We (Daniel Kasten, Hauke Goos-Habermann) will bring:
- Athlon XP 1900+
- Duron 900
- 2x 24 Port 100/10MBit switches
- different network + power cables
- 2x inflatable penguins ;)
- 2x laptops

Is it allowed to use a electric kettle or microwave at the booth? Some tea or 
coffee would be nice :)

We want to show our Debian sub project m23 (www.m23.de.tt) at Debian booth. 
Amu thinks the Debian booth is for showing Debian sub projects too. So I 
think it's ok, if we are showing our project at the booth. If somebody  
disapproves send a mail please.

> I already tried to ask you something in a private Mail to your
> first post of this data. Do you got them (there was no answer until now)?
I had more success by sending to amu AT debian.org. eMails send to this 
address are answered sometimes :)


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