Hello Irdi, welcome
El 20/7/22 a las 22:12, Irdi Ismaili escribió:
Yeah, i am attending DebConf22 and just learned how to contribute in
translations and i was told to ask in this mailing list to create the
Albanian language because it is not to be found anywhere. I will
contribute on website translations and package descriptions but for
the latest i send another email.
About the website, we have two types of resources to translate: wml
files (these are similar to HTML files, but sometimes they include
definitions or pieces of code), and .po files (you can use a PO editor
to translate them, for example, POEdit).
You can start with the .po files, the Albanian ones are located here:
You can also translate the homepage, the original English is here:
If you are familiarised with Git, I recommend to clone the webwml repo
and commit your translations in your local clone, and provide them via a
merge request CC'ing the Albanian Language mailing list (
https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-albanian/ ).
A more detailed description of how the website works and how to work
with it is here: https://www.debian.org/devel/website/
But that could be a bit overwhelming for starting, or maybe you are not
familiarised with git, in that case I would recommend that you download
the .po files and the index.wml file from the links that I provided to
your computer, translate them, and send them by mail to the public list
debian-...@lists.debian.org (CC'ing
debian-l10n-alban...@lists.debian.org for the case there is another
translator around that can proofread).
Don't hesitate to contact the web team in our public list
debian-...@lists.debian.org or our IRC channel #debian-www with any
question or comment about translating the website.
Kind regards,
I am sorry if i am not clear or doing something wrong but i am new to
all this.
Thank you for your time!
Sent from Proton Mail mobile
-------- Original Message --------
On Jul 20, 2022, 10:08 PM, Holger Wansing < hwans...@mailbox.org> wrote:
Hi, Am 20. Juli 2022 21:06:21 MESZ schrieb Irdi Ismaili : >Hello,
i would like to upload files for Albanian translation, please!
What files are you talking about? Translation files for the
debian.org website? Or for some of our manuals? Do you have the
files ready? Then you can sent them to this list for the first
times, and someone will take care of them. Greetings Holger --
Sent from /e/ OS on Fairphone3
Laura Arjona Reina