Speech for Debian-day @ LinuxTag

2003-05-20 Thread hauke
network. For more details have a look at www.m23linux.de.vu. I don't know if I have the possibillity to deliver a speech, but I would like to do so. Hauke

Re: Proposed Schedule for the Debian Day

2003-06-12 Thread hauke
ould like to hold the speech "Softwareverteilungssystem für Debian: [36]m23" at saturday. If possible, I would take the 12:00 - 13:00 slot. Is this slot still free? I can hold the speech at other times but this slot I would like most. Hauke

cheap lodgings?

2003-06-13 Thread hauke
Hi, does somebody know a cheap lodging for the time of LinuxTag? Is there a hostel or another (not expensive) place to sleep in Karlsruhe? Regards, Hauke

Re: [LT Infomail#2] Booths, Network, Insurance - Debian

2003-06-13 Thread hauke
s based on it. So I think, I can be helpful. Regards, Hauke

Booth planning

2003-06-15 Thread hauke
Debian based software distribution system m23 (www.m23linux.de.vu) in action? I think it would be very interesting for a lot of people. Regards, Hauke

Debian CDs, games and german law

2003-06-16 Thread hauke
ng des § 12 Abs. 1 JuSchG auszugehen sein. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Im Auftrag gez. Regina Käseberg = Regards, Hauke

Re: LinuxTag 2003-Info

2003-06-25 Thread hauke
We (Daniel Kasten, Hauke Goos-Habermann) will bring: - Athlon XP 1900+ - Duron 900 - 2x 24 Port 100/10MBit switches - different network + power cables - 2x inflatable penguins ;) - 2x laptops Is it allowed to use a electric kettle or microwave at the booth? Some tea or coffee would be nice

can somebody set our booth status?

2003-06-26 Thread hauke
Hi, Daniel Kasten and me (Hauke Goos-Habermann) will stay the whole LinuxTag event, so we will be available the whole time as staff for the Debian booth. Can somebody set the booth cross after our names? Thanks

Check in time to AKK on wednesday

2003-06-30 Thread hauke
Hi, it is possible to check in at the AKK on wednesday late (may be 23:00)? We have a long journey and can't be in Karlsruhe earlier. cu Hauke

more pictures of LinuxTag 2003

2003-07-21 Thread hauke
and some more: http://m23.sourceforge.net/postnuke-phoenix- Regards, Hauke

Re: Linuxtag 2k4

2004-02-28 Thread hauke
) ask me, i can do this too. > BTW Joey, this site still says "2003". :) Daniel Kasten and me (Hauke Goos-Habermann) from the m23 software distribution project (http://m23.sf.net) would like to get a bit of space, like last year. We will bring client + server and a LCD display for s

Tutorial about Debian @ Cebit

2004-03-12 Thread hauke
audience will know how to build a Debian based LAMP server on their own. This is a commerical tutorial, but if someone is interested here are additional information: http://www.ltt.de/logon-briefings.2004/cebit/march.20/tutorials.shtml#T1p Greetings, Hauke

B.A.f.H. reading @ university of Kiel

2004-03-31 Thread hauke
I know, this is OT, but I think it is really interesting for computer freaks. And where should I find these freaks, if not here? ;) On 23th of April there will be a reading of the B.A.f.H. (Florian Schiel) and B.S.f.K. (Hauke Goos-Habermann) an the university of Kiel. They will read some of

Re: Linuxtag 2004: Boothplan (BB)

2004-04-09 Thread hauke
a raw format for the images. If somebody wants to make a hack of my hacked version, feel free to use this source: http://m23.sf.net/fkt2003/bb/m23-bbdemo.tb2 There is included a tool for generating pictures for the hacked BB demo. Hauke

Sub project m23 short description for LinuxTag 2004

2004-05-09 Thread hauke
meone wants a english version. Cu all @ LinuxTag Hauke + m23 ist ein Softwareverteilungssystem für Debian/Linux, mit dem sich auf einfache Weise hunderte von Clients über ein vorhandenes Netzwerk installieren und administrieren lassen. m23 kann die Clients partitionieren und formatieren

Speech about m23 @ LUG-Camp 2004

2004-05-09 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
n das Softwareverteilungssystem m23" (11:00-12:00) and a workshop called "Workshop mit praktischen Übungen zu m23" (starting at 13:00). Both are held in german from Daniel Kasten and Hauke Goos-Habermann. Cu Hauke

Re: Sub project m23 short description for LinuxTag 2004

2004-05-10 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
> URL ? > wäre evtl interessant für mich und andere. > mfg > Daniel http://m23.sf.net

Re: Linuxtag 2004: Different Stuff

2004-05-11 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
e Adamantix People, together with 2 > Laptops. I dont think we count space for any Laptops, just for > things that are static. For the m23 software distribution sub project we will bring 2 i386 towers, 2 i386 laptops and 2 A2 posters. Cu Hauke

Re: schedule for DebianDay at LinuxTag

2004-05-26 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
> 10:00 Daniel Kasten and Hauke Goos-Habermann > Softwareverteilungssystem m23 It's ok for Daniel and me. Cu Hauke

