blog post about Platinum sponsor

2019-05-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
And you can see how it looks like at: https://bits.debian.org/drafts/lenovo-platinum-debconf19.html (I would try to publish as drafts the updates/translations as soon as I can during the weekend). Thank you very much! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Please review and translate: announcement about Handshake donation

2019-03-28 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi El 28 de marzo de 2019 19:56:50 CET, victory escribió: >On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 16:01:24 +0100 >Laura Arjona Reina wrote: > > >> >How would this markup system react if that was universal, >with >> >nested s? >> I think I read some time ago that it should

Re: Please review and translate: announcement about Handshake donation

2019-03-28 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Justin El 28 de marzo de 2019 15:55:38 CET, Justin B Rye escribió: >Laura Arjona Reina wrote: >> Please review and translate the announcement about a donation made by >> Handshake, available here: >> >> >https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/announcements/bl

Please review and translate: announcement about Handshake donation

2019-03-28 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

ddtp2.debian.net down? ("Lisa, if you don't like your job".... messages)

2019-03-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello since several days we're getting the messages below, and I cannot access the DDTSS web interface at ddtp2.debian.net Is anything wrong with the server? Thanks -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Mensaje reenviado Asunto: [Debian-l10n-devel]

New string in footer in www.debian.org pages, please update templates.??.po

2019-02-22 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
age templates (the .po files) for every language present in the Debian website, so maybe you will find other new strings to update/translate in the /po/ subfolder of your language in the webwml repo. Thanks in advance! Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Two columns named "Translators" in several web pages about l10n stats

2019-01-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ists the name in the field "maintainer" of the corresponding .wml file, so here there is no confusion. How should we name the former 2 "Translator" columns? My proposal would be these headers 1st Translator -> Translator 2ns Translator -> Last Message But I don

Re: status of package dl10n for Buster?

2018-12-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello El 10 de diciembre de 2018 18:41:40 CET, "David Prévot" escribió: >Hi, > >Le 10/12/2018 à 04:51, Laura Arjona Reina a écrit : > >> Buster freeze is coming and I would like to know if anybody is >willing >> to take care of the package dl10n (or is al

status of package dl10n for Buster?

2018-12-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
inish before the freeze. And for putting the package in shape I have no experience so I would appreciate other person (uploading-DD?) to help (or take care of). Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Update of the Dutch word list of DDTSS

2018-11-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ende volgorde atime toegangstijd This would need to be deployed in ddtp2.debian.net by a person with permissions for that (I haven't, sorry). Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona > I am a Debian contributor since 2014 and I am known as frans-g

Re: [debian-installer] Call to update translations for Buster

2018-10-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
n-stats/. > > > >In case of questions or trouble, don't hesitate to ask for help on >debian-boot or me. > > >Many thanks > >Holger -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

Bug#887107: www.debian.org: Language Stats page completely broken - fixed?

2018-09-25 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
is a month without mails * If you find other pages that are not updated or other issues please tell and we can reopen these bugs or file new ones with the current status. I'll wait 2-3 days and close #906318 and #887107 if there are no news. Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://

Bug#909080: dl10n-spider stops parsing mails when there is a month without mails

2018-09-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
sub spider($@) (Line 173 on). I'm afraid I cannot provide a patch, the code is difficult for me to understand and I'm not sure what should I change and how. I hope somebody else can look at this... Thanks -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Bug#887107: improvements to dl10n-check - initial results

2018-09-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
week, and if it goes well, remove gradually the packages that were in the list of exceptions, to see if the script can now handle all that too (and then close the respective bug reports). Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona /srv/i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.d//10gen-ma

Bug#887107: improvements to dl10n-check - MERGED

2018-09-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
. I'll keep the bug report updated. Thanks Pino for your work, and sorry for the long delay! Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona El 05/05/18 a las 09:14, Pino Toscano escribió: > Hi l10n people, > > (please CC me, I'm not subscribed to debian-i1

Please review and translate blog post (and announcement) about DebConf18 closing

2018-08-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
o the one used for last year's announcement/blog post. Review of links and dates, help completing the statistics and maybe more/new info about DebConf18 and DebConf19 are very welcome. Best regards -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Joining to ukrainian translators

2018-06-07 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
s working there: https://ddtp2.debian.net/ddtss/index.cgi/uk (you need to sign up an account to send messages). >From other areas of translations (documentation, po-debconf templates...) I cannot tell (maybe others can). Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Please review and translate: announcement "Debian 7 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life"

2018-06-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello Adriana, Rui El 2 de junio de 2018 3:37:18 CEST, "Adriana Cássia" escribió: >2018-06-01 7:52 GMT-03:00 Laura Arjona Reina : >> >> Dear all >> >> Please review and translate the announcement about Debian 7 Long Term >Support >> reac

Please review and translate: announcement "Debian 7 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life"

2018-06-01 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
he files in the Debian website (webwml) repo. Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: News: 2018-06-01-Debian-7-Long-Term-Support-reaching-end-of-life

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
f-related paragraphs and maybe set contact info specific for LTS? We can have a look at former LTS-related announcements for reference). Regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona Sent with K-9 mail

Debian website git repo in Salsa (Bug #845297)

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
iously (needing two commits), but unavoidable. Note that the "-s" option of smart_change.pl is not usable for now. This is all, for now, I think. Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: (Final) Migration of the website to from CVS to Git, and from Alioth to Salsa (Bug #845297)

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello again Sorry, the number of the bug is #845297. The rest of the message I think it's correct. Cheers El 30/05/18 a las 12:32, Laura Arjona Reina escribió: > Dear all > > TL;DR > = > * Today (in 1-2 hours) we'll migrate the Debian website repo from CVS to

(Final) Migration of the website to from CVS to Git, and from Alioth to Salsa (Bug #846297)

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
bsite infrastructure. Kind regards, -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: Bug#887107: My improvements to dl10n-check

2018-05-07 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
ew database, to see if everything works ok). > (I have other improvements for dl10n.git, but let's get this biggest > chunk first.) > Yes! I hope to put time on this during the week for tests, and I will report to the bug the results. Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.

2018-04-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
> i18n, arf, arf, arf > > ___ > Debian-l10n-devel mailing list > debian-l10n-de...@alioth-lists.debian.net > https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debian-l10n-devel > -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Bug 887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-29 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
problem in the resources in tye, or a problem in our scripts. I have manually run the gen-material unstable with --verbose and --debug, and those produced huge log/err files, but couldn't find any more detail about the current problem. Any hint? Should I file an RT ticket for DSA to help us? -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

ddtp2.debian.net SSL cert expired

2018-04-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all Thanks for bringing back to life the DDTP service. The SSL cert expired, is it possible to renew it? (looks like a Let's Encrypt cert so maybe some cron job is stuck?). Thanks -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

Bug#896884: l10n-rrd cron job fail with "Function update_pdp_prep, case DST_GAUGE - Cannot convert '' to float"

2018-04-25 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
step)", so I guess this kind of error will be recurrent every day too. Cheers -- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

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