Thanks Camaleon
the status files used for the translation dashboards were broken.
I'm regenerating them, but it will take a while (launched the job last night, 
parsed German and Spanish among others, and now parsing French, but there are 
other languages with big data as Swedish and Russian that will be parsed later) 
so don't expect updated dashboards until Monday, minimum.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards

El 13 de mayo de 2023 10:06:13 CEST, "Camaleón" <> escribió:
>El 2023-05-12 a las 17:42 +0200, Camaleón escribió:
>> Maybe this has some sort of link to the recent issue¹ with PO debconf 
>> stats page...
>> The Spanish site² also reports two unmanaged packages while they are fully 
>> translated and bugs reported with their translated files:
>> ****
>> Sección: contrib
>> google-android-sdk-docs-installer (2), google-android-m2repository-installer 
>> (2)
>> ****
>> Not sure what's happening here, maybe someone can also take a look into 
>> this? Thanks a bunch.
>> ¹
>> ²
>And the same goes for a new pile of packages:
>matrix-synapse (5), dump1090-mutability (79), mailman-suite (20), x2gobroker 
>evqueue-core (7)
>The PO files for those packages are fully done for Spanish language, 
>but now they appear to be empty (untraslated / unmanaged) so any hint on 
>this will be appreciated.

Laura Arjona Reina
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