Re: schedule for DebianDay at LinuxTag 2.0

2004-05-27 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
> Hauke, Daniel: Sorry, but I needed to cancel one talk, and since you > said, you'll have your talk in the "normal" LinuxTag conference > programm, I choosed yours. Ok, that's fair. Is there a possibillity to make a second Debian day (may be the next day)? Or is

Switches for Debian booth

2004-06-14 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi all, I could bring 2 24-port 10/100 MBit switches to LinuxTag for the debian booth. Are they needed? Do we need power or network cables? I have some. Cu Hauke - -- Stopt Softwarepatente, sonst wird Softwareentwicklung in Europa für die

24th of June: Demonstration against software patents at the LinuxTag

2004-06-20 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
FFII (www.ffii.org) - the leading federation of software patent opponents - FSF Europe (www.fsfeurope.org) - LiVe (www.linux-verband.de) - FoeBud (www.foebud.org) - Netzwerk Neue Medien (www.nnm-ev.de) - Grüne Jugend (www.gruene-jugend.de) It would be nice to see you there, Hauke

Re: Please tell me, when you arrive at LinuxTag ...

2004-06-22 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
> ... so I can estimate, how much "semmeln" I should order. Daniel und ich ca 8 - 9 Uhr. Cu Hauke -- Stoppt Softwarepatente, sonst wird Softwareentwicklung in Europa für die meisten illegal! Infos: http://webshop.ffii.org

Lost cardbox @TL

2004-07-01 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
Hi all, I forgot a cardbox labeled with "debian" in the hacking area. It contains a pullover, a t-shirt, some pieces of white and yellow paper, key fobs and one of the squeaking penguins. Did someone see it? Cu Hauke

Re: Lost cardbox @LT

2004-07-02 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
I would like to get it back at the next possibility (may be LinuxTag 2005). Cu Hauke

Re: Debian-Day at LinuxTag

2005-04-28 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
18:00 with hourly talks and no lunch break (That would be > the same as last year). is it still possible to add another speech? We would like to give a talk about m23 (http://m23.sf.net) like last year. Would it be possible to make a second [EMAIL PROTECTED] There should be enough interesti

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-05-25 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
. We also need some space > on the wall for our FAI poster (11x80cm) We would like to bring the following hardware for our subproject m23: 3 notebooks 1 TFT 1 poster 1 printer This year we will come with three people to make it possible that there is always one who knows something about m23. Cu Ha

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-05-27 Thread Hauke Goos-Habermann
Am Freitag, 27. Mai 2005 20:52 schrieb Alexander Schmehl: > * Hauke Goos-Habermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050525 17:39]: > > 1 printer > > Please not. You are wasting space and time. Why don't you print flyers > in advance or at the booth with the nice guy and the big

Re: [Fwd: 6. Brandenburger Linux-Infotag: Call for Paper]

2009-07-31 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
eady anyways), but I think with a little help we can be present there. If noone objects I'll try to bring this topic up at our next DebConf11-Berlin meeting. What do you think? Hauke signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: [Fwd: 6. Brandenburger Linux-Infotag: Call for Paper]

2009-07-31 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
Hi Sebastian, On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 01:55:11PM +0200, Sebastian Harl wrote: > On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:58:58PM +0200, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote: > > I'm not a DD (yet). Are there any objections to me preparing a booth for > > this event? > > By no means you have to

Re: [Fwd: 6. Brandenburger Linux-Infotag: Call for Paper]

2009-08-14 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 11:56:03AM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote: > Hi! > > Jan Hauke Rahm schrieb: > > > I'm not a DD (yet). Are there any objections to me preparing a booth for > > this event? > > By all means, no! Go ahead and have fun! Wel

Re: minidebconf planned in Berlin

2010-02-10 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
here. Maybe I can attend at a few planning meetings to bring in some suggestions. Thanks again! Hauke signature.asc Description: Digital signature

minidebconf Berlin June 10/11?

2010-03-24 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
nything in Debian (German preferred but a few english talks would be cool, too), or if you just have ideas what to talk about (and have possible candidates to do so), this is YOUR time to step up. We'd like to make things happen, but it's a miniDEBconf, so... Debian? Hauke on behalf of t

Re: Booth for Chemnitzer LinuxTage?

2011-01-03 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
to register the booth - I was just wondering why other > people who usually cared for this are that silent this year ... For the record, I care but can't organize much as for the next weeks an upcoming exam needs my attention. I certainly hope to be able to attend the CLT. Hauke -

Linuxtag Germany (Berlin) 2011 -- recap

2011-05-21 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
n the wiki page [3] so we were able to plan; thanks to all who just jumped in whenever it seemed neccessary. And special thanks to those who worked just as hard and literally just started getting to know Debian better! Great fun; you should consider coming to next year's LinuxTag! Hauke

Re: Linuxtag Germany (Berlin) 2011 -- recap

2011-05-23 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 06:01:57PM +0300, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote: > On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 10:45:38PM +0200, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote: > > All in all, that were great four days. I don't know about official > > numbers about visitors or anything. But I do know that we all had fun

Re: CeBIT 2012 booth?

2012-02-12 Thread Jan Hauke Rahm
o decline a both in the > Open-Source Area. > > Last week I hat a short chat with Univention. As it turns out, they can > still give us a demo point at their booth till the 12nd of January. In > case we are not able to man a demo point for the CeBIT, they offered us &