Quoting Miguel Figueiredo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Can you point out what kind of structure would benefit the Debian i18n/l10n 
> effort?
> The following comes to my mind:
> - formal team (role(s) ?)

Something I wanted to discuss, yes. At this moment, there are de facto
team "leaders" for l10n teams who are active. You( Miguel) are that
person for the Portuguese (non Brazilian) team, for instance.

Would it be interesting to make this more formalĀ ?

> - goals (short/long term)

That as well. For the moment, goals are imprecise (except "thou shalt
be 100% everywhere") and we don't have priorities: each team sets its
own priority.

> - infrastructure

The "team" here exists: [EMAIL PROTECTED] It
is a consequence of the 2006 and 2007 Extremadura meetings. However,
the work there is somewhat jerky (and probably often "hidden" as
results might be not obvious while they are here (robots, collecting
the material, etc.).

> - policys (most important?)
> - guidelines

We're desperately missing more established guidelines, both for
mainainers and translators, certainly. This is one of the things I'm
personnally not good at, I'm afraid.

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