[D-I] Level 3 statistics: win32-loader

2008-07-01 Thread Christian Perrier
For a reason I had no tiome to investigate, win32-loader translations are currently reported as missing in D-I and related software statistics (http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/l10n-stats). Please ignore this as of now. -- signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: Intent to NMU pam to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-07-01 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 08:07:07PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote: > The pam Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has > pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes > for po-debconf, namely bug number 470096 (and maybe other similar bugs). > Even if we're still far

Re: Announce of an upcoming upload for the twiki package (2nd version)

2008-07-01 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi all, the comment: #. Type: password #. Description #. Translators, do not translate "configuser" in the variable #: ../templates:6001 should be placed one message before from where it is. No big deal, just beware while translating. Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueire

Re: Coordination pages/l10n bot: improvement suggestion

2008-07-01 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi, when the translation it's sent to the BTS if there's a To: or CC: with l10n-skynet-bot@ included will it be smart enough to use the ACK replied from the BTS with the #bug? Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo http://www.DebianPT.org A Tuesday 01 July 2008 22:22:

Coordination pages/l10n bot: improvement suggestion

2008-07-01 Thread Eddy Petrișor
Hello, I really like that the coordination pages can now become official, but I always resented the fact that you have to manually send a BTS#NN mail for the coordination pages to know about that bug. So I am thining of two approaches to solve this problem, but I would honestly love the

Re: DPL teams survey summary summary (about i18n team)

2008-07-01 Thread Helge Kreutzmann
Hello, On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 09:09:46PM +0100, Miguel Figueiredo wrote: > A Tuesday 01 July 2008 05:46:43, Christian Perrier escreveu: > > Quoting Miguel Figueiredo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > > Can you point out what kind of structure would benefit the Debian > > > i18n/l10n effort? > > > The follo

Re: DPL teams survey summary summary (about i18n team)

2008-07-01 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
A Tuesday 01 July 2008 05:46:43, Christian Perrier escreveu: > Quoting Miguel Figueiredo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > Can you point out what kind of structure would benefit the Debian > > i18n/l10n effort? > > The following comes to my mind: > > > > - formal team (role(s) ?) > > Something I wanted to

Re: New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-07-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting MJ Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > PUB (publication, which is what I think MAJ literally means) MAJ == "Mettre à jour" == To update (at least in my en_FR flavour) signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-07-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Eddy Petri?or ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > Where is the source code of the official bot? svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-l10n I *think* that Nicolas did commit the last version there. Otherwise, it might be in his home on churro. signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Intent to NMU pam to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-07-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Dear Debian maintainer, The pam Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes for po-debconf, namely bug number 470096 (and maybe other similar bugs). Even if we're still far from the release of the next Debian version, letti

Re: New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-07-01 Thread MJ Ray
Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > We also have "MAJ" in the French team, which is a TAF that's CC'ed to > the original translator ("Mise à jour") who has priority on it. We > should find an English-based acronym there, too. > > UPD (UPDate) ? That's an abbreviation, not an acronym. A

Re: DPL teams survey summary summary (about i18n team)

2008-07-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Miguel Figueiredo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > Can you point out what kind of structure would benefit the Debian i18n/l10n > effort? > The following comes to my mind: > > - formal team (role(s) ?) Something I wanted to discuss, yes. At this moment, there are de facto team "leaders" for l10n te

Re: Bug#463252: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the playmidi package

2008-07-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Darren Salt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > I demand that Christian Perrier may or may not have written... > > > Dear maintainer of playmidi and Debian translators, > > > Some days ago, I sent a notice to the maintainer of the playmidi Debian > > package, mentioning the status of at least one old

Re: New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-07-01 Thread Eddy Petrișor
Christian Perrier wrote: Quoting Eddy Petri?or ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Does this robot support DONE mails such as [DONE] po-debconf://{pack1,pack2,pack3}? Ti the best that I know, it does, yes. More than that, could you give up on using TAF for any language other than French[1] and use [TODO]

Re: New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-07-01 Thread Eddy Petrișor
Helge Kreutzmann wrote: Hello, On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 03:02:49AM +0300, Eddy Petri??or wrote: Please note that the help[1] for the pseudo-urls is missing and there were Romanian translations[2][3] that would be useful for the localized versions of those pages (which we'd prefer instead of the