Hello all

thanks Federico Grau, we have added a small section for "now happening" events 
in the website homepage. It can be improved (e.g. add a picture) but for now, I 
think it's better than not showing important events until we publish their 
announcement (usually when they just finished, e.g. DebConfs, releases...).

I've added the English text to all the pages, and updated the translation-check 
headers, to avoid the yellow warning about "outdated page" in homepages. This 
way we get the same result as when any news is shown in the homepage but it's 
not translated to the local language (the title is shown in English in that 

If you want to translate, just edit /yourlanguage/index.wml and translate the 

      <h2><a href="https://debconf21.debconf.org/";>DebConf21</a> is 
      <p>The 21st Debian Conference is being held online from August 24 to 
August 28, 2021.</p>

and commit the file (no need to touch the translation-check header).

Other way is that you reply to this message with the translated text and I'll 
commit it as soon as possible.

Comments or ideas about how to improve this workflow are welcome. I'd like the 
website homepage to be updated to show undergoing events like the release 
points, debconfs and minidebconfs, elections... Maybe we could create a .po 
file with the proposed wording? (probably many of those short sentences can be 
reusable, but others not...). I'm also not sure if it's better to work in 
advance in a branch and merge once we have some translations... Of course for 
next updates we'll do our best to ping in advance, not as I did today 

Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina

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